The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 423 Waiting for chicken feathers

Anyway, the manager is not here today, so everyone in the office gathered here to warm themselves by the fire. It is freezing. Who wants to sit in front of a cold table, facing the cold glass tabletop on the table, although there are also glass tabletops for others. , it can be heated by plugging it in, but it only warms the hands, and the feet are still cold.

There are men and women huddled here to warm themselves by the fire.

The sofa was already occupied, and even the coffee table was pulled away, with two people sitting on it. Zhang Chen stood aside, with nowhere to sit and nowhere to go.

It was too embarrassing to just stand aside like this, so Zhang Chen had no choice but to stand in front of the newspaper rack, pick up the newspaper folder of "Qianjiang Evening News", and kept flipping through it, deliberately pretending to read the newspaper, but in fact he didn't read a word of it. , thinking anxiously in his heart, when will that bastard Ji Feo come?

After ten o'clock, Ji Feo finally walked in from the door. As soon as he saw Zhang Chen, he shouted:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were waiting for me here. It's so cold. Let's warm up first."

Ji Fei squeezed into the crowd and cooked for a while. He looked up and saw that Zhang Chen was still standing in front of the newspaper stand reading the newspaper, so he shouted to Zhang Chen:

"Hey, whoever it is, it's almost time for lunch, or we can go there in the afternoon."

Zhong Yaqiong scolded: "Ji Feo, don't go too far. I've been here since eight o'clock and have been waiting for you all morning."

Others also cursed, Jifei, if you don’t go, the Taiwanese will come looking for you again.

After hearing these words, Ji Feo stood up and walked to Zhang Chen, patted his shoulder and said, let's go.

The two people walked into the yard. The snow had stopped at this time. Ji Feo asked Zhang Chen, "How did you get here?"

"Ride a bike."

"Great, then you take me."

Zhang Chen took Ji Feo to the end of Baochu Road near the West Lake. He turned right and entered from the next lane behind the Provincial Tourism Bureau. After riding uphill for twenty or thirty meters, he saw a cement door opening on the right hand side. Inside the door opening With the light on, Ji Feo and Zhang Chen said, here we are.


Zhang Chen pointed to the doorway and asked. He looked to the left and right. There were no other buildings. There was an alley across from the doorway. There was a two- or three-story Gaofang. Above the Gaofang were the Provincial Tourism Bureau, the Provincial China Travel Service, and the Provincial China Travel Service. , Zhang Chen saw that this doorway should be the exit of an air-raid shelter buried under Baoshi Mountain.

This air-raid shelter is not part of the city's civil air defense project. During the "anti-imperialist anti-repair" period in the late 1960s and early 1970s, a vigorous mass movement to dig air-raid shelters was launched across the country. Almost every household was mobilized and everyone participated in the war.

This was one of the hundreds of air-raid shelters dug by the people in Hangzhou at that time. It had long been abandoned. Unexpectedly, the Taiwanese boss took a fancy to this place and wanted to transform the air-raid shelter into the "Liuxia Song and Dance Hall".

Ji Feo and Zhang Chen said that this air-raid shelter also has an exit on Baochu Road. Our bureau has approved that it change the exit to Baochu Road. The public flower bed at the door will be used as a parking lot for them.

The two people walked in through the door, and there was a long passage inside. On both sides of the passage, there were small rooms of more than ten or twenty square meters. The air-raid shelter was filled with smoke, and the two people almost choked and escaped.

Hearing their coughs, many people came out of the small room on the side. When they saw the chicken feathers, some people cursed:

"Jifei, we've stopped working for three days. How the hell are you going to get our wages?"

"If you can't find me, you can find him if you have something to do." Ji Feo pointed at Zhang Chen and said to those people, "He is your new leader. If you have any requests, just tell him."

"Then let's make it clear, do you want to do the work here? If not, we're leaving." Someone said angrily.

"Of course I'll do it. If I don't, why will I send you a leader?" Ji Fei replied loudly.

Zhang Chen sniffed and hurriedly took a few steps forward. He found that the smoke was coming from two small rooms on the side. It turned out that the workers had nothing to do and the weather was cold, so they took some scraps of boards. material, two fires were lit inside.

Zhang Chen quickly shouted: "Quickly put out the fire."

"What are you doing? This is a cave. There is nothing to burn except stones. What are you afraid of?" someone said nonchalantly.

"Nonsense." Zhang Chen scolded, "If you do this for a long time, you will become deprived of oxygen and you will get carbon dioxide poisoning."

"So what?"

"How?" Zhang Chen shouted, "By the time you feel dizzy and want to stand up and escape, your limbs are already weak and you can't even stand up. There is no time to escape."

As soon as Zhang Chen said this, everyone was startled, and someone shouted: "Mom, no wonder I feel so dizzy."

When he shouted, everyone said they had the same feeling. Zhang Chen said: "That's a slight poisoning. The fire is almost extinguished, so people should go outside and breathe a dozen minutes of fresh air before coming in."

