The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 525 This market is rotten

Zhang Chen hung up Liu Ligan's call and climbed back onto the stool. He held a hammer in his hand and banged on it, nailing the grid back to the wall. He heard someone murmuring at the stall on the other side of the wall. What, it seemed like he was complaining about being too noisy, Zhang Chen didn't bother to pay attention to him.

After nailing down the grid, he picked up a fork and prepared to hang the half-length hanging plastic mannequins with clothes back on the grid. Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said that they had already taken them down, so they might as well replace them. Zhang Chen said yes.

He was thinking that there would be no business in exchange for anything anyway, no one would buy it.

However, he still peeled off the clothes on the plastic sheet one by one, replaced several other clothes on the vertical hanger below, and hung them back. This wall was different from the original one. Xiao Zhao was satisfied. The ground clicked its tongue.

Every time, Zhang Chen's samples not only satisfy Xiao Zhao, but also make the people at the surrounding stalls feel good. On the same wall, when Zhang Chen samples, the colors will match very well, even the models at the door. , which clothes should go with which pants or skirts? Once you put them on, they will look particularly good.

Even people from the stalls nearby would come to ask Zhang Chen for help, saying to him, "Xiao Zhang, please help me see what should I wear with my model?"

Zhang Chen walked over, rummaged through his stall, took it out and said, wear this.

Sometimes he can't find pants or skirts of the right color. Zhang Chen will simply take another shirt and tie it around the model's waist to make a complementary or over-color effect. The effect is always better than how they had racked their brains. Everything looks good together.

These people had to marvel.

Zhang Chen laughed in his heart, I am a painter, and a good painter at that. Isn’t this a child’s play for me?

Zhang Chen put the clothes he had changed into on hangers and hung them one by one on the vertical hangers. He looked at the clothes on the shelves and then at the clothes piled in the corner of the stall. He sighed in his heart. There is a feeling that heroes have no place to play.

These clothes were all bought by him and Xiao Zhao from Guangzhou a month ago. Just now, Liu Ligan was asking him when he would go to Guangzhou. He felt that Guangzhou was already far away from him and would he go there again in this life to buy goods? ,Do not know at all.

At the stall next door, someone was shouting, "Close the door. There are no eggs here. Go home and crack the eggs."

Without the eggs, today’s sales would still be zero.

Across an aisle, Fengzhen from the seven-shaped stall opposite asked Xiao Zhao, "Have you done anything today?"

Xiao Zhao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Fengzhen shouted, I am also an egg, and the boss is an egg.

Ayong, who lives next door to Fengzhen, said that there are only a few people in the push-ban market, so how can there be business?

After Zhang Chen hung up his clothes, he sat down at the table. Xiao Zhao asked him what he would eat for dinner.

They will go to the market to buy groceries after it closes, and then go home to cook.

Zhang Chen said, let’s go to the market and buy whatever you want to eat.

"Then let's have hot pot, shall we?" Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao's swollen belly and shook his head. He said no. Xiao Zhao coquettishly said softly, "I haven't eaten spicy food for a long time. It's okay. I asked, and they said pregnant women" It doesn't matter if you eat spicy food.

"Who did you ask?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiao Zhao blinked her eyes and said, Fengzhen, I asked Fengzhen, she had given birth to a child, I don’t believe you asked her.

Xiao Zhao was sure that Zhang Chen would not ask Feng Zhen this question. When she saw Zhang Chen looking at Feng Zhen opposite, without saying anything, Xiao Zhao smiled proudly.

Zhang Chen said slowly: "Fengzhen is from Hangzhou, and people in Hangzhou don't eat spicy food. You ask a person who doesn't eat spicy food whether pregnant women can eat spicy food, and she still tells you that it's okay? She did it when she was pregnant. It’s spicy, so you won’t eat it after you have a baby?”

Xiao Zhao was speechless for a moment and looked at Zhang Chen's eyes, and then Zhang Chen laughed.

Xiao Zhao was annoyed, and she said: "Well, my mother, my mother always eats spicy food. She can't eat a meal without chili peppers. She gave birth to the three of us, and they were all fine. By the way, I Now that I remember, you ask my aunt, you call my aunt and ask her."

"I made a long-distance call and asked Mayor Niu if you can eat spicy food now?"

"Yes, why can't you ask?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Then you should call and ask. I'm afraid that Mayor Niu will scold me and knock down my grid again."

"You...!" Xiao Zhao punched him angrily.

Far and near, someone was already clanking and pulling the rolling shutter. Ayong also stood up. He took back the model placed at the door and was about to close the door. Fengzhen asked him, can't you wait?

"No wait, what are you going to do?" Ayong said. In Hangcheng dialect, what is a child means to play.

At this time, it was almost five o'clock. All the other markets in Sijiqing were closed. Only their market was still open. It would close at six o'clock, not for any other reason, but just so that after five o'clock, there would still be some people passing by. , or people who live nearby, will come to this market after get off work, and maybe they can get a business or two.

A good wholesale market, opened less than a month ago, has now been reduced to a retail market. There are only some people at noon and evening every day, as well as on Sundays and holidays. Because other markets do not do retail, they ignore these retail customers. Well.

Only when they get here will they feel like they are gods. Every stall they pass by and the people in the stalls will look at them with eager eyes, and they will naturally stay in this market for a while.

