The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 508 The second phase of off-plan properties

Mr. Han and Jason were in full swing.

Governor Zhu and Sun Hou came back from Sanya and listened to the reports from Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei. They felt that their ideas were very good and mature. They immediately rushed back to Beijing to make an oral report to their superiors.

After they returned to Beijing, Sun Hou called Liu Ligan on the third day and told him to continue working on the project document and don't stop, but the branch has agreed to your plan and your work can start immediately until the project document comes out. , just submit a replacement copy to the branch.

The branch does not need a project letter for the time being, but if you want to negotiate with the Haicheng City Government and relevant departments, you still must have a project letter.

Liu Ligan told Meng Ping Sun Hou's phone number, and Meng Ping shouted, "Great, then I can start taking action here."

Liu Ligan said, "Let's move. It's best to have our project documents come out and negotiate with the city government. You already have something in mind. In this way, as soon as we confirm it here, you can cover it up with lightning speed." , take it off the ground, and by the time others react, the meat is already in your mouth.

Yes, yes, that's what I thought too. First let them think that we are fools. Only we will want the land that no one else wants, so we can just pretend to be crazy and act stupid for a while. Qian Fang is best at this. Meng Ping smiled.

"Lao Meng, are you fucking slandering me again?!" Liu Ligan laughed loudly when he heard Qian Fang scolding Meng Ping on the phone.

Immediately afterwards, the off-plan sales time for the second phase of their Hongyu Building has also arrived.

Wenwen and Qianqian heard that Liu Ligan and the others were selling off-the-plan properties again, so they pestered Liu Ligan and wanted to buy more. Liu Ligan told them, forget it, this time the price of the off-the-plan properties was the same, still 48,000, but The house price is already 4,201 square meters, which is a full 2,000 more expensive than your last time. There is not much profit in the middle. The value-added space of off-the-plan properties is limited, so don’t buy it.

Wenwen wanted to say something else. Liu Ligan told them, besides, no one will take you this time. It is definitely not appropriate for me to take you. Wu Zhaohui took you last time and his face was almost scratched by his girlfriend. , If you don’t believe it, ask him yourself.

Wu Zhaohui sent Liu Ligan back. Wenwen and Qianqian were below. When they saw Wu Zhaohui, they made a hug gesture. Wu Zhaohui quickly got out of the car and came towards them. As soon as Wu Zhaohui approached, before he could hug him, Wenwen Said: "No matter, you still have to take us to buy off-the-plan property tomorrow."

When Wu Zhaohui heard this, his expression changed drastically and he stopped hugging him. He turned around and fled into the car. Wenwen and Qianqian chased after him, and he immediately started the car and ran away.

Liu Ligan laughed loudly, and Wenwen and Qianqian stamped their feet in anger.

Liu Ligan rode his motorcycle out, and when he came back from Yedao Hotel, it was already past one in the morning. He had just opened the courtyard door and pushed the motorcycle in, but the door of Yilin's house opened. Yilin's mother stood at At the door, Liu Ligan was startled and asked quickly, "I haven't slept yet. What happened?"

Yilin's mother waved her hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm waiting for you here."

"Are you waiting for me?"

"Yes, are you going to sell off-the-plan properties tomorrow?" Yilin's mother asked.

Liu Ligan understood. He thought that it must be Wenwen and Qianqian who told her that she was waiting for him here. There was no doubt that she wanted to open the back door to buy off-the-plan property.

Liu Ligan was a little embarrassed. This Yilin mother rarely asked him to do things. For this reason, people stayed up so late, so you fought with them and said no, Liu Ligan couldn't speak.

Well, Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian were right. This time, because their house prices were set high, they thought there wouldn't be much profit and water in between. There would definitely be fewer people coming tomorrow than last time.

Not only are they not sure whether the housing prices in Haicheng will continue to rise, but even Mr. Han is not sure. He also believes that the housing prices in Haicheng have reached the ceiling.

Mr. Han said that last year the average annual salary of employees across the country was 2,300, which also includes all income such as bonuses. Although the salary has been generally adjusted this year, it should be around 2,700. Think about it, the current housing price in Haicheng is 4,000. More than a thousand, that is to say, a person's income for two years, without food or drink, can only buy a house of more than one square meter in Haicheng. Can house prices still rise?

If you can still do it, you must be crazy!

Although the actual income of Haicheng people is much higher than the national average, one year's income, without food or drink, can only buy two or three square meters, and it takes two years to buy a bathroom. With so many houses, mainlanders can buy If you can’t afford it, people in Haicheng can’t afford it, so who will sell it to them? Only a few people in Haicheng can afford a house based on their income?

Liu Ligan and the others also felt that what Mr. Han said was completely reasonable. The current housing prices should have reached the ceiling and could not rise anymore. Fortunately, most of their houses had been sold in the first phase, and the remaining These cannot be sold out in one day, so we can sell them slowly.

Property prices have reached the ceiling, and those who buy off-the-plan properties will certainly not make much profit. Liu Ligan feels that it is no longer a good time to speculate in off-the-plan properties.

Liu Ligan and Yilin's mother said: "The housing prices this time are very high. If you buy an off-the-plan property, you may not be able to make money. You may have to lose money before you can sell it."

"It doesn't matter here. If you lose, just lose a little. You just need to take me to buy it. I have already taken out the money."

