The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 353 Staring at him

Liu Ligan walked back to the room and saw Zhang Chen lying on the bed again, still facing the wall, curled up and motionless.

Liu Ligan probed the food on the table with his hands, and there was still a little bit of residual warmth. Liu Ligan said, "Get up to eat, it's getting cold."

"Don't eat." Zhang Chen said angrily.

Liu Ligan stood there and stared at Zhang Chen's back for a while. He sighed: "Okay, then you can sleep for a while, then get up and go out for dinner."

Liu Ligan walked out of the door. As soon as he walked into his room, he heard the door next door slamming shut. Liu Ligan shook his head.

Liu Ligan stood in the room for a while. His mind was in a mess. He didn't know what he should do next. He was a little angry with Zhang Chen, a little angry with Jin Lili, and a little angry with himself. He was obviously being bullied by others. , as a result, we got into a quarrel, and we were obviously bullied to the point where we pressed our heads into the toilet, but there was nothing we could do.

He didn't know whether he was rational or cowardly in doing so, including preventing Zhang Chen from going to Hai Batian. He felt that they were even inferior to Xiao Wu in this matter. If Xiao Wu encountered this problem, he would punch him without saying a word. Go ahead first, let the other person's face bloom, and talk about the rest later. Even if the sky falls, there is no need to be so long-winded.

At the same time, he felt sorry for Zhang Chen and himself. He thought that they came to Haicheng more than a year ago and had no money. The three of them were crowded into this room. After so many things and so much suffering, it seemed that They all succeeded in the end, but who knows what was behind their success. He lost Tan Shuzhen, then Huang Meili, and it seemed that Zhang Chen had also lost Jin Lili.

Compared with the pain of loss, success is nothing. If there is no one you love to share success with, the meaning of success will be greatly reduced.

Especially Zhang Chen, he only pretended to be successful for a year. In this year, he has been the general manager, controlling such a large project, and spent almost all his time and energy there, as if taking care of himself. Like a child, Wanghai Tower was changed little by little. Wanghai Tower succeeded, and Zhang Chen seemed to have succeeded, but who expected that it would all collapse.

He erected a brand-new sea-viewing building on Haixiu Road, but built everything he had on the beach. When the waves receded, nothing was left, just like the piece of land in Meng Ping, which can be seen when it comes out of the water. Carrying dreams and hopes, when submerged in water, only despair and sadness are left.

The waves are the teeth, the sky is the lips, and the tears are the water of the sea. Everyone who sells his hope will eventually be swallowed by reality.

Liu Ligan's eldest brother rang, and he picked up. It was Wei Wenfang. Wei Wenfang told him that the design draft from Hong Kong had been sent.

"So fast?" Liu Ligan was surprised. It seemed that he told Jason that he hoped they could go faster. Jason listened. Jin Fucong told him that their company would attach great importance to this project, and It wasn't just polite words. Liu Ligan felt a little better. He said to Wei Wenfang, "Okay, I'll be right over."

Liu Ligan walked to the door of Wenwen and Qianqian's room. As soon as he knocked on the door, the door was opened. It turned out that these two people had been standing behind the door. As soon as Liu Ligan entered, they immediately hurriedly Question: "What's wrong with Brother Zhang Chen?"

"I was cheated and I didn't get the money I deserved," Liu Ligan said.

"How much?" Qianqian asked.

"three million."

"Fuck, there are so many. If it were me, I would jump off the building." Wenwen shouted.

"Me too." Qianqian said.

"Don't be so damn nagging, I have something urgent to go out now..."

"Go, go, I'll accompany Brother Zhang Chen." Wenwen said.

"I'm here to tell you, just don't disturb him. You pretend not to know anything. You should eat and go to work. If you see him, don't be overflowing with love and show your love. pity."

"Why?" Qianqian asked puzzledly.

"I know, Brother Zhang Chen wants to save face." Wenwen said.

"Yes, how come you understand so thoroughly?" Liu Ligan smiled.

"My previous boyfriend was like this, but he didn't have any skills and still wanted to save face. He was just stinky." Wenwen scolded.

"Okay, but today is a dangerous period, do you understand?" Liu Ligan said, "You pretend not to know anything, but you must help me observe him secretly, especially if he goes out..."

