The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 545 Your eyes are wandering

Xiao Zhao's nickname is Zhao Zhigang. Zhang Chen looked at him and smiled, saying that you are great. If you go to Shanghai, those middle-aged and elderly women will surround you. You will be their "Ala Zhao Zhigang."

"Why is it so awesome?" Zhao Zhigang looked at Zhang Chen, confused. Xiao Zhao and Caidi didn't know what Zhang Chen was talking about.

Zhang Chen told them that Zhao Zhigang was a popular Hu Opera actor in Shanghai, and all the middle-aged and elderly women were fascinated by him.

Zhao Zhigang blushed at Zhang Chen's remarks. Caidi and Xiao Zhao laughed. Caidi said that the women on Sanbao Street were also fascinated by him and said that he was very loyal and honest. Do you think he is honest?

This is probably because of Zhao Zhigang's baby face, right?

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I am dishonest, you still don't know?"

"I just don't know. If I had known, I wouldn't have been abducted by him into this terrible place." Caidi said.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao laughed. Zhao Zhigang didn't reply, but his face turned redder in embarrassment. It seemed that he was still honest.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao returned home, quickly ate some pickled rice, and then hurried over. When they got here, Zhao Zhigang had already laid out the boards for the three shirts, and cut the fabrics of one color. , Caidi has already started to do it. It seems that these two are fast players.

Xiao Zhao arrived here and saw the three styles that Zhang Chen had drawn. Then he looked at this small tailor shop. His own fabrics and cutting pieces were everywhere. He was very excited and felt that it was a great undertaking. already started.

She insisted that Caidi give her some work to do, so Caidi asked her to hold the iron and iron the collar, cuffs and the adhesive lining of the door.

Zhang Chen quickly designed the other two styles. He stood on the side and watched Zhao Zhigang playing, and he also wanted to follow suit.

The four of them were working, talking and laughing at the same time. The atmosphere was very harmonious and they felt like companions in a workshop.

Zhang Chen picked up Caidi's pre-shrunk fabric and looked at it. He felt that the fabric felt better than in the afternoon. Zhao Zhigang was right. This fabric had been stored for a long time. It was precisely because of this long time that people at that time were really honest. Everything I make is genuine. The same cotton and linen fabrics, when you hold them in your hands, feel much thicker than the new ones now.

"Ouch!" Caidi shouted, and the sound of the sewing machine stopped.

Everyone else turned around, it turned out that the needle was broken. She was putting on the collar now. This area was very thick, and the needle broke as soon as she went fast.

Caidi kicked the West Lake household sewing machine and cursed, "Broken machine."

After changing the needle and threading, I reached out and turned off the self-installed motor of the sewing machine. I put one foot on the pedal of the sewing machine and stepped on it slowly, my cheeks bulging.

Zhang Chen looked at it and thought to herself that she must have missed the joy and freedom of the high-speed sewing machine running all the way in the factory.

The next day, Zhang Chen went to the East Station Small Commodity Market. There was an area specializing in clothing accessories, ranging from adhesive linings, sewing threads, sewing machine spare parts to buttons, zippers and wash marks. Most of them came from Yiwu. It seems like this is a branch of Yiwu Small Commodity Market in Hangzhou.

Zhang Chen bought size labels and buttons. He did not choose plastic shirt buttons, but bronze buttons, which are usually used on denim clothes. He felt that this was more in line with the slightly rough style of cotton and linen.

Zhang Chen returned to the stall to eat lunch. Sitting there, he looked at the two walls of his stall in a daze.

The seven-shaped stall has one more rolling shutter door than others, but it lacks a wall to show off. The stall is rectangular, with two walls, one long and one short. The long one faces the horizontal passage. Zhang Chen has already Think about it, those five colors of plaid shirts and jeans will just fill this wall.

The short side is facing the main aisle. According to Zhang Chen's plan, three sets can be sold. The bottom of these three sets is still jeans, but the top is lacking. Zhang Chen decided to go to the Sijiqing Fabric Market, where the Taiwanese boss Look, although that guy's fabrics are expensive, you can sell them at a higher price. You don't have to go the old market route, everything is cheap.

Besides, his clothes are all made by a tailor shop, so they can't be bought cheaply. From Zhang Chen's perspective, he doesn't expect this batch of clothes to make money. He just feels that this stall, I have been suffocated by those crappy things for too long, and I need a breath of fresh air to regain the original popularity of this stall.

Of course, the most important thing is to see whether the clothes you design are popular with customers.

Once the clothing design thing started, Zhang Chen felt out of control. As he walked, sat, and stood, there was a steady stream of styles in his mind.

He often visited the stall of the Taiwanese boss and was very familiar with it. When these styles came out, they naturally merged with the fabrics in his stall, and he immediately knew what he wanted.

Another good thing about the Taiwanese boss’s fabrics is that they sell them at retail. If you need them, you can buy them in one or two meters. No matter how expensive they are, they won’t cost you much.

Before the meal was finished, Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and chuckled. Zhang Chen was puzzled and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Xiao Zhao said: "Can't you sit still?"

"Why can't you sit still?"

