The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 579 Please show your temporary residence permit

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei arrived at the factory. To their surprise, they saw from a distance that the factory was completely dark.

"What's going on? There's a power outage?" He Hongmei asked.

At first, Zhang Chen thought there was a power outage, but as the car approached the factory, Zhang Chen felt something was wrong. He looked at the village over there and saw bright lights, but in his own factory, not only was there no light at all, it was also quiet. There was not a soul to be seen, not a sound at all.

As soon as He Hongmei drove the car into the yard, a figure appeared from the darkness. It was Lao Wan. He Hongmei quickly stopped the car. Zhang Chen got out of the car and asked: "Lao Wan, are you detaining me?"

"Yes, something happened." Lao Wan said.

"What happened? Where are the people in the factory?" Zhang Chen was surprised and asked quickly.

"Taken away by the police station and the joint defense team."


"I came to check the temporary residence permit, and it turned out that none of the people here had a temporary residence permit, so they were all taken away."

"Ah, where did you take it? Where is Xiao Zhao?"

"The boss lady is fine. I took her back from the market. She said she was a little tired and went home directly instead of coming to the factory."

Xiao Zhao was fine. Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and then asked, "Where are Zhao Zhigang and the others?"

"I do not know either."

"Why did the police station and the joint defense team keep you here?" He Hongmei asked.

"Where is the place to stay? I am over there in Qibao, and my temporary residence permit is often checked. These people are very vicious. If they catch them, they will be taken away instead of being fined. I saw them coming in earlier, and I knew they were here to check. Those with temporary residence permits hid in the vegetable field next to them and waited until they left before coming out. There was no one in the factory, and I didn’t dare to leave, so I followed them to see where they were being taken.”

"Yes, you are very smart and you did the right thing." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen was very anxious. He told He Hongmei, "Let Lao Wan remove the fabric from the car first. I will go back to see Xiao Zhao first, and then ask the landlord if he knows where these people may be taken." ? I will be right back.

He Hongmei said yes.

Zhang Chen rode his bicycle and left immediately. When he got to the yard, he saw the landlord's family sitting there enjoying the cool air. Zhang Chen quickly told the landlord what had happened, and the landlord stood up as soon as he heard it.

"Do you need to check the temporary residence permit for the house in the brigade? It's impossible, right? Rental houses are always checked now. The house in the brigade probably won't be checked," the landlord said.

"I went to check. Now everyone has been taken away. I don't know where they were taken." Zhang Chen said.

Upstairs, Xiao Zhao heard Zhang Chen talking to the landlord below, and hurriedly walked out and asked, "Are you back? What happened in the factory?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Chen said quickly.

"Take Xiao Zhang and go to the back room of A Ming's house to ask." The landlady and the landlady said.

The landlord said okay, let's go.

Zhang Chen raised his head and said to Xiao Zhao, don't go out, He Hongmei will come over later.

The landlord brother took the bicycle from Zhang Chen, rode on it, and told Zhang Chen, "Come up."

Zhang Chen jumped on the bicycle bag rack. The landlord took him to a house on the other side of the village and stopped. The courtyard door was closed. The landlord's brother banged on the iron door. A woman inside shouted: "Block, knock, knock, here it comes!"

The iron door opened, and a woman stood inside. When she saw the landlord, she scolded him: "You are so vicious and so anxious, why are you so busy?"

"Where's Amin?"

"He's off to fight old K."

"In which room?"

"do not know."

"Okay, that's it. I'll go look for it myself."

The landlord said and took Zhang Chen away. He told Zhang Chen that A Ming was the security director of their village and that the joint defense team was under his control.

The landlord brother took Zhang Chen to the police room next to the village committee. There was only one joint defense team member sitting inside. The landlord brother still asked him, where is A Ming?

The other person shook his head and said he didn't know.

"Did you check the temporary residence permit today?" asked the landlord.

"Yes, what's wrong?" the other party asked.

"Where are those people who don't have temporary residence permits taken?"

"I don't know. They were all pretended to be away by Sijiqing Police Station. Who knows where they took them."

