The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 420 Found a temporary worker

As the manager spoke, he picked up the renderings on the table and looked at them again. As he looked at them, he said, What a pity, what a pity. What a talent.

Someone walked in and shouted loudly: "Boss, you are in charge of the Baoshishan project. The Taiwanese are scolding them every day and asking for changes to the plan, but Ji Feo refuses to go. I won't take care of this construction site either. I still take care of it." It’s better for me.”

"Call me the chicken feathers."

Zhang Chen heard what the manager said before and knew that he had no chance here. This personnel system was an insurmountable threshold. Even if the manager thought he was a talent, it was of no use.

Zhang Chen felt cold in his heart. Now that he heard that the manager had other things to deal with, he was about to stand up and say goodbye.

"You sit down, you sit down, it doesn't matter. You are doing this anyway. You don't know about all the trivial things on the construction site, and they are not confidential." The manager waved his hand, and Zhang Chen could only sit down again.

The man walked to the door and shouted outside: "Chicken feathers! Chicken feathers!"

He heard someone running over from outside, and Zhang Chen saw that the chicken feather was that young man.

The manager looked at him and asked: "What's the matter with you? The customer is not satisfied with the plan and wants to make changes, but you don't go over to communicate?"

Ji Feo said nonchalantly: "I'm too lazy to go and can't communicate. Damn it, Taiwanese people are post-modern all day long. They talk about having a post-modern atmosphere, but they can't say what they want specifically. How can I change it?" ?”

"Then you can't just leave it to me. I'm in charge of the construction site, not the design. Now the work can't go on. The Taiwanese people are scolding me, and so are the workers below. They're all fucking pointing at me. How do I cope?”

The man in charge of the construction site was called Lao Ying. Lao Ying was unhappy after hearing what Ji Feo said.

"Lao Ying, it's not me who is the reason why we can't go on, it's the Taiwanese who is making things difficult for us. Why are you talking to me if you want to scold him?" Ji Feo counterattacked.

"If that's the case, then I don't care about this construction site anymore. Whoever cares about it will take care of whoever you want. If we do this for two more days, all the workers below will escape. Okay, boss, you heard it. I'll go back to my own construction site."

"Lao Ying, Lao Ying, if you have something to say, please tell me." the manager shouted.

"There's nothing to say, I'm leaving." Lao Ying said and left.

The manager was so angry that he turned around and cursed: "What's the matter with you? You don't know about this construction site. I've already replaced three people to take care of this construction site. Lao Ying doesn't fucking work anymore. Who will take care of it? You take care of it yourself." ?”

"I'm a designer, not in charge of construction. I don't care." Ji Feo said, "The big deal is that I haven't designed this project, so I don't want the bonus of a few dollars."

"Okay, okay, damn you, all of you are very capable, and you all have no choice. You are all grandfathers, and I am the only grandson, okay? Are you trying to force me to manage the construction site for you?" The manager looked at Zhang. "Chen," he said angrily, "I don't care whether there are outsiders or not."

"I'm not forcing you, boss. I told you that at worst, I didn't take over this project. If you want to settle the score, you go to the Taiwanese to settle the score." Ji Feo said.

"Don't call me boss. You are my boss. I have to wipe your butt every time. Why are you not my boss? I haven't even wiped my son's butt so many times."

"Okay, if you don't like me, kick me back upstairs. I didn't even think about it."

Ji Fei reached out to grab the stack of renderings on the table, but was slapped away by the manager, who cursed:

"Damn it, I want to go back upstairs myself so I don't have to wait for you all."

Zhang Chen watched from the side, feeling uncomfortable for a moment. He thought, how can we work in such a fucking mess? This customer is also a weird one. How serious must he be to dare to hand over the project to such a company? If such a company were to be in Haicheng, they would probably starve to death long ago.

Zhang Chen felt that all this seemed familiar again.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized, isn't this the same Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe that I used to have? The leader is not like the leader, but more like the president of the maintenance group. And he and Liu Ligan are no better than this chicken feather in the troupe. No matter what, Lao Yang asked them to work without half-coaxing and half-begging. Even if he didn't buy it, he couldn't fire him, and he didn't dare to deduct wages and bonuses for fear that they would really quit.

They are even more afraid of turning conflicts at work into personal vendettas, which would cause a lot of trouble.

"Hey, tell me, what's going on with the Taiwanese people?" The manager was at a loss and softened his tone.

