The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 593 Otherwise I will be in a hurry with you

"You're the one who's fucking sick. Do you know about registering a company, or does my dignified Director Liu know about it? You just want to register a company worth 20 million." Liu Ligan said.

"No, no, no."

"Shut up." Liu Ligan cursed, "Tell me first, why do you want to register a company?"

"Their village wants me to register."

"If the village didn't find you, wouldn't you have registered yourself?"

"I still will." Zhang Chen said honestly, "It's just that the time is not so urgent, but I will definitely register by next year at the latest."

"You miss the days when people called you Mr. Zhang, right?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and laughed. He said it was quite a bit. Mr. Zhang sounded more comfortable than Boss Zhang. Why, do you like others to call you Mr. Liu?

"I like people to call me landlord, and now the landlord in Haicheng is the coolest. Now, let's talk about why you need to register a company. Without a company, you just hold the license of an individual industrial and commercial household. Isn't this business the same?" Liu Li Rod asked.

"Well, there is a difference. I think, especially when you go out to discuss business, you always feel that you are a company, and people trust you more than a self-employed person." Zhang Chen said.

"When you take out the business card, you will feel different about yourself, right?"

Zhang Chen said: "Okay, you're right, it's different. What the hell do you want to say?"

"Haha, what I want to say is what I want to say next. Tell me again, between big companies and small companies. Don't talk about others, just talk about yourself. For example, if you have a batch of fabrics that need to be produced, do you trust the big companies more? Or a small company?”

"Needless to say, of course it's a big company."

"How do you know it's a big company? I mean, if you haven't visited their company and have to sign an agreement right away."

"Fuck you, you need to sign an agreement, don't you have to provide a copy of the business license?"

"With just a license, how can you tell the size of the other company?"

"This, this..." Zhang Chen knew what Liu Lizhan was going to say. Damn it, he got involved.

"Now that you have two business licenses in front of you, do you think the one with a registered capital of 5 million is bigger, or the one with a registered capital of 20 million?"

"Well, don't f*cking beat around the bush, don't you just think 20 million is better?"

"Of course, there is another one you know."


"According to the new registration system, for a company with five million yuan, you need to go to the Hangzhou City Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register. The name of your company is Hangcheng Company. If it is 20 million, you can go to the Provincial Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register your company tomorrow. When you look up, it means a company in Zhejiang. When people look at Zhejiang, they know you are a big company."

"Not five million? What kind of company in Zhejiang can't be linked to five million?"

"No, if the registered capital is less than 10 million, it must be registered with the municipal and prefecture-level industrial and commercial bureaus. If the company is less than 5 million, if your company is not in Hangzhou or in Yongcheng, you can't even register in Hangcheng, you can only register in Yongcheng. Although Yongcheng belongs to the Hangcheng area, the company’s title and registered capital are the hurdles.”

Zhang Chen nodded: "I learned it, there is still this thing to pay attention to."

Liu Ligan continued: "If you want to register this company, register a big company. The bigger, the better. The bigger it is, the more convenient it will be for your future business development. This is why many companies continue to increase their registered capital. This is also goodwill. You know, the higher your goodwill, in the short term, you have to pay some price..."

"What price?"

"The registration fee is charged in proportion to the registered capital. If it is 5 million, it will be 0.8% per thousand, and it will be 4,000. If it is 20 million, it will be 0.4%, and it will be 8,000."

"This doesn't matter."

"I know you don't care about these thousands of dollars." Liu Ligan said, "This registered capital will only feel small when you need it. By then it will be too late for you to regret it."

"for example."

"For example, if you want to find a bank loan..."

"I don't need money."

"Don't brag. You don't need it now. As your company develops, whoever dares to guarantee the bank will not need a bank. Besides, I mean, for example, if your company has a five million yuan company and you want a loan of five million yuan, the first step is to go to the bank. They will get rid of you and think you are not qualified, but if you loan 10 million to a company worth 20 million, people will think that your loan subject is fine."

