The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 351 Going around in a circle and coming back again

When Liu Ligan and the others returned to Yilin's house, Cao Guoqing was already here and waiting for them outside the gate.

After Xiao Wu left, Liu Ligan didn't return his room. First, he didn't have a few dollars of rent per month. The main reason was that if a new tenant moved in, he didn't know who he would be, and they still had to adapt to each other. In the process, it's okay if they get along, but it's too troublesome if they don't.

Wenwen and Qianqian also told him not to retreat. Now the three of them occupied the entire floor, and no one would care if they had a falling out. With the new neighbors moving in, it would be impossible to be as free as now.

There is a TV set in the room, as well as a video recorder bought by Zhang Chen. When Xiao Wu was here, he would watch martial arts movies almost every day. After Xiao Wu left, Liu Ligan was too lazy to move them to the next room. When he had nothing to do, Liu Ligan would come here to watch the video, but then he got busy and didn't come in for a long time.

When Zhang Chen arrived, he naturally stayed here.

Zhang Chen had not returned to this courtyard for a long time. He stood in the corridor outside and looked into the distance, feeling as if he was separated from the world.

He stood there motionless with a livid face. Liu Ligan did not call him. Instead, he, Cao Guoqing, and Wu Zhaohui moved everything upstairs and made the bed. In Haicheng, the beds are also simple. , it’s just a straw mat, a towel, a quilt and a pillow.

Wu Zhaohui and Cao Guoqing cleaned the room. Zhang Chen stood there, letting them busy and walking around behind him, and he seemed not to notice.

After Cao Guoqing finished his work, he put the motorcycle keys on the table and was about to go back. Liu Ligan stopped him. Although other people on the construction site did not know what happened between Zhang Chen and Mr. Fu, Zhang Chen did not Go ahead, the news of leaving the construction site will soon spread throughout the construction site, and more messy news will follow.

This does not rule out the possibility that Xiao Xu and the others, in order to stabilize people's hearts, would deliberately release some unfavorable news about Zhang Chen, saying that he had embezzled money privately and was fired after being discovered, etc.

Although the project has ended, the workers still have not received their wages and bonuses. At this time, Zhang Chen's sudden disappearance will still make everyone panic and worry about whether their own interests will be damaged, especially those who usually work with Zhang Chen. Team leaders who are close to them are even more worried about whether they will suffer a loss because of this.

Xiao Lin, the superficial legal person of Panshi Company, is a loser, and there is no one else who can control people on the construction site. Zhang Chen is usually in charge of big and small matters, including the amount of work of each team. Only Zhang Chen knows best, even if there are differences between the two parties. , only Zhang Chen and them can explain it clearly, no one else can get involved.

And this directly involves the vital interests of every worker. It has always been the most troublesome thing after the completion of the project. If this problem is not handled well, it will really be a big problem if so many workers start to make trouble. trouble.

The workers will definitely doubt whether Zhang Chen's sudden dismissal is related to this. Xiao Xu and the others will definitely describe Zhang Chen as worthless, indicating that it is not that they want to drive Zhang Chen away at this point, but that they Zhang Chen is doing his own thing.

The decoration industry is not small at all. There are always tens of thousands of workers in Haicheng, but it is not big at all. Workers move around. If you talk nonsense about what bad things Zhang Chen did in Wanghai Tower, I'm afraid. It will soon spread throughout the industry, and Zhang Chen is now somewhat famous in this industry.

Liu Ligan knew that Zhang Chen was a man who wanted to save face. If such a situation happened, it would probably be more uncomfortable than beating him. He might really not be able to accept it and would not be able to stay in Haicheng. .

Liu Ligan and Cao Guoqing said: "Make it clear to your brothers and sisters that no matter what those people in Wanghailou say, it is definitely not true. You also know Mr. Zhang. He is not that kind of person. They are making false accusations." he."

Cao Guoqing nodded: "We still don't know what kind of person Mr. Zhang is. How can we believe other people's nonsense? Brother Liu, what is going on?"

"The project was almost over. They didn't give the money they promised to Mr. Zhang, and they found a reason to frame him. Mr. Zhang couldn't stand the anger, so he quarreled with them and broke up."

Liu Ligan said lightly that he did not dare to say too much for fear of arousing the emotions of Cao Guoqing and others. After all, Cao Guoqing, Zhang Chen, and Xiao Wu were in the middle, so the relationship was not a simple superior-subordinate relationship.

"You bastard, go and settle the score with them!" Cao Guoqing scolded, "Tell me who it is, and I'll break his head."

