The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 457 Being Targeted

When they were about to get off work in the afternoon, Zhang Chen and Sister Guihua walked in almost at the same time. Xiao Zhao asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

"Come to pick you up from get off work." Zhang Chen said.

"Didn't you agree that I would go back by myself?"

Zhang Chen looked at Sister Guihua, smiled and said nothing. Sister Guihua looked at the two of them and said, "This little father, don't you trust this little mother?"

Xiao Zhao blushed, and Zhang Chen smiled shyly.

Sister Guihua said to them: "But don't be so nervous. The days are long. It's not a big deal to be pregnant and have a baby. When I gave birth to mine, I was cutting vegetables in the field the day before. When I got to the hospital, I just gurgled. After I gave birth, Hagen even laughed at me. Giving birth to a son was like a hen laying an egg.

"I'm in the same ward, and the delicate one refuses to move. When they get to the hospital, they become difficult patients. Don't worry, it's okay if you move a lot. Don't be afraid."

"Can I ride a bicycle?" Zhang Chen asked.

"What day will I not ride? At that time, I had to deliver vegetables to the vegetable market every day. My mother-in-law was selling them. Behind the bicycle were big and small baskets. People are like this. Take a rest when you feel tired. Don't hold on. , this is no different than usual, if people are not tired, then they can do whatever they want, it’s fine.”

"You still deliver food? What about Brother Haigen?" Zhang Chen asked.

"He rides a tricycle before dawn to deliver vegetables to the Sanliting Farmers' Wholesale Market. Aren't the prices of vegetables in this market higher than those in the wholesale market? My mother-in-law and I can't bear to do it. We have to go to the market every day to sell some. "

Zhang Chen understood and quickly said yes, thank you Sister Guihua.

The two of them rode across the Qingtai Overpass and bought vegetables at the market. When they got home, they took the vegetables to the pool in the yard. Zhang Chen refused to let Xiao Zhao wash the vegetables. Xiao Zhao said, "This little order of vegetables is nothing. I will mop the food in the morning." I don’t know how much I’ve washed and what I have. Come up quickly and do your work. Do this and that. You don’t have time to design your picture album. Go ahead and go.

Xiao Zhao pushed Zhang Chen upstairs. Zhang Chen had no choice but to go upstairs and continue working on his own.

Xiao Zhao washed the dishes and brought them out. One of them was preparing dinner, and the other was immersed in painting. Xiao Zhao came over, saw the pile of paintings on the table, and shouted, "What is this?"

"Our son, if you decide which one you like, we will stick him in the bed. If you look at him every day, you will definitely look like him when you are born."

Xiao Zhao was overjoyed. She picked and compared again and again, and finally chose three. She couldn't make up her mind, so she asked Zhang Chen: "Dear, I like all three of them, what should I do?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, let’s post them all. These are our son No. 1, son No. 2 and son No. 3. By the way, if you watch for a long time, will you give birth to triplets?

"What a beautiful idea!" Xiao Zhao scolded.

"Xiao Zhao! Zhang Chen!"

The landlord called downstairs, and Xiao Zhao hurriedly walked out. She was stunned for a moment. She saw the aunt who had been following them in the morning, standing next to the landlord. The landlord saw Xiao Zhao and waved to her:

"Xiao Zhao, you and Zhang Chen come down, I have something to tell you."

Xiao Zhao said yes.

Xiao Zhao returned to the room and told Zhang Chen that the aunt came here this morning and the landlord asked us to go down.

Zhang Chen was also surprised and thought, what could be wrong with this man and he is still so persistent?

He stood up full of doubts and went downstairs with Xiao Zhao.

When they arrived downstairs, the landlord let them into the front of the hall. The aunt kept staring at Xiao Zhao. After the four of them sat down, the landlord introduced that this was Sister Huang, the women's director of our village.

Zhang Chen quickly said hello to Sister Huang!

Sister Huang looked at Xiao Zhao and asked, are you pregnant?

Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen, and the two nodded together.

"When I saw it, I said, as soon as this woman passed in front of me, I would know if she was pregnant." Sister Huang said to the landlord brother.

The landlord smiled and said: "So clever?"

"That's right, I sell eggs. As soon as the eggs pass through my hands, I know if they are bad. Those bad eggs just feel uncomfortable in my hands."

"Lingge, Lingge, Sister Huang is half-fairy." The landlord said with a smile.

Sister Huang didn't smile, she had a serious look on her face. She looked at Xiao Zhao and made Xiao Zhao feel scared.

"Are you married?" Sister Huang asked.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both shook their heads.

