The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 430 I will try my best to forget you

The two of them were lying there. Zheng Wei looked around at the dark surroundings and said to Liu Ligan, "This place is nice."

Liu Ligan almost laughed out loud. He asked, "Is this a compliment, a joke, or just a pretense?"

"Of course it's a compliment." Zheng Wei chuckled, "This place is a little different from your Mr. Liu status, but it's quite comfortable."

Liu Ligan said yes, I'm used to living here and don't want to change. I'm used to the landlord, the neighbors, the food on the street here, and I'm even used to the bad guys here. If I come back from get off work every day, I'm not used to not being able to see them.

"I understand, people just like to live in the stratosphere." Zheng Wei said.

"You are swearing without using curse words. What you mean is that I am the same as those bad guys."

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself." Zheng Wei rubbed his face against Liu Ligan's face and laughed: "But your temperament fits here well."

"You just want to laugh at me as a working people."

"No way, I mean you are down-to-earth. You are not the kind of person who insists on discipline every day. Ever since I was a child, I have seen such people in my life. I hate them so much." Zheng Wei was annoyed. He said, "Damn it, that's probably how I'm attracted to you. There's something about you that I think is very charming."

"Okay, this sounds like praise." Liu Ligan smiled.

"It's just a compliment, otherwise how would I like you?"

The two then hugged, kissed, and did what they should do.

"Thank you!" Zheng Wei and Liu Ligan said.

"Thank me for what?" Liu Ligan asked confusedly.

"I have always been repelled by this kind of thing. I really didn't expect it to be so beautiful and make people look forward to it." Zheng Wei said, "I haven't had more than one day in a year. I used to be able to hide." Just hide, really."

"Maybe it's because he's the wrong person. You don't like him?"

Zheng Wei nodded and said thoughtfully: "That may be the case. Sometimes when he touches me, I will avoid it and think rationally that I shouldn't be like this."

Liu Ligan was surprised. He asked, "Why would you marry him if you don't like him?"

"Do you think I have a choice?" Zheng Wei's face darkened, and she said, "In your opinion, people like us are probably very majestic, impressive, and even a little mysterious, right?"

"Isn't that so, prince and princess?"

"Bullshit! Well, I admit that in a sense, it may be that when you go out, you meet people who flatter you everywhere, but you know clearly in your heart that people are like this not because of you, but because of you. It's your family, so isn't that boring? You feel like you're just a puppet of your family.

"From childhood to adulthood, which elementary school I went to, which class I went to, then middle school, then college and work, were all arranged by my family. I had no freedom to choose by myself, including falling in love and getting married. We all In inbreeding, there are only two options, either the children of comrades or colleagues, or the children of old leaders.

“Nowadays, when we often have meetings, haha, everyone on the stage and off the stage are all relatives.

"This is my stratosphere. Damn it, it's just another Huang Jianren. So when I saw Huang Jianren, I very much hoped that he would be an anomaly. I could challenge him and have a different result. But in the end, ,still the same."

"I don't believe it. There are so many of you, so you have no other choice?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, there are some who are married or married to workers. They are from my brother and sister's generation. My sister-in-law is a textile worker. At that time, the old men themselves were being beaten down and were being re-educated below. How could they not agree to it? With my consent, there will be no such thing anymore, don’t even think about it, there is no way.”

"Do you know how my sister-in-law is doing now? In that big family, she is like an old woman. Anyone can control her. Even her family members dare not come to the door. I can't stand it." Zheng Wei sneered.

"What does he do?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Who?...Oh, in Europe, the third secretary of the embassy, ​​and the families on both sides want me to go out as a family member this year. Do you understand, this is the reason, I really don't want to go out, what are I going to do? We meet two people a year It’s too many times, but we still have to be together every day, isn’t that disgusting?”

The two people were talking, and it was already dawn outside. Zheng Wei fell down and said, "I'm sleepy and tired. Let's go to sleep."

"Hug me." Zheng Wei said softly.

Liu Ligan hugged her, and Zheng Wei curled up in Liu Ligan's arms and fell asleep quickly.

