The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 566 Two chopsticks of different lengths

After the cotton and linen shirts were sold out, Zhang Chen’s newly made cotton and linen windbreaker happened to be picked up. Zhang Chen and Lao Wan. Since Zhang Chen called Wan Jianguo and Lao Wan, everyone in the factory called him Lao Wan. Later workers, even Lao Wan, I don’t even know Wan’s real name is Wan Jianguo.

Zhang Chen and Lao Wan, one riding a tricycle and the other riding a bicycle, went to the Dongxin Road Fabric Market twice and brought back all the cotton and linen fabrics for windbreakers. Both of them can ride three wheels, so they can rotate them. When pedaling uphill, the other hand can push the fabric on the bike and pedal fiercely on the bicycle, which is not as hard as before.

Zhang Chen went to Boss Cai of Sijiqing Fabric Market and bought some fabrics.

There were more than 20 workers, and they were all experienced people recruited by Zhao Zhilong and Caidi. When production actually started, the output was beyond Zhang Chen's expectation. Nearly 300 lined windbreakers could be produced in a day. This factory Like a monster with its mouth wide open, a load of fabric was used up in just four or five days.

Their stall had some customers every day, but after all, it was not a stall in an old market, so there was not that much traffic, and the clothes in the stall began to pile up.

The daily turnover can easily reach four to five thousand, but Zhang Chen and his friends' money did not increase, but became less and less. The money was turned into fabrics, stored in the warehouse, and used on cutting machines. They were cut and turned into goods, which were piled in the stall.

Zhang Chen felt that production and sales were like two chopsticks of different lengths. If you aligned one end, there would always be a discrepancy at the other end. Zhang Chen had to start controlling the output. He could no longer say, can you Do as much as you like, the more the better.

Zhang Chen, Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong both became busier, busy selling new styles. Every style in the stall seemed to be moving, but none of them moved particularly well. It would be like a cotton and linen shirt that has used up the fabric. Almost every style I will take it when I come here. Once I take it, it will be easy to sell. I will buy more later. No, there is no such style now.

This prompted Zhang Chen to constantly design and launch new models.

After there were more customers in the store, they seemed to start to separate.

According to the characteristics of the fabrics imported from Taiwanese boss Cai Jinxiang, the styles designed by Zhang Chen will be more avant-garde and bold. This batch of clothing is very specific to the region. Big cities such as Shanghai, Nanjing, Ningbo, and Hangzhou are better. It is difficult to sell in other cities. Those who come to replenish the goods after taking them are all customers in these big cities.

Even if it is the same in Hangzhou, it is different. The customer on Wulin Road is easier to sell to. As long as Zhang Chen has this type of fabric, he will buy it no matter what style it is.

Every time he picked up the goods, he would tell Zhang Chen or Xiao Zhao, boss, boss, Wulin Road, help me control the goods. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao agreed to him, knowing that in one place, there are more people selling the same goods, which means that They are beating themselves up. If any customers come to Wulin Road, they will reject them outright.

As for customers in other parts of Hangzhou, the sales of these styles are mediocre. Basically, if you buy them once, there will be no second time.

Also, those retail customers, especially those who asked Zhang Chen to help them choose clothes, preferred this type of clothing. In the end, their retail business would be greatly different if Zhang Chen was not in the stall.

This made Xiao Zhao feel a little nervous. As soon as there were more retail customers in the store, she kept looking out of the stall, thinking, why hasn't Zhang Chen come yet?

According to the characteristics of the fabrics coming in from Dongxin Road, Zhang Chen basically designs some popular models. It is not about how novel the style is, but about the combination of style and fabric. This kind of clothing basically does not pick customers, no matter how fat you are. Whether you are tall or thin, wearing it does not mean that everyone looks good, but that everyone will feel that they look better than themselves.

In terms of quantity, there are more customers buying this batch of clothing, and there are more repeat customers, but their profits are not as good as imported fabrics. The reason is also very simple. The imported fabrics are very novel from style to fabric, and they are very popular in the market. Without comparison, your price can certainly go up, and for these styles, people will always find similar types in the market.

At this time, it is necessary to compare styles, fabrics, styles, and prices.

What troubles Zhang Chen the most is that whether it is the fabric coming from the Dongxin Road Fabric Market or the fabric from the Taiwanese boss, their problem is that once you wait for it to be sold, the fabric will be gone.

Clothing is a very sensitive thing. If one style is easy to sell and the fabric is sold out, even if you change to a fabric with a similar style, the customers who purchase the goods will lose confidence first. Then, the market feedback will also be weak and the fabric will be poor. One point means that sales are far behind. Zhang Chen immediately realized this.

He had to make a rule for himself, that is, he could never use different fabrics to make the same style. That would only kill his old customers.

Zhang Chen went to Keqiao several times, but found nothing. Most of the fabrics in Keqiao's fabric market are chemical fiber fabrics. From the weaving method to the pattern, they are very novel. The old market in Keqiao is very similar to the old market in Sijiqing. The passage is very narrow and crowded with customers. There are many stalls. Customers are sitting in the stalls waiting for today's fabrics to be delivered.

One woven bag after another, the fabrics of the woven bag are pulled out, and they are quickly divided up by the customer in three rolls and four rolls.

Zhang Chen would see such fabrics in Sijiqing Clothing Market every two or three days, often not from one store, but from two or three.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. It would be better for him to stay away from such excitement.

