The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 462 What did Qu Tianlin say on the phone?

The four of them had just returned home and went upstairs. Zhang Chen's BB phone rang. He looked at it and told Xiao Zhao that it was Sister Tianlin.

The two people went downstairs. The phone in the reception room could only be answered, not made. To make a call, they had to go to the small shop outside the courtyard.

Zhang Chen dialed the phone, and Qu Tianlin asked on the phone: "Xiao Zhang, are you still in Yongcheng?"

Zhang Chen said yes, Sister Tianlin, our shuttle bus is at 1:40 p.m.

"What time does it take to arrive in Hangzhou?"

"Normally it's about half past five."

"It's too late, I have to have dinner with the client in the evening." Qu Tianlin said, "In this case, Mr. Ni called me and asked me that they wanted to make a sand table model, which is a panoramic view of the enterprise. He said that he would still accept your picture album. I asked you if you can do it, and I have already said that you can. In this case, you can go directly to Mr. Ni’s place tomorrow morning to have a look, and we’ll talk about it when you come back.”

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Remember, when you quote the price, don't be picky about it. No one understands this thing. Try to raise the price as much as possible. If they find it too expensive, lower it little by little."

Zhang Chen said okay, I understand.

"Where's Xiao Zhao, are you here?" Qu Tianlin asked.

"I'm here, Sister Qu." Xiao Zhao answered the phone, and Zhang Chen walked aside to smoke while the two sisters chattered.

Zhang Chen knew what Mr. Ni wanted to do. He recalled the urban planning model of Haicheng City that Liu Ligan took him to the Haicheng City Planning Bureau. What they wanted to do must be something like this, a corporate sandbox. The model is placed in the lobby or conference room of the company for presentation by superiors and customers when they come to visit.

This thing was really rare and rare at the time. It is said that the model in Haicheng City was made by Tsinghua University and Tongji University at a huge cost. Of course, it was just a side product when they planned the entire city of Haicheng.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen thought this thing was strange at the time and looked at it carefully. Judging from his experience in designing stage props and decorations, this thing was actually not that difficult and not that complicated to make.

Qu Tianlin and Mr. Ni said they could do it, but they were really not bragging.

What makes Zhang Chen hesitate is time. He doesn’t know how big the model Mr. Ni and the others are going to make, and whether they need it in a hurry. The validity period of the relocation permit is forty days, which is the end of April that Sister Huang asked them to do. Before, in the meantime, they had to go back and forth from Sichuan no matter what, which took about ten days. I don't know if Mr. Ni and the others would allow themselves to spare this time.

If not, then there is no way I can take on this job.

Let’s talk about it tomorrow morning after we go there.

Xiao Zhao and Qu Tianlin talked for another four or five minutes before hanging up. Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, "What are you talking about? Why do you have so much to say?"

Xiao Zhao blushed and said a little shyly: "These are women's words, do you want to listen?"

Zhang Chen quickly said, "No, no, no."

The two of them walked back, and Xiao Zhao came close to Zhang Chen and said in his ear, Sister Qu asked me not to let you touch her, saying that the first three months were a dangerous period.

"Ah, you even said this?"

"Of course, she is my sister and has been here before. I don't know anything, so of course she has to teach me."

Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen chuckling and blushing. Zhang Chen was puzzled by her laughter and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Xiao Zhao looked around and saw that no one was around, and said to Zhang Chen: "Sister Qu also told me, she said, she said... If you can't hold it in, please don't be shy and help you. Many men hold it in at this time. The one who can’t stop and goes out looking for women is the husband of one of her little sisters.”

"How can you help me?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiao Zhao shook his head, chuckled, and refused to say anything more.

After lunch, there was still time to rest at home for a while. Zhang Chen told his mother that if Xiao Wu comes, just tell him that we are coming back this time mainly to get the household registration book. We are pressed for time. I haven’t contacted him. Also, give him my BB phone number and ask him to detain me if anything happens.

Zhang Chen’s mother said that she understood. If he doesn’t come this evening, he will definitely come tomorrow. I told him.

When they were ready to leave, Zhang Chen's parents still wanted to see them off. This time Xiao Zhao didn't refuse. She knew it was useless to refuse, they would still come after them.

Zhang Chen's mother heard that both Xiao Zhao and her master liked to eat corn cakes, so she packed a lot of them this time and asked them to take them with them. Xiao Zhao decided to give them to Sister Guihua and Qu Tianlin.

Zhang Chen's mother and Xiao Zhao were walking shoulder to shoulder, whispering along the way. They were walking in front, and Zhang Chen's father and Zhang Chen were behind, walking more than ten steps away from them. The two of them walked silently, and no one could see them. Without speaking, among them was the bicycle pushed by Zhang Chen's father.

