The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 391 Bathing Etiquette

Zhang Chen went in with a washbasin. It was very hot inside. In the middle of the room, there were two rows of stools for people to sit on. They were surrounded by rows of wooden shelves. The shelves were divided into squares with no doors. It's for people to put their clothes on.

Zhang Chen found a space, took off all his clothes, put them into the space, and carried the washbasin to the inner room. The inner room was the shower room. There was a door frame between the shower room and the dressing room outside, but there was no door. There were eight doors around it. There were nine shower faucets. When Zhang Chen arrived, there were already many people inside. There were two or three people standing under each shower faucet.

Everyone has formed a tacit understanding invisibly, that is, when one person is washing under the faucet, the others will stand on the side and wait. The person who is washing is very conscious. After washing, he will step aside to make soap, and give the position under the faucet to others. .

After applying soap on his head and body, he couldn't open his eyes and didn't know what was going on around him. At this time, the person who was standing under the faucet would say "Come on." When he knew it was his turn, he would move a few steps over there. Step 1 and start rinsing the soap suds from your head.

Zhang Chen saw there was only one person under the shower faucet in the corner, so he walked over and stood aside to wait.

Zhang Chen looked around and immediately discovered an interesting thing. Although everyone was naked when they arrived in the bathroom, you could still see the difference from everyone's feet. Anyone wearing plastic slippers was on the second floor. Passengers like Zhang Chen on the first floor wear wooden shoes.

Use a piece of hard board to cut out the rough shape of the foot. At the front end of the board, use a piece of two-wheeled bicycle tire rubber about two centimeters wide to nail a semicircular tab. The foot can be put into it and it becomes a slipper.

Zhang Chen thought to himself, this is probably because he is afraid that the passengers on the first floor, especially those who sleep on the entire corridor, will secretly stuff the plastic slippers into their bags and take them away. If you sleep in the corridor, if someone next to you sleeps, they will take it away. The slippers in front of your bed were stolen, and you couldn't figure out who stole them. So the waiter had to remind himself to put his new clothes and shoes into the duty room.

Zhang Chen then discovered something more interesting. There were three people standing under the shower faucet next to him. They were all passengers on the second floor wearing plastic slippers. Two young men stood on one side, one on the left and the other on the right. Under the shower faucet is a middle-aged man.

Different from the others, this guy had been standing under the faucet without any intention of letting anyone around him use it.

He let the hot water rush over his body. Even if he was applying soap, he had no intention of getting out of the way. Instead, he moved his position and let the hot water rush toward his butt. He used his hands to apply soap on his head and other parts. Soap, it's warmer.

This guy is really a bit domineering, but there are three people sharing the same faucet. The two young men didn't speak, so it's hard for the others to say anything.

While the guy was washing, he was chatting with the two young men. Zhang Chen gradually got clues from their words. It turned out that this guy was a director of the county below. Of the two young men, one was a secretary and the other was a secretary. They were the drivers. They couldn't find time to come to Hangzhou before the Spring Festival. In the provincial capital, they didn't have many New Year's greetings when they were supposed to, so they came here to pay their respects at this time.

If you delay it until after work on the eighth day of the lunar month, it will make people feel too insincere.

They were discussing which stores they would go to tomorrow, where to go first and where to go later. The two young men kept nodding and said, OK, Director.

After rinsing his whole body, this awesome director said, "I'm ready, you can just wash up."

He walked away. The two young men were naked and stood respectfully by the side. They didn't dare to move. They were both freezing. They quickly squeezed into the hot water to warm up first.

Zhang Chen washed for a long time. The two young men had left, but he was still washing. The people who shared the faucet with him looked at him with disdain. Zhang Chen didn't care about this. The hot water was pouring on him, and he felt Every bone in his body was heated, and even the feeling of hunger disappeared. His whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

After taking a shower, Zhang Chen lifted the curtain and walked out. He saw Xiao Zhao waiting for him in the corridor. Her hair was wet and her face was flushed by the heat. Zhang Chen looked around and kissed her on the face when there was no one around. one time.

"It's so cold here and you wear so little, why don't you go down?" Zhang Chen complained.

"Waiting for you, what took you so long?"

"There are many people inside, and two or three people use one faucet."

"Haha, then why don't you come to our place to wash it? Each of us can use two or three faucets."

"So empty?"

"Yes, do you want to go in and take a look?"

"No, I'll be beaten to death as a gangster."

