The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 388 The morning of the third day of the Lunar New Year

Zhang Chen was woken up by Xiao Zhao's cold hands.

He woke up and saw Xiao Zhao sitting by the bed, touching his face with his hand. Seeing him open his eyes, Xiao Zhao asked:

"Did you sleep well here?"

"Okay." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "You haven't seen how soundly I slept until now. How about you?"

"Yeah" Xiao Zhao nodded, "That sister is very good to me."

Xiao Zhao picked up the washbasin on the floor and said to Zhang Chen, "I'm going to wash my face first, and you get up."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiao Zhao went to the bathroom, and Zhang Chen climbed out of bed, picked up the pants that were placed on the bed and put them on. He also took out the socks from under the sheets at the end of the bed that were laid out before going to bed, and found that they had been covered. After doing it, I couldn't help but feel happy.

He sat on the bed, put his right shoe on, then picked up his left shoe from the ground and touched it. It was still wet inside, and his hands were cold when he put his hand in it.

Zhang Chen looked to the side and found that the bed next to him was empty. There was a newspaper thrown on the pillow, so he took the newspaper, tore half of it, put it into his shoe, tried it with his hands, and found that If it's a little damp, just put the whole newspaper into the shoes, flatten it with your hands, and then put your feet in. The newspaper will sting your feet a bit, but it's more comfortable than putting it directly into wet shoes.

Zhang Chen took out the basin of foot-washing water that had not been poured out last night from under the bed, and took it to the bathroom to pour it out. Xiao Zhao had already washed his face and handed him a towel and a toothbrush filled with toothpaste.

Zhang Chen put the towel on his shoulders, and Xiao Zhao took it over again and said, "Wet, I'll hold it for you."

Zhang Chen was brushing his teeth, and Xiao Zhao stood beside him and asked him, where should we buy tickets and take the bus later?

Zhang Chen was foaming at the mouth, shook his head, and cooed twice more. Xiao Zhaoqi said: "You don't know, then I'll ask that sister."

Zhang Chen quickly shook his head again and reached out to hold Xiao Zhao.

He bent his head and took a mouthful of water. The water flowed down his neck and into his collar, giving him a chill.

He spat out the water, rinsed the toothbrush under the faucet, handed it to Xiao Zhao, took the towel from her hand, and then said, "We are not going back to Yongcheng today."

"Ah!" Xiao Zhao was surprised.

"It's already the third day of the Lunar New Year. There's nothing to do when I go back. I just sit around the brazier eating melon seeds and peanuts all day long, watching crappy TV, and paying New Year's greetings. It's so troublesome." Zhang Chen said, "You have never been to Hangzhou. City?"

Xiao Zhao shook his head.

"Then we will spend a few days in Hangzhou. There is paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. There are still many interesting places in Hangzhou."

"Okay, then I'm going to the West Lake." Xiao Zhao stretched out his hand to compare his thighs, and said to Zhang Chen, "I've wanted to come to the West Lake since I was a little old."

"Okay, let's go buy clothes first, and then go to West Lake." Zhang Chen said.

"buying clothes?"

"That's right. It's Chinese New Year. Do you want to go to West Lake dressed like this?"

Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and himself. Indeed, wearing this military coat on the train didn't mean anything, but in the city, especially when going to the West Lake, it was really ugly.

Xiao Zhao smiled happily and said, "Okay, it's Chinese New Year and I have new clothes to wear."

The two of them washed their faces and walked to the waiter's duty room together. Xiao Zhao introduced the elder sister from last night and told Zhang Chen that this was Sister Guihua.

Zhang Chen called her Sister Guihua.

Sister Guihua asked Zhang Chen, are you leaving today? If not, I will help you change the bed. The one at the top is noisy, right?

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you, we are not leaving.

"Xiao Zhao, you'd better sleep with me. Girls sleep on the corridor. It's not good. I also have a companion with my sister." Sister Guihua continued, and Xiao Zhao said yes.

Zhang Chen asked Sister Guihua, where can I buy clothes now?

Sister Guihua told them that originally, they had just taken a break here and passed the Qingtai Overpass to Sijiqing. They had all kinds of clothes there and they were cheap. But now, during the Chinese New Year, they are all closed, and they won’t open until after the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. , Hangcheng Building and Xiebai are still open. You can go there and have a look from 9 am to 3 pm every day.

Zhang Chen said yes, and Xiao Zhao asked Sister Guihua, how to get there from here?

Zhang Chen quickly said, I know, I know, thank you Sister Guihua.

The two people turned to go out, but Sister Guihua stopped them again and told them that the bathroom upstairs had hot water from 7 to 9 pm. If you want to take a bath, come back early.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao quickly agreed.