The two of them had no choice but to walk back. The landlord was thoughtful and did not get in the car. The two of them walked back for a while. The landlord said, "This bastard is hiding from me."

"Who?" Zhang Chen asked.

"A Ming." The landlord said, "He knows that I will come to him. Damn it, I won't be able to spare him tomorrow."

After a while, the landlord said with some annoyance: "Oh, it's my fault too, I didn't expect it."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "How can I blame you for this?"

"I know, the origin of the matter was that day when I was drinking at your place, I couldn't find this bastard. I looked for him but couldn't find him. Then I forgot about him. This bastard must still hold a grudge in his heart and blame me. Well, today the joint defense team took the police station there, it must be for this reason."

"Just for this little thing?"

"You don't understand. In our rural areas, this is not a trivial matter. Even if I didn't find him, he thought I didn't call him at all. This is not a matter of a meal, but a matter of face. He thought other things I called people, but I didn’t call them, and I didn’t give them face. That’s how it is in our rural areas, face is bigger than the sky.”

Zhang Chen understood why the landlord told him that day that he wanted to set up a table with wine and make it lively. In fact, the liveliness was fake. He called all the people over and told them that from now on, you will take more care of us here.

So, not only did the village secretary, director and accountant come that day, but also the women's director, Sister Huang, and the village's electrician came.

Otherwise, Sister Huang would always bring people to your place to check on family planning, and the electrician would pull out your power while you were working overtime at night. It would be really annoying. Zhang Chen thought about returning to her hometown with Xiao Zhao. Auntie called everyone home and greeted you in advance. If you refuse to do it, it is also a matter of face. Who would slander the face of Mayor Niu in person.

It seems that the ecology is the same everywhere, so I really have to be careful in the future.

"Brother, either you can make an appointment for me, and I'll invite him again specifically."

The landlord brother said yes, I will treat this Liu'er (idiot, guy) to some food tomorrow, and then treat him to old wine.

The landlord also told him something. He said that one year ago, when the rapeseed flowers were blooming, beekeepers from other places came here to keep bees. It happened that their team was having a meeting. The beekeepers were very polite and only one person came in. The man offered a pipe of cigarette, but there was a guy sitting in the corner. The beekeeper didn't see it and didn't give him the cigarette.

This person didn’t make any sound either. The bad thing was that this person happened to be the plant protection officer of their brigade. He didn’t make any sound, and he didn’t tell the beekeeper that the rapeseed field had just been sprayed with pesticides. As a result, he kept bees the next day. All the human bees were dead, and they were crying so miserably that even the people in our brigade couldn’t stand it.

Zhang Chen felt shocked when he listened.

They returned to the yard. Xiao Zhao had gone downstairs and was waiting for them with the landlady. When he saw them coming back, the landlady quickly asked, how is it?

The landlord said that he was no longer at the brigade headquarters and was taken away by Sijiqing Police Station. He had to go to Sijiqing Police Station to ask.

"I'll go over and say hello myself," Zhang Chen said.

The landlord shook his head and said, "It's useless. I have no acquaintances. They won't pay attention to you even if you go there. Let me think about it, who would know the people from Sijiqing Police Station?"

"Hagen, you should know Hagen, right?" the landlady called.

"Oh, yes, Hagen must know him!" The landlord clapped his hands and said with a smile. Hagen is the vice president in charge of security at Sijiqing Market. He must have a good relationship with Sijiqing Police Station.

"Okay, I have a car in the factory. I'll go find Brother Haigen right away." Zhang Chen shouted.

"I'll go with you." Xiao Zhao said.

"You'd better stay home."

"Let her go. She is so worried at home." The landlady said.

Zhang Chen took Xiao Zhao to the factory. Lao Wan had already unloaded all the goods on the car. Zhang Chen asked Lao Wan to stay in the factory. If Zhao Zhigang and the others came back, they would detain him. Lao Wan agreed.

He Hongmei drove them to Sijiqing Sister Guihua's house. Sister Guihua worked the night shift and was not at home. As soon as Hagen heard about this, he followed them out and took them to Sijiqing Police Station. Zhang Chen ran to the side I bought a carton of cigarettes from a small shop and gave it to Hagen. I told him, "I don't even know how to make cigarettes. Brother Hagen, please help me."

