The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 436 Meal delivery service that arrives on time

At 6:40 in the morning, Sister Guihua came to take over. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao went to the noodle shop to eat noodles and packed two bowls of noodles in lunch boxes so that they didn't have to order at noon.

The two of them returned to Wanghu Hotel. It was only half past seven and they decided to take a nap. They spent the whole night crowded on the single bed in the duty room. The corridor outside was full of people sleeping. The two of them did not dare to move. Feeling very depressed, Xiao Zhao finally took care of Zhang Chen when he got here.

Xiao Zhao was tired, but Zhang Chen was no longer sleepy. He asked Xiao Zhao to continue sleeping while he got up to work.

Xiao Zhao slept deeply this time. When he woke up, it was already eleven o'clock. Looking to the side, Zhang Chen fell asleep at some point and slept soundly.

Xiao Zhao kissed him and got up quietly. She walked to the table and took a look. Zhang Chen had completed another rendering. It was of the corridor, dark and dark, like a place where a horror movie was filmed. Xiao Zhao couldn't help but frown. Although Zhang Chen told her that the Taiwanese boss liked this style, Xiao Zhao was still worried and felt that it was not high-end or fashionable at all.

Will the Taiwanese boss really like it?

Xiao Zhao looked at the sleeping Zhang Chen and sighed softly.

Xiao Zhao walked into the bathroom, took a shower, dried herself, and then returned to the room in her nightgown. She took the lunch box on the table and prepared to ask Zhang Chen to get up for lunch, but she was worried. This was not the place. There was no brazier in the duty room of the unit, and the noodles in the lunch box were already cold. Why didn't they think of this when they packed them in the morning?

Xiao Zhao walked around the room and came up with an idea. She plugged the sink in the bathroom, put in hot water, and then put the lunch box into the hot water.

After five or six minutes, Xiao Zhao went back and took a look. She was disappointed. She saw that the noodles in the lunch box were only surrounded by a layer of oil and were still cold. What should she do?

Xiao Zhao tested the water in the sink with her hands and found that it was no longer hot. She drained the water, added hot water again, and put the lunch box back.

She glanced at the edge of the sink, and her eyes lit up. She saw the hair dryer installed on the wall. She thought, use hot water to scald the bottom and blow the hot air from the hair dryer. Wouldn't it be possible to heat the noodles?

She quickly picked up the hair dryer and just blew it twice when she heard the doorbell ring.

Xiao Zhao lowered her head and looked at her nightgown. It was all tightly wrapped. Then she walked out of the bathroom and opened the door.

There was a waiter standing at the door, pushing a dining cart. When he saw Xiao Zhao, he said to her: "Miss, food delivery service."

Xiao Zhao was surprised. She said, "We didn't order any food?"

"Oh, Boss Liu ordered it for you. He said that just eating noodles and egg fried rice is not nutritious enough."

Boss Liu really has a lot to take care of, but if he is willing to spend money to take care of it, you can't do anything about it, right?


The waiter called again and looked at Xiao Zhao with questioning eyes. Xiao Zhao came to his senses and quickly opened the door completely and stepped aside.

The waiter pushed the dining cart to the side of the coffee table and parked it. Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen on the bed and asked, "Can I sign the order for him?"

"No need, this will be signed by Boss Liu. I wish you a pleasant meal!"

"Okay, thank you!"

The door closed behind the waiter, and Xiao Zhao opened the lids on each plate. On the dining cart, there was a portion of squirrel mandarin fish, a portion of Longjing shrimp, a portion of sweet and sour pork loin, a portion of boiled kale, and a hot pot of West Lake water shield. Soup and a pot of rice.

Xiao Zhao lay down next to Zhang Chen's ear and shouted: "Honey, get up and eat."

Zhang Chen opened his eyes and smelled the aroma of the food. He sniffed, sat up and looked around. When he saw the food on the dining cart, he asked Xiao Zhao: "What did you order?"

"How dare I." Xiao Zhao said, "Boss Liu ordered it and asked for it to be delivered. Let me tell you, he even knew that we only ate noodles and egg fried rice last night."

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. He thought that Boss Liu, who said he didn't care about him, was actually keeping an eye on him in all directions. He just wanted to make himself comfortable, concentrate on peace of mind, and come up with the plan as soon as possible. He was really well-intentioned. bitter.

Zhang Chen thought of another thing and asked, "Why did I get to the bed? I remember that I was sitting there working."

"How do I know you, you skinny follower?" Xiao Zhao said with an angry smile, "Get up quickly, the food is going to be cold."

