The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 493 Let’s ignore him

After dinner, Chen Yaqin packed up the tableware and went out to wash it. Zhang Chen continued to work. He took the sawed plexiglass and carefully filed it bit by bit with a file. After filing, he carefully polished it with water sandpaper.

Chen Yaqin came back and stood on the side to take a look. She said, come on, I can do this job.

As she said this, she thought of it and said to Zhang Chen, "There is a newspaper that the old pervert asked me to bring to you. I almost forgot about it."

As she spoke, Chen Yaqin took out a piece of "Qianjiang Evening News" from her bag and handed it to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen saw the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily" report reproduced above: "The eastern wind is full of spring."

Zhang Chen was immediately attracted. As he sat there looking, Chen Yaqin patted him on the shoulder and said to him, "Get out of the way. You go to the sofa and watch."

Zhang Chen stood up and walked to the sofa. Chen Yaqin asked, "Are you just filing to the lines you drew?"

Zhang Chen said yes, file it here first, file it flat, and then polish it with sandpaper.

"Okay, I understand, you can read the newspaper." Chen Yaqin said and started to work.

The report was very long, half a page on the front page and a full page on the second page. Zhang Chen read it once and then again.

Putting down the newspaper, he felt filled with emotion. He felt that his judgment in the afternoon was correct. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping would probably go crazy after seeing this report. The whole Haicheng would definitely be lively after this report came out.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but ask: "Where can I make long-distance calls?"

"You want to make a long distance call?"


"In the back dormitory area, there is a card phone in the corridor at the door of the activity room. You can make calls."

Chen Yaqin said, stood up, found a magnetic card from her bag, handed it to Zhang Chen, and told him, I don't know how much money is on it, or you can try it, if it doesn't work, I will get another one tomorrow.

Zhang Chen said thank you, I have a magnetic card.

"You have no use for that, take it." Chen Yaqin said.

Zhang Chen took the magnetic card from Chen Yaqin's hand and walked out.

The dormitory area is at the back of the factory and is connected to the factory by a small door. However, this small door is only open when people are on duty to check attendance during commuting. It is closed now. To go to the dormitory area at this time, you must leave the factory. Then follow a road outside the factory wall and go to the end. There is the gate of the dormitory area.

When Zhang Chen was walking on the road, he always felt as if someone was following him. When he looked back, he saw no one.

Zhang Chen walked to the dormitory area and found the two magnetic card phones that Chen Yaqin mentioned in the corridor at the door of the activity room. There were people making calls on each of them, and there were five or six people waiting next to them.

Zhang Chen waited until the back. In the activity room, some people were playing table tennis, some were playing recreational chess, and some were playing cards. It was messy and noisy. Everyone here used to shout on the phone, holding a hand with one hand. He was holding the microphone and covering his other ear with one hand.

When it was Zhang Chen's turn, Zhang Chen first called Xiao Zhao. In such an environment, with everyone watching him eagerly, he really had nothing to say to himself.

Zhang Chen only told Xiao Zhao that he was fine here and his work was going well, and asked Xiao Zhao to pay attention to his health. Then he told Xiao Zhao that it was very noisy here and there were people around.

Xiao Zhao understood. She kissed Zhang Chen on the phone. Zhang Chen was embarrassed to kiss him back in full view of everyone. Xiao Zhao knew it, giggled on the phone, kissed him again, and then hung up the phone. .

Zhang Chen then called Liu Ligan. The call was not connected and there was a busy signal. Liu Ligan should be on the phone.

Zhang Chen said to the person waiting behind him, "I'm sorry, there's a call over there, I'll dial another one."

He held the phone without moving away. After a minute, he dialed again, but the signal was still busy. Zhang Chen was embarrassed to hold the phone anymore, so he gave up his seat and moved to the back of the queue.

When it was his turn, he dialed, but the signal was still busy. Zhang Chen cursed in his heart, he must be picking up another girl!

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and dialed Meng Ping's phone. After the phone rang, he picked up and it was Qian Fang. As soon as Qian Fang heard the voice on the phone, he shouted: "Is it Mr. Zhang? Hello, hello! You guys?" Right now?"

Zhang Chen said that Xiao Zhao and I are both fine, thank you.

Zhang Chen asked about the situation in Haicheng, and Qian Fang probably told him that Zhang Chen was standing there, listening with his right ear, and covering his left ear with his left hand. Even so, he could only hear half of it clearly, and the other half could be heard clearly. Guess.