Xiao Zhao smiled softly, and the two of them walked downstairs together. When they arrived at the stairs, Zhang Chen saw the director with a quilt wrapped around him, sitting on the sofa in the hall and picking his feet. Zhang Chen seemed to suddenly understand , why is the women's bathroom so empty.

In days like this, only men still run around outside. Even if you are already an awesome and coaxing director, you still have to run around outside.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao returned downstairs. The waiter had already put away the sweaters. She was adding charcoal to the brazier on the floor. She was very happy to see them back and called them over to warm up the fire.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took stools and sat down next to the brazier. The brazier had just added charcoal and the fire was very strong. They were wearing woolen sweaters and barefoot in wooden slippers, so they didn't feel the cold.

The three of them were sitting and chatting. The waiter's name was Ailian. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao didn't need to introduce themselves. She knew their names. They were on the passenger registration book. She even knew where they were from.

Xiulian, like Osmanthus, used to be a vegetable farmer in Sijiqing across the Qingtai Overpass. The vegetable land was expropriated to build a clothing market, leaving no vegetables to grow, so the district arranged for her to work as a waiter here.

Xiulian asked Zhang Chen: "Are you coming from Yongcheng?"

Zhang Chen said no, we came from Hainan and were going back to Yongcheng.

"Then why don't you go back?"

"We didn't buy the tickets for the year before in Guangzhou, and we only arrived in Hangzhou on the second day of the new year. Anyway, we had already missed the New Year's Eve dinner. It would be the same to go back a few days earlier and a few days later. She has never been to Hangzhou, so she just stayed here for a few days before going back. .”

Xiulian kept nodding, understanding.

It was twenty minutes before nine o'clock. Xiulian kept looking at her watch. When she saw them looking at her, she explained to them that there were a lot of guests at home every day. At this time, the old wine might not have been eaten yet. Every day I wait for her to clear the table and wash the dishes.

"Where is your mother-in-law? She won't help you?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"She?" Xiulian snorted, "She is an evil person. She pretends to have back pain when there are many people. My father-in-law cooks all the vegetables. My father-in-law and my husband are both drunkards. They are probably drunk now. Don’t know anything anymore.”

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both laughed.

Zhang Chen asked Xiulian: "The second floor here seems to be different from the first floor?"

"Yes, there are long private rooms on the second floor."

"Long private room?"

"Yes, our place is close to the train station. Many places in the countryside below have reserved rooms with us. It's cheap. It's convenient for people coming and going to rest here."

Zhang Chen understood. He knew that the countryside Xiulian was talking about was not the real countryside, but that Hangzhou people used to call all places outside Hangzhou the countryside, and Guolao'er was the contemptuous name Hangcheng people used for country people.

That director was probably what Xiulian said, and he came from the countryside to take charge of private rooms.

Zhang Chen found it a bit funny. This Xiulian was from Sijiqing. In the eyes of people in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou, she was a standard country girl. But to her, she definitely didn’t think of herself as a country person. People from the cities and counties below were country people. .

Zhang Chen has been to Shanghai, and he knows that in the eyes of Shanghainese, everything except Shanghai is "hometown money." But people in Shanghai don’t think Americans are country people, even if they are really farmers from Kentucky. In their eyes, even American country songs are very fashionable.

So, who are the rednecks anyway?

At ten minutes before nine o'clock, Sister Guihua walked in from the door. As soon as Xiulian saw Guihua come in, she stood up and told Zhang Chen and others, "Sit down, I'm off work."

She said hello to Osmanthus fragrans as she walked through the door, and left in a hurry.

Osmanthus laughed and scolded: "Is it true that you are carrying the ghost of time, and you stumble and become a Sashi?"

Osmanthus walked into the duty room, holding a barrel-shaped bamboo basket commonly known as "Hangcheng Basket" in her hand, with a towel covering it.

Guihua saw the two of them and was stunned for a moment. She felt that the two people were a little different from what she saw in the morning. The man was energetic and the woman was prettier. After thinking about it for a while, she understood and she started to laugh. In the morning They were wearing the military coats, and now they had changed into new clothes. They had just taken a shower, and their hair was still wet, so of course it would be refreshing.

Osmanthus put the bamboo basket on the table and said to them: "I brought you some food from home. During the first month of the year, all the shops outside are closed. I think you must not have eaten well."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were overjoyed after hearing this and quickly said thank you, thank you Sister Guihua!

Xiao Zhao stood up, leaned against Sister Guihua, and said coquettishly: "Sister, it's not that we didn't eat well, it's that we didn't find anything to eat at all."

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