Zhang Chen secretly thought to himself that he had really never thought about these, and it seemed that there was no need to think so far. However, Liu Ligan's previous sentence was right. If a company worth 20 million goes out to discuss business, It's definitely more convenient than five million.

Zhang Chen felt that he was a little moved by his words.

"Also, if people in the village ask you for help, don't think that you are helping them. In fact, you are also helping yourself." Liu Ligan continued.

Zhang Chen didn't understand and asked, "How can I say this?"

"If you help them, they will definitely help you. If there is any benefit, they will think of you. Twenty million, I think it should be the largest company in the area, right?"

"should be."

"Well, companies in one place would rather be the head of the chicken than the tail of the phoenix. Now governments at all levels are focusing on the economy and there is a lot of policy support. If you are the largest local company, all the benefits will definitely be given to you. , I won’t give it to those small businesses. I have personal experience with this.”

"What the fuck was your experience?"

"Look at Meng Ping, how busy this guy is every day, either eating with this one or singing with that one. Look at me, do I do these stupid things every day?"

"You're busier than him, and you're doing even worse things." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Haha, that's right, but there are fundamental differences between him and me."

"Fuck you, that's not because of the young masters and princesses behind you."

"This is just one of the reasons, the more important thing is not this."

"what is that?"

"The tallest building in Haicheng. Our project, plus Xinbu Island, is the largest development project in Haicheng. With these two in hand, we have the green light to do whatever the hell we do.

"I'm telling you, Zhang Chen, you have to figure it out. Those who are officials want to get benefits, but they also want political achievements. Without political achievements, they can't keep their official positions. So when we are in the company, you need to meet one of the two. , he is very fond of you, don’t think that being an official only benefits, if you can create political achievements for him, it will be the same."

Zhang Chen thought about it and realized that Liu Ligan's words still made sense.

"How about it, have you figured it out?" Liu Ligan smiled.

"Okay, I guess what you said makes sense."

"What is calculation? Everything I say is true. I, Liu Ligan, am Liu Lili."

"Fuck you."

"Okay, then it's settled. I asked Huang Jianren to prepare 20 million for you. If you are less than 1 million, I won't allow him to fight."

"Okay, okay, 20 million is just 20 million, it's a big deal."

"How is my son?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Okay, I just talked to him on the phone." Zhang Chen chuckled.

"He knows how to make bullshit phone calls now. Are you calling Xiao Zhao?" Liu Ligan smiled and said, "No way, Zhang Chen, you now have to ask a confinement man first for such bullshit as registering a company. Instead of asking Director Liu for advice first?"

"Go away, I still have something to talk to her about."

"Bed matter? It's still too early to talk about bed matter. This matter will be settled naturally. You think it's just the men who are suffering, but the women are also suffering for such a long time."

"Fuck you, do you think everyone is as rogue as you!"

"Haha, I'm not a hooligan, I'm real. You are the hypocrites. Tell me, what are you hypocritically discussing?"

Zhang Chen said angrily: "We discussed buying a house, do you want to listen?"

"Yes, are you going to buy a house?"

"No, the village wants to sell the house to me."

"Ah, what's going on? Tell me, tell me!"

Zhang Chen treated Accountant Ge's proposal as a joke and told Liu Ligan.

"How many acres of land do you think it is?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Ten points and two acres."

"How much did it cost you?"

"One hundred and fifty thousand."

"Zhang Chen, are you fucking stupid? Isn't this the benefit I told you? Do you think they will sell the place to you if you don't agree to register the company? They want to keep you, idiot , Idiot, bastard, such a good thing, why are you hesitating, don’t think about it for a minute, of course you buy it!”

"Fuck you, why do I need that land? In this poor rural area, surrounded by vegetable fields, I bought it to dry pickles?"

"Wulin Plaza is in a good location. Do you want to buy something and sell it to you?"

Liu Ligan was extremely angry and continued to curse:

"Idiot, idiot! What kind of rural area? Your current market was not a rural area before? Shanghai was still a fishing village before. This city will not develop. If the city wants to develop, where will it develop? In the air? Of course it will be towards the suburbs, Sijiqing, Now you go find a piece of land and show it to me, and you can see what the price is."