"Okay, I can see that your heart is no longer here." Xiao Zhao said, "Go quickly."

"Where to go?"

"Don't you want to go see how Caidi and the others are doing?"

Zhang Chen pretended to be reserved and said, "No, I want to go to the fabric market. There is nothing on this wall yet."

"Okay, go ahead." After Xiao Zhao finished speaking, seeing Zhang Chen about to get up, he added: "Several things have been made."

"What, what did you say?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiao Zhao couldn't help it any longer, and laughed and said: "I went to see it when I came out in the morning. These two people did it at about two o'clock yesterday. When I went there in the morning, several pieces had already been made. They said, It can be done today.”

"Really, so fast?" Zhang Chen shouted.

"Of course, do you think I'm not in a hurry?" Xiao Zhao said with a smile, "Caidi and the others are also in a hurry. I went there in the morning, and Caidi told me that she finally got back the feeling of working overtime in the factory to catch up with the goods. Yesterday The two of us were working at night, and before we knew it, it was two o'clock, and she said, "Don't you also have to rush the goods?"

"Haha." Zhang Chen laughed and said: "This Caidi always makes amazing remarks. She is right. We just have to rush the goods, and there is nothing here. OK, I'm going. "

Zhang Chen left in a hurry. Xiao Zhao looked at his back and couldn't help but laugh. A Yong came over and asked, what is Zhang Chen doing in such a hurry these two days?

Zhang Chen arrived at the fabric market and went directly to the Taiwanese stall. What he was thinking about was the printed Lycra fabric in his stall.

This fabric comes in three colors and three patterns. He thinks that using it to make long-sleeved, tight-fitting round-neck T-shirts will contrast with the cotton and linen shirts in his stall, but the contrast will be interesting, so there may not be many people. I like it, but I'm afraid that the color is too bright. The pattern is very similar to Zao Wou-Ki's paintings, which are abstract and irregular color blocks.

Zhang Chen feels that this fabric is closer to the clothes he has seen during fashion weeks, so there may not be many people who actually buy it. At that time, people in mainland China tended to dress more conservatively, and the word "sexy" was still ambiguous, and Haicheng is different. Girls don't think that sex is their advantage and they must express it boldly.

Zhang Chen thought that these three colors of tight-fitting T-shirts would definitely look good on the wall. Paired with jeans, they would be very brand-like and eye-catching, unlike most stalls in the market.

Zhang Chen walked over and tried it with his hands. The elasticity of this fabric was very good, better than ordinary fabrics with spandex added. It was just as he expected. Zhang Chen asked the boss how much this fabric cost per meter.

The Taiwanese boss was in his thirties. He looked at Zhang Chen and did not directly say how much a meter would cost. Instead, he smiled gently and said to Zhang Chen, "Finally made a move?"

Zhang Chen didn't expect that the other party would say such a thing out of the blue. Instead, he was stunned for a moment and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said you finally took action." The boss smiled, "How many times have you come to my stall? Every time you come, you just look at it and never ask about the price. Are you a designer?"

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "How do you know?"

Although it’s only your second day as a fashion designer, the other person didn’t ask you if you were a fashion designer. He just asked you if you were a designer. It’s always right to say you are a designer.

Zhang Chen nodded and asked, how do you know?

"I can see that every time you come here, your focus is different from others."

"Oh, why is it different?" Zhang Chen became interested and asked.

The boss pointed to the stool next to him and said, please sit down.

Zhang Chen sat down.

The boss made a cup of tea and told Zhang Chen, "This is Taiwan's frozen oolong. Try it."

Zhang Chen picked it up, took a sip, and frowned.

"How is it? How does it compare with Longjing?" the other party asked.

"It's bitter and I'm not used to it." Zhang Chen said honestly.

The other person smiled, probably laughing at him, and answered honestly.

Zhang Chen was still curious about the previous question, and then asked: "You said that my focus is different from others. Why is it different?"

"Other people come here to buy cloth for themselves or their relatives and friends. Their goals and eyes are very direct. That is, when they look at this cloth, what they see in their eyes is very specific. What am I going to do? He stared at the fabric to see if the color was suitable.

"You are different. Your eyes are unfocused. 'I feel your eyes are wandering.' As you look, you are thinking, you are not looking at whether the cloth is good or not. What you are thinking about is not its functionality. You are just attracted by it." The fabric itself is attractive, but it's not clear what you want to use it for, so you haven't made a move.

"You are like a painter who is still in the stage of deliberation. You are using this fabric to construct an image in your brain. This image is still a bit vague. You need to think step by step to create an atmosphere."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that when he was looking at the things in other people's stalls, others were always observing you. It was true to what the poem said, "You are watching the scenery on the bridge, and the people watching the scenery are upstairs." Look at you”.

"So I concluded very early on that you were a designer. Am I right?" the boss asked.

"Yes, you are absolutely right. I do like to look at fabrics." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "However, I never opened my mouth because I hadn't thought of buying it at that time. People kept asking for prices but didn't buy. , isn’t it annoying? I just don’t want to be the person who is hated.”

The boss laughed.

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