The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 395 Pig Grass Girl

Zhang Chen said he would take Xiao Zhao to Lingyin Temple. Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "Why, you don't want to touch me anymore and you want to become a monk?"

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "I will return to secular life even if I see you."

"Then we won't go, let's stay by the West Lake." Xiao Zhao said.

"Don't you hate the water in West Lake?"

"Yes, I hate the water in the West Lake, but I don't hate the West Lake. Can't we just stay away from it so that we can see it but not smell it?"

Zhang Chen said okay, let’s go to Liulang Wenying’s lawn to bask in the sun.

They learned the lesson from yesterday and went to Tianxiang Tower first to buy some braised vegetables. When they passed by Zhiweiguan, they also bought big meat buns, so that dinner was ready.

There are many visitors to Singing the Orioles in the Willows. Although the lawn inside has dried up in winter and is no longer green but the color of withered grass, there are still many people lying on it to bask in the sun.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao also lay down on the lawn. They worked late last night and got up early today. The sun was warm on their bodies, and they fell asleep without knowing it.

When they felt cool under their bodies and the wind felt chilly on their faces, the two of them woke up. The sun had already set. They looked at the time and saw that it was 4:18 in the afternoon.

Zhang Chen took Xiao Zhao and rode to the entrance of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts diagonally opposite Liulang Wenying. Zhang Chen turned the faucet and turned in. He thought, as a "Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts", he passed by his alma mater, why not go in and take a look? ?

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile while riding in the car. He thought of Liu Ligan. I wonder how he is doing now?

Thinking of Jin Lili again, Zhang Chen secretly felt that it was strange that a person who was once so close to him now felt a very strange and alienated feeling when he thought about it. It was not painful or sad, as if there was even a slight wave in his heart. None of them got up.

In fact, there is nothing good to see in Zhejiang Mei. All the buildings are closed with seals on the doors. There are not many people on campus. Zhang Chen took Xiao Zhao around the school and walked out of the school gate. Just go back to the "Red Flag Hotel".

Xiulian was sitting in the duty room, heating food. When she saw Zhang Chen and the others coming back, she asked them to come over and sit down. Xiao Zhao took out the stewed vegetables and invited Xiulian to eat. Xiulian hesitated and did not move her chopsticks until Zhang Chen and her After saying that this was bought by Tianxianglou, she started to eat it.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took out the steamed buns bought by Zhiweiguan and baked them on the tongs, giving them a unique flavor.

The three of them finished dinner and chatted for a while. Xiao Zhao also helped Xiulian knit a sweater for a while. When the boiler boiler came, Xiulian asked Xiao Zhao if she wanted to take a bath today. If so, Go up with her at six-thirty later, lock the bathroom door and finish washing first.

Xiao Zhao actually didn't want to be alone in the bathroom with her, facing each other naked. It was embarrassing just thinking about it, so he said, "I'm a little tired, I'll take a shower later. Anyway, the women's bathroom is not busy."

If it were Sister Guihua, she would definitely agree, and Xiao Zhao himself would feel strange.

Xiulian was a little unhappy, but she still went upstairs alone with the washbasin and asked them to help take a look.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao agreed.

In fact, there was nothing to see. When Xiulian came to take over, the beds were all full today, and the guests who were supposed to leave had already left. It was late at night, and there would be no guests to check out, because she didn't handle it. After paying the bill, there was no cash in the drawer except for a few spare change notes. What was there to see?

Xiulian walked out of the duty room. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

Xiulian came down from the shower and sat for a while. She looked at the time and saw that it was not yet seven o'clock. She became a little impatient. After thinking about it, she told Xiao Zhao that there was an emergency at home and I had to go back first. Can you Watch for me and listen to Guihua, you can do all the work in our hotel.

Xiao Zhao nodded and said yes, I'm sleeping here anyway. If you don't ask me to help, I won't have anywhere to go. I will always be in this duty room.

Xiulian smiled a little fawningly and said, I forgot you lived here.

Xiulian packed her things, said goodbye to them, and left happily.

After walking outside the gate, she came back and said to Xiao Zhao: "When Osmanthus comes, if you ask..."

"I know, I just said you just left." Xiao Zhao said.

Xiulian flattered Xiaozhao and left with peace of mind.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao went upstairs to take a bath one after another. Zhang Chen licked the fresh coals from the brazier. The two of them sat by the brazier, constantly stroking their hair with their hands, hoping to make it dry faster.

Just like yesterday, at ten minutes before nine o'clock, Sister Guihua came and brought them food. Xiao Zhao told her that they had already eaten today.

"Then let's have a night of wine." Sister Guihua said.

Sister Guihua saw that there were only two of them in the duty room, but Xiulian was not seen. Sister Guihua asked them, where is Xiulian?

