The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 373 Wait for the wind to come, the spring breeze will come

When Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan came home every day, Xiao Zhao had already prepared dinner. Xiao Zhao's fried dishes were delicious. Liu Ligan sighed: "I finally feel like home."

Liu Ligan asked Wenwen and Qianqian: "Can you help?"

Wenwen said that she had helped, Qianqian and I washed these vegetables.

Qianqian looked at Xiao Zhao and said, "If you eat like this every day, each of us should pay for your food, right?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "No, no, no."

Liu Ligan and Qianqian said, "You're sensible, that's a good thing to say."

"Then you can help us pay for Wenwen and I's food expenses." Qianqian immediately told Liu Ligan.

"Why?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Since we are your wives, if you don't support us, who will?" Wenwen said.

"Fuck, you two have agreed upon this, right?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Of course, aren't you the dog that never forgets you? You are a celebrity now, even many of our guests know you, and you are still so stingy? I am embarrassed to tell the guests that I know you. "Wenwen said.

"What kind of dog?" Zhang Chen felt strange as he listened to their conversation and couldn't help but interject.

"Wealth and wealth, don't forget each other." Liu Ligan said, Zhang Chen almost spat out his rice after one mouthful.

After eating, Wenwen and Qianqian went to work. After a while, Liu Ligan came over and asked Zhang Chen for the keys to his motorcycle.

"Why don't you sit down when there is a big Ben? Do you want to pretend to be low-key and go to Ding Dong? Are you afraid that people will drive up prices?" Zhang Chen joked.

Liu Ligan said he was going to Liu Yun's place and was too lazy to ask Wu Zhaohui to come over. He didn't know if he and Wei Wenfang had just entered a movie theater. These two people loved watching movies so damn much that they regarded the couple's seats in the movie theater as their own. bed.

In fact, in his heart, he didn't know when he would come back after going to Liu Yun's place. He might not come back in one night. It was always a worry to let Wu Zhaohui wait outside. It was better to ride a motorcycle and come and go freely.

After Liu Ligan left, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao sat on the sofa. Xiao Zhao sighed. Zhang Chen looked at her and asked her what was wrong.

"I just feel weird." Xiao Zhao said.

"What's weird?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Alas." Xiao Zhao sighed and said, "Zhang is so pretty, he should be a bad guy, and I should hate him, but why don't I think he is bad at all, and I don't hate him at all? You said, this Why?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "Maybe it's because of the distance. The perspective of looking at people is different when the distance is close. People are complex and have many sides, like a pole, and the flower is just one of them. When the distance is close, you You will find other good things about him and automatically downplay his bad side. The whole world thinks Hitler is a devil, but it is different in Eva's eyes."

"Who is Ava?"

"Hitler's lover committed suicide with Hitler. The day before her suicide, she held a wedding with Hitler. In her eyes, Hitler was definitely not a devil, but her lover.

"Including many bad people. No matter how bad a bad person is, there are always people who think he is a good person. For example, his parents or children will think he is a good son or a good father. This is probably because of the proximity."

"That makes sense." Xiao Zhao pondered and nodded, but then shook her head again and said, "No, I'm very close to you, but if you are such a spendthrift, I will be very sad."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Then add one more thing, the distance is close and there is no direct conflict of interest, you won't find this person annoying. For example, if a person has a lover, for people who are also very close to him , the reaction will be different, his wife will react the most violently, and the parents and children will react a little lighter."

"No, not necessarily. If my father treats my mother badly, I might feel more sad than my mother." Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen shook his head. He felt that this truth could no longer be explained clearly.

By December, everyone feels that the year is coming to an end. Although the Chinese people regard New Year's Day as nothing, they all regard the Lunar New Year as the end of the year. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the serious work of the year begins. first day.

This year, the Chinese New Year is celebrated on February 4th, and there are still two months to go. However, everyone still feels that it is the end of the year. Especially for those of them who are working hard outside, they always feel that no matter how hard they work this year, it will soon be over. No more tricks, everything will have to wait until next year,

Next year is always a day worth looking forward to. When spring begins in the north, not only will everything recover, but the vast army of investors will also move south in a big way.

"It will catch us off guard." Meng Ping and Liu Ligan said, but their hearts were swaying.

