The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 348 It’s still the same money

"Are you Zhang Chen?" a police officer asked.

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Originally, according to regulations, we should take you to the bureau for questioning, but Mr. Fu said that we don't want this matter to expand and have a bad impact on Wanghailou. Wanghailou is a well-known enterprise in our city. Of course we I want to maintain its reputation, so I agreed to come here to confirm something to you, do you understand?"

Zhang Chen nodded and looked at them, still a little confused in his heart, not knowing what they wanted to know.

"We received a report from Lin Zhao, the legal representative of Hainan Panshi Decoration Co., Ltd., saying that a sum of money had been embezzled, so we came to find out."

Money embezzled? Xiao Lin reported the crime? What the hell does Xiaolin know about money? He is just an electrician, what else does he know? Zhang Chen looked up at Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin didn't dare to look at him and kept his head down.

The policeman opened the zipper of his briefcase, took out a payment form and a remittance form, and pushed them in front of Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen's head was buzzing when he saw it. He knew what happened today, and Xiao It has nothing to do with martial arts, but has something to do with myself.

Zhang Chen saw that on the payment receipt was the 248,700 yuan remitted to Guangzhou Manager Pan and his company.

"What kind of money is this?" the policeman asked.

Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu had told him that no one should tell anyone about the secret room. But later, the secret room was no longer a secret. He didn't know if he should tell the police the real situation.

Mr. Fu sat there, tapping the armrest of the sofa rhythmically with two fingers. When he saw Zhang Chen looking at him, Mr. Fu said, "Just tell the police and say whatever it is."

Zhang Chen told them: "It's project money."

"What project?"

Zhang Chen hesitated again, and Xiao Xu said, "It's a project here."

Xiao Xu walked to Mr. Fu's desk and pressed a button. The two cabinets behind the executive chair slowly opened to both sides, revealing a door. Xiao Xu pushed the door open, which was the secret room. Inside were rows of cabinet.

A policeman smiled: "I didn't expect there to be such a secret place here, Mr. Fu."

Mr. Fu also smiled: "Those who hide treasures have no choice but to do so."

Xiao Xu and the police said: "Over the years, many well-known calligraphers and painters from all over the country have come to Hainan to collect works, and they all live in our Wanghai Building. In order to thank us for our warm reception, they will leave their calligraphy and paintings, and there are many The person has passed away, and these paintings and calligraphy have become particularly precious now.

"There are also many overseas Chinese from Nanyang who we receive when they return to their hometowns. They have become friends with Mr. Fu. They have many treasures hidden in their homes. According to the policy, they are not allowed to take them out. If they stay in their old homes, they are afraid of They were damaged, so they were donated to us. These treasures are afraid of heat and moisture, and even more afraid of being stolen, so we built a warehouse like this.

"The requirements for this warehouse are relatively high, and Mr. Zhang and his company can't handle it, so we entrusted Guangzhou Manager Pan and his company to do it."

As Xiao Xu spoke, the two police officers kept nodding. After he finished speaking, one of them asked Zhang Chen: "Is the money you mentioned for the project here?"

"Yes." Zhang Chen said.

"Then tell me, why is the payment due for marble materials written in the remarks column?" Another police officer pointed at the payment slip and asked.


"Also, we have checked and found that the money has indeed been remitted, but not to any company. Instead, it was remitted to Boss Lin as payment for stone materials. Boss Lin, is this the case?"

Boss Lin said yes.

"The strange thing is that after Boss Lin received the money, he immediately remitted it to the company in Guangzhou that built this warehouse. Zhang Chen, tell us, since it is project money, why do you do this? ?”

"This, this is..." Zhang Chen felt cold sweat break out on his back. The last time Gu Shufang questioned him, he couldn't explain this clearly. What's more, to the police, only Fu Fu could explain this matter clearly. The president came out and said that he had asked him to arrange it, but Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Fu, who was sitting there with no expression at all, showing no intention of distinguishing for him.

Zhang Chen felt dizzy. He thought he was finished and had completely fallen into a trap. He looked at Ah Zheng helplessly. Ah Zheng turned his head and sighed softly.

