The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 48 Complete Douyin

Not long after Liu Ligan returned home, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili also came back. Liu Ligan told them what happened in the morning. They were also very happy. Jin Lili shouted:

"Great, pole, it looks like you are going to be successful. Does Tan Shuzhen know?"

"That day when I became a regular employee of the newspaper, I called her, and it was her mother who answered the phone," Liu Ligan said.

"So you threw the phone away and ran away, right?" Jin Lili asked.

Liu Ligan chuckled, and said a little embarrassedly: "Absolutely, her mother is too scary, how can I dare to talk to her."

"Coward." Jin Lili scolded.

"However, I sent a postcard to Tan Shuzhen, but she has not replied to me yet." Liu Ligan said.

"What's the use of a postcard? If the postman throws it into the office, who knows who will throw it away." Jin Lili said, "You should at least write her a letter."

"I wrote to her, but she didn't reply to me." Liu Ligan said a little aggrievedly.

Jin Lili was stunned for a moment, then slapped her right hand twice and shouted:

"It's okay, it's okay. You should follow the established policy. When we are developed, we will take a flight back. I have read that there is no direct flight from Haicheng to Hangcheng. We can go to Guangzhou first and then return to Hangzhou. It will not take a day. We’re here. Don’t you already have a press pass? You can go interview her father..."

"Comrade Lao Tan, I heard that you used to be the king of Wu opera..." Zhang Chen imitated Liu Ligan's tone and said, and the three of them laughed.

Liu Ligan thought of something and laughed. He raised his feet to show Zhang Chen and Jin Lili, and said to them: "Fortunately, I went to buy shoes when I got here in the morning. Otherwise, Secretary Liu would buckle me and I wouldn't even have shoes." .”

"Secretary Liu again? Gangzi, it seems that Chen Qihang has really helped you a lot." Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said.

"Chen Qihang? You mean, that comrade? Did you really touch him with the pole?" Jin Lili opened her eyes wide and shouted.

"Yes, he helped me get my first order. Today's order was introduced to me by his classmate, as was the big order a few days ago. Secretary Liu is his classmate." Liu Ligan said .

"It seems that this person from Peking University is much more reliable than you from Zhejiang University." Jin Lili praised, "Haicheng is really small."

"You also said that when I see him and his classmates now, I feel ashamed. They really think that I am from Zhejiang University and they are sincere. I still fucking lie to them. I am really not a human being." Liu Ligan said .

"Yes, you are not a human being. Let's go. We have to go swimming in Baishamen to celebrate such a great thing." Jin Lili said.

The three people pushing the bicycles had just walked out of the gate and before they got on the bus, Jin Lili's BB machine rang. Jin Lili took it out of the bag and looked at it, shouting:

"Damn it, don't you know what's going on in the company?"

They pushed the bicycle, turned around, and walked towards the store. When they arrived at the store, Jin Lili picked up the phone and called back to the company. The call was answered by Lao Bao. Jin Lili listened to a few words and kept saying okay.

After putting down the phone, Jin Lili told them with a sad face that she couldn't go to Baishamen and I wanted to go back immediately.

Zhang Chen asked her what was going on, but Jin Lili didn't answer. The three of them walked back for a while. Jin Lili looked around and saw that there was no one around, and lowered her voice and said to them:

"Lao Bao said he would prepare more than one million in cash in the afternoon and use it in the evening. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to withdraw it from one bank, so he might have to go to several banks. He told me to go back immediately."

"More than one million?" Liu Ligan shouted. To them at that time, this number was indeed an astronomical figure.

"Take it easy, are you afraid of being heard by others?" Jin Lili cursed.

Liu Ligan clicked his tongue twice and shook his head: "When, if only I had so much money, I would fucking..."

Jin Lili rolled her eyes at him: "Dumping her in front of Tan Shuzhen's parents again?"

Liu Ligan chuckled.

"Excuse me, King Wu Opera, can I buy your daughter with this money?" Zhang Chen said again, imitating Liu Ligan's tone.

