The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 499 Fictional Agreement

"Who is so damn loud?" Cao Guoqing said and walked in.

The man sitting next to him was stunned for a moment when he saw Cao Guoqing. Cao Guoqing was also stunned when he saw him. Liu Ligan saw all this. Liu Ligan asked Cao Guoqing: "Do you know him?" "

Cao Guoqing nodded: "We had some dealings with him that day at the Taoyuan Hotel."

Liu Ligan understood that this should be the person who looked at Wenwen's Qianqian at the Taoyuan Hotel that day. It seemed that his guess was correct. Today's incident was indeed related to Azheng.

Liu Ligan asked the guy, "Mr. Fang doesn't know A Zheng. I think you should know him, right?"

The guy's face turned red. He looked at Fang Zhe and said bravely, "I don't know him either."

"You fart!" Cao Guoqing scolded.

Fang Zhe frowned and said, "It doesn't matter whether we know anyone or not. We are here to solve problems today, not to meet relatives."

After he finished speaking, he looked back outside the glass. A dozen people suddenly came across from him. He smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, it looks like there are quite a few of you."

He turned around and said to the man next to him: "Let the brothers come and sit in Liu's office. I think Mr. Liu won't object."

The man picked up the mobile phone, dialed a number, and said to the phone: "Come up here."

After a while, thirty or forty people came up from below, plus Cao Guoqing and others, and the large office area outside was almost full.

Cao Guoqing stared at the man and said, "Why, there are many of you, right? Let's go down and compete in the parking lot."

Liu Ligan scolded: "No matter what the competition is, just sit still."

Meng Ping walked to the door of the conference room and called: "Zhizhi, come out."

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei stood up and walked out of the door. Fang Zhe wanted to follow, but Cao Guoqing stopped him. Cao Guoqing shouted: "Sit down! I didn't ask you to go!"

Hearing the commotion outside, two groups of people started to commotion. Fang Zhe smiled and said to the guy next to him, "Let your people be quiet. They asked us to sit down. We will sit down and let your people guard the door. Today's No one in the company should be allowed to leave.

The man stood up and walked out. Cao Guoqing followed him out. After a few minutes, the people on both sides immediately divided into two camps. The thirty or forty people from the other side gathered in the foyer and the large office area near the foyer. place and blocked the door.

Cao Guoqing also lined up in a row to block them from approaching Liu Ligan's office.

Although Cao Guoqing and the others were small, the other party knew that they were all Xiao Wu's apprentices and were not easy to mess with, so they were still a little wary. Some of them had seen the competition between Xiao Wu and Azheng, and later went to the practice hall to practice. For a few days, I hid behind me, thinking, damn, isn’t this a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple? Why are we here today?

Without further instructions from their boss, the two sides just faced off, and for the time being they were in peace.

Meng Ping, Qian Fang, Liu Ligan, and Zheng Wei went to Liu Ligan's office. Meng Ping asked Liu Ligan what was going on?

Liu Ligan asked Zheng Wei to tell Meng Ping and Qian Fang about the situation. He walked to the window and looked down. He saw a row of motorcycles parked at the gate downstairs, and a dozen people below. Liu Ligan saw a few figures that were somewhat familiar. He understood that it was probably because of this that they did not come up and only stayed below to provide support.

Liu Lipole dialed Azheng's eldest brother but did not dial, knowing that this bastard was avoiding him.

I tried calling Mr. Zhang’s big brother again, but still couldn’t get through.

Liu Ligan returned to his desk, opened the drawer, took out his address book, found Li Xiaofei's BB number, and detained him.

When Liu Ligan returned to the sofa, Meng Ping asked: "Gangzi, is it possible that Mr. Zhang deliberately staged this incident today? Seeing the good sales situation of the project, he regretted signing the agreement with you?"

Liu Ligan thought for a while and said: "It's impossible. Judging from the plan they just proposed, they didn't ask for more money, they just wanted Mr. Zhang's share. If Mr. Zhang is involved, as you said, he If they want to go back on their word, they should make new demands."

Meng Ping and Qian Fang both nodded. Qian Fang said: "It seems that the other party has a certain understanding of the strength of your company and is a little wary. Therefore, they did not dare to touch your part of the request. Otherwise, The whole building will be taken.”

Meng Ping agreed. He and Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei said: "I'm trying to scare people, but I didn't expect to meet you two smelly and tough guys. They are probably wondering now. I don't know." What are you insisting on?"