"Boss Lin, is this the flow of the money?" the police asked Boss Lin.

Boss Lin said yes in a low voice.

"Who asked you to remit money to Guangzhou?"

"boss Zhang."

"Then have you provided this batch of stones?"


"Then come here and see if this invoice and delivery note are yours?"

"No need to look, yes."

"In other words, this invoice and delivery note are all false. You made up such a batch of goods just to make this money look like a normal payment for goods when it comes to you, Boss Lin. Is it this way?"

"It can be said to be so." Boss Lin said.

"Is it your idea?"

"No, no, how could I do this? What good will this do to me?" Boss Lin said anxiously: "It's a sum of money that Mr. Zhang asked me to help with. They are all old customers. Of course I have to help."

"You don't know what this money is and you didn't ask, right?"

"Of course, sometimes customers ask us to help with the payment. This kind of thing happens in every store we have. The money is the customer's own money, not ours. How could we ask?"

"You said this batch of goods doesn't exist at all. How come there is a delivery note?"

"Mr. Zhang asked for it, I gave it to him together with the invoice."

"Why not to the warehouse?"

"There is no goods, what should I do for the warehouse?"

The police officer who asked the question nodded, turned around, tapped the signature of the warehouse manager on the delivery note with his finger, and asked Zhang Chen: "Since Boss Lin said that his delivery note was not handed over to the warehouse, then what? Tell me, what’s going on with this signature?”

Zhang Chen's hands and feet were cold. He knew this, and it was useless to deny it. All he needed to do was make a phone call and call the warehouse manager to ask, and he would know that this was not her signature. Zhang Chen had no choice but to say: " I signed it."

"Why did you pretend to be a warehouse manager and sign this name?"

Zhang Chen opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. Yes, why did he pretend to be a warehouse manager and sign this name? In fact, he just took this list and called the warehouse manager over. Although he didn't have this batch of goods, he asked her to sign it. She should also sign it. At worst, someone asked about it when the time came. She didn't take on this burden, and People say that she can just ask her to sign it.

Zhang Chen himself couldn't figure out why he was so obsessed with it that he would impersonate the librarian's handwriting to sign this name.

"Can you still say that this is a project payment?" the police asked.

"Is it a project payment disguised as payment for goods?" Another police officer sneered.

Zhang Chen was anxious and said: "No, no, this is indeed the project payment for this project. I didn't lie to you. Really, there was a reason for handling it this way..."

Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu put away the smile on his face and looked at him coldly. Zhang Chen had never seen Mr. Fu with such a cold face before, which made him shudder. He did not dare to say the next words.

The police and Zhang Chen said: "In July, you made another payment of the same amount to this company. The purpose of the payment was stated to be project funds. How do you explain it?"

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was surprised.

In July, Xiao Xu came to ask him to use this secret room as an additional project. He made a new budget and drawings, and signed a lot of documents. Even Zhang Chen couldn't figure out whether there was a receipt of payment in it. Even if they got up, Zhang Chen would also sign as a supplementary procedure. After all, from the book, they had not paid the money yet.

Zhang Chen was extremely frightened. It seemed that he was doing this additional project just for today.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Xu, and Xiao Xu looked at him with an expressionless face.

"According to the contract between you two, the payment for the project is after four months of use, so this time point is consistent with the contract. On the contrary, if the previous payment is the project payment, it would be very strange."

Zhang Chen felt that there was nothing strange about it. He had read the contract with Manager Pan at that time, and there was no clause about payment after four months. But is this still useful now?

As long as Mr. Fu and Xiao Xu don't come out to help Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen feels that he can't argue.

"Fake, fake, all fake." Zhang Chen murmured.

"What's fake? We have confirmed the previous payment. We went to Guangzhou and found Manager Pan. He has confirmed to us that he took out 220,000 yuan for this money and has already given it to you. The rest is the benefit fee for him and you who conspired to do this."

Zhang Chen felt like the world was spinning and he almost fainted.

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