Zhang Chen wanted to take Jin Lili there by bike, but Jin Lili said no, I'd better take a taxi back in such a strong sun, and you guys should go back too.

There were no taxis on the small streets here, so Zhang Chen still rode his bike and took Jin Lili to Binhai Avenue. Watching Jin Lili get on the bus, he and Liu Ligan rode back.

When Jin Lili returned to the company, she saw Mr. Xia standing alone in the living room outside singing. When Mr. Xia saw Jin Lili, he put down the microphone and told her, "Lao Bao is waiting for you in the car. Come on down."

Jin Lili arrived at the underground parking lot. Lao Bao was sitting in the car with his eyes closed and concentrating. Jin Lili asked, why don't you wait for me upstairs?

"Didn't you see Lao Xia singing? It's time to sing "Camel Bell" soon." Lao Bao said.

Jinlili giggled.

Mr. Xia likes to sing, and the songs he likes to sing are all old songs or revolutionary songs, from "The Red Star Shines on Me to Fight" to "Why Are the Flowers So Red" and "Going to the Training Ground". His favorite song is " "Camel Bell", Mr. Xia not only sings out of tune, but also likes to use vibrato. He probably believes that vibrato is the highest level of singing.

His vibrato is not sung, but his hand is holding the microphone without moving, and his head is constantly moving up and down, like a chicken pecking at rice. His vibrato is completely produced by nodding his head in this way, shaking out from his throat. TikTok.

Especially when he sang "Camel Bell", he was shaking almost from beginning to end. Lao Bao said that he was shaking so much that goosebumps came out all over my body. The more Lao Bao said this, the prouder Mr. Xia became. Every time he sang, he must sing " "Camel Bell", and will put it after about seven or eight songs. Mr. Xia thinks he is in the best condition and sings when his voice is fully open.

Before singing "Camel Bell", Mr. Xia clenched his fist with his right hand, waved it vigorously, and said to them, "Okay, let me show off!"

Every time at this time, Jin Lili would go to the bathroom, and Lao Bao would run back to his room. When he heard from outside: "Comrade, comrade, dear brother, wait until the spring breeze brings good news...", they Then he ran out and applauded Mr. Xia's ending.

Mr. Xia was very proud, but also a little disappointed. He told them, you didn't hear it before, your performance was very good and perfect today. Do you want to do it again?

Lao Bao quickly said, no, no, let us continue to have regrets.

So when Lao Bao said "Camel Bell", Jin Lili understood it and started laughing.

Lao Bao drove the car, and they went to three banks to withdraw 1.5 million in cash.

Jin Lili asked Lao Bao: "What are you doing with so much cash?"

"It's for tonight. Don't you want to know what we are doing in the middle of the night? You will know tonight." Lao Bao said.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, they drove to the aquatic product wharf, Haicheng's aquatic product wharf. Although the name is the aquatic product wharf wholesale market, in fact, the shops here sell mostly food, dry goods from the north and south, and small general merchandise. In the business of Hainan's local specialties, none of the shops deal with aquatic products.

Even after ten o'clock in the evening, the place is still very lively, not because there are many customers, but because there are many large and small trucks passing by. At this time, everyone starts to purchase and ship goods. The doors of every shop are closed, but the lights inside are on.

They drove the car into the market gate and found an open space to park. Jin Lili and Lao Bao each carried the strap on one side of the luggage bag. In the bag was the cash they took out in the afternoon. The two of them followed Mr. Xia. Walk along the passage in the middle of the market and walk into the market with rows of shops on both sides.

They arrived in front of a store. This store looked very inconspicuous. There was a sign on the door that read "Wholesale of Tobacco and Liquor." Like other stores, the lights were on inside, but the rolling shutter was not pulled all the way. The gap more than a foot wide seemed to tell others that the person inside was still there.

Mr. Xia walked to the door, patted the rolling shutter door twice, and called, "I am Lao Xia."

Inside the rolling shutter door, there is an aluminum alloy glass door. Someone heard Mr. Xia's shout, opened the door, and reached out to pull the rolling shutter door up.

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