The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 501 It’s not that I don’t understand, the world is changing rapidly

The four of them were in the office. At about seven o'clock in the evening, Ah Zheng came with Mr. Zhang. They saw that although Mr. Zhang had changed his clothes, he still looked exhausted. His left eye was black and blue, and he still looked tired. Swelling.

As soon as Mr. Zhang entered the office and saw them, he started crying. Such a burly man at such an old age stood there, crying like a child. His tears kept flowing. No need to ask too much, Liu Ligan and the others also You basically know what's going on, and it's sad to watch.

Liu Ligan quickly asked Mr. Zhang to sit down on the sofa. Qian Fang gave him a tissue. Mr. Zhang kept bowing to Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei, saying thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ah Zheng stood there a little embarrassed. Liu Ligan looked at him, and he quickly said to Liu Ligan:

"Brother Liu, this matter, this matter is too fucked up, but Brother Liu, you have to believe that this is definitely not my Azheng's idea. I am just an errand boy. Again, I am absolutely loyal to Brother Liu. absolute……"

Liu Ligan quickly stopped him and said to him: "I know you don't have such a big appetite, and you don't have such courage. You are just a gun used by others."

"Mountain cannons and mountain cannons are not even serious guns." Azheng said quickly, "Brother Liu, just understand."

Liu Ligan motioned for Ah Zheng to sit down, but Ah Zheng did not sit down. He looked at Qian Fang and Zheng Wei and asked Liu Ligan: "Brother Liu, among these two beauties, which one is Sister Zheng?"

Liu Li pointed at Zheng Wei, and Ah Zheng quickly stretched out his hand to Zheng Wei: "Hello, hello, Sister Zheng."

Zheng Wei sat there, looking at Azheng intently, with no intention of reaching out to hold it. Azheng understood, smiled dryly and retracted his hand, rubbing it on his pants.

"Have you brought everything?" Zheng Wei asked.

"Bring it, bring it."

As Zheng said, he took out two loan agreements and three power of attorney letters from his backpack and handed them to Zheng Wei. Zheng Wei took them and looked at them. She had already seen the agreement and the three power of attorney letters. , respectively entrusted to handle industrial and commercial and land change matters.

Zheng Wei shook his head, handed them to Mr. Zhang, and said to him:

"Mr. Zhang, look, did you sign these two agreements? And these three power of attorneys?"

Mr. Zhang took it over to look at it and nodded.

"Did you confirm that you only signed three copies of the power of attorney?" Zheng Wei asked.

Mr. Zhang said yes.

"Think again, have you signed any other documents?"

Mr. Zhang shook his head and said, "No, I remember what happened yesterday very clearly."

"Okay, you can handle these by yourself, Mr. Zhang." Zheng Wei said.

Mr. Zhang quickly said thank you. He tore up the two agreements and three letters of authorization and was about to throw them into the wastebasket. Qian Fang picked up the lighter on the coffee table and said to Mr. Zhang, "Give it to me and I will go and kill this." People's belongings were burned.

Mr. Zhang gave her the shredded agreement, and Qian Fang went to the bathroom.

Zheng Wei looked at Azheng and said, "You have a message for the people behind you. I don't want to know who they are, but if I want to know, I will know right away, so that they don't think they are hiding deeply."

Ah Zheng nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, Sister Zheng is right."

"Tell them, don't forget that there are mountains beyond the mountains. In this society, it is better to be more decent in doing things, rely on your own abilities and take the high road." Zheng Wei said, "Otherwise, if they fall into my hands next time, It’s not that simple anymore.”

"Okay, I will definitely tell you, Sister Zheng."

"Also, I'm not your sister, so don't call me Sister Zheng."

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Zheng."

"You go ahead." Zheng Wei directly issued an eviction order.

Azheng, Liu Ligan, and Meng Ping nodded and went out immediately.

Liu Ligan and Mr. Zhang said: "Mr. Zhang, please drink some water first, and then tell us what is going on."

Mr. Zhang was drinking water, but before he could speak, he started crying again. Meng Ping patted his shoulder gently. No one of them spoke, leaving Mr. Zhang to cry. Knowing that he must have a lot of grievances in his heart, he let him Cry enough.

When Mr. Zhang calmed down and told them, they learned the whole story.

Yesterday afternoon, it was Li Xiaofei who called Mr. Zhang and asked him to go to Haicheng Hotel to talk about something.

Mr. Zhang's brother-in-law sent him to the entrance of Haicheng Hotel. He saw Li Xiaofei and another person standing there. Li Xiaofei and Mr. Zhang said, let's go sit in the lobby bar and let your brother-in-law take my friend around the construction site.

Mr. Zhang asked his brother-in-law to drive the man to the construction site, and he and Li Xiaofei went to the lobby of Haicheng Hotel.

Not long after he sat down, Li Xiaofei's BB phone rang. After he called Mr. Zhang's Big Brother, he said to Mr. Zhang, "Let's go to Fucheng to have a look. There is a friend who wants to sell a piece of land in Fucheng. The price is very cheap. Okay." If so, let's work together. Anyway, this project will be completed in three or four months. By then, Mr. Zhang, you will have the money, but things are gone, and this project will just pick up.

