The two agreed to go to the bookstore to buy books the next day. They would first read the books to understand what the hotel manager, catering manager, and room manager did before applying for the job. This alone was not enough. They also needed to compile a resume for themselves. Hotel Recruitment, Applicants’ academic qualifications are not too important, but previous management experience is particularly important. If you have neither academic qualifications nor experience, then——

Go back to where you came from.

After discussing it, the two of them turned off the lights and went to sleep. Jin Lili was not here today, so there was no need to pull up the sheet hanging between the two beds.

Zhang Chen was lying in the dark, but couldn't sleep. When Jin Lili was there, the two of them squeezed into a single bed, and it was so crowded. But Jin Lili was not there. It was spacious enough, but he felt empty in his heart. Zhang Chen On the bed, I felt the pillow was too hard when I was lying on my back, and the pillow was too low when I was lying on my side. I couldn't sleep well no matter what.

In the end, he felt that the main reason was that the weather was too hot.

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan in the dark and found this guy with his head against the wall and his eyes wide open. He was still smiling secretly as he listened to the moans coming from next door.

Zhang Chen wondered if this guy had long known what was going on next door. He maintained this posture every night?

"Gangzi, have you fucking known what's going on next door for a long time and do you listen to me like this every day?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Damn it, I just have to listen to what you say every day. If I'm so close, I have to listen to what's next door." Liu Ligan said.

"Bullshit, what are we talking about? We are as tired as dogs every day, and fall asleep immediately after falling on the bed." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Then why didn't you fall asleep after lying in bed for so long today?" Liu Ligan said with a smile, "Do you want to listen to me and change beds with you?"

"Get out!" Zhang Chen cursed.

It was late at night, and the wind blowing from the window became cooler. Zhang Chen was drowsy. He finally fell asleep, but he had messy dreams. He was woken up by a woman's giggle and felt that his body was covered with sweat. , it seemed like I had a very scary dream before, what I dreamed about, but now I can’t remember it.

The woman's giggle rang out again. Zhang Chen thought it was coming from a dream, but now he heard it clearly. It was coming from next door. They must have gotten off work.

Zhang Chen touched the watch beside his pillow and looked at it. It was almost three o'clock. He wanted to go back to sleep, but he felt hot all over and couldn't sleep, so he simply sat up.

"What are you doing?" Liu Ligan asked in the dark, startling Zhang Chen.

"It's too hot. I want to take a shower again," Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Go ahead. At this time, there is endless spring scenery next door. They are all in three-point style and the door is still open."

Zhang Chen scolded: "It seems you are very familiar with me."

"Of course, I'm not like you. In such a hot weather, two people hug each other and sleep like two pigs. Why, today Lily is not here, but you are too hot to sleep?"

"Get out of here and go to sleep." Zhang Chen fell down again.

When he woke up the next day, it was already past nine o'clock, and Zhang Chen still felt like he was yawning again and again.

They went to Xinhua Bookstore and found a copy of "White Swan Hotel Management Practices". It was a thick volume with detailed introductions to almost every aspect of every department, from the concierge department to the catering department, from the engineering department to the guest room department. , including the job responsibilities and service processes of each department.

The two of them felt like they had found a treasure, enough is enough, Liu Ligan shouted, as long as I read this book familiarly, I will be an expert in the hotel industry. Damn it, I can write a book, am I still afraid of reading a book? ?

After the two people left the bookstore, they did not go to the open space again. Instead, they went home directly, lay on the bed, and read a book.

In the morning, the neighbors on both sides were sleeping, and the room was quiet, which was perfect for reading.

But that book has more than 600 pages. It is unrealistic to read it all in a short time. Waiting until you finish reading it before looking for a job will be too long.

The two people discussed that they knew nothing about the engineering department, so they didn't need to consider it. The concierge and housekeeping departments needed to have basic foreign language conversation skills, and they didn't need to consider the security department, which was responsible for managing "wild boar vehicles". Most people would hire retired military personnel. No need to think about it.

The two discussed it for a long time, and then referred to the "Talent Information News" and found that it was not hotels that hired the most managers and supervisors in Haicheng, but restaurants and hotels. Maybe there were too many people coming to the island at once and the demand for food was too great. Investors all think that investing in catering is more profitable.

The two of them decided to focus on the catering department in the book. In this way, after reading, they could apply for jobs in catering hotels or catering departments of hotels.

The two of them also compiled a resume for themselves. Zhang Chen was originally the deputy manager of the catering department in Hangcheng International Building. He was too young to be a manager. Liu Ligan was the deputy manager of the catering department in Hangcheng International Building. They were originally I wanted to choose the Huanglong Hotel, but it was the only five-star hotel in Hangzhou at the time. It was suspicious to say that the deputy manager of a five-star hotel came out to work.

It took several minutes before they gave up.

The part about the catering department in the book only has more than fifty pages. This is in line with their goal of learning quickly and cramming. It should be easy to finish it in one day, but unexpectedly, it is actually a headache to read. big.

The content in the book is really boring, and they are too unfamiliar with the things in it, such as bone dishes, taste dishes, water glasses, beer glasses, white wine glasses, red wine glasses, and wash basins. They can only read a little bit. Guess, the two of them worked on it for a long time, but they still didn't understand it.

I ate instant noodles at noon and continued in the afternoon. After one o'clock, the next door started to moan. Once you know the source of this sound, you can't help but pay attention to it. The two of them held boring books and listened to it. After hearing the vivid voice, all I could think of was the somewhat mysterious and beautiful face next door.

The two people tore toilet paper and stuffed it into their ears. After the ears were blocked, all they heard was buzzing tinnitus. It was better to listen to the sound next door. The two people took out the paper again.

"I understand why those two girls lived in that room instead of this one. It is said that they first lived in this room and later moved there." Liu Ligan shouted.

"How do you know?" Zhang Chen looked suspicious.

"Tell me, should we find Yilin's mother and ask her to give us a cheaper rent?" Liu Ligan changed the subject.

"Cheaper?" Zhang Chen said with a smile, "I see you are listening with interest, so it's good that you don't have to pay more."

"Who the hell is listening with gusto? I'm not just reading a book."

The two people continued to read. After a while, the two people glanced at each other occasionally, and found that the other party had put down the book long ago without knowing it, and was listening to the sound next door. The two people laughed, and this time they did not laugh at each other. .

Finally, after four o'clock, Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen, how are you studying?

Zhang Chen felt that he had read more than fifty pages, but he couldn't remember what he remembered.

"What about you?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I think it's almost done." Liu Ligan said.

"Then let's go there to see the latest news and find a few hotels?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Okay!" Liu Lizhan turned over and got up from the bed.

The two of them went downstairs and saw the young man sitting there. He had eaten a cigarette last night, so he couldn't pretend not to know him today. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both nodded towards him, and he seemed to remember Last night, Liu Ligan said that he would get up early to find a job. He was a little surprised when he saw them and asked:

"Are you going out now?"

"Yes, let's go out now." Liu Ligan said.

The two got on the car and rode for a while. Liu Ligan said: "There is a question that I still can't figure out. Tell me, after his wife finished having sex with those people, when he went home, would he still have sex with his wife? "

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "How do I know? Or you go back and ask him?"

Liu Ligan shook his head and said, "I don't think he will do it. I didn't hear what Lily said. If he still goes out for prostitution, then he must think his wife is dirty."

"Then the prostitutes he went to were not the same ones that others had just done, so what's the difference between them and his wife?" Zhang Chen said.

The two of them rode for a long distance before Liu Ligan said "Oh" as if he was waking up from a dream: "Yes, you are right, Zhang Chen."

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