Qian Fang and Zhang Chen said, "Lao Meng has gone downstairs to see off the guests. Tell me your number and I'll ask him to call you when he comes back."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, the calls here are coming one after another. I am telling you, you can’t get through even if you call me. He said to Qian Fang:

"No, it's nothing. I just want to know how you are doing. I'll call Lao Meng in a few days."

"Okay, goodbye, Mr. Zhang. Say hello to Xiao Zhao for me. No, give her a kiss for me." Qian Fang buzzed on the phone and then hung up.

Zhang Chen smiled, and then he dialed Liu Ligan's number again, but the signal was still busy, oh my god!

Zhang Chen retreated and stood aside for a while. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it and go back. In such an environment, even if the phone was connected, there was nothing to say in a hurry.

Zhang Chen returned along the original road.

Over in Haicheng, Liu Ligan was talking to Mr. Zhang on the phone. The two were talking and laughing, excitedly discussing the sale of the house in the future. They had been on the phone for more than an hour, until Liu Ligan's eldest brother The battery is finished.

As Zhang Chen walked back, he still felt someone following him. He looked back and saw nothing. Zhang Chen himself found it funny. He thought about why he was so suspicious today.

Zhang Chen returned to the studio and returned the magnetic card to Chen Yaqin. Chen Yaqin asked, had it been typed?

Zhang Chen nodded.

He looked at the table and saw that Chen Yaqin had filed and polished all the plexiglass pieces he had left on the table. Chen Yaqin said, "Check it to see if it is up to standard."

Zhang Chen took a look and couldn't help but admire Chen Yaqin's skillful hands, and every piece of cutting was filed to perfection. Even if he did it by himself, he would probably be able to do it like this.

Zhang Chen praised, "That's great, your hands are so skillful."

"Thank you!" Chen Yaqin smiled sweetly.

Next, the two people divided the work, Zhang Chen was responsible for sawing, and Chen Yaqin was responsible for filing and grinding. The two people worked like this, very efficiently, and completed a bunch of cutting pieces in one night.

Zhang Chen saw that it was already nine o'clock, and told Chen Yaqin to get off work. That's all for today.

Chen Yaqin said yes.

The two locked the door of the studio and walked outside. Zhang Chen lived in the guest house in the factory. The so-called guest house was a dormitory in the factory dormitory area that was converted into a unit. It is prepared for the truck drivers who come here to deliver and pull goods, as well as the customers coming and going from the company.

On the fifth floor, there are two renovated suites, which are for more important clients. Zhang Chen currently lives in one of them.

Chen Yaqin lived in a dormitory for female workers nearby. The two of them walked out of the factory gate and went to the dormitory area.

While walking on the road, Zhang Chen still felt that someone was following them. He couldn't help but look back, but he still didn't see anyone.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Yaqin asked.

Zhang Chen quickly said he didn't see anything.

The two continued to walk forward for a while, and Chen Yaqin said, "Ignore him."

Zhang Chen's heart skipped a beat and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said ignore him, that bastard is behind, he's keeping an eye on us."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but keep a little distance from Chen Yaqin. Chen Yaqin felt it, and she came closer again, closing the distance.

Zhang Chen looked back again, and Chen Yaqin said, "You can't see him."

"Then how do you know he is following us?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I knew it when I came back from getting food."

"you saw it?"

"Don't look!" Chen Yaqin snorted and cursed: "This guy has been like this since he was a child. This is his virtue. When I was a child, I beat him and drove him away. He followed me like this, five or six times from school to my house. He just keeps following me like this, every time."

After a pause, Chen Yaqin scolded again: "I haven't learned other skills, but I just learned this. He is like a spy, so you can't find him."

The two of them walked to the downstairs of Zhang Chen's building and stood down. Chen Yaqin was really hoping that Zhang Chen would say, go up and sit down, but Zhang Chen didn't. Zhang Chen just said "see you tomorrow" and went upstairs.

Chen Yaqin stood there a little disappointed. She watched Zhang Chen's figure disappear. She felt that they were fine tonight. Zhang Chen would have told her whether he wanted to go up and sit down. The reason why he didn't say it was completely Because of that bastard.

Chen Yaqin turned around and walked towards the door of the dormitory area. She walked slowly on purpose. When she was about to reach the door, she suddenly started running. When she ran to the door, she saw a black figure panicking and running towards the distance. Chen Yaqin He yelled: "Stop the fuck!"

The black figure stopped, turned around, and stood there laughing. When Chen Yaqin approached, he asked: "Why don't you go home? Do you want to sleep with this curly hair?"

Chen Yaqin shouted at him: "Yes, I just want to sleep with him. We have already slept with him. Do you care?"

Thank you U20515936 for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading! I wish everyone good health!

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