The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 355 Think it or not, it’s still dark

After the four of them finished eating, they returned home. Wenwen and Qianqian went to work, while Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen stood in the corridor smoking.

Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen: "Lily detained you, why didn't you call me back?"

Zhang Chen said angrily: "What's there to say?"

"How about you use my big brother to fight back now?"

"No reply." Zhang Chen rejected it immediately.

"You didn't reply, but she called me and she asked you to go to her company at night, saying she wanted to have a good talk."

"Too lazy to go."

The two were silent for a while, and then Liu Ligan asked, "What are you going to do, just forget it?"

Zhang Chen said nothing.

"It's best not to get angry." Liu Ligan said.

"I'm not angry, I just feel like there's nothing to talk about."

"You don't want to break up and you don't want to have a good talk. What is this? Just keep torturing each other like this? Even if you torture each other, there must be a time limit, right? How long have you been like this? To be honest, even I am watching. tired."

Zhang Chen smoked his cigarette one puff at a time, but it still didn't smoke.

"I think you should go and at least listen to what she said. No matter we get together or break up, we have to face it." Liu Ligan said, "I know you are sad about Wanghai Tower. Now that Lily is not here, I have to face it." Speaking of you, it is indeed your fault this afternoon. No matter what, Lily rushed over as soon as she heard about this, which shows that she still cares about you."

"She knew you were in danger, and she still made phone calls everywhere. I didn't ask her to do this." Liu Ligan added.

Zhang Chen blew out the cigarette in his mouth on the ground and pressed it out with his feet. The five or six cigarette butts under his feet were only half smoked. He turned around, took the cigarette from the railing in the corridor, and took another one. , lit it, not inhaling, but thinking about something blankly.

"From the tone of the phone call, I think Lily may have found some way or someone to recover your losses, but she needs an attitude from you, or she wants to ease the relationship between you, so she wants to have a good talk. You should still go there." Liu Ligan said.

"I won't go." Zhang Chen still refused, but his attitude was obviously gentler than before.

"Let's talk about what we're afraid of. I won't eat you. It's not the first time today that you guys are making a noise." Liu Ligan said.

"Did we make any noise in Yongcheng?"

Zhang Chen asked this question haphazardly, which was beyond Liu Ligan's expectation. He laughed and nodded.

"It is true that you are not a model in Yongcheng, but now you are not in Yongcheng, but in Haicheng." Liu Ligan thought for a moment, and he said: "People do change, to put it harshly, in Yongcheng , you are her idol, and she is like a little girl who has not grown up, looking at you with full admiration."

"Why, that will satisfy your vanity, right? I mean being admired by others. If someone does this to me, I would be very satisfied." Liu Ligan smiled and said, "But people always have to grow up, you can't It is too unrealistic to expect Jin Lili to remain a little girl her whole life."

Zhang Chen was silent. This time, the cigarette was not thrown away halfway through smoking. Instead, it waited for the last spark to burn the filter, fell off, and landed on the instep of Zhang Chen wearing slippers. It was as hot as a needle prick. Zhang Chen hurriedly Pop your feet.

He didn't smoke this cigarette at all.

After leaning against the railing again, Zhang Chen asked Liu Lizhan: "Gangzi, do you regret coming to Hainan in the future?"

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said, "I don't know. Really, if I think about it now, I would be on Gaohang every day, drinking gunshao, eating salted peanuts, or going out in a group to fight. No matter how happy I am, huddled in a ruined temple every night, but if I were asked to change back now, I definitely wouldn’t want to.

"Especially, if after experiencing so much, I kept my current brain and lived in the past, I would definitely not be able to stand it. I would feel that life was too monotonous and depressing, and I might go crazy. It was very difficult at that time. Simple, but looking at it now, it looked like a fool. You must have a fool's head to adapt to the fool's life and experience happiness from it.

"With my current brain, it is probably difficult for me to experience happiness from that stupid life. I can only feel dissatisfied everywhere, just like if we go to elementary school with an adult's brain, that kind of childishness, It won’t make us happy anymore, it will just make us ashamed.”

Liu Ligan said, Zhang Chen remained silent, and Liu Ligan asked, "What about you, do you not regret it later?"