"We will follow him behind to prevent him from thinking about committing suicide." Wenwen became excited.

Liu Ligan glared at her: "He won't commit suicide. I'm afraid he will find someone to fight for his life."

"If it were me, I would fight tooth and nail," Qianqian said. "I just want money rather than my life."

"Okay, no more rambling. If he just goes to the side street to buy cigarettes and make a phone call or something, you can just follow him out and back. If you see him getting into a car or motorcycle, call me immediately." Liu Ligan said.

"Should we also ask caravans and motorcycles to follow us, like in the movies when we catch spies?" Wenwen asked.

Liu Ligan shook his head: "No, I know where he is going. Also, when you follow, be careful..."

"I got it, don't let Brother Zhang Chen find out." Qianqian said.

"That's right, you are all talented people. I can rest assured that you will do the work."

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he walked out. When he arrived downstairs, Wu Zhaohui was sitting in the car and had fallen asleep.

When they returned to the company, Wei Wenfang handed Liu Ligan a paper tube as long as a magazine and a half. Liu Ligan asked, who sent this?

"A friend of Mr. Jin's and his friends brought it from Hong Kong. He said it contained a design draft and wanted to give it to you."

Wei Wenfang said that Liu Ligan laughed when he heard it. He thought that this was similar to his own beautiful express. When he thought of beautiful express, he thought of Huang Meili, and Liu Ligan sighed secretly.

There is a round plastic bag on the outside of the paper tube, which must be specially made to package this paper tube to prevent the pictures inside from getting wet by water.

The mouth of the plastic bag was tied with a rope, but not sealed. Liu Ligan understood that this was to prepare for the airport security check. If the inspector asked to open it, it would be easier to open. It was supposed to be a slip knot. After checking, It was that stupid friend or inspector who tied the rope into a dead knot.

Wei Wenfang cut the rope with scissors. Inside the paper tube were four renderings the size of two A4 papers. One was the design of Gemini, and the other was three buildings, one tall and two short, connected together by annexes below. Two of them are separate buildings.

When Huang Jianren and Chen Jie heard that the renderings had arrived, they also ran over. Everyone was at the front desk, looking around at these pictures. Wei Wenfang and Chen Jie were leaning towards the complex composed of the three buildings. Huang Jianren prefers Gemini. He said that this is as powerful as the Gemini in the World Trade Center in the United States.

Liu Ligan felt that a complex composed of three buildings would be suitable for the Chinatown project they originally envisioned, or a commercial complex similar to Wanghai Mall. The five-story annex building below could be used for shopping malls or restaurants. Entertainment industry, but it is not suitable to be used as a pure office commercial building like their Jinghai International Financial Center.

The chaotic flow of people below will lower the grade of the entire office building. An office building must be popular, but the people it must gather must be naturally screened. Not everyone can enter, including the companies inside, and not all Agou A. Even cats can move in, and it must give people a very high-end feel, so as to increase the rent of the office buildings inside.

The most important thing is that this is the tallest building in Haicheng. Three buildings will offset the feeling of height and fail to achieve the effect they want.

The same reason why Liu Ligan is not optimistic about the Gemini design. The World Trade Center in the United States has more than 100 floors of Gemini. It can stand out from the crowd. The two buildings are like the long and thin legs of a crane because they are tall enough.

But his forty-eighth floor is not tall enough. If it were made into a Gemini, Liu Lizhan was worried that they would not become the legs of a crane that stands out from the crowd, but would become the legs of a fat lady.

People around him were talking a lot, but Liu Ligan didn't listen to a word. What he wanted to do most was to go to Zhang Chen with these renderings. He would definitely give him good suggestions, but now, what he wanted to do most was to take these renderings to Zhang Chen. What cannot be done is precisely this.

He has just suffered such a big blow. Are you going to show him these things to rub salt into his wounds?

Although Zhang Chen must know that Liu Ligan didn't mean to show off, his heart would definitely hurt when he saw these things.

Liu Ligan sighed.

He took a pen and paper from Wei Wenfang, sat on the table on the side, and wrote down his thoughts and suggestions on the renderings.

He decided to send them to Beijing first to see what Sun Hou and the others thought. When they finished reviewing them and sent them back, if the time was right, he would show them to Zhang Chen and listen to his suggestions.

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