The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 367 There is love in this city

After Zhang Chen sent off Mr. Tan and the second-hand goods, he returned upstairs. Liu Ligan immediately ran over and asked, "How is it? What is Lao Tan doing here?"

"He asked me to go back to work." Zhang Chen said with a bitter smile.

"Okay, Lao Tan's place is not bad, you are familiar with the people, and besides, Lao Tan also trusts you." Liu Ligan said.

"It's when he trusts me that I feel pressured. I feel that I no longer have the ability and will let him down."

"No, believe me, craftsmanship sticks with you and you can't throw it away in your life. When the time comes, you can still ride it. How long have you not ridden a bicycle? If I ask you to ride it now, will you be unable to ride it? Throw you into the water. Will you drown?"

Liu Ligan straightened up, laughed, and said solemnly: "Damn it, many times, I feel that I am still a poet even if I don't write a word, really."

Zhang Chen laughed loudly: "You are still a poet, but you are a dead person, right?"

"So what if I'm dead? Let me tell you, if I die suddenly, you can just find a piece of land, bury me, and set up a monument for me in front of the grave with my name, age, etc. Don't write, just write one line: 'A poet is buried here', how stupid? I guarantee that other people can't figure out whether Li Bai or Yesenin is buried here, this place will become a landscape."

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he started laughing, Zhang Chen also laughed, and Xiao Zhao scolded from the side: "It's unlucky, you can't die."

"After walking for a long time, I'm back to where I started." Zhang Chen said with emotion.

Xiao Zhao stood up. She walked to the simple wardrobe and rummaged inside. She found Zhang Chen's trousers and shirt and threw them on the bed. Zhang Chen saw them and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Looking for clothes for you, don't you have to go to work tomorrow?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Then I can get it myself tomorrow."

"No." Xiao Zhao shook her head and asked Liu Ligan: "Do you have an iron?"

Liu Ligan said strangely: "Why do I want that? No."

Xiao Zhao laughed and said, "I forgot that you are the boss in the company and you want others to dress sharply for you to see."

Liu Ligan also laughed and said: "Only animals need to be well-dressed, but I don't need to. No one in our company would want to show them to me."

"You look like a beast when you dress sharply? Then who are you?"

"I am a beast."

Xiao Zhao smiled softly. She looked at Zhang Chen, frowned and asked, "My dear, what will you do? You will be a beast in disguise tomorrow."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I don't need it either, I can wear whatever I want."

"No." Xiao Zhao shook her head firmly and said, "My mother has told me since I was a child that when a man walks on the street and a woman has both hands, he is slovenly and his clothes are missing a button or a nail. , when people look at her, they will know that there is a lazy woman in the house. If I let you go out casually, your elder brother will laugh at me.

"I can see that your eldest brother is not a stickler. He is not so casual. He is actually a very serious and serious person. Besides, if you dress neatly, you are also giving your eldest brother face and showing that you respect him and are willing to go to work. This matter is very serious. I didn’t just say I have to do my best, this is what I do.”

Zhang Chen didn't even know that Xiao Zhao was always talking about something, but when Xiao Zhao really talked about it, she was so eloquent. She was right about one thing. Mr. Tan was indeed different from them. He was not a casual person. Underneath, he does have a very serious and serious side, which may have been left to him by his long military life.

Liu Ligan laughed when he heard it. He said: "Okay, it makes sense. Mom is the biggest, so you have to listen to her."

Zhang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said, "This is to turn me into Lao Xie."

When Liu Ligan heard this, he remembered the two center lines on Mr. Xie's pants that could be used to cut tofu, and he laughed even harder.

Xiao Zhao didn't know what they were laughing at, or who they were talking about, Lao Xie.

She took the thermos bottle and went to the sink to get the water. When she came back, she inserted the thermos into the water bottle. When the water boiled, she took an enamel teapot, poured the hot water into the teapot, and held the teapot. He went to the bed, bent down, used the bed as an ironing board and the enamel teapot as an iron, and carefully ironed his clothes and trousers.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen both suppressed the smiles on their faces. They looked at Xiao Zhao's careful look and felt a little emotional in their hearts. Zhang Chen thought to himself that even if he and Jin Lili had a good relationship before, Jin Lili would not do it for him. What Jin Lili is good at doing such detailed things is rough lines.

Xiao Zhao reminded him of a person, and that was Gu Shufang. She would tuck your clothes, stretch her front, and dust you off at any time. As long as you were by her side, she would always show her concern. They all stay on your body. This is probably femininity, right?

Xiao Zhao ironed the clothes and pants, hung them on a hanger, and held them up in front of her. She looked at them, clicked her tongue with satisfaction, smiled softly, and then hung them back in the closet. She turned around and met Liu Li Rod said: "There is still water. Bring your clothes and I will iron them for you."

