The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 491 Please help me write a few words

Zhang Chen and Chen Yaqin were sitting and eating. The door was pushed open with a bang. Awen came in from the outside. When Chen Yaqin saw it, she stood up and cursed:

"Why did you come in? Didn't you see the words on the door, "No unauthorized persons allowed in"? Are you illiterate?"

Awen had expected that what he would see would be a different scene. Unexpectedly, they were just sitting and eating. One was sitting at the table and the other was sitting on the sofa. They were even farther apart than when they were sitting face to face to eat in the staff cafeteria. Yuan, Awen felt a little embarrassed for a moment. In addition, he was usually a submissive person in front of Chen Yaqin, so he panicked now.

"What are you doing here?!" Chen Yaqin shouted.

Awen's face was pale. He pointed at the lamp above his head and stammered: "I'll come... I'll come, yes, I'll see if the lights here are broken."

"Did you see it? Is it not broken? Get out, get out!" Chen Yaqin scolded.

Awen muttered something and walked out of the door.

"Close the door, pig!" Chen Yaqin roared, and Awen could only close the door obediently.

Awen went out, and Chen Yaqin was still angry. Zhang Chen and Chen Yaqin said, I think your attitude towards Awen is not good.

"Do I need to be nice to him? Who am I?" Chen Yaqin scolded angrily, "He has a bad mouth and tells people that I am having sex with him all day long. Humph, I, Chen Yaqin, can see it. Fuck him? He really wants to eat the flesh of a swan. I'm not saying that I am a swan, Designer Zhang, but this person is just a rotten person. He has been like this since he was a child."

"Have you known Awen since you were a child?"

"Of course, I told you, we are from the same village, we are in the same class in elementary school, junior high school and high school."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Oh, we can be considered childhood sweethearts."

"Shit!" Chen Yaqin rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen, "What a childhood sweetheart, he was a snot-nosed man when he was a child. He followed me every day and was beaten by me every day. When he grew up, did you see that he still has such a moral character? People in the factory said He's right, he's just soaked in dirt and is a coward."

"However, I think he looks quite handsome when he wears a suit after get off work." Zhang Chen said.

"Hmph, he looks like a dog, but it's just because he has a lot of money at home." Chen Yaqin scolded disdainfully, "No matter how well you dress, you're still full of straw. Okay, okay, let's not talk about him anymore. Besides, he doesn't even have food." I can’t even eat it.”

The two of them ate in silence. After eating, Chen Yaqin picked up the bowl and went out to wash it. Zhang Chen was not polite to her. He felt that the moment Awen came in just now had the smell of rape, and Chen Yaqin must have felt it too. She is still angry because of this.

Chen Yaqin went out, and Zhang Chen sat there, feeling a little irritable. He didn't know why. He felt a little uneasy in his heart. Chen Yaqin was not annoying. She was very beautiful, and she still had the kind of pure beauty. If a man didn't like it, There is a beautiful woman next to him who is considerate and takes care of himself. That must be hypocritical.

It's not that you want to have a closer relationship with her, but at least your vanity can be satisfied. Which man doesn't have this kind of vanity?

Moreover, Zhang Chen felt that he was sure that as long as he wanted to have a further relationship with Chen Yaqin, they would definitely have a further relationship.

This may be what makes Zhang Chen feel irritated. One thing Zhang Chen knows very well is that no matter how beautiful Chen Yaqin is, he still feels that there is no more beautiful and better woman than Xiao Zhao in this world.

With Xiao Zhao, even if he is sitting and doing nothing, Zhang Chen's heart is full. Even when he is doing things, as long as he hears Xiao Zhao's voice beside him, he will feel a sense of satisfaction.

Indeed, since having Xiao Zhao, he seems to have no feelings for other women, including Chen Yaqin. He feels that he and Xiao Zhao are really connected by flesh and blood and have become one. This is not just love.

Zhang Chen felt irritated, not because his heart was in turmoil, but because he felt that Chen Yaqin was by his side now. Not only was it not helpful for him to complete this task as quickly as possible, but it might have an impact. He didn't know what impact it would have. But there was no way he could say this to Chen Yaqin.

In essence, Zhang Chen is still a shy, reserved, and even cowardly person. Let alone hurt a woman who has good intentions and even some love for him, even if he is asked to brush off other people's kindness, he will do it. He felt embarrassed, just like the more Qu Tianlin invited him to stay at her home, the more embarrassed Zhang Chen became, but he would not say it out loud.

The door opened and Director Li walked in with a stack of paper in his hand. Zhang Chen stood up from the sofa and called, "Director Li."

