The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 488 The off-the-plan property being robbed

They opened the market at nine o'clock the next day. Liu Ligan got up early and asked Wu Zhaohui to pick him up at eight o'clock. When they arrived at Longzhu Building, Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui were surprised. There were four or five people waiting for the elevator at the elevator entrance.

Today is Sunday. No one should be working in Longzhu Building. Even if they are working, no one comes so early. Companies in Haicheng only start work at nine o'clock.

They entered the elevator. Wu Zhaohui pressed the button for their floor. Someone reached out and saw that Wu Zhaohui pressed the button but did not press it. Only then did Liu Ligan realize that they were all going to their own floor. Looking at their hands, there were two Holding the "Haicheng Evening News", there is an advertisement for his company on it.

Liu Ligan felt happy. It turned out that these people were here to buy houses. It was too damn early. What time was it now?

Although Jianqiang told himself yesterday that real estate speculators were talking about his house, and many people would come today, Liu Ligan thought Jianqiang was speaking politely, but he didn't expect it to be true. What the hell That's great too.

"Are you all here to buy a house?" Wu Zhaohui asked those people.

"Yes, are you from this company?" someone asked.

Liu Ligan quietly kicked Wu Zhaohui, and Wu Zhaohui quickly said: "We are too, let's take a look too."

"It seems that there are quite a lot of people today, and they are going to rob again." Someone sighed.

When the elevator door opened, Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui were even more surprised. Twenty or thirty people were already crowded in the small elevator entrance.

The lights of the company were on and the door was closed. Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui walked over. When the two ladies at the front desk saw them, they quickly opened the door and they walked in. Someone behind them wanted to follow them. The lady at the front desk quickly stopped him and talked to him. explain:

"Sorry, sorry, it doesn't start until nine o'clock."

Liu Ligan turned to Wu Zhaohui and said, "You should seize Cao Guoqing immediately and ask him to bring a dozen people over here as quickly as possible."

Liu Ligan realized that in forty minutes, at nine o'clock, there might be chaos here. Without anyone to maintain order, it would definitely not work.

Zheng Wei, Wei Wenfang, and Chen Jie have all arrived. Meng Ping, Qian Fang, Xu Jiaqing, and Ye Yilan have also arrived. When Meng Ping saw Liu Lipole, he said excitedly: "What a good sign, pole!"

They immediately went to the conference room.

The entire building has a total of 362 houses. According to their plan to sell in batches, it is divided into three batches, with one-third of each batch. According to today's situation, both the price and the number of units need to be adjusted immediately. .

Meng Ping suggested that in the first phase today, more sales can be made. This can give people a nervous feeling that the houses have almost been sold, and the popularity can be gathered at once.

In the next two periods, because the price will definitely be higher than today, there will be relatively fewer people buying, so it can be gradually reduced. In the third period, even if there are not many people buying because of the high price, there will be no pressure. The most important thing is today .

Everyone thought Meng Ping’s idea was a good one, and it was finally decided that there would be 62 units in the third phase and 90 units in the second phase. Today, 210 units were sold. Eight units were sold yesterday, and there are actually 200 units left today. Zero two sets.

Wei Wenfang was a little worried. She said, "With so much, can we sell it today?"

"I see no problem." Meng Ping said.

"I think it can be like this." Qian Fang said, "We will divide it into two batches today. We will sell 150 units first. If the sales situation is good, we will tell them later that after urgent research, we have decided to sell an additional 52 units. The unit price of these fifty-two sets can be higher than before."

"Okay, that's a good idea, Qian Fang, you are a marketing genius!"

Liu Ligan shouted, "Everyone also thinks Qian Fang's idea is great. It can be defended or attacked. The decision-making power is entirely in their own hands."

Next, determine the price. The unit price of two thousand two thousand was sold out yesterday. Today's price, Meng Ping said, is directly up to two thousand four. Zheng Wei and Wei Wenfang both hesitated. Is two thousand four too high?

Liu Ligan said: "Two thousand three hundred and eight, it feels like more than two thousand three hundred. It is not much higher than two thousand two, but it is actually close to two thousand four."

Everyone agreed, it’s settled, two thousand three hundred and eighty.

Qian Fang and Wei Wenfang left immediately to reorganize which houses on which floors were to be sold today, and to re-make the display drawings that would be posted later. Ye Yilan and Chen Jie went to open the receipts first. Anyway, It’s a receipt for each off-the-plan property. Now fill in the other contents and amount. Later, you’ll just need to fill in your name and room number.

Cao Guoqing arrived with his people, and Liu Ligan said to him, you will be stationed between our front hall and the office area later, and no more than three people will be allowed in at a time to go through the formalities, and there will be people outside to maintain order. If there are many people , keep queuing up the corridor. Anyway, none of the companies are open today, so let them all line up.