Hagen quickly declined and told Zhang Chen, "There is no need to smoke. It's a small matter. Just give them a tube of cigarettes. I have them here."

Zhang Chen insisted on giving it, so Haigen took it and put it in the car.

They arrived at Sijiqing Police Station. Everyone here knew Hagen. Hagen asked the officer on duty, which big-headed ghost was there today?

The person on duty and Hagen said, Wang Suo.

Hagen took Zhang Chen to the director's office on the second floor. When the director saw Hagen, he stood up with a smile. While the two shook hands, Hagen told the director his purpose.

The director walked out to the stairs, shouted down, and then walked back.

Zhang Chen heard someone running upstairs from downstairs and ran into the director's office. The director asked Zhang Chen, where is your factory?

"Three Forts." Zhang Chen replied.

The director asked the man: "Where did the people from Sanbao go at night?"

The man looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Are you the owner of the clothing factory in that house in Sanbao Village?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

The director frowned and asked, "You also went to the house in Sanbao Village. Who took you there, A Ming?"

The man smiled and winked at the director. The director understood that it must be the security director who was causing trouble.

"Ao Shao O Shao, I'm so anxious. Where have you taken me?"

Hagen got a little impatient and asked the man. The man told Hagen, "Zhuan Tang."

"You are so diligent, you can pull it so far!" Hagen glared at the man, who chuckled.

Zhang Chen was anxious: "Where is it in Zhuantang? Can it be released at night?"

"They have been released. They should be on their way back now."

Zhang Chen didn't understand again, what was going on?

On the way back, after Hagen explained to them, Zhang Chen had some understanding of the cat-and-mouse game between the police station and the joint defense team and the outsiders at that time.

At that time, there was a problem of public security disorder in the urban-rural fringe of every city, especially in places with a relatively large immigrant population like Hangzhou.

The police station has no better way to manage the migrant population. The only thing it can do is to manage temporary residence permits and require every migrant to apply for a temporary residence permit.

However, the temporary residence permit is not free. In addition to the 15 yuan application fee, each person also has to pay 10 yuan in security management fees every month. This fee must be paid at least once a quarter. The outsiders are very resistant. Originally, every month The monthly income is not high and life is already very difficult. Why do you need to pay such an extra sum of money?

Everyone thought that this was just a way for the police station to make money. In a sense, a large part of the joint defense team members' salaries came from the fees collected for applying for temporary residence permits.

One party refuses to do it, and the other party asks them to do it according to regulations. Checking the temporary residence permit becomes a drama that happens every month in the urban-rural fringe area.

If you are caught without a temporary residence permit, you can be fined according to the regulations. However, these outsiders without a temporary residence permit insist that they have no job and no money, and they don't even have money to eat. What can I do to pay the fine? Or just arrest me. I still have to pay the fine. You can eat public meals.

But those without temporary residence permits are not criminals. It is impossible for the police station and the joint defense team to really arrest these people and send them to the detention center. At first, they let them stay in the police station for a few hours, wearing them out, and finally they had to let them go. Still don't do it, with little effect.

Later, some people came up with a way. For example, like today, if they were arrested at Sanbao in the east end of the city, they would put the people on big trucks and drive them to Zhuantang in the west of Hangzhou on the outskirts of Hangzhou. They would drive everyone out of the car and let you Find your own way back.

I just want to make you suffer a little, and the purpose is to force you to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Haigen and Zhang Chen said: "If they came today, they won't go next time. However, if you can get this temporary residence permit, you should get it."

Zhang Chen said: "We wanted to apply for it, and we had someone come over to ask for it that day. But to apply for a temporary residence permit, you need to come to the police station in person. Aren't we busy at this time? Workers work overtime at night and sleep during the day. When they get up, the police station has to wait. It's been delayed since I got off work. I'd better organize it in the past two days and let them handle it, otherwise it will waste more time."

Hagen nodded and said yes.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the tip! Thank you May May, Pi Wusun, and Lao Chen Tang for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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