The sound of car horns downstairs woke them up. Zheng Wei looked at Liu Ligan and asked, is it Wu Zhaohui who came to pick you up?

Liu Lipole nodded.

"Don't go, stay here with me."

Liu Ligan said yes. He walked to the corridor outside and waved to Wu Zhaohui below. When Wu Zhaohui got out of the car, Liu Ligan told him that he was not feeling well today and wanted to take a day off. You should go to the company.

Wu Zhaohui turned around, got in the car, and drove away.

Liu Ligan finally completed his first day of absence from work in Haicheng.

Liu Ligan returned to the room and saw Zheng Wei had already gotten up and sat on the sofa outside. Zheng Wei looked at him and said, I will not go to the company, and you should not tell other people in the company that I am back.

Liu Ligan said yes, and he smiled and said, "When are you going to make your debut?"

Zheng Wei looked directly at Liu Ligan without saying a word. She saw Liu Ligan's heart trembling and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zheng Wei said slowly: "What would you think if I said I would never go to the company again?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I know why I have been thinking about coming to Haicheng since I am in Beijing. I lied to myself and said it was because the work here has not been handed over yet. In fact, it is not. I know now."

"what do you know?"

"The thing I can't let go of the most in Haicheng is actually you. Don't kid yourself. I came to Haicheng just to see you."

Liu Ligan wanted to go over and hug her, but Zheng Wei stretched out his hand and made a stop motion. She said, "You stand there and move your hands and feet when you get close. You can't even speak properly."

Liu Ligan stood there, smiling playfully: "Okay, let's talk."

Zheng Wei nodded: "Thank you for piercing the window paper, otherwise, I don't know if I would go back to Beijing with regrets and ask you something."

"What's up?"

"Do you think the longing between a man and a woman will never end before they share a bed?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"I think so. I'm very satisfied now, so thank you!"

"A bit of a gangster."

"Hey, I mean seriously, we are all adults, don't you think we can discuss this seriously?"

Liu Ligan thought for a moment, then he chuckled: "I don't like thinking, I just like doing."

Zheng Wei sighed and said, "Okay, I admit that I like it now, but that doesn't stop us from discussing the problem."

"Are you tired then?"

"I'm not tired. At least I know what I want. I don't want to leave any regrets."

Liu Lizhan heard something in her words, and his heart trembled, and he asked: "What do you mean?"

"I have thought about it carefully and decided to return to Beijing tomorrow." Zheng Wei looked at Liu Ligan and said.


Liu Ligan felt extremely annoyed. The last time he said this to him was Liu Yun. They came to him all because they wanted to tell him, do they want to leave tomorrow?

Liu Ligan thought that the last time he told him that he was leaving tomorrow was Huang Meili, although not here, but in Guoshang's room.

Damn it, is Haicheng unable to keep a woman he likes, or is he unable to keep her?

"I can't keep it." Zheng Wei said seriously.

"Then what if I don't let you go?" Liu Ligan said.

"Don't be stupid, you can't keep me." Zheng Wei smiled bitterly, "If they find out that I left Beijing and came to Hainan, it will be a big deal. Not only you, but also our bank president will be in trouble. Huang Jianren's You have seen it once, and this time it will only be more spectacular."

"I do not care."

"Don't be stupid."

"I do not care."

"Don't be stupid, unless we hide in Wuzhishan to be savages and forget about everything else, but to be honest, I can't stand that kind of suffering." Zheng Wei paused and continued: "That's it, I I don’t know if they will find me.”

Liu Ligan stood there, and Zheng Wei stretched out his hand: "Come here."

Liu Ligan stood still, and Zheng Wei called out: "Dear, come here."

Liu Ligan walked over. Zheng Wei took his hand and pulled him over. The two of them hugged each other. Zheng Wei said to him: "We still have more than twenty hours, so stay with me, okay?" ?”

Liu Ligan nodded, and Zheng Wei started to cry: "I really want to be with you, but this is impossible. After today, just forget about me."

"I can't forget it," Liu Ligan said.

"I don't believe that there is no one in this world who can't be forgotten. I will try my best to forget you." Zheng Wei kept crying. "Otherwise, I tell you, there is no way to continue this life."

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