Liu Ligan quickly waved his hand: "I don't need it, thank you. Really, I'm so neatly dressed that I can't even walk."

After a pause, Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and smiled again: "I don't have a woman in my family anyway, so I'm not afraid of embarrassment."

Xiao Zhao wanted to say something else, but Zhang Chen also said, "Don't worry about him." Then Xiao Zhao gave up.

In the dead of night, Xiao Zhao snuggled into Zhang Chen's arms and asked him, do you want to know why that person did this?

"Which person?"

"Oh, that person, I'm talking about Wanghai Tower."

Zhang Chen understood that Xiao Zhao was talking about Mr. Fu. In this way, Xiao Zhao knew things that he didn't know.

Although it is unpleasant to talk about, if you always keep it in your heart, you may not be able to let it go. If you know it, you can let it go completely.

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Actually, this matter has something to do with Xiao Ning?"

"Is it related to Xiao Ning?"

"Yes, but like me, she only found out about this after you left Wanghai Tower, so I felt that I had to find you. I was very worried..."

"worry about what?"

"I'm worried that you will go back to the mainland, and I may never see you again in this life."

Zhang Chen held Xiao Zhao tightly, turned his face and kissed Xiao Zhao's face.

"Itchy." Xiao Zhao chuckled, but he moved towards Zhang Chen.

"Xiao Ning was pregnant. He found a connection and took Xiao Ning secretly to the hospital for an examination. The examination results showed that Xiao Ning was pregnant with a boy. He was very happy. Their family was also very happy. He seemed to have a daughter. They The whole family values ​​boys over girls. They don’t like the daughter at all, they just want a son. Alas, just like us, the people there also value boys over girls.”

Xiao Zhao sighed. Gu Shufang and Zhang Chen had talked about this. She said that when their whole family found out that she had given birth to a daughter, they left her alone in the hospital. Thinking about it now, it was chilling. The story Zhang Chen told Xiao Zhao was not surprising at all.

"The relationship between him and his wife seems to be very bad. Xiao Ning threatened him again, asking him to marry her, otherwise, she would abort the son. She didn't want to have her son without a father when he was born. He and his son have been criticized all their lives.

"Of course he agreed to Xiao Ning's request. He said that he had a bad relationship with his wife and was about to divorce. What's the big deal? He just agreed. He promised Xiao Ning that after his son is born, he will Marry her.

"Of course Xiao Ning won't do it. Xiao Ning said, you are such a spendthrift and are looking for women everywhere. How can I believe you? I'm afraid I gave birth to my son. In your eyes, I don't have a penny." It's worth it. Don't even think about marrying me. I don't know if you will drive me away. I also think Xiao Ning is right. He is really someone who would do this.

"Xiao Ning demanded that before she gave birth to a child, he must divorce his wife and give her a sum of money. Only in this way would she feel that she was guaranteed. She would not bother to care about what he was doing outside. Otherwise, Xiao Ning would Ning Ning would rather not give birth. Xiao Ning threatened him that even if he gave birth, I would suffocate your son to death. Since I can't live on my own, why should I let you live a satisfactory life.

"He was a little afraid of Xiao Ning. He felt that if Xiao Ning said this, he would do the same. He told Xiao Ning that he had the money and he would leave immediately after marriage. Don't scare my son.

"He really went to talk to his wife. His wife said that the marriage can be divorced immediately, but all his money must be given to her and their daughter, and not to that woman, that is, Xiao Ning. He didn't even know that his wife How do you know he has other money..."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, how do you know, it must be Xiao Xu who said it.

"His wife also threatened him, saying that if he didn't give her all the money, she would report him and accuse him of bigamy. She said that he and Xiaoning were in a de facto marriage, and she would also accuse him of being a child like them. People in the unit will be expelled immediately once they discover that they are superborn. No matter how high-ranking an official you are, it will be of no use.

"Of course he was afraid and agreed to give all his money to his wife and daughter, but in this way, he would have no money to give to Xiao Ning, so he discussed with his wife and said that he would give her all his money. But give your money to Xiao Ning. His wife said that she doesn't care. It's not her money anyway, and she only wants her share.

"You know what happened next."

Zhang Chen's back felt cold when he heard this. It turns out that this is what happened. No wonder the secret room is no longer secret. Everything in it is gone. What else is it secret?

What made Zhang Chen feel a little heartbroken was that it turned out that Gu Shufang was involved, or at least knew about it. Her lack of care was probably what she said, "I will definitely make you regret it!"

At this time, Zhang Chen felt shuddered when he thought of her standing on the stairs, holding her hands on her chest, looking at him coldly.

In the distance, the ghost is singing:

"The sun has paved the earth into a golden avenue/It shines with us with a bronze pride/It is full of enthusiasm, this city has love/We have a higher and farther future together..."

He sang "This City Has Love" by Chow Huajian.

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