"How do I know? I told you that he wants to be postmodern and postmodern."

"Fuck you, I'm just asking you, what does postmodernity mean?"

"How do I know? I told him that we won't realize the four modernizations until the end of this century. It's still eight years from now. When the four modernizations are realized first, you can't fucking talk to me about postmodernity again."

Zhang Chen was listening to the side and almost laughed. He was not laughing at Ji Feo, but a picture appeared in his mind. What kind of confused expression would the Taiwanese customer have when he heard Ji Feo's words?

The manager saw Zhang Chen wanting to have fun but holding it back, so he asked, "Do you know? Do you know what this post-modern thing is about?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I only know a little bit about it."

"Okay, let's talk about this." The manager said quickly.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "Postmodernism actually does not have a clear definition. It is a trend that began in the 1970s in the West, from philosophy to art, literature, film, music, including architecture. Yes, it is anti-modern, and the whole movement is a bit like another Renaissance.

“They believe that modernization is making people and the world the same and losing their individuality. In our industry, for example, cities and buildings are becoming like products manufactured on large industrial assembly lines.

"When you go to a new city that you've never been to, it's like going to a city you've been to before. It's all high-rise buildings, overpasses, and glass curtain walls. People are being squeezed by this sameness and losing their humanity. The differences and complexity that make people human are being materialized by the outside world.”

The manager and Ji Feo generally understood. The manager said, isn't that just bourgeois thinking? No wonder they are opposed to it. These Kuomintang reactionaries have been in Taiwan for decades, and now they are still reactionary when they come back.

Zhang Chen almost laughed again, where is this going?

"That's right, boss, tell me, the Taiwanese probably want this kind of thing. How can I get this kind of thing? Where can I find it for them?" Ji Feo said to the manager.

Zhang Chen felt angry and funny. This is Hangzhou, where the majestic Zhejiang Province is located. What is post-modernity? The manager at his age doesn’t know, but it’s easy to understand, but someone at Ji Fei’s age doesn’t know it? He didn't know which school Ji Feo graduated from. At least he had something to do with art, right?

Gu Wenda and the others were in the 1980s when they were making a big splash and becoming famous in Zhejiang and the United States. Damn it, you were at least a high school student studying painting at that time. Are you completely deaf to what is happening outside the window?

"Okay, don't talk to me about what's there and what's not. You'd better go and persuade Lao Ying. At least there must be someone on the construction site to take care of it." The manager cursed.

"No, you don't know that Lao Ying. He's smelly and tough. He can't go. Even nine cows can't pull him back. I can't persuade him."

"Damn it, then who do you think will go if he doesn't go? There are so many workers on the construction site being herded like cattle?"

"In my opinion, no one should really care about it." Ji Feo sat on the chair next to Zhang Chen, shaking his legs and said, "Let the Taiwanese beg us if he gets anxious."

"Hey, these Taiwanese are really difficult to deal with!" The manager sighed. He looked up and saw Zhang Chen hesitated, so he asked: "By the way, have you ever fought with Hong Kongers and Taiwanese in Haicheng?" Dealing with each other?"

Zhang Chen said yes, "I worked with Hong Kong P\u0026T Architectural Design Company in Haicheng."

"Are you the one looking for a job?" Ji Feo asked.

Zhang Chen nodded, cursing in his mind, why the hell did you ask today?

"Let him go, boss. I won't go, let him take care of it." Jifei cried.

"Nonsense, I'm here to apply for a designer job," the manager scolded.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Manager, I was in Haicheng, and I also managed construction sites, at the Tenglong Decoration Co., Ltd. I told you about."

"Look, it's not possible anymore, haha, there's no one ready to replace Lao Ying." Ji Feo laughed.

The manager looked at Zhang Chen and asked tentatively: "Are you willing?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

The manager continued: "This is a temporary job with no establishment. Once you finish this project, it is over. Of course, we will always have new projects here."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen was thinking, what is temporary workers and not temporary workers? Only mainland China has such a distinction. In Haicheng, even the boss is temporary. If you don't do well, even the company will be ruined. Who will care about you? , the general manager of Panshi Decoration Co., Ltd., isn’t he just a temporary worker in the end?

"Don't worry, brother, we have a steady stream of work here. Lao Ying has been working for more than three years." Ji Fei patted Zhang Chen's shoulder, "I will take care of you. The first one to design the project I I’ll leave it to you.”

Zhang Chen quickly stood up and said to him: "Thank you!"

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