Although it had been almost two hours since Xiulian left, Xiao Zhao was not a meddlesome person. She told Sister Guihua, "She had an emergency at home and she just left. Let us help and watch over her."

"Don't listen to her gimmicks. She is in a hurry to copy mahjong." Osmanthus cursed and stopped worrying.

At around ten o'clock, when the food and wine were finished, Xiao Zhao got up and went to wash the dishes. Without Sister Guihua's advice, she took off the boiler room key hanging on the wall and walked out. Today, Zhang Chen was too embarrassed to follow her. go out.

When Xiao Zhao came back, Sister Guihua looked through the passenger registration book and told them, you are staying in 217 today.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao quickly said thank you to Sister Guihua.

Sister Guihua said: "Get the key yourself."

Next to the duty desk, there is a wooden shelf against the wall. The shelf is divided into small squares. Under each square, the room number is written in white paint. This square is used to store the keys of each room. , each key is strung on a small bamboo sign with the room number written on it. When the guest comes, the key is taken from the square grid to him. When the guest leaves, the key is returned.

But sometimes, guests staying in the hotel feel that it is too troublesome to carry the room key when they go out temporarily, especially that brand, which is irritating to put in the pocket, and the key will be handed back to them. Therefore, just looking at the key cabinet is not enough. When I came out, I had to check the passenger registration book to find out which room the guests were staying in. I would know which long private room upstairs was empty today.

Xiao Zhao stood up, walked to the key cabinet, took the key to 217, handed it to Zhang Chen, and said to him: "You go up first, I will accompany my sister to talk later."

Zhang Chen stood up and said goodbye to Sister Guihua. He picked up the newspaper on the table and said to Sister Guihua, Did I pick it up and read it?

Sister Guihua said yes.

Zhang Chen sat on the bed, smoked a cigarette and read the newspaper for more than ten minutes. There was a knock on the door. Zhang Chen ran over to open the door and fled back to the bed. Xiao Zhao followed him in. Zhang Chen shouted :

"Hurry up and get in bed, the quilt is already warm."

Xiao Zhao giggled, but she was not in a hurry to take off her clothes. Instead, she came over, sat down by the bed, and said excitedly to Zhang Chen: "My dear, I have found a job."

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was taken aback and asked blankly: "What kind of job?"

"Just work as a waiter in this hotel."


"Yes, I just told Sister Guihua that we are not going back to Yongcheng and want to find a job in Hangzhou. Sister Guihua told me, what are we looking for? Just work as a waiter here. We are short of people here. The salary plus bonus is about one hundred and twenty yuan a month, and since I work here, I can sleep in the duty room every day without spending any money."

Xiao Zhao was very excited and chattering. She turned around, reached out and touched Zhang Chen's face, and continued: "Also, as a family member, you can get a discount if you continue to live here. My dear, you Say, isn’t this great?”

After Xiao Zhao finished speaking, she looked at Zhang Chen and found that Zhang Chen was not as happy as she imagined. She asked: "What, you are not happy?"

Zhang Chen nodded and shook his head. He felt a little confused for a moment. Although he knew that even in Hangzhou, jobs were not that easy to find. This waiter was considered a formal job. When he arrived in Haicheng, he finally didn't You also want to apply for a waiter job, but you haven’t applied yet, so you almost went to the farm to sell coconuts?

However, Zhang Chen felt that it was still difficult for him to equate Xiao Zhao with the waiter. He always felt that Caizhen and the others were the waiters, and his Xiao Zhao was a princess and should be higher than them anyway.

"What's wrong, dear?" Xiao Zhao asked softly.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao and asked, "Would it be wronging you to be a waiter?"

"What's wrong with this? I originally left home to go to Haicheng to be a waiter." When Xiao Zhao said this, his eyes darkened and he continued: "To be honest, dear, I also thought about it, I would rather I got to know you when you came to stay or eat while I was working as a waiter, not there.”

After Xiao Zhao finished speaking, he sighed. Zhang Chen took her hand and said to her, "Don't think about it. I just think that being a waiter is too hard."

"I've done it today, I can do it."

"But, in such a cold weather, I have to get up early to go to work every day, and I have to work three shifts like Sister Guihua and the others."

"What's the point? When I was studying, it was also so cold. Didn't I have to get up very early every day, go outside and pull out a dustpan of pigweed and come back before going to school."

"Pluck weed? You?"

"Yes, we classmates all have to pull out pigweeds."

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing, it turned out that Xiao Zhao was the real Pig Grass Girl.

Xiao Zhao saw him smiling and thought he agreed. Xiao Zhao stood up and shouted: "Dear, you agree? That's great! Then I'll tell Sister Guihua."

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