The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 479 Both come back

After Mr. Zhang's project was completed, Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei were together again. Both of them felt that their relationship had entered another level. Liu Ligan said, "We now share the same fate."

Zheng Wei rolled his eyes at him and said, shit, it's just a grasshopper on a rope.

After saying that, she lay there by herself, overjoyed.

Liu Ligan said, Okay, female grasshopper, can you accept the courtesy of this male grasshopper now?

In order to avoid suspicion, Liu Ligan would send Wu Chaohui back after get off work every day if there was a legitimate reason, telling him that he had something to do in the office, so you can leave first and I would take a Mazda back. caravan.

In this way, after Wu Chaohui left, Liu Ligan hurried downstairs, hurriedly went to the Yedao Hotel opposite, called Zheng Wei, and the two took a taxi to eat together, and returned to Yunyu.

But he couldn't send Wu Zhaohui away like this every day. At this time, Liu Ligan asked Wu Zhaohui to see him off, pretended to get off work and returned to Yilin's house. Then he rode his motorcycle to Yedao Hotel and took Zheng Wei with him on his motorcycle. , or go out to eat and come back Yunyu.

Liu Ligan felt that this seemed more convenient, but the process was too tortuous and time-consuming.

But no matter what, Liu Ligan must go back to Yilin's house every day or in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Otherwise, Wu Zhaohui won't be able to see him when he picks him up for work in the morning.

If the time is right, the two of them have finished, and Zheng Wei happens to have a long journey across the ocean. Liu Ligan quietly gets out of bed, gets dressed, and does not go to the bathroom. Instead, he looks at Zheng Wei and points to the door with his hand. Pointing his finger, Zheng Wei nodded, which meant that today's call would be very long and he was allowed to leave.

If you shake your head, it means that today's call will end soon. Zheng Wei is reluctant to let Liu Ligan go, so Liu Ligan can only go to the bathroom, close the door, and continue to blow smoke rings at himself in the mirror.

The call came again today. Liu Ligan pointed to the door. Zheng Wei nodded and kissed him goodbye. Liu Ligan also blew a kiss and left. He gently closed the door without locking it. , Zheng Wei will be on the phone later, find a reason for himself, take the time to come over and lock the door, and then go back and continue to answer the phone.

This door can be locked silently by twisting the door handle from the inside. When the door is locked from the outside, the door will make a loud "click" sound, and the person on the phone will know that someone has gone out.

Walking to the corridor, Liu Ligan looked at the time and calculated the time difference. He knew that dinner had been eaten in Europe. No wonder this idiot made such a long international long distance call. He used a public phone. fee.

When Liu Ligan went downstairs, there were many tented cars waiting for business at the door. He called one and went back to Yilin's house.

Liu Ligan went upstairs. As soon as he turned to the corridor, two black figures jumped out of the darkness. Liu Ligan was startled. He looked again and saw that they were Wenwen and Qianqian. In the corridor behind them, there were also carrying their luggage.

"Why are you here?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Oh, don't be nagging, let's go eat first, we're starving to death." Qianqian scolded.

"Haha, good. Our family of three is reunited again. It's great. We are such an inseparable family. Let's go for a walk and eat delicious food." Liu Ligan said.

They didn't even enter the door, leaving their luggage at the door and went downstairs.

When they got downstairs, Liu Ligan reached out to hug the two of them. The two of them laughed and let him hold them.

On the way to the stall, Wenwen twitched her nose and cursed: "Where have you been fooling around? Why do you smell so bad?"

"That's right." Qianqian said.

"Yes, yes." Liu Ligan shouted, "How come all I smell is heroic spirit?"

Wenwen and Qianqian both laughed, and Qianqian scolded: "Go away, you are still heroic, the toilet seat is still about the same."

Wenwen also scolded: "A dog can't change its habit of eating shit. It would be weird if you didn't steal it, and we won't bother to care about you."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Then am I a dog or a cat?"

"I see, have you gone to Mr. Liu's place?" Qianqian shouted, "That sister is not bad, good-looking and smart."

"No, they dumped me and went to the mainland."

"You deserve it!" Wenwen and Qianqian said almost in unison.

When the three of them arrived at the food stall, the stall owner saw them and shouted, "Hey, we are such rare customers, are you two back?"

"Why, you're not welcome, boss?" Wenwen said.


When the ghost saw Wenwen and Qianqian, he also came over and shouted: "Oh, these two are back, it's so lively."

Wenwen scolded: "Don't fucking push me, it won't be your turn if I push you hard!"

The ghost smiled mockingly: "Okay, you are awesome. You were stamped and sealed by Mr. Liu."

