The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 442 There is a fight below

The three of them sat and ate for a while, when the sound of a quarrel came from not far downstairs, as well as the voice of the shop owner trying to persuade them to make peace. It was not this shop, but two or three shops away from this shop.

The quarrel was getting louder and louder, and more and more people were participating. It was so noisy that I couldn't hear what they were arguing about.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu's face did not change at all. He continued to eat and drink. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu, "Were there a quarrel down there?"

Xiao Wu shook his chopsticks twice and said to Zhang Chen: "Don't worry about him, it's like this every day here. They all say that Haicheng is in chaos. Brother Chen, what's the chaos in Haicheng? I think Yongcheng is worse than There’s a lot of chaos in Haicheng.”

"Aren't you going to take care of it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I can't take care of it, and I'm too lazy to take care of it." Xiao Wu said, "Both parties must know each other after we go down. Who do you think I can help? It's getting harder and harder to deal with now. Wait until they fight and fight to get a few of them in. The hospital will tell me that they will come to me then to help them coordinate and see what happens to the medical expenses."

Xiao Wu sighed as he spoke. He looked at Zhang Chen and smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, I was wise enough to hide above. Otherwise, if people knew I was drinking here, I wouldn't be able to drink any more of this wine."

Only then did Zhang Chen suddenly realize that Xiao Wu’s presence upstairs had such a meaning.

The noise down there was getting louder and louder. Two groups of people were already fighting. There were sounds of wine bottles, tables and chairs hitting the ground, and women's screams.

"Is Yongcheng so chaotic now?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's chaos, it's chaos. Brother Chen, you don't know. The old man can still manage it, but now there are those little Siths who have just left school, and their hair has not even grown, and they have come to join the society. These little Siths don't play according to the rules. , it’s all those Hong Kong video tapes that have ruined it.

"You said that we used to have conflicts in places like this. We would fight in groups, and we would arrange to go to a school playground where no one was around. The two sides would fight, and there would be routines. At the beginning, it was all old boxing. You Tiangang and I Hong. Then it was Sanda plus boxing, and the loser would admit defeat, and everyone would honestly compete with each other to win or lose based on their true abilities, right?"

Zhang Chen nodded. He remembered the martial arts competition between Xiao Wu and Azheng in Haicheng. It was really like this. Xiao Wu was not arrogant when he won, and Azheng was convinced when he lost. If you are not convinced, then Just keep practicing, and when you're done, come back and make a date.

"These little Siths are no longer like this at all." Xiao Wu said, "Those who don't have enough strength dare to call themselves big brothers. What do they compare to? To compare with cruelty, not with fists and feet. They will use knives and guns when they come up."

"Is there anyone using guns?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, you should have seen that old man Jiang from Wujiapi Winery. Just last month, he had his two kneecaps shattered by these little Sith with a wild boar blunderbuss. You damn man?" Damn it, how much hatred do you think you have to ruin someone's life like this? The little Sith who fired the gun escaped, and now the old school and us are looking for him."

"That's really different." Zhang Chen sighed.

"Yes, these little Sis don't dare to come in the open. Even if you come in the open, even with a knife, I'm not afraid of you. They will come in secret. You are walking on the street, following you, and suddenly they come up and stab you. , they all do this kind of thing, and they have no sense of morality at all.”

Xiao Wu said with a somewhat lonely tone. Zhang Chen asked worriedly: "Have you ever been threatened like this?"

"I don't think they dare to touch me yet. If they dare to touch me, they should stop messing around in Yongcheng. If they really do it, even the monks won't be able to escape from the temple. However, several of my men have been tricked in this way." Wu said.

The sound of police sirens sounded below, and Xiao Wu shouted: "Fuck, the old school is here again."

He stood up, pushed open the window, leaned out and looked outside. As he watched, his expression changed, he yelled "Holy shit!" and ran downstairs.

Zhang Chen stood up and looked down. He saw Xiao Wu running towards the side of the fight. A police car and two police tricycles had just left there.

"Dear, what's wrong?" Xiao Zhao asked from behind.

Zhang Chen watched for a long time but didn't see anything. The people surrounding him were dispersing. Zhang Chen closed the window and sat down again.

There was a rushing sound on the stairs, and Xiao Wu ran up from downstairs. He said to Zhang Chen, "It's Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin was taken away by the old school!"

Zhang Chen said "Ah", Xiao Jin is also a martial arts student in their troupe, and has been following Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu said to them: "Brother Chen and sister-in-law, you continue to eat. I have to leave first and go to the police station."

Zhang Chen quickly stood up and shouted, "I'll go with you."