Someone immediately pulled a rubber water pipe. Zhang Chen took it and told him to open the faucet and get out.

Zhang Chen knew that when the fire went out, the most oxygen would evaporate.

Zhang Chen took the water pipe and put out both fires, and then he and Ji Feo walked out. Ji Feo was also frightened and cursed, "What the fuck, this old Ying doesn't even know how to explain this. I really want to do this." A few people are suffocated here, what do you think will happen to us?

"This is a responsible accident, and the person responsible will go to jail." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I leave this place to you. You are responsible. I want to leave this place of right and wrong."

Ji Feo said and wanted to leave. There was actually another reason why he wanted to leave. When they came in earlier, he saw the Taiwanese boss's horse boy at the entrance of the alley. He disappeared in a flash. Ji Feo was sure that he must have called the Taiwanese boss The boss is here.

When a Taiwanese boss comes, he doesn't know how to invite him to dinner. He only talks about it and delays his meal.

Ji Feo wanted to leave, but it was already too late. He saw the Taiwanese boss coming in from the entrance of the alley. Ji Feo wanted to escape, but there was nowhere to escape. If he escaped further into this alley, he would have to escape to Baoshi Mountain.

Before the Taiwanese boss even got close, he shouted: "Mr. He, I finally found you."

"Why are you looking for me?" Ji Feo said angrily, pointing at Zhang Chen: "If you have anything to do, talk to him."

"I want to talk to you about the communication plan again."

"Then look for him too. I don't care about this matter. It has nothing to do with me from now on. Don't look for me again."

The Taiwanese boss looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Are you in charge here now?"

Zhang Chen didn't know what he meant by being responsible, but he thought that since he was here to manage the construction site, of course he was responsible. Before Zhang Chen could say anything, Ji Feo said first:

"Yes, he is responsible for it. You also communicate with him about the plan. He is also the designer."

Zhang Chen had no choice but to nod.

Ji Feo quickly left them alone, walked out of the alley, and threw Zhang Chen to the Taiwanese boss and the workers.

The Taiwanese boss shook hands with Zhang Chen and said: "My surname is Liu, and the single name is the word "Bang". Yes, it is Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang. May I ask what your surname is?"

Zhang Chen said: "The surname Zhang is also a single name, with the word morning, which means morning."

Both of them laughed, and Boss Liu said: "It can be seen that Mr. Zhang is an easy person to communicate with. Alas, I really have a headache during this project."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"We came to invest from Taiwan. To be honest, the leaders in mainland China are very good and welcome us, but these little devils are difficult to deal with and there is no way to communicate."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "It doesn't matter. If we have problems, we will solve them. I think the goals of both of us are the same. We both want to complete this project as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhang, I wish you could understand this."

A worker came over and asked, "Manager Zhang, what are we doing today? We can't be asked to come here early in the morning every day, sit here all day and then go back again, without getting paid."

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said to him: "In this case, I have just arrived and I don't know anything about the situation on the construction site. You can go back today. I will take a look and make arrangements later. Come over tomorrow morning and I will I promise to let you start work.”

The worker muttered that he had wasted another long time in vain. Although his face was unhappy, he thought that what Zhang Chen said made sense, so he was ready to go back to the cave and notify others to go home.

Zhang Chen stopped him and asked, "Master, what do you call me?"

As he spoke, he took out cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to the other party. When he handed it to Boss Liu, Boss Liu raised the longevity cigarette in his hand and said with a smile, I am only used to smoking this.

The worker took the cigarette and said to Zhang Chen, "Manager, just call me Daniel."

"Okay, Master Daniu, go and get the construction drawings of several teams for me, as well as the project schedule. I'll see how you can arrange to start work tomorrow."

"Mr. Zhang, our plan..."

Boss Liu shouted. Zhang Chen understood what he meant. He wanted to say that if the revised plan was not finalized, how could the work continue?

Zhang Chen said to him: "It's okay. Let's deal with the plan in the afternoon and adjust it in one step, okay?"

"Great!" Boss Liu said happily.

Daniel took two steps and then came back. He asked Zhang Chen: "Manager, what other watches do you think you have?"

"Project Schedule."

Daniel looked at Zhang Chen with a confused look on his face. Zhang Chen asked curiously: "You don't even have a project schedule? Then how do you work and how do you calculate the project volume?"

"Lao Ying tells us every day what work should be done today and how much it will cost. We just finish it and wait for him to arrange it the next day." Daniu said.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. He said, "Okay, just give me the construction drawings and the progress of the project. I will go in and see it myself later."

He handed most of the pack of cigarettes to Daniel and told him to give them to the workers to smoke. However, when working in such a confined space, you must pay attention to safety and don't smoke next to flammable and explosive items. In the event of an accident, the fire will seal the passage and it will be too late to escape.

Daniel quickly said yes.

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