The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 473 Who are you?

Zheng Wei looked at Liu Ligan and said to him: "How about, let's go then?"

Mr. Xie quickly said: "Don't worry, let's talk after we have dinner together."

Liu Ligan hesitated, and Zheng Wei said: "Thank you, Mr. Xie. Let's eat next time. We need to go back immediately and discuss this in advance before waiting for Mr. Zhang and his people to come."

When Liu Ligan heard what Zheng Wei said, he also stood up and said to Mr. Xie and Mr. Zhang: "Then let's go first, Mr. Xie, remember this meal, Mr. Zhang, we will see you later."

Mr. Zhang quickly said okay, see you later. He turned to Mr. Xie and said, Brother, I will go back and take people there.

Mr. Xie nodded.

Liu Ligan and Mr. Zhang exchanged business cards, and Zheng Wei thought of it. She said, "Mr. Zhang, can you bring the project information together for us to take a look at?"

"It's in the car. I'll give it to you when I get down." Mr. Zhang said.

When Mr. Xie saw that they all said this, and that Mr. Zhang's affairs were indeed important, he said, "Well, I won't delay you from doing your business. After the matter is done, we can have a good gathering."

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei quickly said yes, thank you, Mr. Xie!

Mr. Xie looked at Zheng Wei and said, Mr. Zheng is not bad, he is really vigorous and resolute.

Zheng Wei smiled shyly and said he didn't dare to take it seriously.

The three of them arrived at the parking lot below. Mr. Zhang took out a project information from the trunk and handed it to Zheng Wei. Don't miss this opportunity.

After getting in the car, Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said, let's go back to the company.

Wu Zhaohui opened his eyes wide and shouted, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Eat, eat, you fucking know how to eat." Liu Ligan cursed.

Zheng Wei smiled and said: "Of course we have to eat. You take us to the company first, and then buy us some. We will eat in the office."

Wu Zhaohui said yes.

Liu Ligan looked at Zheng Wei and said, "Why, you don't really want to acquire this project, do you?"

"Then you are teasing Mr. Xie and Mr. Zhang?" Zheng Wei asked back.

"I definitely don't mean it. I just want to know more about this project."

"Do you understand it now?" Zheng Wei photographed the information into Liu Ligan's arms, "If you don't understand it, just understand it again."

"What do you mean?" Liu Ligan felt that Zheng Wei was a little confused.

"Don't you think this is a good project?"

"The project is good, and Mr. Zhang's asking price is not high, but will Beijing agree?"

"You haven't even proposed a plan, how do you know you won't agree to it?"

Zheng Wei's words made Liu Ligan choke. Liu Ligan stared at her, and she looked at Liu Ligan and smiled.

Both of them were silent. After a while, Zheng Wei and Liu Ligan said: "If we can put forward a convincing plan, there is still a high possibility that the industry will agree. Of course, they will be inclined to acquire the entire project. , I am sure to convince them."

"Really?" Liu Lizhan was excited.

"Of course it's true. You think I'm just for a living." Zheng Wei said with a smile, "But it's too late."

"When is it too late?"

"For an overall acquisition, we must conduct necessary audits and due diligence, and it will take at least a month to complete our own internal processes. It is too late." Zheng Wei said.

"Why is it too late?" Liu Ligan still didn't understand. "One month is just one month. Isn't it normal for such a large project acquisition to take one month?"

Zheng Wei shook her head. She looked out the window thoughtfully. After a while, she said softly: "At that time, even if we wanted to buy it, others would not want to sell it. This project has become popular. "

"No, are you influenced by Mr. Han? Do you really think that the wave will be three feet high? As he said, any fool can make money by standing on the wave?"

"Yes and no." Zheng Wei said, "You don't know."

"Do not know what is this?"

Zheng Wei didn't say it, but Liu Ligan felt that there was some inside information. Sometimes he really admired these young masters and princesses from the bottom of his heart. They were really tight-lipped. He and Zheng Wei were both here. It's a relationship, there's nothing else you can say.

How did he know that for Zheng Wei and the others, they have understood the truth that disaster comes from words since they were young, and they have also seen their classmates and friends around them. Today they are in the first three rows, but tomorrow they will be prisoners. How many bloody lessons, if If something goes wrong, he won't be the only one to be implicated. It will be a large area. How could he be careless?