Liu Li was standing nearby, watching them bickering and laughing.

Without ordering, the boss knew what Wenwen and Qianqian liked to eat. He directly fried a plate of fried crabs with ginger and scallions and said to them, "This crab is from me as a gift to you."

Wenwen and Qianqian quickly shouted: "Thank you, boss!"

After the three of them drank several glasses of wine, Liu Ligan looked at the two of them and said, "Now you can talk, why are you back?"

"Let's do real estate." Wenwen said.

Liu Ligan burst into laughter and asked, "Real estate? Do you know what real estate is?"

"I don't know, don't you know, isn't that crappy company of yours a real estate company?" Wenwen said.

"You don't know anything, so you dare to come?"

“We don’t know about real estate, but we know there is money to be made from this.”

"Who told you?"

"Guests." Wenwen said, "We went to Guangzhou for work this year. During this time, we met many customers. They all came to Hainan Island. They said that they could make money by doing real estate in Hainan, so we came."

"Aren't you afraid those bad guys will come to you again?" Liu Ligan asked.

"We are here to do real estate and we don't go to the Taoyuan Hotel to work. How would they know?" Qianqian said.

"Don't be afraid if you know it. Anyway, we want money rather than our lives. As long as there is money to be made, just order them to take it." Wenwen said.

"Stop bragging, Liu Yunke told me that you were so scared that you were crying all the time." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Hmph! You still blamed us, causing us not to get one month's salary and commission. You compensate us!"

Qianqian said and stretched out her hand towards Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan slapped her palm and cursed:

"Fuck you, damn it, why did I harm you? I asked people to rescue you from those guys, okay? I also arranged for you to live with Liu Yun, but at the risk of being skinned by her danger."

Wenwen and Qianqian were laughing.

"Then we're all good enough and didn't betray you. Did Mr. Liu not settle the score with you? By the way, where are Brother Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao? Are they okay?" Wenwen asked.

"Okay, they are in Hangzhou now, they are married, and Xiao Zhao is about to become a mother."

"Ah, no way, that's great!" Wenwen and Qianqian screamed.

"Oh, Brother Zhang Chen is still reliable, always consistent from beginning to end." Wenwen shouted, "If I want to find a husband in the future, I will look for someone like this."

"That's right." Qianqian agreed. She and Liu Ligan said, "Everyone who encounters you has been unlucky for eight lifetimes."

"What the hell happened to me?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"What's wrong with you, that Liu Yun? What a good person. It's not like there won't be any good results when meeting you, but Xiao Zhao is happy." Qianqian said.

"Yes." This time Wenwen agreed with Qianqian.

"Don't slander me, I'm going to be a father soon." Liu Ligan said proudly.

Wenwen asked curiously: "Whose father are you? What does it have to do with you?"

"I am the godfather of their child."

"It's over, it's over. This child's future is completely ruined. Next time I meet Xiao Zhao, I must remind her." Wenwen kept shaking her head, and Qianqian also shook her head.

The three of them returned upstairs after supper. Wenwen and Qianqian did not go to their original rooms, but entered Liu Ligan's room. The two of them fell on the bed after entering. Wenwen pointed at Liu Ligan and said , Go, go and get our things in. I’m so full that I can’t carry them anymore.

Liu Ligan scolded: "Why, the bird occupies the dove's nest?"

"What did you say?" The two people looked at him and asked.

"I still fucking keep your room here, why don't you go back to your room?" Liu Ligan cursed.

"No, there's nothing over there. Yilin's mother already told us that all the things were smashed by those bastards. We'll sleep here and go to you." Wenwen said.

"What, you dislike us?" Qianqian asked.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I don't mind, I don't mind. We are a family of three. We are reunited after a long separation. Shouldn't we relive our old dreams?"

As Liu Lizhan said this, he wanted to fall down among them. Wenwen raised one foot, pressed it against his chest, and kicked him away. Qianqian scolded: "Get out of here, go sleep on the sofa."

Liu Ligan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He walked outside and sat down on the sofa. Wenwen followed him out again, stood in front of Liu Ligan, and said to him condescendingly:

"Let me tell you, we are really unemployed now. We have no job, no money, and no place to live. We don't care. You really have to support us."

"Where's your own money?"

"That one is for starting a business and cannot be touched." Wenwen said, "Also, you are right, we really don't know anything, so we can only play real estate with you."

"Okay, I really have a project in two days, I want to think about how to do it."

Liu Ligan stretched out his hand, hooked Wenwen's hand, and pulled hard. Wenwen fell down laughing and hit him, while shouting: "There are gangsters!"

Thank you to user 02348279732 for your monthly vote! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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