The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 385 The Beach on New Year’s Eve

On the evening of New Year's Eve, Liu Ligan went to pick up Liu Yun. When driving to the city, everyone in the car felt strange. Why did the whole Haicheng seem to have become an empty city, and they were the only car on the wide street. There wasn't even a single pedestrian on the sidewalks on either side.

"Did we come to the wrong city?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Yeah, where have all those people gone?" Wei Wenfang also shouted.

"It's not surprising, last year's New Year's Eve was also like this." Liu Yun said, "The locals are all in the old city and rarely come here. At this time, the shops on the street are closed, and no one comes. Most of the people here are from the mainland, and now most of them have returned to the mainland. Those who have not returned are all having New Year’s Eve dinner at home. Who will come out?”

Liu Yun's words brought back Liu Ligan's memories. He vaguely felt that last year's New Year's Eve was like this. That day, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili were in the Financial Garden, waiting for him to go back for New Year's Eve dinner. He rode When he returned from the airport disappointed on his motorcycle, he burst into tears. He couldn't care less whether there was anyone on the road or not.

He went downstairs in Block G of Financial Garden, sat on the empty steps and smoked two cigarettes. He felt that his face should not be so ugly, and then went upstairs.

A year passed in a flash, and the three people who had New Year's Eve dinner together last year were completely separated and were in three different places.

Liu Ligan knew that Zhang Chen was still in Guangzhou, but he didn't know where he and Xiao Zhao were now or what they were doing, and he didn't know where Jin Lili would be now.

On New Year's Eve, Liu Yun had New Year's Eve dinner with the employees at the club. When everyone was taking a break, it was the busiest time for their club. After the New Year's Eve dinner, the employees continued to work. When they came out, there were already people playing ball. People came one after another.

On days like this, Liu Yun gave the driver a day off, so she asked Liu Ligan to pick her up.

When they arrived at Sanli Building, the four people parked their cars and went upstairs. The five people from Meng Ping's company, plus Yuanyuan, and Li Yong were waiting for them. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan returned to Guangdong for the New Year, and Li Yong's uncle returned to Guizhou. I stayed at the company on duty, so I came over.

In the office, several desks were put together, with four cassette stoves placed on them, two clear soups with famous ingredients for seafood, and two red pots. Meng Ping told them that this pot Yes, but Qian Fang went to Daying Road, your favorite hotpot restaurant to buy it.

Liu Yun quickly said to Qian Fang, thank you, thank you, you really understand us Sichuan people.

"I also understand us Zhejiang people." Liu Ligan said.

"I'm from Zhejiang, and I just like seafood hot pot." Wu Zhaohui said from the side.

Liu Ligan glared at him and cursed: "How the hell are you trying to tear down your boss like this?"

"I, the people of Guizhou, have not spoken, but you dare to say that you eat spicy food!" Li Yong said, patting his chest.

Everyone laughed.

"Another melon is here." Liu Yun shouted.

Everyone saw Cao Guoqing coming in from the door. He was also at the construction site and came over after having a New Year's Eve dinner with the workers who stayed behind.

When everyone started eating, Li Yong sighed and said, "Oh, it's a pity that Zhang Chen is not here."

"The last time we were together with so many people, we went to look for Zhang Chen, and found him in such a dreamy place. I didn't expect that he was really gone today." Meng Ping said.

Everyone was silent. Xu Jiaqing lowered her head and almost cried. That day, that day, she met Huang Jianren. Later, the relationship between the two people quickly heated up and then ended abruptly.

"Stop talking about it, they are doing well now. Come, we are here to wish him and Xiao Zhao happiness! After all, Xiao Zhao is also from Sichuan." Liu Yun raised her glass.

Everyone laughed and stood up.

They ate until about nine o'clock when Liu Ligan's eldest brother rang. Liu Ligan picked up the phone and it was the second-rate guy. The second-rate guy asked him where he was, and Liu Ligan told him and asked him to come over.

"Okay, okay, I'm forced to do it. I can't find anyone to fuck with today. I've made money. I'm back to the mainland. I'll be right over."

It took more than half an hour for the second guy to arrive. As soon as he came in, Liu Ligan scolded him: "Are you from Sanya? Are you coming right away?"

"Haha, you idiots, let me tell you, we will all be rich next year. I bought a car full of fireworks and firecrackers. Can we go to the holiday beach to set off fireworks?"

The second-rate guy shouted. When everyone heard this, they all jumped up and thought his idea was great.