"But Xiao Zhao didn't agree. She said that in their village, no one wanted two thousand for a town hall bigger than this." Zhang Chen said.

"This is fucking pissing me off. If you are by my side, see if I can fucking kill you. For such a big deal like land sales, you don't fucking ask me and Meng Ping, two experts. Go ask a pregnant woman who came out of a ravine in Sichuan. Damn it, where is Xiao Zhao and his family’s hometown? Where is Sanbao?

"Okay, okay, Zhang Chen, I'm too lazy to talk to you stupid ass. If you're like this, call Meng Ping right now and ask him. If he doesn't encourage you to buy it, I'll twist off his head and give it to you. "

"Why do I want your head? I won't fucking call Meng Ping if it's not round when I kick it. In this matter, he and you are the same." Zhang Chen scolded back, "Anyway, I I just don’t think it’s a good deal for me to buy that crappy place.”

"When we acquired the land on Longkun North Road, did you think it was a good deal?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen was startled, yes, to be honest, when Liu Ligan wanted to invest in the land to rent it, he was not optimistic about it at first. He was not even interested in seeing where the land was. He just held it, what the hell are you doing? If you want to do this so badly, just take the money.

After the land was finalized and I went to see it, I finally understood it, and then I came up with the idea of ​​China Town.

But since the dream of Chinatown was shattered, I had forgotten about it. I didn't expect that in the end, the person who saved me and gave me the start-up capital would give me back this piece of land.

Zhang Chen had to admit that in this regard, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping's sense of smell was more sensitive than his own, otherwise their careers would not be so big. It was like he only remembered how to design the style when he saw the fabric. And they are more like wolf dogs, able to immediately sniff out things that others cannot see from a pile of chaos or nothingness.

He also truly believed that if he asked Meng Ping about it, Meng Ping would not hesitate and would definitely encourage him to buy it. Could it be that he and Xiao Zhao were really wrong?

Or is it because Liu Ligan doesn't understand the situation in Hangzhou at all?

No, Liu Ligan didn't know anything else. He at least knew where the Three Forts were.

Zhang Chen hesitated.

"Hey, are you still there?" Liu Lizhan called after hearing that there was no sound from his eldest brother for a long time.

"I'm here." Zhang Chen said.

"In this case, Zhang Chen, please do me a favor." Liu Ligan said.

"What's the deal?"

"You go to the village first tomorrow. First, tell them that you want to register a company with a value of 20 million. Second, tell them that you have thought about it and you are going to buy that place. I estimate that they will be more active and immediately I have to sign a sale agreement with you. I am afraid that your big fish will run away. You should buy that place first. If you regret it after buying it...

"By the way, don't discuss this matter with Xiao Zhao. In this kind of matter, a woman's brain is unreliable and will only shake the morale of the army. Tell her after you buy it. If she has any objections or you feel regretful , when the 20 million is paid back, you pay 150,000 less. I bought this land and gave it to Zhang Xiangbei, okay?"

"Fuck you, who wants you to send it?"

"Then do you want to buy it? If not, I will fly back to Hangzhou tomorrow and I will buy it."

"Okay, long-winded. If you buy it, it's only 150,000 yuan. So what if it's all in vain."

"Haha, that's right. You have to have such courage. I think highly of you, so don't mess around with me." Liu Ligan laughed.

After talking to Liu Ligan, Zhang Chen still called home. Zhang Xiangbei finally fell asleep. Xiao Zhao heard the phone ringing in the living room and ran out. Zhang Chen told Liu Ligan that he had just talked on the phone. I told Xiao Zhao about the situation.

After hearing this, Xiao Zhao thought for a moment and said, "If both Zhuangzi and Meng Ping think this place is worth buying, then we will buy it. I think they know better than us in this aspect."

Zhang Chen said yes, then we will listen to him and buy it!

Thank you Pi Wusun and U20515936 for your monthly votes! Thank you Tin Soldier, ranked third from top to bottom, reading books every day, and 131 on the shore for your continued rewards! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Sunday everyone!

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