Unlike Hainan Meng Ping, Liu Ligan and others, they felt the wind coming. The second half of 1991 was a dull period for many people in many places on the mainland. It could even be said to be a depressed period. Occasionally, there is a bit of good news, but it feels like it is just a glimmer of stagnant water. Everyone generally feels depressed about the stagnation of reform.

This kind of news has also reached Hainan through various channels, giving people the feeling that they have just made preparations at the starting line, their backs are already arched high, and they are just waiting for the starting gun to sound, but the referee asks everyone to go back to preparations. Feel.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan are waiting anxiously. Those who have registered real estate companies in Hainan and come from all over the country are also waiting uneasily. Everyone has pinned their hopes on the coming year. Although there is no severe winter in Hainan, the Spring Festival in Sanya You can still go swimming in the sea, but everyone hopes that this winter will pass quickly.

This is the winter in the human heart.

Meng Ping always ran to Liu Ligan. He came to inquire about information and asked Liu Ligan to ask Sun Hou. Sun Hou hesitated and always spoke vaguely.

Asked Huang Jianren to ask his old man, Huang Jianren said, I don't dare. Apart from being scolded, I will not get any news. Even if I know, I don't dare to tell. I have known since I was a child that I must abide by school disciplines not only when going to school, but also when I am at home after school. We must also keep in mind the political discipline, that is, don’t ask random questions about things you shouldn’t ask, don’t pry around about things you shouldn’t inquire about, and absolutely don’t talk about things you shouldn’t say.

"Haha, why do you treat you young masters like little wives?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"What do you think?" Huang Jianren rolled his eyes at him, "Let me tell you, in Beijing, children like us can still visit each other, but adults can't even visit each other if there is nothing to do. , I won’t tell you where to go to play cards after dinner, play mahjong, chat, etc. If you want to play cards, you can also play with someone from the security class.”

"Why?" Liu Li asked curiously.

"Gua Tian Li Xia, do you understand, the people who have never heard of it all belong to this group or that group?" Huang Jianren said angrily.

"I understand, I understand. When you put it this way, it's true that in our small Wuxi, the bosses don't visit each other." Meng Ping said, "So that's what happened."

Liu Yun breathed a sigh of relief. The reason she breathed a sigh of relief was that her parents suddenly decided not to come to Hainan to celebrate the New Year. They said they wanted to go back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year with her grandparents and celebrate her 70th birthday. Liu Yun talked to her on the phone. Her mother, complaining, was actually relieved.

And she knew that if her mother didn't know that she was not coming to Hainan, Liu Yun would be very disappointed and unhappy, and if she didn't complain, she would be the one who would be blamed and scolded for having no conscience.

Liu Ligan once thought about returning to Yongcheng this year. He felt that his deeds in Haicheng and Xiaowu's stay in Yongcheng must have been exaggerated well enough, the atmosphere had been created enough, and the opening gongs and drums were beaten. It was his turn The protagonist comes on stage.

Now on the stage, he is not just a sidekick, nor is he going to sing "Hey Hey Hey Hey", but he is making a shining debut as a first-class protagonist. He can imagine how those people on Gaoham will compliment him and look at him with envy. Looking at him.

Liu Ligan even thought about letting Wu Zhaohui drive out of the island in a Mercedes-Benz and walk for three days and three nights before finally reaching Yongcheng. He even imagined that Feng Laogui and Tan Shuzhen were holding hands, walking on the road leading to Gaofang On the steep slope they were going up, his Mercedes-Benz drove up behind them. Wu Zhaohui honked the horn. They quickly moved to the side to avoid it, and then they found themselves sitting in the car staring intently.

This picture is so exciting.

But when Zhang Chen said he didn't want to go back, Liu Ligan immediately said, I don't want to go back either. What's the point of going back to a damn Yongcheng city?

He understood why Zhang Chen didn't want to return to Yongcheng, and Xiao Wu also heightened his atmosphere, which made him a little overwhelmed.

Liu Ligan felt very regretful, and thought of the King of Chu's wealth and honor who would not return to his hometown, such as the words of Jinyi Yexing, how could this illiterate person be so damn powerful, and be able to express his feelings and thoughts more than two thousand years later? come out?

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