Director Li looked at the sand table. The floor of the factory area had been prepared and some factory buildings had been glued on. Director Li said, "Not bad, Xiao Zhang. He moves very quickly."

He came over and said to Zhang Chen: "Xiao Zhang, I want you to do me a favor."

Zhang Chen quickly said, Director Li, you can just tell me whatever you want me to do.

"Hey, Xiao Zhang, you are so polite." Director Li smiled and said, "Well, you are good at handwriting. Can you help me write some slogans?"

"Okay, no problem. It's such a small matter, why should Director Li be so polite?"

"Oh, as you know, the people in our factory are all farmers and have no education. Whenever I want to write slogans like this, I have to go out and find someone to write them. You just happen to be here, so I don't have to run. .”

Zhang Chen smiled. He knew that Director Li, like many others, mistakenly thought that being literate meant writing well. In fact, there was not much direct connection. There were many highly educated people who still had ugly handwriting, like Liu Ligan has written many times more words than himself, but God knows, his words are like dried chicken feet standing there.

However, some people who don’t know many words can write very well. This kind of writing still requires some talent.

However, it is really rare for people who draw like them to write ugly words. Chinese characters are hieroglyphics after all. If you are a painter and you don’t even have the ability to draw gourds, then your paintings will be useless. It's certainly not much better.

Zhang Chen put away everything on the table. Director Li put down the stack of paper in his hand. Zhang Chen understood that this was a diamond shape for taking paper. They wrote one word on each piece of paper. They then used pins to write the paper one by one. paper, pinned to the bright red banner.

Zhang Chen poured the ink into a tea vat, moistened his pen, and asked Director Li, what words should I write?

Director Li took out a piece of paper from his pocket, opened it, placed it on the table in front of Zhang Chen, and said to him: "Just write these three paintings."

Zhang Chen saw three slogans on the paper, namely:

1. Conscientiously implement the spirit of the "Southern Inspection Speech", work hard and get started!

2. Learn the spirit of the “Southern Tour Speech” and adhere to the path of reform and opening up!

3. "Reform and opening up should be more liberating, more courageous, and faster."

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Director Li, what is the Southern Tour Speech?"

"You don't even know about the Southern Tour speech?" Director Li was more curious than Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "I am in this studio every day, dealing with these foam plastics and plexiglass. How can I know what is happening outside."

"That's true, that's true." Director Li nodded and said, "This Southern Tour speech is Xiaoping's Southern Tour. He said a lot of very important things. Now it is the top priority in the country. In this way, I will ask Xiaoqin to give it later. You send a newspaper down, and all the newspapers will publish this article. It is so good, especially for a private enterprise like ours, it is really reassuring."

"Comrade Xiaoping also said this?" Zhang Chen asked, pointing to the third slogan.

Director Li nodded, and Zhang Chen said, "That's indeed a good idea."

When Zhang Chen said this, he suddenly thought of Liu Ligan and Meng Ping. He felt that these two guys would be very happy to see such words.

"That's right, there are a lot of good things to say. You'll know when you read it later." Director Li said.

When Zhang Chen wrote a word, Director Li took a word and spread it on the ground first, waiting for the ink to dry. There were too many words to spread on the floor. Then he spread it on the sand table, and soon the sand table was full.

After all the words were written, Zhang Chen had no place to work. He asked Director Li to sit on the sofa and sat down on the swivel chair. Director Li was a photography enthusiast and took good photos. The two of them still had something in common. The topic naturally turned to framing, composition, color tone, color temperature and so on.

When the ink on those words dried during the conversation, Director Li was about to put them away and leave. He seemed to have something to say, but he hesitated. Zhang Chen couldn't ask more questions, so he could only help Director Li pick up the words one by one. Put away the square paper and fold it again in the order of the slogans. Director Li only needs to spread it out one by one from top to bottom when he takes it up.

Director Li took the words in his hand and finally summoned up the courage. He said, "Xiao Zhang, why did I hear people say that you and Xiao Qin are talking about boyfriend and girlfriend? Is that true?"

Zhang Chen laughed when he heard this. He said without thinking: "How is that possible? I'm already married and my wife is about to give birth to a baby."

Director Li seemed to be relieved and said with a smile: "Haha, that's it. I just said those people were talking nonsense and making up lies."

He waved the words in his hand and said to Zhang Chen: "Let's go, go, thank you, Xiao Zhang!"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Director Li, please don't be polite. If you need me next time, just give me a call."

"Okay, thank you, thank you!" Director Li walked away with a smile.

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