The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 465 Everything will be fine soon

On the morning of the next day, my aunt took Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen to get the marriage certificate, birth certificate and migration certificate. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were worried about this and that along the way. When they got here, they didn't expect it to be so... It went well, one aunt took care of everything.

Zhang Chen also had a thorough understanding of the rural ecology. He lamented that their work efficiency was still quite high even when it was high.

Everything was done, and the two of them felt completely relaxed. Although Zhang Chen said that marriage was just a piece of paper, after actually having this piece of paper, there was a change in his heart. I felt that there was a big difference whether there was paper or not. After reading this piece of paper, Zhang Chen felt that the dust had settled again. This was his wife, and the child in her belly was their son. From then on, they were a family.

A family of three is like a branch growing out of both parents’ homes. The branch will fall to the ground and take root. Just like the big banyan tree in Haicheng Dongyang Hot Pot Restaurant, they will have their own prosperity and branches. The leaves grow luxuriantly and then branch out into new branches.

Parents will grow old and children will grow up. No matter how time passes, their family will continue like this. Just like Yu Gong said, there are endless descendants, and he and Xiao Zhao are just a link in the middle. .

With this piece of paper, he was also officially given many other identities. He was someone else's husband and father, as well as someone else's son-in-law and brother-in-law. Although he hadn't met them yet, he was Already, just like yesterday when he was walking on the road, even if he passed by his uncle and aunt, he wouldn't recognize each other.

But today, at this moment, he is already their nephew and son-in-law, and they are a family.

Zhang Chen felt that this change was a bit strange and interesting. He felt that the concept of home and family was in the person who had a cigarette in his mouth and the ashes fell on their marriage certificate. He picked it up and blew the ashes away, then popped it. , pressed the steel-stamped handle in his hand, raised his head, and smiled at them with his big teeth blackened by smoke, at this moment the director of the Civil Affairs Office.

Everything really changed.

The concept of home and family is expanding. To what extent it will expand, Zhang Chen is a little dizzy, he doesn't know yet.

If there wasn't someone next to him, Zhang Chen really wanted to hold Xiao Zhao in his arms and kiss her properly, as if they just met and kissed for the first time today, everything was new, he Kiss your wife properly.

The aunt asked them to stay at home for one more night. A tractor would take them in early tomorrow morning. Xiao Zhao's home was still more than ten miles away from the hometown.

Xiao Zhao and his aunt said that they were going to the street to buy things for the family. The aunt said that they should buy more and buy more. You guys are the ones who kill first and then tell the story. Wherever there is a mother-in-law and an old man who has not seen the face of the father-in-law, you get married first and return the favor. Having a baby.

Xiao Zhao said coquettishly: "Then I don't care. I originally said I would go home first, but my aunt told me not to go back. I want to blame you."

Auntie smiled and said: "Okay, okay, blame me. Blame me."

Aunt smiled and shed tears. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were shocked. Xiao Zhao quickly asked: "Aunt, what's wrong with you?"

My aunt burst into tears and smiled. She said, "Auntie is happy, but also a little sad. We, Xiao Zhao, are all married, and we are married to a place as far away as Zhejiang."

"It's not far at all, Auntie." Xiao Zhao said, "Xiao Zhao is in Hangzhou. You and your uncle can go to Hangzhou to play in the future. We will accompany you and take you to see the West Lake and the Six Harmonies Pagoda. Go to Lingyin Temple.”

"Okay, okay, Lao Niu and I will definitely go." My aunt looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Xiao Zhao has gone so far away, so you have to be nice to her, otherwise my aunt will come looking for her no matter how far away she is."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I will, aunt, don't worry, if I treat Xiao Zhao badly, I'm afraid you'll scold me."

"Their house has no yard walls or pigsties."

Xiao Zhao shouted, and the three of them laughed.

Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen went to the street and bought a lot of things, including tobacco, alcohol, candy and pastries. The unit price of the items was not high, but the quantity was large. Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said that these were taken back to give to relatives and friends.

There were too many things for two people to hold in their hands. Xiao Zhao simply bought a pole and two baskets, carried them on his shoulders and continued walking. The people on the side looked at them and pointed, and Zhang Chen woke up. Not in Hainan, but in mainland China, where there were girls carrying burdens and boys walking beside them, he quickly asked Xiao Zhao to give him the burden.

Xiao Zhao asked: "Can you?"

"Of course, no matter how difficult the task is, you can handle it, so why can't I?" Zhang Chen said disapprovingly.