Zhang Chen arrived at Mr. Ni's place, and Mr. Ni told him the reason for the matter. He really did what Qu Tianlin said. After reading the picture album Zhang Chen designed for him, he felt that his factory, the whole picture of the factory on the first page, The aerial view was so shocking that I wanted to make a model and place it in the lobby of their office building.

This can be used not only for leaders and customers to visit, but also for employees of the company to see it every day, enhancing their sense of pride.

They had such an idea but didn't know how to do it. After asking Qu Tianlin, they found out that designer Zhang could do it, which was great.

"Mr. Ni, how big are you planning to make this sand table model?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The one placed in the hall is too small and lacks momentum. We are going to make it two meters by eight meters." Mr. Ni said.

Zhang Chen calculated in his mind that if it were this size, it should be about the same size as the one in Haicheng City Planning Bureau.

"Are you in a hurry?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'm not in a hurry." Mr. Ni said, "With such a large size, I think it's inconvenient to move it around. It needs to be done on site. My idea is to temporarily separate one side of the hall and use it as Designer Zhang's. How about the studio, designer Zhang’s food and accommodation, and the guest house in our factory can all be arranged, you can rest assured.”

Zhang Chen and Mr. Ni said that there was no problem with this, but they were in the middle and had to go to Sichuan for about ten days.

"There is no conflict with this." Mr. Ni said, "You can draw the drawings of the entire shelf first and write down the requirements. This way we can arrange people to do it, which will also take time. After you come back from Sichuan, we can officially start production. ”

Zhang Chen thought about it and it made sense. To make the eight-meter by two-meter sand table, the entire frame and the table, carpenters had to drill holes and wire wiring on it according to their own requirements, and there was also a transparent organic layer underneath. After the glass is finished, the painter will paint the outside of the entire frame. At this time, it will take almost ten days.

Zhang Chen was thinking about it in his mind. Although the entire factory was not small in scale, it would still look a little too monotonous if placed on a sand table of eight meters by two meters. This was no different than urban planning, which had so much content. Zhang Chen Chen Chen thought of the sand table in Haicheng Planning Bureau again, and he asked Mr. Ni:

"Mr. Ni, let me ask, will the scale of your company continue to expand?"

"Of course, we will build a factory to produce polyester yarn next. In this way, our company will realize the entire process from silk to cloth to printing and dyeing. It is right next to our current factory. When you come here, I didn’t see it, but we have already bought that piece of vacant land, one hundred and twenty acres.”

"If that's the case, Mr. Ni, I have a suggestion." Zhang Chen said, "Why can't we turn this sandbox model into an enterprise planning model and show the future of the entire enterprise in front of everyone? In this way... "

Mr. Ni's eyes lit up, he slapped the armrest of the sofa, and shouted: "Yes! Why didn't I think that when leaders and customers come to see it, they will know what the future of our company will look like? Even the introduction No introduction is needed, it’s clear at a glance. Haha, great, Designer Zhang, if I say your designer’s brain is great!”

Zhang Chen smiled humbly, thinking, I am not smart, it’s just that I have a lot of experience and have seen this thing before.

The next step was almost effortless. Mr. Ni came up with the price and conditions himself. Zhang Chen came here to make this sand table. All the required materials were purchased by them. Zhang Chen only needed to issue a purchase order. During the work period, Food and accommodation are arranged by the factory. The entire sand table production cost is 38,000 yuan, with 10% paid in advance and the rest paid in one lump sum after completion.

"What do you think of this condition, Designer Zhang?" asked Mr. Ni.

Zhang Chen roughly calculated that it would take more than a month to complete the entire sand table. In more than a month, the net profit would be 38,000 yuan. It should be said that Mr. Ni was already very interesting. Although Qu Tianlin asked herself to try her best to raise the price. , but Zhang Chen felt that he was really embarrassed and couldn't say this.

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you Mr. Ni!

Mr. Ni immediately called Director Li and asked him to draft a contract and asked the finance department to prepare the advance payment.

Zhang Chen and Mr. Ni signed the contract with their company and returned to Hangzhou with the advance payment and contract.

He made an appointment with Mr. Ni, who would first draw a drawing of the entire sand table and hand it over to the carpenter for production. He would also write a purchase order for the required materials, and their factory would arrange for someone to purchase them. After doing this, Zhang Chen himself would He can go to Sichuan. By the time he comes back from Sichuan, the entire framework and materials should be in place.

Thank you Tang Wei for your monthly vote! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading!

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