The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 45 Casting a Net to Fish

Secretary Liu took Liu Ligan into the chairman's office and explained his purpose to the chairman. The chairman took Liu Ligan's business card, looked at it and said:

"Talent Information Newspaper? Why have I never seen this newspaper before?"

"How could you have seen this newspaper? Chairman, this newspaper is not for people like you who need to recruit people, but for people looking for jobs. Although our newspaper is not well-known, it is Anyone who comes to Hainan Island to find a job has a must-read newspaper," Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, indeed, I did some shopping for a few days when I first came here." Secretary Liu said.

Liu Ligan gave the chairman a general introduction to the situation of the vacant land and the sales situation of the "Talent Information Newspaper".

"Will it be effective if we place an advertisement on this? Can it be compared with that, Haicheng Evening News?" the chairman asked doubtfully.

"Chairman, although this advertisement is widely advertised, different advertisements still have different target audiences. If you want to attract members now that the stadium has been built, and you want to post it here, I will advise you. You, go to "Haicheng Evening News", our readers are all those who have not yet found a job and have no enough food to eat. Who can afford to be your member?

"But now you are recruiting workers, so that's different. Compared with us, "Haicheng Evening News" is definitely more professional. Our daily print run is 100,000 copies. This print run is the same as "Haicheng Evening News" Evening News cannot compare, but our 100,000 copies are just 100,000 people looking for jobs. They don’t need to look for jobs. Who will buy our newspapers like Secretary Liu?"

Liu Ligan said, and the chairman nodded. He looked at Secretary Liu and said, "Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?"

Secretary Liu said: "He is right, it is indeed like this."

"The most important thing is that for three days of publishing in "Haicheng Evening News", you can publish it here for half a month. If you cast the net in this pond for half a month, not to mention fish, even shrimps will be caught. Come on, in the past half month, all the talents who come to Hainan will come to you." Liu Ligan said.

"Interesting, your metaphor is interesting." The chairman laughed, "I used to be a fisherman."

The chairman turned to Secretary Liu and said, "Then, let's try it here for half a month?"

Secretary Liu said yes.

After signing the contract and sending Liu Ligan out, Secretary Liu asked strangely: "Did you know that our chairman used to be a fisherman?"

"Of course, in the information you gave me, there was an introduction to the chairman's profile," Liu Ligan said.

"I understand." Secretary Liu pursed his lips and smiled.

Half a month later, and it was an advertisement on a quarter page of the banner. Liu Ligan returned to the newspaper office with this big order, which immediately caused a sensation. The leader next door also ran over. When he saw Liu Ligan, he shouted, "Yes." No, no, young man, I knew you would be successful, so work hard!

Liu Ligan continued to wash the building every day. Two units that he had contacted before detained him and asked him to go over. Liu Ligan successfully obtained two contracts from them. At this point, Liu Ligan realized Come on, my hard work some time ago is now starting to pay off.

Zhang Chen was right. There is no demand today, but maybe there will be demand in a while. It seems that as long as you give time, the results of this building cleaning will slowly show up. This makes Liu Ligan very encouraged. I am even more motivated to wash the building.

When Liu Ligan sent another contract to the agency, the staff laughed when they saw him and said to him, "Are you sending another contract?" The leader lets you pass.

"What's the matter?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Good thing." The staff member smiled mysteriously.

Liu Ligan went next door, and the leader asked him to sit down and said to him: "Xiao Liu, based on your performance during this period, we have studied your performance and submitted it to the newspaper leader for approval, and decided to recruit you as a formal employee of our newspaper's advertising department. what do you think?"

Liu Ligan didn't react for a moment and asked: "What's the difference between this official person and now? Will you take a business card from now on and never ask me for money again?"

The leader laughed loudly and said to him: "Do you still remember this? Not only are the business cards free of charge, but your name will also be officially printed on the business card, so you don't have to write it by hand."

When Liu Ligan heard this, he became excited and exclaimed: "This is really good."

Liu Ligan washes the building every day. The more frequently he washes, the heavier the burden is on Zhang Chen. He spends several hours every day writing business cards to him. Now Zhang Chen has to work himself and basically has to work overtime every day. Liu Ligan was worried about how to solve the problem of writing business cards, but unexpectedly his leader helped him solve it.

The leader looked at him and said with a smile: "Is this all you want?"

"Are there any benefits?" Liu Ligan was puzzled.

"When you become a formal employee, we will pay you wages and benefits every month, just like you did in your original unit." The leader said, "Also, when your working period is up, we will also assign you Housing, of course, is two or three years away.”

"Really?" Liu Ligan was overjoyed, "But my old work unit couldn't pay wages for several months."

"Haha." The leader laughed, "Don't worry, our salary is still guaranteed here, but what about bonuses? In addition to perfect attendance bonus, everything else depends on your own efforts. Everyone in the advertising department has monthly task quotas , only when the tasks are completed will there be performance bonuses.”

"Then I will definitely complete it. It's so embarrassing if I can't even complete the task." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, okay, I know what you will say, Xiao Liu, I have given you my guarantee to recruit you, so don't embarrass me."

"Don't worry, leader, I promise to give you a good face."

"Okay, I believe you, then go next door and let Xiao Ren take you to the HR department to go through the formal entry procedures." The leader said.

Xiao Ren was the staff member next door. When Liu Ligan walked to the next door, he smiled and said, "Did the leader tell you?"

Liu Ligan said it.

"Let's go, then I will take you to go through the formalities. From today on, we are colleagues." Xiao Ren said.

"Thank you, senior brother!" Liu Ligan said quickly.

After completing the formalities and going downstairs, Liu Ligan looked around and looked at the courtyard of the Labor Bureau. He felt very friendly and thought that from now on, this will be my new workplace. From this day on, I, Liu Ligan, will be here. I have officially become an employee of the advertising department of "Talent Information News". Wherever I go, I can confidently tell others that I am a reporter of "Talent Information News".

After leaving the newspaper office, Liu Ligan immediately called and told Zhang Chen the good news. He said to Zhang Chen, be serious, you are now on the phone with the serious reporter Liu.

"Okay, I'm very serious." Zhang Chen shouted, "Great, you finally got through it!"

"You have made it through, you don't need to write a business card for me anymore. I, Liu Ligan, now have an official business card." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, that's more happiness. I'll go home early in the evening. I also said hello to the boss. Today Lily is back. Let's celebrate." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay!" Liu Ligan said, "Let's go eat the most delicious water spinach and eggplant stew in China."

"No, Lily said, we will go to Tailong City for dinner in the evening." Zhang Chen said.

After talking to Zhang Chen on the phone, Liu Ligan rushed to the post and telecommunications office and tried to call Tan Shuzhen's home. He thought, since the troupe was like that and he was not in Yongcheng, Tan Shuzhen would definitely be at home. The phone was connected and the microphone The voice of Tan Shuzhen's mother came from the phone. Liu Lizhan shuddered and quickly hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan stood and thought for a while. He walked to the counter, bought a postcard with the coconut grove scenery in the eastern suburbs on the back, and wrote, "I have now become a reporter for the Talent Information Newspaper."

He threw the postcard into the mailbox, knowing that when this postcard arrived at the troupe, not only Tan Shuzhen would see it, but many other people would see it. This postcard would definitely cause a commotion in Gaohang.

Thinking of this, Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing proudly.

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