Several other markets in Keqiao are presented in a stepped manner with the old market. Fabrics that are often sold well in the old market will appear in large quantities in these markets every few days. The price is quite different from that in the old market. The market stalls have stopped selling these fabrics and replaced them with new fabrics.

I don’t know whether the fabrics in these markets are imitations or simply the same ones as the old market. After I got my first taste there, I immediately moved here to unload the goods.

After understanding these rules, Zhang Chen felt that his hope was not in Keqiao. The fabric manufacturers in Keqiao mainly relied on sales volume and time difference. There was nothing he could do to compare with those stalls in the Sijiqing old market.

Zhang Chen has also been to Jinhua. There is an old fabric market in Jinhua that sells old fabrics smuggled in from all over the country and even around the world.

Although the fabrics here are diverse and colorful, they are even worse than Cai Jinxiang and Dongxin Road. Only a few of them are in rolls, most of them are only half a roll, and some are only a few meters long. Take them back and make a sample. There is no more.

There is no way to get it again, so Zhang Chen can only give up this market.

Zhang Chen also went to the fabric markets in Shengze and Jiangyin in neighboring provinces Jiangsu. What Shengze sold were gray fabrics, most of which had not yet been printed and dyed, and various polyester and nylon fabrics for lining, which are also commonly known as linings. Cloth, and in Jiangyin market, more than half of the stalls are closed, and the remaining few are selling denim.

There were more and more clothes piled up in the stall, and there were still a lot of them. After being packaged, the bundles were piled on and under the table in the back workshop of the factory. Zhang Chen didn’t even ask Lao Wan to send them again. It was packed.

Unable to continue production, Zhang Chen finally decided to stop the factory and give the workers two days off. After working day and night, they could finally rest. The workers seemed a little happy. Zhang Chen looked at , but my heart was full of worries.

What about two days later? What will you do after two days? The clothing that has been produced will not be sold out even if it takes another week. After two days, will the inventory continue to be increased?

Zhang Chen sat in the stall, looked at the clothes around him, and thought blankly, where is the problem?

Zhang Chen also visited the old market several times. He really didn’t mean to imitate the model, but wanted to see why their business was so good. Is there any reason other than the location of the stall? If Just because of the market and stalls, he was forced to go to hell.

Once this garment factory is started, there is no turning back. Zhang Chen feels that he no longer cares about the business, but more about the production of this factory. How can it run normally? What will so many workers do if they don't stop? ? What can you do for them?

Production and business, although to a large extent, the two are actually the same thing. The better your sales, the tighter the production tasks in the factory. The tighter the production tasks, the more work the workers will naturally have to do, but there are still some The difference is that you can let workers continue to produce, but the output will still be piled up in the factory.

The workers at that time, Zhang Chen thought about it later, were really different from the workers after the 1990s.

Those who came out to work at that time were not afraid of working overtime. The more overtime you worked, the busier and tired you became, the happier they were because everyone knew in their hearts that only in this way would the salary be higher.

For migrant workers at that time, making money was almost the only reason why they came out. If you look at a little girl, she might be the only one in her family who came out to work. She was under a lot of pressure.

The family's house is dilapidated, and people in the village have begun to build tiled houses, but their family still lives in a thatched house passed down from generation to generation. She is the eldest member of the family and the only person in the family who has left the mountains. She is the whole hope of the family. The task of building a new house fell on her.

The family depends on her for daily living expenses, the younger brothers and sisters at home rely on her for school fees, and even the bride price for her younger brother.

Often, during the night shift, Zhang Chen would go to the kitchen in person and cook a pot of braised pork or fish for them. When he rewarded them, they would be happy.

Zhang Chen is good at cooking. When he has time, he will take Lao Wan to the vegetable market, buy fish or meat, or screws, and then go to the canteen to cook it in a big pot and add vegetables to the workers.

Someone saw Zhang Chen and Lao Wan coming back and entering the kitchen. "Boss Zhang has gone to the kitchen." This news will soon cause a burst of commotion and excitement in the workshop and among the workers.

Zhang Chen likes to watch them eating with relish. When watching them, he will think of the scene when he went to Xiao Zhao's house. How many of these hard-working and frugal girls are Xiao Zhao, and how many of them have parents at home? I have a younger brother and younger sister, so I just wait for their monthly money to be mailed back.

For them, it may be the most exciting thing for them when the rural postman comes to the door and shouts: "Take the private seal to seal the remittance slip."

Because of this, Zhang Chen felt that production could not be stopped no matter what. This invisibly put pressure on him, making him feel that maintaining normal production seemed to be more important than business.

Zhang Chen went to the old market a few times and discovered the difference between himself and them. It should be said that he had a lot of wholesale customers. In their market, they were already the best, but his wholesale customers were all nearby. The customers of retail stores from provinces and cities are not packaged customers. This is the difference between him and them.

Each of these packaging customers has their own retail store customers in their local markets. A packaging wholesaler is equivalent to copying his own stalls in other cities across the country, and at the same time, doing business for his own sales. multiplication.

Is it possible that only when you go to the old market can you get package-packing customers? If so, Zhang Chen even considered whether he should make a desperate move and spend all his money to see if he could rent a stall in the old market.

Thank you Qingfeng Guogang for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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