When Mr. Zhang heard this, he was naturally interested. He agreed that we would go there when my brother-in-law comes back.

Li Xiaofei said that his friend came to pick them up and was almost at the entrance of Haicheng Hotel. If your brother-in-law didn’t see us when he came back, he would definitely call you and tell him where to pick us up in Fucheng. Now we are going to wherever in Fucheng. have no idea.

Of course Mr. Zhang thought what Li Xiaofei said made sense. When the two of them arrived at the entrance of Haicheng Hotel, Li Xiaofei's friend also happened to arrive, so they got in his car and went to Fucheng.

When they arrived in Fucheng, they drove to a construction site. Even the foundation of that construction site had not been excavated. It looked like it had been abandoned for a long time. Li Xiaofei's friend told them that this was it.

He took them in and walked to a simple work shed on the construction site. It was empty, except for a few chairs. Mr. Zhang was wondering what they were doing in the work shed. Five or six people walked in from outside the door. , blocked them.

Then they took out the two agreements and three power of attorney and asked Mr. Zhang to sign it. Of course Mr. Zhang refused, so they beat him. I couldn't help it. I was tortured by them so much. You don't know. The feeling was really worse than life. Mr. Zhang said that he didn't care about anything anymore. He just did whatever they asked him to do.

After he signed, they asked Li Xiaofei to sign again. Li Xiaofei said, you just asked me to help you deceive Mr. Zhang, but you didn't ask me to sign a guarantee. If I sign this, I will be finished. What fifteen million? I also want to pay it back. I can't sign this word.

In the end, Li Xiaofei was also beaten. After the beating, he was told that as long as they signed the agreement with Mr. Liu today, Li Xiaofei would have nothing to do with him. He would not be toasted and would be fined. Li Xiaofei had no choice but to sign the agreement. .

After signing, Li Xiaofei and he were both taken out of the work shed. Li Xiaofei got into another car and left first. Mr. Zhang was put into an off-road vehicle and drove out.

In the car, they also asked him to detain his brother-in-law. When his brother-in-law came back, they had already told him in advance, and Mr. Zhang followed their instructions.

He told his brother-in-law that he went to Beihai, Guangxi to see a project, and was about to leave the island. His elder brother could not be contacted at the conference, so he asked his brother-in-law to help arrange things on the construction site. If there was anything he didn’t understand, he asked Mr. Li Xiaofei. .

His brother-in-law asked him how long it would take for him to come back, and Mr. Zhang told him that it would be about ten days and a half, depending on the progress of the project negotiations there.

After answering the call, Mr. Zhang's mobile phone and BB machine were taken away by them.

"According to their plan, by the time you come back, all the projects here have changed hands, and maybe even the change procedures have been completed," Meng Ping said.

Mr. Zhang nodded, and he and Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei said: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Zheng, you are my great benefactors. If it weren't for you, I, Zhang Shaowen, would be finished this time. To be honest, I was taken out of Haicheng by them." , I kept driving it for several hours, and my heart became colder and colder. I didn’t even know if I could return to Haicheng alive.”

"Where did they take you in the end?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I don't know. When we got to the last place, there were no cars. After walking for more than 20 minutes, we reached a hut in a mountain col. It was just a lonely house. It seemed to be a hut of the Li people. Those who came back from earlier At that time, they told me that it was Changjiang, but I still don’t know whether it was Changjiang.”

"Fortunately, these guys are not clear enough in their thinking and their steps are confusing. Otherwise, this matter would be really troublesome, and I'm afraid there is nothing we can do." Zheng Wei said.

"How do you say this?" Meng Ping asked puzzledly.

"You think, if they weren't so anxious and didn't come to us, and just went to change the industrial and commercial license and land first, wouldn't it be the same whether we agree or not?" Zheng Wei said.

When the others thought about it, it was true. Qian Fang asked: "In this case, why are they anxious?"

"They know that we are selling off-the-plan properties here today, and there will be a large sum of money. They are worried that before the company change is completed, we will have money to transfer to Mr. Zhang's company. Mr. Zhang's company, they cannot directly intervene yet, and they will use this money I'm afraid of being transferred," Liu Ligan said.

"I didn't expect that I would meet you two when I got here, right?" Meng Ping said, "Logically speaking, no matter how Lao Zhang changes, it won't affect you. They probably think that as long as they put a little pressure on you, You will do what they want."

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei nodded, and they also felt that the other party might think so.

Mr. Zhang was sitting there, feeling a little scared when he thought about it now. He said, "Well, it seems that I am really not suitable to stay in Haicheng. I can't even understand this place, let alone understand it. How can I do this project?" It’s over, I won’t do anything even if you kill him, I’d better go back to my Liuyang.”

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Why are you going back to Liuyang?"

"It's better to go back to the troupe and continue singing my flower drum opera." Mr. Zhang said with a wry smile.

"You don't need to sing. You can raise a Huagu Drama Troupe and sing for you every day," Meng Ping said.

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