Xiao Zhao gave the burden on his shoulders to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen took it and carried it on his shoulders. Although the burden was not very heavy and it was within the range that he could bear, when he walked, the pole on his shoulders seemed to Always having to slide down, Zhang Chen kept changing the position of the pole on his shoulders, but he couldn't find a suitable spot. It seemed awkward wherever he placed it.

Although the burden was not heavy, it felt heavier and heavier as time went by, and there was a slight pain in my shoulders. Not only my shoulders, but also my waist began to become a little sore, and my steps began to become sluggish.

Xiao Zhao kept turning around and asking him if it was okay?

Zhang Chen said it was okay, but his shoulder felt more and more painful. He had no choice but to use his right arm to hold the pole up and let it slightly away from his shoulder, so that the pain in his shoulder could be relieved. Start to lighten up.

But as soon as this happened, the load became unstable and swayed back and forth. Zhang Chen quickly used his left hand to grab the rope connecting the basket at the back to the pole.

But the one at the back was caught, and the front started to swing again. Zhang Chen could only let go of his right hand holding the pole and went to grab the basket in front. He missed it, twisted his shoulder, and the basket swung in the opposite direction. He He reached for it again, his shoulders twisted again, the basket swung in the opposite direction, and he reached for it again. In this way, the person was like a top, being carried by two baskets and spinning in circles on the street.

The people on the side knew at a glance that Zhang Chen was a novice and had never shouldered any responsibilities before. Seeing his embarrassment, everyone laughed and Zhang Chen blushed.

Xiao Zhao looked back, feeling angry and funny. He hurried over, grabbed the pole, took the burden over his shoulder without any explanation, and walked forward gently and skillfully.

Zhang Chen was greatly embarrassed. Why did this burden fall on Xiao Zhao's shoulders? It seemed to be much lighter and turned into another burden. Zhang Chen took two steps to catch up with Xiao Zhao and asked: "Isn't it heavy?"

"not heavy."

"It's really not heavy?" Zhang Chen asked, why does my shoulder seem to be swollen even if it's not heavy?

Xiao Zhao said: "This weight is nothing. I am not bragging. I can carry it like this even on many mountain roads. When we were young, we went up to the mountains to cut firewood. A load of firewood was much heavier than this. We still had to carry it home after more than ten miles." "

Zhang Chen shook his head, dissatisfied in his heart and disbelieving on his face.

Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and smiled:

"What? You don't believe it? Let me tell you, we used to go to junior high school in the countryside from home. We would come every Monday morning and go back on Saturday afternoon. We didn't even have a tractor. We carried a load back and forth like this, with pickled mustard and rice at one end and The schoolbag and one end are things I brought to the countryside to sell. When I go home on Saturday, I have to pull pigweed all the way back. I’m used to it already.”

Zhang Chen shook his head and felt a little incredible. Xiao Zhao said: "Let's compare the burdens and see who is the working people."

They stayed at their uncle's house for another night. When they got up early the next morning and walked to the front, they saw a walking tractor parked in the drying field. The tractor driver saw them and greeted them from afar. Uncle or aunt:

"The head of Niu Township, the head of Niu Township."

The uncle and aunt took them to the tractor, loaded the load onto the tractor bed and put it away. The aunt looked at the bare metal in the truck bed and scolded the tractor driver: "You idiot, you don't know how to put two bundles of straw. Don’t let your butts get shattered by the city girls.”

She was talking about Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen quickly said it was okay. We used to go out to perform and often ride tractors.

The aunt still asked the tractor driver to run to the canteen at the back, bring a big armful of straw, and spread it in the bed of the tractor. Then she let Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao get on the truck, and the two fell down on the straw pile. Sitting on the sofa is comfortable.

The tractor drove out of the township government compound and drove in the opposite direction of the street. After driving for a while, the cement road under its feet and the houses on both sides disappeared. The tractor drove along the bumpy gravel road towards the depths of the mountain. go.

Sichuan in March is surrounded by greenery. The spring breeze has woken up and turned the earth green. It is now more than eight o'clock in the morning, but the valley is still filled with mist. The sound of tractors echoes in the valley. Even in this huge noise, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao could still hear the chirping of birds coming through the mist.

The wind gathering from all directions brings the fresh scent of mountains, forests and wild grass. Taking two strong breaths makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Zhang Chen turned around and saw the tractor driver staring intently ahead. In this foggy weather, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

Looking back, Xiao Zhao was getting into his arms, and the two couldn't help hugging each other and kissing.

So what if the sky sees it, this is my wife and we are going home.

Zhang Chen thought to himself.

Thank you for your monthly pass in May! Thank you for all your reading and recommendation votes!

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