They returned to the company. When the two of them walked into Liu Ligan's office, Zheng Wei had already thought about it. She told Liu Ligan that they had given up the idea of ​​acquisitions and equity cooperation. Those two paths were not feasible.

"Then I'll inform Mr. Zhang so that they don't have to come over?" Liu Ligan felt a little disappointed when he heard this and asked.

"Why are you in a hurry? There is still a way to go."

"What way?"

"We still have more than 32 million yuan in our company's account. We won't be able to use this much money in a short period of time. We can do financial processing."

"What's the meaning?"

"For this project, we can handle it entirely within our own scope of authority and as a company. There is no need to report it to the bank."

"Is that okay? Such a big sum of money?"

"Is it okay that you can't decide? Don't forget that you are the general manager or a shareholder, not the office director."

"But with such a big sum of money, no matter what, you have to say hello to Sun Hou, right?" Liu Ligan said.

Zheng Wei sat on the sofa and stared at Liu Ligan. When Liu Ligan said this, Zheng Wei frowned slightly and asked:

"Do you still remember what I told you about Chiang Kai-shek's troops?"

"Of course I remember. Now I think what you said makes sense. I'm more and more like Chiang Kai-shek's army. I'm commanding on the front line, but I have no command authority at all."

Zheng Wei looked at him and shook his head: "You are not Chiang Kai-shek's troops. Chiang Kai-shek's troops were deprived of their command rights. You are different. You gave up your command rights yourself."

"What's the meaning?"

"Chiang Kai-shek's army likes to overstep his control and directly replace the front-line command. As for you, to be fair, have any of us in the industry, including Sun Hou, come to make decisions for you and tell you directly that you can do this, that can't be done, everything Are the plans proposed by you and do they just agree or disagree?"

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and realized that this was really the case. Sun Hou and the others, let alone others, had not even issued Hainan Company's annual task targets to them.

"Do you think they are willing to do this?" Zheng Wei looked at Liu Ligan with a somewhat aggressive look.

"Did I do something wrong?" Liu Ligan asked doubtfully.

"You did nothing wrong. It's just that you refused to make any decisions yourself, so you handed over the problem and let them make the decision for you. You said, what can they do when they see the things you reported? I can’t tell you that you have to figure it out yourself. Then you will really have to do it all by yourself from now on? You, you are going to the other extreme now. "

"What extreme?"

"You have completely handed over the decision-making power yourself, forcing them to make decisions for you. In fact, they have a terrible headache. Your refusal to make a decision is not just a refusal to make a decision."

"What else?"

"They will think that you are unwilling to take responsibility. After all, it is the person who makes the decision who needs to take responsibility. I think now, Sun Hou will have a headache when he receives your call. He is also in trouble. After all, you are the person he is looking for. If you don't take responsibility, then he can only take responsibility for you and make decisions for you. It's better for you, but in turn you complain that you don't have the right to make decisions."

Liu Ligan was shocked. He felt that similar words had been said to him by Liu Yun at the beginning. Liu Ligan thought about it and realized that this was really the case. What these two women said was really reasonable. No wonder now every time When Sun Hou received his call, it was as if the phone was hot in his hand. Before he finished speaking, he wanted to hang up the phone quickly.

"Are you convinced?" Zheng Wei looked at him and asked with a smile.

Liu Ligan said "Oh" and nodded quickly. It makes sense. What you said makes sense.

Zheng Wei burst out laughing, and Liu Ligan asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"You are still a good comrade. Your biggest advantage is that you are not petty. There are many men. If others say that to him, he will feel that his self-esteem can't stand it. He would have become impatient. You are not. That's right."

"What you said makes sense. Why should I be so anxious?"

"So you are a good comrade." Zheng Wei smiled, "But there is another point. It is your advantage, but it is also your biggest disadvantage."

"The biggest shortcoming?" Liu Ligan chuckled, "Tell me, tell me, what is it?"

Zheng Wei was made to laugh and cry by Liu Ligan. No one was so playful after hearing his shortcomings. However, this is also the cuteness of Liu Ligan. He is really not a small-minded man. Such a man is the most lethargic. People can't stand it anymore.

"Your biggest shortcoming is that you are too eager to prove your innocence." Zheng Wei and Liu Ligan said.

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