The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 5 Beating the Breast, the Earth, and the Sky

The three members of the working group retreated to the office in a state of embarrassment. Teacher Li went to the cafeteria, called out a young student, took out ten yuan from his pocket, and asked him to go to the small restaurant below to cook three dishes.

"Would you like some wine?" the student asked.

Teacher Li thought for a while and said forget it.

Liu Lizhan was squatting at the entrance of the cafeteria to eat, holding an enamel bowl. When he saw this scene, he asked: "Why, Teacher Li, you don't let the leaders come to our cafeteria to visit the poor and ask about their sufferings?"

"Go, go, go." Teacher Li scolded. He looked to the left and right and saw that no one was there. He lowered his voice and said to Liu Ligan:

"Look at the situation like this. The working group plans to deal with Zhang Chen seriously. I'm going to find a way to suppress it. Do you understand?"

"How dare he!" Liu Ligan got angry when he heard this, and poured half a bowl of rice into the swill bucket at the door: "I'll go find them!"

Teacher Li quickly pulled Liu Ligang back: "No, no, don't be troublesome, I can't do it here, why don't you go make trouble again?"

"Then tell them, if they dare to touch a hair of Zhang Chen, I will pluck out all the hair on their bodies." Liu Ligan said fiercely.

Teacher Li burst into laughter: "Forget it, you can't kill pigs and pluck their hair. You are neither Lu Tisha nor Black Tornado. You have indulged your taste buds, so forget it. I am Lao Tang, but you are a serious person." Demobilized soldier.”

After saying that, Teacher Li patted Liu Ligan's shoulder hard twice more, and then left.

After entering the door, Teacher Li did not go to the office, but went to the second floor. When he returned home, he took out a bottle of Yanghe Daqu from the cabinet during the Spring Festival last year, and walked out.

When my wife saw it, she was dissatisfied and said, "I feed the dog another bottle of wine from home!"

Teacher Li glanced at her, didn't bother to argue with her, and went downstairs.

When he arrived at the office, Teacher Li pushed the things on the two old desks that were put together against the wall, then raised his arm, wiped the table with his sleeve, and found three enamel tea cups. Put the vats in front of three people, open the bottle caps, and divide a bottle of wine equally among the three tea vats.

Deputy Director Tang looked at the cup in front of him and asked, "Lao Li, don't you want some?"

Teacher Li smiled and pointed at his throat, and the three of them nodded as if they had realized something, knowing that his singing voice could not tolerate drinking.

After a while, a young practitioner came in carrying a tray with three plates of food and a handful of change.

Teacher Li put the dishes on the table and asked, "Did you eat anything secretly on the way?"

The little student's face was red, his mouth was pursed, and he kept shaking his head.

After setting the dishes and putting the change in his pocket, Teacher Li remembered and asked:

"Where's the food?"

"Oops, I forgot." The little student shouted, opening his mouth with pig liver shavings still on his teeth.

Teacher Li took out two cents from his pocket and said, "Go quickly and get another two cents for food."

The student turned around to go out, but Teacher Li stopped him again and took the two cents back from his hand:

"Go to the cafeteria and ask them to make some soup."

After having enough wine and food, we started to talk about work. Director Ding picked his teeth with a match and said to Teacher Li:

"Old Li, the three of us had an urgent discussion earlier. We feel that the troupe is now leaderless and scattered. The top priority is to appoint a new leader immediately."

"Yes, yes, the leader is wise." Teacher Li kept nodding.

Director Ding looked at Lao Hu and Director Tang and stopped talking. Director Tang took over the conversation:

"Lao Li, you are also a Lao Wu opera actor. After discussion, the three of us feel that from all aspects, you are the most suitable to serve as the leader of the group. Of course, our suggestion must be approved by the bureau party committee in the end. "

Teacher Li jumped up when he heard this: "No, no! This director, no, I can't be the group leader. I'm just an opera singer. You can ask me to take care of the little students, but I can't be the group leader."

"Don't be modest. Anyone who is born to be a leader has learned bit by bit on the job." Old Hu said sincerely, "When an organization supports you, you will be more courageous."

"No, no, I won't do it. I won't do it no matter what the leader says. I still want to live a few more years." Teacher Li kept shaking his head.

Director Ding was a little unhappy: "Old Li, what you said is too much. Being the leader means the organization trusts you. Why, how can you say that becoming the leader will shorten your life by a few years?"

Teacher Li's face turned pale. Other than saying no, no, he didn't even know how to refuse.

The three of them took turns to fight, talking rationally and emotionally, and talked till they were dry. Teacher Li would not let go. Deputy Director Tang couldn't hold his face anymore. He put the teapot on the table and shouted:

"Old Li, you are also an old comrade. Although you are not a party member, you still have to talk about organizational principles, right? You always understand that subordinates obey their superiors. An old comrade must not only be qualified in business, but also have strict requirements in politics. You, you can’t take the trust placed in you by the organization and your superiors as nothing!”

Teacher Li was also completely anxious and told the truth: "Okay, boss, I bought the food today with my own money, and this wine was given to me by my son-in-law. I couldn't bear to drink it. I brought it out to entertain you, because I know that you are likely to destroy my army, and I will die. If you ask me to be the leader, I really can't bear it!"

After Teacher Li finished speaking sadly, he stumbled out the door, went upstairs, returned home, fell on the bed and cried loudly.

After a while, Teacher Li’s wife stumbled downstairs. As she walked, she raised her voice and cried and sang:

"Which of the murderers wants to push my old man into the pit of fire~~! My old man is so pitiful~~! He is an honest man~~! You all come out to judge~~! Why do you want him to be the leader? Oh my god~~! Why are you so unfair to honest people~~! You can’t let my poor old man go..."

The entire theater troupe was crying and went to the corridor on the first floor. When Mrs. Li arrived at the door of the office, she saw three people sitting inside, looking at her awkwardly. Mrs. Li did not go in, so she sat on the ground at the door and beat her chest with her hands. Beating the sky and continuing to cry and sing, the three of them were trapped in the office by her, almost suffocating to death.

The seaweed and egg drop soup in the theater canteen is still good.

Yongcheng County originally had two theater troupes, a Wu Opera troupe and a Yue Opera troupe. However, the performance market has continued to be sluggish in recent years. Both troupes cannot make ends meet, and the entire cultural system's total funds cannot support them.

Yongcheng's economy was considered medium-sized in Zhejiang at that time, and there were several large-scale enterprises in the area. However, these enterprises were all state-owned enterprises, either from the province or the ministry. They were rich or not, but they were not even close to the county. Money relationship.

The government revenue of Yongcheng County is only enough to pay even the salaries of government officials for ten months. There are still two months left, so the secretary and county magistrate have to borrow money from the richer brother counties to survive.

How could they have more money to support the troupe? In the end, they had no choice but to ask the Provincial Department of Culture for approval and decided to abolish a troupe.

Considering that there were so many Yue Opera troupes in Zhejiang at that time, not only in every county in Shaoxing, but also in many counties in other regions. Townships and private organizations also organized many of their own. In the provincial capital, in addition to the Provincial Yue Opera Theater, there were also There are two Yue Opera Troupes in Hangzhou, and there is also the Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe, which was mainly composed of young actors and was very popular at the time.

As for Wu Opera, apart from the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe in Jinhua City, the only officially established county-level theater troupe is the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe.

The county weighed it again and again, and finally decided to keep the Wu Opera Troupe and lay off the Yue Opera Troupe.

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