"Have you ever been married before?"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were confused by the question and even shook their heads.

"How old are you two? Show me your ID cards."

Zhang Chen looked at the landlord, who nodded. Zhang Chen stood up and said, "It's upstairs. I'll go get it."

Zhang Chen ran upstairs, took two people's ID cards, came down, and handed them to Sister Huang. Sister Huang looked at them and said, "Oh, one is from Yongcheng, and you have an urban household registration? The other is from Sichuan, and you are from Sichuan. Agricultural household registration?”

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both nodded.

"Have you ever had a baby before?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "We are not married yet, how could we have children?"

"Then the registration was not registered, so you are still pregnant?" Sister Huang asked, and Zhang Chen was stunned by the question.

The landlord brother was standing by and quickly explained: "Sister Huang is in charge of family planning in our village."

Sister Huang returned the ID card to Zhang Chen and breathed a long sigh of relief. She said, "Fortunately, fortunately."

She turned back to the landlord and said, "I was shocked."

Neither Zhang Chen nor Xiao Zhao knew what she was referring to by being lucky, and they shocked her.

Looking at the two of them again, the expression on Sister Huang's face relaxed. She said to them: "I'm afraid that you came here to steal your life, and that would be troublesome."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao suddenly realized that no wonder she was keeping an eye on them.

Sister Huang continued: "I have seen your conditions. According to national regulations, you have reached the age for marriage and childbirth. There is only one formality missing. You must hurry up and complete the formalities. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome. In Hangzhou, No matter where you live outside the city, you will be investigated.

"When you get pregnant, it will be even more troublesome. The neighborhood committee where you work will check, where you live, and wherever you go. If you can't escape it, you will eventually give birth. It will be troublesome to go to the hospital without a birth certificate. , the fine will also punish you to death, young people, don’t be careless.”

"What procedures need to be completed?" Zhang Chen asked.

"First go to the place of residence of either of you to apply for a marriage certificate, and then use the marriage certificate to go to the local family planning office to apply for a birth certificate. Your conditions have met the birth policy, but you are pregnant out of wedlock, and you will still be fined. , it’s not much, just go find an acquaintance in the local area and pay a symbolic penalty.

"After you get these two, you will feel at ease. Come back and go to the maternal and child health station in Jianggan District to get the "Perinatal Health Care Booklet". This is also good for you. You can go for a pregnancy test every month. You also need to Get vaccinated against myelitis, polio, etc. This will also ensure that you can successfully give birth to a healthy baby."

Sister Huang spoke in one breath. Zhang Chen was a little confused. He asked: "My friends, they are pregnant and have given birth to children now. Why haven't you heard about this?"

"Where is your friend?"

"Hainan Island."

"Hainan Island, hum, Hainan Island! Didn't you see that sketch, "Supernatural Guerrilla", all the superhumans went to Hainan Island! One year I almost went to Hainan Island to arrest people."

Sister Huang continued: "This place is different from other places. In Hangzhou, the control is very strict. You can't hold it back. In Zhejiang, it is the same everywhere. We have a one-vote veto system for family planning. Do you know which one?" The place has become super-scientific, and all leaders in any place will have their hats removed. Or, why don't you go back to Hainan Island and give it a try?"

Xiao Zhao quickly said: "Okay, Sister Huang, we know, we must hurry up and do it. It will be done sooner or later anyway."

Hearing what Sister Huang said, both Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao understood that there was no way to escape. Besides, Sister Huang was right, it would be good for themselves and their children.

Sister Huang smiled and said: "Yes, this is the correct attitude. You must hurry up, I will keep an eye on you."

"When will this be done? Sister Huang, he has a job now and can't leave right now." Xiao Zhao pointed at Zhang Chen and said to Sister Huang.

"The sooner the better." Sister Huang said, "Turn around."

She asked Xiao Zhao to turn around, with her back to the landlord and Zhang Chen. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up, and then put her hand into Xiao Zhao's crotch. Xiao Zhao's face turned red instantly.

When she retracted her hand, Sister Huang asked Xiao Zhao: "Have you ever gone to the hospital for a checkup? It's been a month since you've been here."

Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen were shocked. How could her hand be so accurate? No wonder she said she could tell whether the eggs were good or bad as soon as they passed her hands.

Xiao Zhao's belly is just that smooth egg in her hand, right?

"In this way, you go back and complete all these procedures before the end of April, okay? The first pregnancy test is when you are three months pregnant. Before that, you have to get the "Perinatal Health Care Book"."

There is still more than a month left, so Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao should make an agreement quickly.

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