They turned right when they left the door and walked along Youshengguan Road until they reached Jiefang Road. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, let's keep walking along this road. At the end, we will see Jiefang Road Department Store, and at the end there will be a park. Arrived at West Lake.

Zhang Chen is very familiar with this area. Next to Jiebai is Xinhua Bookstore on Jiefang Road. Hangzhou is also the largest Xinhua Bookstore in Zhejiang. Diagonally opposite Jiebai, on the corner of Jiefang Road and Hubin Road, there is Xiling Seal Society In the sales department, in addition to selling picture albums, copybooks, and calligraphy and painting materials, what attracted Zhang Chen most was that the walls around the entire store were covered with many calligraphy and paintings.

Most of these calligraphy and paintings are the works of members of the Xiling Seal Society or teachers of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. They range from the works of the older generation Pan Tianshou, Lu Yanshao, Yu Rentian, Sha Menghai, Zhu Hengyou, etc., to the works of the younger generation. There are some famous artists like Lu Yifei, Wu Shanming, Shu Chuanxi, Cheng Shifa, etc., and occasionally some oil paintings. Zhang Chen has seen the works of Zhou Cangmi, Mo Dalin and Pan Honghai here.

The prices of all these works range from tens to hundreds of yuan. Zhang Chen cannot afford them, but he likes to look at them. This place and Xinhua Bookstore are Zhang Chen’s must-visit places every time he comes to Hangzhou.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao held hands and walked through Zhonghe Road and then the Federation of Trade Unions Building. They unexpectedly found that Kuiyuan Hall was still open. Zhang Chen quickly took Xiao Zhao inside and bought some at the counter at the entrance. I ordered two bowls of noodles.

In the huge shop of Kuiyuan Hall, including them, there were only five or six people eating noodles. Although the attitude of the waiters in these state-owned shops was very bad, everyone looked like they owed him more and paid him back less, especially In the first month of the year, state-owned stores are different from individual stores. They must not only focus on economic benefits, but also focus on social benefits.

On these days when business is slow, we must keep the door open for the sake of social benefits.

"Is it delicious?" Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao said it was delicious, and it would be even better if it was spicy.

Zhang Chen laughed. He told Xiao Zhao that people in Hangzhou don't eat spicy food. However, when he looked around, he saw a jar of hot sauce on a few tables. The hot sauce was mushy. The chili sauce noodles were not spicy, but very salty. Xiao Zhao added a big spoonful and tasted it and felt it was not enough. He added another big spoonful but it was still not enough, so he tried it again.

It was Zhang Chen's turn, and the two of them had almost finished pouring a jar of hot sauce. The waiter was standing against the wall five or six meters away from them, glaring at them, but Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao didn't care about her.

The waiter finally couldn't hold it any longer and came over. Zhang Chen thought she was going to talk to them, but he didn't expect that she took the hot sauce jar away from the table and walked into the kitchen.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You scared her."

Xiao Zhao shook his head and said, "It wasn't me, it was you. She came here only after you fell."

"Okay, it's me." Zhang Chen scolded, "You're so damn stingy. In such a big store, you won't even eat some hot sauce and even take away all the jars."

What they didn't expect was that the waiter came out of the back kitchen with the hot sauce jar, walked up to them, slammed the hot sauce jar on their table, and the hot sauce inside splashed out, and then walked back to the original place. Continue to stand against the wall and look at them.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took a look and saw that the jar was already filled with hot sauce. They looked back at the waiter and couldn't help laughing. Zhang Chen whispered: "Add more, you can add more to see how much you can eat." hot."

Xiao Zhao shook his head: "It's too salty, otherwise I could have added a whole can."

After eating the noodles, the two of them walked to the door of the "Hengdeli" watch store. Zhang Chen shouted, "Wait a minute, wait a minute." Xiao Zhao stopped and looked at Zhang Chen, wondering what he was going to do.

Zhang Chen leaned against the plane tree on the sidewalk, took off his left shoe, bent down, took out the wet newspaper, and threw it into the trash can next to the plane tree.

Xiao Zhao kept looking at him with her eyes wide open. When she saw him pulling out a bunch of newspapers from his shoes, she bent over with laughter. She looked around. Fortunately, there was no one around. Xiao Zhao cursed:

"Idiot, why didn't you tell me earlier when your shoes got wet? There is a brazier in Sister Guihua's duty room. I left it beside the brazier all night. It will be dry now."

"Idiot, Sister Guihua has a brazier there, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I didn't know your shoes were wet."

"I didn't know she had a brazier there."

The two of them were joking and bickering as they walked. The department store on Jiefang Road in Hangzhou was right opposite them.

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