They stayed in the hotel for five days. Every meal was served to them by a waiter. There was also a midnight snack at ten o'clock in the evening. Boss Liu ordered it for them. Boss Liu must have known about it. , these two are sensible people, if you let them do it by themselves, they will only order the cheapest.

Xiao Zhao worked another night shift, and Zhang Chen went to sleep with her for the night. Zhang Chen felt that he was not joking. If Xiao Zhao was not around, if he didn't hold her and smell her cool fragrance, he would be I really won't be able to sleep.

Xiao Zhao switched to the morning shift, so she no longer needed Zhang Chen to pick her up. However, Zhang Chen would still deliver food to her at noon, but he would come back immediately after delivering it. He had to continue working and go to the construction site.

Xiao Zhao laughed at him, "You are in the old society and you don't want to stay for a moment." But when Zhang Chen wanted to stay a little longer, she would urge him, "Go quickly, go quickly. I will eat Boss Liu's food one meal after another." Why do I feel the pressure is increasing?

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Why are you so stressed? It should be me who is stressed."

Xiao Zhao sighed. What she didn't tell Zhang Chen was that no matter how she looked at it, she felt that the things Zhang Chen designed this time were not fashionable or high-end. What was going on?

The things he originally designed were so foreign and high-end. She didn't know how many people were amazed in the lobby of Wanghai Tower, but now, this time...

Xiao Zhao was always worried that he might screw up this time, and that boss Liu was really just delivering food to them every day. I heard that he also lived in Wanghu Hotel, so why didn't he come over and have a look? If he had come earlier, See, wouldn’t it be enough to stop Zhang Chen earlier and let him redesign it?

Alas, these strange men.

During this period, Zhang Chen thought that his remittance slip should have arrived home, so he used the phone in his room to call the communication room downstairs. After a while, his mother's voice came from the phone. .

When his mother heard it was Zhang Chen, she almost cried. She lowered her voice and asked anxiously:

"Son, where are you? That Xiao Wu comes to your house every two days. Your father and I thought something had happened to you. When we asked him, he said it was fine and he just came to take a look. It's good. There is coal in the house now. He brought the bread and rice over, but the coal cakes were piled in the corridor and at the corner of the stairs. They couldn't burn them all in three months. Son, is there something wrong with you?"

Zhang Chen quickly smiled and said, it's okay, it's okay, I'm in Hangzhou now.

"You're in Hangzhou, so why don't you go home?"

"There's a lot of work to do here."

"Oh, oh, oh."

"By the way, Mom, I have a remittance order. Has it arrived?"

"You still said that!" Mom lowered her voice and asked, "Where did you get so much money?"

Zhang Chen didn't bother to explain, so he said: "I used the money from my work to buy things in Hangzhou."

Mom was relieved. She told Zhang Chen that the remittance order had arrived a long time ago. By the way, the post office also left a phone number, asking you to call them before picking it up.

Mom told her the phone number of the post office, Zhang Chen repeated it, Xiao Zhao wrote it down on the side, Zhang Chen told his mother that he would go back in the next two days, and then hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen then called the post office and gave his name. The people at the post office immediately knew who he was and said to him, Master Zhang, we asked you to contact us by phone because we want to tell you that if you When you decide when to withdraw money, you must inform us one day in advance so that we can prepare.

"You also know, Master Zhang, our post office does not always have so much money." The other party said.

Xiao Zhao was listening. She took the microphone and asked: "Master, I want to ask, if we don't take it, we can open a postal savings account with you and transfer the money to the account. Is that possible?"

"Really, that's great!" the other party shouted, "Of course it's okay. When will you do it?"

"I don't know about this yet, just these two days." Xiao Zhao said, "By the way, let me ask again, if we deposit this money, can we pick it up in Hangzhou if we return to Hangzhou?"

"Of course you can. Our Yongcheng belongs to the Hangcheng area. In Hangcheng, you can pick it up at any post office."

"Okay, thank you."

"Master, my surname is Wang. You can call me Xiao Wang. I wonder if you can let me help you with this business. Make a call before you come. Whether I go to work or not, I will be here waiting for you."

"Okay, no problem."

"Great, thank you, master. Please note my home phone number. If I'm not at home, just tell my family and tell them when you can come."

Xiao Zhao said yes and she wrote down the other party's phone number.

The other party said thank you repeatedly and hung up the phone. Of course she was happy. With such a large deposit, her deposit collection business for this quarter was completed.

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