The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 34 Close your mouth and don’t frown

They were drinking and watching the show, and they ate until almost nine o'clock. When they paid the bill, the three of them had eaten more than 1,800 yuan. Jin Lili was taken aback, her mouth opened wide and she was stunned. She stared blankly. As Lao Bao took out the money to settle the bill, the waiter put the money and the bill that Lao Bao had asked to see in a black folder and left. As he left, he glanced at Jin Lili with a smile.

"Close your mouth, Xiao Jin." Mr. Xia said softly, "If there are guests here in the future, even if they are 180,000, don't use this expression."

Jin Lili said "Oh" and looked at Lao Bao. Lao Bao was laughing. Jin Lili scolded: "Why are you laughing? I just had the most expensive meal in my life."

Mr. Xia also laughed and said, "How old are you? You are still far away from us in this lifetime. You will soon forget this meal."

"No." Jin Lili shook her head and told them seriously: "This is also my first meal in the company. How could I forget?"

Mr. Xia nodded: "That's true."

Jin Lili said: "No, Mr. Xia, you just said 180,000, what if we didn't bring that much money? 180,000 is a big package."

"Then just say you need to go to the bathroom, and then run back to the company safe to get it." Lao Bao said.

Jin Lili said more seriously: "Then what if the money in the safe is not enough and the bank is closed again?"

Lao Bao said with a smile: "Then you go out and sell our car worth more than one million yuan for 200 yuan at the door, and take it back to pay. In short, don't let anyone see any hesitation on your face."

"Will the car be so easy to sell? People just want to buy it cheaply and don't have that much cash on them?" Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia and Lao Bao almost felt their stomachs hurt from laughing. Mr. Xia patted the handbag on the table and said to Jin Lili:

"Then you can quietly take away this bag from me. There is a card in it, and the password is four O's. You can just pay 1.8 million. Do you understand? What Lao Bao said is right, it just can't be given away. People can see a little hesitation and unhappiness on your face."

Jin Lili said "Oh" again, and she said, "But paying so much money will make me really unhappy."

"You don't have half a brain to spend your own money." Lao Bao cursed. Mr. Xia glared at him, and he immediately forced his mouth.

The three people walked out of the hotel door. The parking lot was now empty. A security guard had driven their car over from more than 300 meters away. The three people got in the car. Under Jin Lili's guidance, Lao Bao drove the car to Binya. They live downstairs in the village house.

The young man was still sitting at the door. He was surprised when he saw Jin Lili getting out of a Mercedes-Benz. This time he did not turn his head, but kept looking at Jin Lili. Jin Lili didn't even look at him. Go through the door.

The room was dark, and neither Zhang Chen nor Liu Ligan were there. Jin Lili thought to herself that they were probably still copying posters in the open space, but they were about to come back. Jin Lili put a few changes of clothes into a In the bag, since I have to come back on Saturday anyway, I don’t need to take too many things.

After getting everything, Zhang Chen and the others hadn't come back yet. Mr. Xia and the others were waiting downstairs again. Jin Lili decided not to wait any longer. She left a note for Zhang Chen and went downstairs.

When their car arrived at the entrance of the Financial Garden, Jin Lili suddenly shouted: "Lao Bao, stop the car."

After Lao Bao stopped the car, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"My boyfriend and my fellow countrymen are probably waiting here for me to get off work. I'll talk to them."

Jin Lili said, opened the car door and got out of the car. Mr. Xia and Lao Bao saw two bicycles parked on the roadside. Two young men were standing there, half leaning and half sitting on the car. Jin Lili was walking towards them. Go, the two people stood up straight when they saw Jin Lili. They looked at Jin Lili and then at the car.

Mr. Xia opened the car door and walked out.

Jin Lili hurriedly told Zhang Chen, I just went home and you were not here. The company arranged a room for me. I have to live in the company and can only go home on weekends.

Zhang Chen said "Oh".

Mr. Xia came over, and Jin Lili quickly introduced to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan: "This is my boss."