"Damn it, I'm telling you this now to tell you, firstly, not to listen to people's nonsense, and secondly, not to cause trouble. Have you heard the story about Lin Chong who was forced to go to Liangshan?"

"I heard it."

"Mr. Zhang is now Lin Chong. He has been wronged. If he is forced to do anything, he will have no choice but to go to Liangshan and return to the mainland. Those people are Gao Yanei. They are too powerful and we cannot fight them. Do you understand?"

"I know, then we just swallow this?" Cao Guoqing said, "In my opinion, we can just fight to the death and lose everything. What are we afraid of?"

"Are you stupid? When you fight, you only know how to attack but don't know how to defend? It's not that you don't report. The time has not come. When the time comes, everything will be reimbursed. But if they ask for reimbursement, we will have nothing to do. Do you understand?"

In order to appease Cao Guoqing, Liu Ligan had no choice but to talk nonsense. Cao Guoqing nodded and said, I understand, I will just listen to you.

"Okay, and tell them that no one should tell Xiao Wu that Mr. Zhang has left Wanghai Tower. Do you understand? If Xiao Wu knows..."

"Then they will definitely come and kill people." Cao Guoqing said.

"Yes, that's good if you know. Do you understand what to do?"


"A man is a man who can bend and stretch."

"I see."

"Yes, that's just right. If anything happens, just call me." Liu Lipole patted Cao Guoqing on the shoulder, then turned to Wu Zhaohui and said, "Send Xiao Cao back to Wanghai Tower."

Wu Zhaohui said yes and the two of them walked out.

Liu Ligan stretched out his head to take a look. Zhang Chen was still standing there, staring blankly into the distance. Liu Ligan took out his mobile phone and dialed Azheng's mobile phone. Liu Ligan asked him how things were going over there. ?

"I've finally settled things down here. They won't touch the police for the time being. Brother Zhang, make sure nothing happens again. Just keep an eye on him." Azheng and Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan said okay, I'll keep an eye on it, thank you!

"Thank you for what. Which one of us is against whom? Brother Liu, are you trying to slap me in the face?" Azheng scolded.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. When the matter is over, we will drink together." Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan walked to the corridor outside and told Zhang Chen that he had been working for a long time and had not eaten yet. He should go and eat on the street.

"I'm not going." Zhang Chen said angrily.

"Then my name is Wu Zhaohui. Can you bring us some?"

Zhang Chen said nothing.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, let me buy some. What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever." Zhang Chen finally spoke. In his heart, he wanted Liu Ligan to leave quickly. He wanted to be alone.

Liu Ligan walked downstairs, and when he arrived at the noodle shop, the noodle shop was closed. The door was open, but there was no one inside. Liu Ligan walked to the side and took a look, and then he saw the waiter of the noodle shop, lying on his back. At the counter of the small shop, she and the boss were discussing the Mark Six Lottery. Liu Ligan asked her if there was anything to eat. She said no. The boss had gone home and would not come until 4:30.

Liu Ligan walked all over this small street and couldn't find a restaurant or snack bar open. When he walked back, he saw Wu Zhaohui coming back from a distance. He was standing on the roadside. Wu Zhaohui She parked the car in front of him, rolled down the window and asked, "What are you doing?"

Liu Ligan ignored him. He walked around the front of the car, walked to the passenger seat, opened the door and sat on it. Liu Ligan asked, "Have you eaten?"


"How could you be so stupid and not know how to bring some food back?"

"Damn it, it's two o'clock. Where is the restaurant open at this time?" Wu Zhaohui shouted, "Let's get some bread and biscuits from the shop."

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said he would go to the pig's trotter restaurant in Boai South.

Liu Ligan remembers that store because the entire Boai South Road was full of small commodity wholesale shops, and merchants came and went all day long. In addition, it was located near the East Lake recruitment wall, and those looking for jobs also had to find a place to eat, so from It will be open in the morning until seven or eight o'clock in the evening. There are several large casseroles for stew on the stove at the door, which are steaming all day long.

When they got there, the Pig's Knuckle Restaurant was indeed open, and for the first time, Liu Ligan encountered the shop for the first time. There were actually two empty tables. Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui sat down and ate their meals quickly. Then pack it up for Zhang Chen and take it back.

They arrived at the door of Yilin's house. As soon as they stopped, they heard a horn blaring behind them. Liu Ligan looked behind him from the rearview mirror and saw what seemed to be Mr. Xia's car parked behind them. Liu Ligan got out of the car. Jin Lili also happened to get out of the car.

Mr. Xia, who was sitting in the driver's seat, did not get out of the car. He just waved to Liu Ligan through the windshield in the car as a greeting.

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