At other times, the entire market is deserted, with only a few customers packing goods occasionally. They will walk through the aisles with a proud look on their faces, becoming more and more confused as they go. They probably don’t even know it. Inexplicably, I How could I have walked into such a broken market? I was even more surprised that there was such a deserted market in Sijiqing?

This kind of desolation started almost from the second day of opening, and then it got worse and worse.

There are many reasons for the lack of market. The most important one is that the goods are not in the right place. It is not that the goods are not in the right place. It is because people who purchase goods simply cannot see the goods they want in this market.

It can be said that this market opened at an untimely time. It was opened at a time when everyone knew that the stalls in the original market, especially the stalls of Sijiqing, were very valuable. They could not only maintain their value, but also increase their value. At that time, prices were soaring, and there was Money in the bank is becoming less and less valuable.

At that time, real estate in Hangzhou, including real estate in the entire mainland, was still in a stagnant state. It had not even started yet. The stock market had just gone through a wave of craze. People also understood that the stock did not just keep rising, it fell. When you come down, you will fall to death.

People's savings have no other investment channels except watching their value depreciate day by day.

This market was about to open, and of course it attracted a lot of people's attention. Those who had connections, and those who didn't, came to sign up and participate in the lottery. On the final day when the lottery started, there were more than 300 stalls and more than 10,000 people. Pay a deposit and participate in the lottery.

This is an unprecedented event for the market construction investors. Of course they are very happy. They are also happy to see the results of the lottery. However, when the results of the lottery come out, what no one expected is that it will directly bring about a deserted market. This market was instantly ruined.

The result of the lottery was that most of the stalls in the market were chosen by Hangzhou locals like Zhang Chen and others who had never been in the clothing business. Half of the people here did not originally want to do business, but wanted to speculate. The stalls and the market were open, but they were not allowed to stay open. As a result, these people went to the nearby market, bought some cheap goods, and hung them in the stalls to deal with it.

There are also some people like Zhang Chen and others who really want to do business, but they have no experience and no channels to purchase goods. Those like Zhang Chen and others who dare to go to Guangzhou to purchase goods are rare, so they go to Huanbei Small Commodities in Wulin Square. The goods are sold here after approval at the market. The workmanship and fabrics of the goods there are very rough, and they are cheaper than Sijiqing.

Those who come to buy goods have very poisonous eyes. As soon as they see the situation in this market, they walk in, take a look, and then turn around and leave. They know that it is not worth spending their limited time in this garbage market. Secondly, The next time, I no longer even had the desire to go into the market to take a look, so I simply omitted it.

People came and went in droves to buy goods. The reputation of this market quickly spread among them and quickly became bad.

There are still a small number of people who have won the booth, but they are in the clothing business in the nearby market. They have stalls in the market over there, and they also bought stalls here, but there are only so many goods. They see this market is like this. I can't bear to bring the best-selling model here, moving it here and there is a waste of time.

They took some inventory or slow-moving goods that they couldn't sell and hung them here. Even the salesperson was reluctant to send one over. If there were any elderly people at home, they asked them to guard this stall. They didn't expect this stall to sell goods anyway. , those inventory and slow-moving goods, if you sell one piece, it will be regarded as profit.

The market requires registration every morning, and there must be someone at each stall, but there is no requirement that seniors are not allowed, so we just deal with it.

Others, if they are friends with the stall next door, they simply don’t even call the old man. This market opens at 6:30, and other markets open at 4:00. By this time, the morning rush hour will be gone. After it was over, they came over alone and ate breakfast in the booth while waiting for the roll call. When the roll call was completed before seven o'clock, breakfast was also eaten.

They stood up and went back to the market over there, leaving the stall here to the fellow villagers and friends next door to help take care of it. It didn't matter whether the clothes inside were sold or not, or how much they sold for.

The entire market is made up of people like this. How can this market prosper and how can it be attractive to wholesale customers? It is inevitable that it will not become a retail market.

The only thing that makes people feel a little relieved is that although there is no business in this market and the market is deserted, the stalls here are still in short supply and can be transferred at any time, and you can make money by doing so.

More than one person has come to ask Zhang Chen whether they can transfer this stall. The other party has offered the transfer fee as low as 80,000 and as high as 100,000. In other words, if Zhang Chen and the others transfer it now, they can still transfer it. Get all the money back.

But they were unwilling to do so. Hagen also told them not to worry, the market will slowly develop. It is normal for the new market to have poor business. When the old market first started, there was no business either. At that time, in order to attract Wenzhou people, Come here and do it, and the stalls are free of charge. Now, each stall costs hundreds of thousands.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were unwilling to give up. It was not that they wanted to wait for the stall to increase in price, but that since they had chosen to make clothing, they must persevere and not be deserters, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Zhang Chen stood up and told Xiao Zhao, close the door and let's go back early today.

"What are you going for?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"Let's go to the market. Don't you want to eat hot pot?"

Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up and he stood up from the chair. Zhang Chen quickly shouted, "Slow down, slow down."

Xiao Zhao glared at him and said, "I know, I'm a cheapskate and won't touch your son."

Zhang Chen chuckled.

Thank you May, Qin Qiong, and a for your monthly votes! Have a safe journey! Thank you Tin Soldier, ranked third from top to bottom, reading books every day, and 131 on the shore for your continued rewards! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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