Then he introduced to Mr. Xia: "This is my boyfriend Zhang Chen, and this is my fellow countryman Liu Ligan."

Mr. Xia stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, hello, my surname is Xia. Why, why don't you go to the company upstairs to sit down?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "No, we thought Lily hadn't gotten off work yet, so we were waiting here. Since she lives in the company, we will go back first and not go up. Thank you, Mr. Xia."

"My fault, I was negligent. I should have let Xiao Jin say hello to you first." Mr. Xia said.

"I just want to fight, so I have to have a place to fight," Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia was stunned for a moment, and then said: "That's it, Xiao Jin, you can talk later, Lao Bao and I will go up first."

"Okay, I'll be up right away." Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia shook hands with Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan again and told them that they would see each other next time and have a meal together at a convenient time. He then returned to the car and the car drove into the barrier gate.

Liu Ligan asked: "Lily, has your job been decided?"

"If it's not decided yet, the boss will treat me to a welcome banquet? Do you know what my salary is?" Jin Lili said.

"How much?" Liu Ligan asked.

"One thousand and five."

"Great! This time it's really a shotgun exchange for a rocket!" Liu Ligan patted Zhang Chen's shoulder excitedly, but Zhang Chen was a little unhappy.

"What's wrong with you?" Jin Lili asked.

Zhang Chen smiled: "Nothing, just a little sudden."

"What's so sudden? It's so thrilling in the afternoon."

Jin Lili then briefly talked to the two of them about what happened in the afternoon. The two of them were also sighing. Liu Ligan said: "Fortunately, our Comrade Jin Lili is a good comrade who has been tested for a long time and refuses to be corrupted." .”

"It's thrilling. This job almost went to waste." Jin Lili said proudly, "Okay, nothing happens, so I'll go up first."

Zhang Chen said angrily: "Okay."

Jin Lili walked a few steps, then came back and said to them: "By the way, there is one thing I want to tell you. When I am not around, Zhang Chen, don't worry. The main thing is you, pole. You know the couple next door to us?" Husband and wife, what does the girl do, the pretty one?"

"I don't know." Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan shook their heads.

"She's Ding Dong too."

"Ah!" The two of them were shocked. Liu Ligan said, "It's impossible. I think that man is at home."

"Stupid pig, the women are also at home, she is doing it, and the men are down there soliciting customers and watching out." Jin Lili scolded.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan still found it unbelievable. Although Jin Lili said this, they felt that it was really like that.

"How do you know?" Liu Ligan asked.

"The two girls next door told me. By the way, do you know why they often quarrel?" Jin Lili asked.

"I don't know." Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan continued to shake their heads.

"The man is not satisfied with his wife doing this and is angry?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Nowhere, that man took the woman's money and went to whore again." Jin Lili scolded, "Gangzhi, please be more honest with me, or I will tell Tan Shuzhen right away."

"It's not Lily, what is Zhang Chen? Don't worry, it's mainly me. I also want to tell Tan Shuzhen, in your eyes, I, Liu Ligan, am that kind of person?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"I think you look like that!" Jin Lili scolded.

"I think so too." Zhang Chen smiled.

"Okay, no more talking, I'm going up. See you on Saturday." Jin Lili waved and walked towards the gate.

Zhang Chen looked at her back and suddenly felt a little lost and sad. He felt as if a piece of himself had been poached. For so many years, as long as Zhang Chen was in Yongcheng, they were together almost every day. Every time Zhang Chen came back from other places, Jin Lili is always in the room early.

How can we say goodbye, just goodbye?

Zhang Chen raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky was deep and full of stars, large and small. They became distant and blurred in the night light of the city. Zhang Chen felt that the sky was torn apart by the buildings above his head.

"Let's go." Liu Ligan said.

The two of them rode in silence, passing through the shadows of coconut trees. At this moment, Zhang Chen really thought that there was a shiny bell on the handlebar, which he could press hard and use a string of The ringtone woke everyone up this night.

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