Yilin's mother's attitude was very firm. Liu Ligan was surprised. This person who usually cares about every penny actually said that if he loses, he will lose a little. It seems that speculation in off-the-plan real estate is really making people crazy. Stirred to the point of confusion.

But when people said that for this reason, it would be unreasonable for him to shirk it anymore. Liu Ligan could only ask: "Then how much do you want to buy?"

Yilin's mother held out three fingers: "Three, I want to buy three here."

Liu Ligan thought for a while, and then he said to Yilin's mother: "Then you have to agree to a condition."

"Say, I understand what's going on here."

"You can't put the unfinished property this time." Liu Ligan said, "I will take you there tomorrow morning. If you buy it outside, you can sell it tomorrow morning. As long as someone wants it, no matter how much it is, you can buy it." Sell ​​it, okay? If you lose a little, don't sell it, and I'll replenish the money for you. Do you agree? I'll take you there only if you agree."

Liu Ligan thought to himself, 150,000 yuan, all the Yilin family's land compensation money was stolen by his bad boy father. Even if their family took out all their wealth, they would not be able to get 150,000 yuan. Among them, said You might have borrowed it from relatives and friends. If you lose everything, the family will be ruined. This is no joke.

Everyone is buying up and not buying down. If the pre-construction property falls, the further it falls, the harder it will be to get rid of it. When it comes time to pay the house payment, if you hold the pre-construction property in your hands and cannot pay the house payment, then you can only accept compensation. All the money spent on off-the-plan property was wasted.

Liu Ligan didn't even have a bottom line, so he insisted that Yilin's mother sell the off-plan property on the same day.

Yilin's mother nodded and said, "I agree, I agree here."

Liu Ligan just went upstairs. He pushed the door and entered the room. The room was quiet. He went to the inner room and took a look. Wenwen and Qianqian were sleeping like two little pigs. Liu Ligan was very angry. , walked over and gave each of them a high-five on the buttocks.

Wenwen rubbed her eyes and sat up. Qianqian sat up suddenly, then opened her eyes and stared at him. Liu Ligan cursed:

"You two idiots, what did you say to Yilin's mother again? Why is she still waiting for me?"

Wenwen said ignorantly, "No, we have nothing to say to her."

"Are you telling her that my company will sell off-the-plan properties tomorrow?" Liu Ligan asked.

Qianqian cursed loudly: "Damn you, you are not even willing to sell off-the-plan property to us. What else did we say to her? If you don't mind it, we can't even afford to embarrass this person! Why don't we even bother to embarrass this person?" We might as well share a fucking room with a dog!”

Wenwen agreed and said, "That's right, get out of here. Don't try to get in here today."

The two fell down and continued sleeping, ignoring Liu Ligan again.

Early the next morning, Liu Ligan went downstairs. Yilin's mother was already waiting for him at the door, holding a cloth bag tightly with both hands. Liu Ligan knew that the cloth bag contained the money for her off-the-plan property.

The three of them arrived upstairs and the elevator opened. Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that there were twenty or thirty people outside waiting for their company to open. The situation was not bad. It seemed that even if Yilin's mother bought the off-plan property, she would still lose money. The probability of falling is not high.

Liu Ligan took Yilin's mother directly to Wei Wenfang's office. Zheng Wei and Chen Jie were both here. Liu Ligan and Wei Wenfang said, sell her three off-the-plan properties.

"Three? Didn't you say that one person can only buy one? There are already so many people here outside." Wei Wenfang shouted.

Liu Ligan glanced at her and said, "This is my landlord."

Zheng Wei had also heard from Liu Ligan about Yilin's mother. She knew who she was. Zheng Wei and Chen Jie said, "Go and help her with the procedures."

Liu Ligan and Yilin's mother said, "Don't forget what I told you yesterday."

Yilin’s mother nodded repeatedly: “I know how to do it, I know how to do it.”

Chen Jie took Yilin's mother out, and Liu Ligan called Cao Guoqing in, and told them that it seemed that there were still a lot of people today, so why not, the purchase limit today is still one, one per person, Xiao Cao, you and Wei Wenfang, just bring the people Go down and go to the gate. If you want to come in to buy off-the-plan property, just give him a number and let him in. After the number is given, don't let the people behind you, so there will be no chaos.

Wei Wenfang and Cao Guoqing both said that this method was good, and they took the people out.

The sale started at nine o'clock, and there were still 87 off-the-plan properties, which were sold out in less than two hours. Liu Ligan didn't ask Meng Ping and the others for help today. The people in their own company already had experience, and everything was in order.

Wei Wenfang came in and told Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei that it was sold out. The two looked at each other and laughed.

During the entire sales today, they sat in the office and didn't hear much. Is this the end?

Liu Ligan stood up and walked outside the company door to see if Yilin's mother was still here. When he went out, there was no one outside.

Liu Ligan returned to the office and looked under the window. There were many people at the gate of Longzhu Building. These people came late and were blocked by Cao Guoqing and others. He told them that there were no more off-the-plan properties for sale upstairs. Yes, all sold out.

Liu Ligan didn't see Yilin's mother among these people.

Liu Ligan returned to the sofa and sat down, and said to Zheng Wei and Wei Wenfang: "I feel that Mr. Han's judgment may be wrong this time, and the housing prices in Haicheng will continue to rise."

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