Everyone hurried downstairs and saw a tool cart parked at the gate downstairs. Upstairs, they thought he was exaggerating. When they got downstairs, they discovered that this guy had really bought a truckload of fireworks and firecrackers, big and small. They are small and come in all varieties, filling the back compartment of the tool cart.

"Holy shit, you really bought a car!" Li Yong shouted.

"Yes, it's eight thousand yuan. I just came from Bo'ai South and saw an old man selling these at this late hour, so I bought them all. Isn't it a pleasure to feed them?" cried the second-rate guy.

"It's so good, let's go quickly!" Li Yong shouted.

When Liu Ligan saw it, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He knew that the second-rate guy must have wanted to play with the money, but he didn't expect that it turned into a car full of fireworks and firecrackers.

They arrived at the holiday beach and took all the firecrackers and fireworks out of the car. Everyone, regardless of gender, had a cigarette in their mouths to start the fire. Several girls took Yuanyuan and started playing. Sand cannons and sparklers, they held sparklers on the beach and ran around giggling.

A few men lined up more than a dozen boxes of cannons on the beach. Meng Ping said that this must wait until twelve o'clock, and everyone agreed.

Liu Ligan found two boxes of 2,000-ring electro-optical cannons and told Cao Guoqing, "Come and help." Cao Guoqing asked in confusion, "What do you want to do?"

"We put these firecrackers in a string and spread them out on the beach to see how far we can spread them, and then light them up at twelve o'clock." Liu Ligan said.

Cao Guoqing was overjoyed. Two people carried firecrackers and lined them up while walking towards the other end of the beach. The strings of firecrackers were connected end to end and their fuses were twisted together by hand. When they finished setting off the last string, they had Walk out a few hundred meters.

Meng Ping took Wu Zhaohui and carried a battery lamp to find firewood. After finding it, he prepared to light a bonfire far away from the pile of fireworks.

As soon as Li Yong and Erhuo arrived here, they started competing. Each of them took a box of double-click cannons and walked to the beach. They were both very good at it. They held the double-click cannons in their hands, lit them with cigarettes, and waited for the first sound of " After the "bang" sound, he threw it out. The second sound happened just when it was about to fall into the sea, and an electric fireball exploded on the sea.

There was also a sound when it fell into the water, and a splash of water exploded with a dull sound.

Two people are competing to see who can finish a box of double-shot cannons first.

When Meng Ping and Wu Zhaohui lit the bonfire, the girls were also tired from running on the beach. They needed to sit by the fire and take a rest.

After a while, Liu Ligan and Cao Guoqing also came back. They completed their huge project. Finally, Li Yong and the Second Artillery came back. Meng Ping asked them how the battle was going. Li Yong said, this guy is awesome and he doesn't want his life. Yes, you can shoot left and right.

"What's this? We used to blow up fish directly with detonators and explosives. Some people blew up their own fingers," the second-hand guy said.

"You came down from Liangshan, right?" Meng Ping asked.

"No, our place is Tongbai Mountain." Erhuo said, and the others laughed.

The fool didn't know why they were laughing, but he laughed too. When they finished laughing, the fool asked them, "You know what we did with this when we were kids?"

"What are you doing? Do you want to eat?" Qian Fang asked.

"No." Erhuo said, "In our hometown, where we are forced to raise children, the toilets are all built on top of the cesspool. It is just a piece of wood. People sit on the wood to defecate. When we see someone sitting there, we sneak over there. , behind that person, just like that, there was a 'bang', and the person who was going to the toilet was shocked and froze there, and the second time he threw it into the pit, haha, it exploded and his butt was covered with feces."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, Qian Fang cursed: "It's so wicked!"

"Yes, we were so wicked when we were children. Let me tell you, those who were forced to raise them, and those who were so frightened that they fell into the manure pit and almost drowned at the first blow. The brigade commander investigated this for several days, and the basic militiamen They also searched for firecrackers from house to house.”

"Didn't they arrest you, a Category 4 element?" Li Yong asked.

"We won't put firecrackers at home. Where can we catch them?" the second-hand man said proudly.

Ye Yilan saw that it was still early before twelve o'clock, so she suggested, "Shall we sing together?"

As soon as she sang, Liu Yun and Li Yong looked at Liu Ligan with a smile, and Li Yong shouted:

"The pole has reached the beach and can be stretched."

Liu Ligan jumped up from the ground and performed his hey hey hey hey along the beach. Li Yong and Liu Yun sang together, and everyone burst into laughter.

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