Xiao Wu pressed him down and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I can handle it. Don't get involved in this kind of thing. I've already sent someone to call Uncle Gui. At the worst, let the work unit protect him."

"Is everything really okay?"

"It's okay. It's not the first time. I'm familiar with the old school. You guys continue to eat. Once you're done, go home."

Xiao Wu said, looked at Xiao Zhao, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, look at Brother Chen. He likes to meddle in other people's business. This is not something he can do."

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "Okay."

Xiao Wu said and walked out. When they got downstairs, they heard Xiao Wu and the boss say: "This is my eldest brother up there. You must not accept money, do you understand? I will settle the payment tomorrow."

The boss quickly said, "It's all right, don't worry."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao continued to eat for more than twenty minutes. Zhang Chen still felt uneasy, so he said we should go over and take a look.

"Didn't Xiao Wu tell you to leave it alone?" Xiao Zhao said.

"We just went to take a look and didn't do anything else," Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao said okay, let’s go.

The two people rode bicycles and arrived at the police station. The iron gate of the police station was closed, and only one light was on in the yard. The police car and three-wheeler just now were parked in the yard. The police car was also dark. There were offices on the third floor inside. There was a curtain made of cotton blankets hanging at the door of the building, and there was a faint light coming out. The two people stood and listened, but there was no movement inside.

"Could it be here?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen said no. There are only two police stations in Yongcheng, and one is outside the county. If the police are to be dispatched, it must be from the police station here.

Zhang Chen grabbed the iron gate and shook it with his hand. After a while, the curtain opened and a policeman walked out. He stood there and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Master, let me ask, are the people who fought just now inside?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"The unit took it away. It's winter. We'll deal with it tomorrow."

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that Xiao Wu was right. It seemed that he had gone through the entire process, and Feng Laogui, at least on this point, did something interesting. His deputy The leader still responded to Xiao Wu and Xiao Jin's requests.

The two of them were riding home. Zhang Chen thought about it while riding on the road. It wasn't Feng Laogui who responded to every request, but behind him, there was Tan Shuzhen. Heart.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. Xiao Zhao asked, why are you laughing?

"Nothing." Zhang Chen said.

When Zhang Chen and the others got home, it was already past eleven o'clock. Zhang Chen's father had already gone to bed, but his mother was still sitting there. Xiao Zhao quickly said, "Mom, we are back."

Zhang Chenqi said: "Why are you still not sleeping? Go to bed quickly, we have to go to bed after taking a shower."

"Xiao Zhao sleeps with me and lets your dad sleep with you." Zhang Chen's mother said.

"What?" Zhang Chen asked.

"This hasn't even happened yet."

"Oh, you're not so feudal, are you? You care so much?" Zhang Chen shouted.

Xiao Zhao quickly said: "Don't be nagging, I will sleep with my mother, and I also want to sleep with my mother."

Zhang Chen's mother stood up, pushed open her door, and shouted inside: "Go, you go and sleep with Chen Chen."

Zhang Chen's father, wearing autumn clothes and long trousers, came out of the room holding his own pillow. He hissed and ran into Zhang Chen's room. He even cursed, "Why are you so crazy!"

Zhang Chen laughed loudly.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao squeezed into the very narrow bathroom to wash up. While washing, the two secretly laughed and hugged each other and kissed for a while. Xiao Zhao lowered his voice and told Zhang Chen that he would sleep tonight. Come on, don't hug me randomly.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Then my dad will be flattered."

Xiao Zhao chuckled.

"Have you washed it yet?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"It's washed."

"Wash up and get out quickly, I need to pee."

"Fuck, are you so serious today?"

Zhang Chen cursed, meaning that when they were at Sanbao's house, Xiao Zhao got up in the middle of the night and urinated in the spittoon behind the door. There was no way to avoid it. Every time Xiao Zhao didn't look at him and smile while peeing, and said to him, Turn around, turn around, turn your head away.

Zhang Chen never turned his head away, and Xiao Zhao never had hope.

Xiao Zhao opened the bathroom door, pushed Zhang Chen out, closed the door, and inserted the latch.

Zhang Chen returned to his room and saw that his father had fallen asleep on the other side of the bed.

Zhang Chen also climbed into bed.

Neither of them spoke. After a while, Zhang Chen's father asked, "Have you and Lily broken up?"

"It's divided." Zhang Chen said.

"Xiao Zhao, please be kind to others." After a while, his father said again: "Lily, you are a bit contemptuous of others."

Zhang Chen felt speechless. After several years of relationship, dad, you just helped me get rid of it with just one sentence?

But what if it doesn’t?

Zhang Chen sighed secretly and said, "Did I turn off the light?"

The father behind his feet did not answer, he had fallen asleep.

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