"There's no use regretting it. However, you are right about one thing. Now if I have to stand on the scaffolding and paint on the tin for a whole day, I will definitely not be able to bear it. I doubt that I will get better as I paint. The pen ran away after throwing it away." Zhang Chen finally started talking more.

Liu Ligan blew out the cigarette on the ground and put it out with his foot. He said, "I have figured out one thing."


"Whether we are willing or not, like it or not, accept it or not, the world is changing every day, the world is changing, Yongcheng is changing, and people are changing. We just want to go back to the past, and the past will never exist. , has changed beyond recognition. Only a fool thinks that he can travel to the past and still be at ease.

"Why can people only see the past but not the future? I mean seeing it with the naked eye. That's why living like this is interesting. If it's the other way around, it's like guessing a riddle. You see the answer to the riddle first, and then you look at it. Only when two hundred and two hundred and fifty are tied together can you feel that this riddle is worth guessing.

"Tell me, why do those prophets look so pretentious? It's not that they are inscrutable, but that they are bored. I already fucking know what will happen tomorrow, so why bother today?"

Zhang Chen handed the cigarette box to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan waved his hand and did not ask for any more cigarettes. He said: "We think Yongcheng is unchanged. In fact, Yongcheng is still changing, and so are the people in Yongcheng. Tan Shuzhen, when we were in Yongcheng, it was no use her parents were so opposed, she still wanted to be with me."

Liu Ligan laughed dryly and continued: "But then, it was so simple, just a plane ticket to come over, and we could be together freely, when she gave up and told me with her actions, fuck you ,roll!"

Liu Ligan looked at the rooftops in the distance. The sky was getting darker little by little, and the lights on the ground were rising little by little. You couldn't tell where the dividing line between light and darkness was. If you looked at the two ends of the sky and the earth, Looking in the middle will give people the feeling that when the darkness becomes lighter and lighter, it is light, and when the light becomes darker and darker, it is darkness.

They are originally one.

I don't know whether it was because of the change in light or something else, but Liu Ligan's eyes were gray. He smiled self-deprecatingly and said to Zhang Chen:

"Zhang Chen, I don't know whether the outcome of Tan Shuzhen and I is good or bad. Really, as it is now, at least there are memories. If Tan Shuzhen really comes to Haicheng, I don't know if we will compare. You and Lily are better off."

Liu Ligan's voice lowered, and he said almost to himself: "It's easy to accuse the other party. In fact, it's not the same for us. When we face temptation, can we not be tempted? We won't Change?"

Liu Ligan's words shocked Zhang Chen's heart. Yes, Jin Lily and Lao Xia, what about myself, Xiao Zhao, and Gu Shufang? Between the two of us, whose heart started to wander first? Is this a race against time? What’s the point of knowing who is first and who is last?

"Let's go, Zhang Chen, go and listen to what Lily has to say."

"Not going."

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

Zhang Chen hesitated, Liu Ligan pulled him, and Zhang Chen reluctantly followed Liu Ligan downstairs.

Liu Ligan rode a motorcycle and Zhang Chen sat in the back seat. They arrived at the Financial Garden. The "wild boar vehicle" was on duty at the door. When he saw them, he knew they were here to see Zhang Chen's girlfriend. He raised the gate. Standing up, Liu Ligan stretched out his right hand and waved it to express his thanks.

Liu Ligan rode his motorcycle to the steps at the door of Block G and stopped, and said to Zhang Chen, "Go up, I'll wait for you at the door."

Liu Ligan thought to himself that Jin Lili asked Zhang Chen to come over and have a talk. She should be the only one in the company. She didn't want to go to Yilin's house because she wanted to avoid being disturbed by others, including herself.

Liu Ligan also thought that if he wanted to fight, he would fight, and if he wanted to scold, he would scold him. After all, the two people's own affairs had to be resolved by themselves. Zhang Chen wanted to save face. He was on the side, and he had some soft words, which would hinder him. For the sake of face, you may not be able to say it out loud.

Zhang Chen got out of the car and heard Liu Ligan tell him to get up by himself. What did he want to say? Liu Ligan had already turned the car and drove towards the door. Zhang Chen knew that he was going to brag about the "wild boar vehicle". Forced.

Zhang Chen stood there, hesitated for a while, then turned around and walked inside. He was alone. What's so scary? Isn't it Jin Lili?

It’s not like I came here on my own.

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