"By the way, it seems that it does no harm to you. Why are you insisting?" Qian Fang asked.

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment. He looked at Zheng Wei. He didn't fully understand what he was insisting on. It was just that Zheng Wei objected, so he felt that he had to object.

"I'm controlling the risk." Zheng Wei said, "The loan agreement they provided is fictitious."

"How do you know?" Meng Ping asked.

"I turned over their financial information. Their company's accounts did not show that there was any occurrence of 15 million yuan, and it was not 1,500 yuan. If there was, how could I not Do you know?" Zheng Wei said.

Liu Ligan nodded, but he asked again: "What if the personal account was smuggled and the company account was not used?"

"Fifteen million smuggler accounts. Think about this possibility first. Also, there are smuggler accounts. What we saw earlier was a public-to-public agreement. I also paid special attention to the remittance method agreed upon by both parties. , to transfer the money to Mr. Zhang’s company account.

"In other words, even if this agreement is signed, as long as the money does not enter Zhang's account, the agreement will still not take effect."

Zheng Wei said, and the other three people nodded. Liu Ligan secretly admired him. Unexpectedly, Zheng Wei seemed to be looking at it casually, but he immediately grasped the core and key part of the agreement. How could he Did not notice.

"It's just that the agreement didn't take effect, so what does that have to do with us?" Liu Ligan asked, "We just lost the money, and that's also Mr. Zhang and their business."

"You are stupid. If we agree to them, sign the agreement today, and then send the money to this Xinzhe company, and tomorrow Mr. Zhang comes out and says that this is an invalid agreement, then today's drama will have to happen again. ?”

Liu Ligan was shocked. This was really the case. The risk was too great.

Meng Ping praised: "The political commissar is responsible for risk control after all. He is really thoughtful and learned."

"What company are you talking about?" Qian Fang asked.

Liu Ligan told them that it was Hainan Xinzhe Co., Ltd.

Qian Fang said: "Since they are so loud and say that there is a way to make your pledge procedures invalid, it means that they can at least settle these units. Lao Meng, let's find our own relationship and find out from the side. See what this is all about.”

Meng Ping said yes, picked up his mobile phone and walked out. Qian Fang took his mobile phone, walked to the window, and started talking on the phone.

After several phone calls, Qian Fang came back and shook her head at Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei. Liu Ligan asked, "How was it?"

"Everyone is hesitant. It seems that this company is not simple." Qian Fang said.

After a while, Meng Ping came back and told them that some refused to say anything, and some refused to say more, but just reminded me not to provoke them. It seemed that they were not bragging, and they really had some weight.

The phone on the table rang, and Liu Ligan walked over and picked it up. It was Li Xiaofei on the phone. Liu Ligan asked Li Xiaofei straightforwardly what the agreement was about.

Li Xiaofei was almost crying on the phone. He said, Mr. Liu, I am dead because I was killed by this bastard named Zhang.

"Do you know where Mr. Zhang is?"

"How do I know Mr. Liu?"

"Then what this agreement says about Mr. Zhang borrowing money and you guaranteeing it, is it true?"

"Yes, yes..." Li Xiaofei hesitated on the phone and said, "It's true. This is absolutely true. There is nothing wrong with it."

It's absolutely true. You are still hesitating. Liu Ligan understands that there is someone next to Li Xiaofei.

"Who asked you to guarantee it?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Myself, the man surnamed Zhang said that if he guarantees it, he can get the project funds, so I guaranteed it for him."

"In this case, why does Mr. Zhang owe you money for the project again?"

"Yes, yes..." Li Xiaofei stammered for a moment and then said, "Mr. Liu, weren't you looking for someone named Zhang? By the way, how did you find me that day? Is it right to use my BB machine? You can also look for me in the same way. Him, hit his BB machine."

After Li Xiaofei finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan felt that what he said next was incomprehensible, what the fuck are you talking about with a BB machine? If I come to him, I don’t know how to dunk him, so you still need to teach me?

Liu Ligan thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He couldn't tell that Li Xiaofei was still very smart. The key to his words was this sentence: "How did you find me that day?"

That day, I found him through Azheng. This guy was hinting to me that it was Azheng who asked him to sign the guarantee, and Mr. Zhang was also in Azheng's hands.

Thank you R11z for the tip! Thank you Tin Soldier, ranked third from top to bottom, reading books every day, and 131 on the shore for your continued rewards! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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