Cao Guoqing said yes.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said, "Also, before opening the door, some of us inside will also send out, and you will also cooperate outside. First, mess up the order at the door. Remember, it must be messed up, but You need to have a sense of proportion and don't make it so chaotic that you both can't control it.

Cao Guoqing looked at him in confusion. Meng Ping and Zheng Wei were also puzzled. They wondered if Liu Ligan was insane. Meng Ping asked, "What are you going to do?"

Liu Ligan said: "Our newspaper said that there were two thousand and two, but today there is no two thousand and two. It's not chaotic. The first person in line comes in. If he asks, how do you tell him, You said they’ve already taken it all away?”

Meng Ping and Zheng Wei understood that this was indeed a thing.

Liu Ligan and Cao Guoqing said: "You should control it. The first three or four people let in must be our own people."

Cao Guoqing said yes.

By nine o'clock, more than a hundred people had come outside, and people kept coming. The queue was so long that it couldn't fit in the corridor. Cao Guoqing simply opened the door of the fire escape and let the queue go down the stairs.

Everything went according to their plan. After the team in front was in chaos, they were immediately controlled by Cao Guoqing and the others. There were more than a dozen boxers standing there. Anyone who jumped in and caused trouble was taken out by them. Although the first ones to enter were A few of them seemed to have jumped in line, but no one could tell them apart.

Everyone applauded them and felt that this company was different from others. It was very orderly and everything was in order. After all, it was a big company. The tallest building in Haicheng was also owned by this company. I bought the off-plan property of this company. The value-added potential is definitely great. Although the unit price has been adjusted to 2,380, it is not expensive.

It's just that after the forty or so people sold, the 150 houses were sold out, because almost no one in front of them bought one.

There were more than a hundred people behind who didn't buy it. They quit. They gathered around the elevator entrance and made a noise in the foyer of their company, asking your boss to come out. Why did it sell out so quickly? What should we do with so many people?

Liu Ligan had no choice but to go out. The first thing Liu Ligan did when he went out was to tell Cao Guoqing to send people down to help the security guards and block them at the gate below. Don't let anyone in again.

Liu Ligan then said to the noisy crowd, please be patient, this house is not like other things, it can only be squeezed out, please wait, give us some time, okay, let us discuss it first, and we will tell you soon A solution for everyone.

Liu Ligan returned to the conference room, and Qian Fang said it was okay. The fifty-two sets could be released.

Xu Jiaqing suggested that the price be directly raised to 2,500. Liu Ligan asked Wei Wenfang, is that okay?

Wei Wenfang had already gained confidence when she saw this momentum. Two thousand and five was just an increase of more than one hundred. She said yes, just two thousand and five.

"But there are more than 100 people outside and there are only 52 houses. What should we do?" Zheng Wei asked.

"Easy to handle, purchase restrictions." Meng Ping said, "One person can only buy one set."

"That's not enough." Zheng Wei said.

"Let them draw lots. If you can't draw the lot, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky and you can't blame others." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, this is a good idea. The more this kind of gimmick is done, the more people want to buy it." Meng Ping said with a smile, "It makes me want to queue outside."

"Okay, you go and line up. When Lao Meng arrives, Wei Wenfang, you sell it to him at 25,000 yuan per square meter." Liu Ligan cursed, and everyone laughed.

Liu Ligan walked out and said to the people waiting anxiously:

"Thank you for your hard work. We just had an urgent discussion and decided to sell 52 units of the second phase of houses in advance. However, the floors and room types of the second phase of houses are better than those of the first phase, so the price is higher. It’s a little higher, 2,500 square feet. If you find it too expensive, I’m sorry, but all your hard work today was in vain. You can leave now.”

There were so many people, but no one left. Someone shouted: "There are only fifty-two sets, what will we do with so many people?"

"Yes, this is the biggest headache for us when we were discussing inside. We also wanted to get more houses, but we really couldn't. So, for the sake of fairness, we thought of two ways. One is a People can only buy one set, so more people can buy it, okay?"

Everyone agreed, and someone shouted: "This should be like this from the front."

"Yes, yes, we didn't think carefully before. However, haven't we encountered this before? Who is restricted from purchasing a house in Haicheng, right? Let me first say sorry to everyone." Liu Lipole clasped his hands. Paying his respects to everyone, he continued:

"No one is allowed in below. For the sake of fairness, our staff will immediately count the number of people on site. Then we will draw lots and put all the fifty-two houses in. Whoever catches the Is it just who is lucky, or for the sake of fairness, do you want to choose three people to supervise our drawing of lots?"

"No need, we trust your company." someone shouted.

"Yes, choose three people. What if these three people go in and do tricks? It would be better for your company to do it." Someone echoed.

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