The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 327 Face to Face

Liu Ligan put the microphone back into the cradle, and then realized that the light in the office was much brighter than in the front. He could see through the gap in the curtains that it was already bright outside.

Although Liu Ligan still didn't tell Huang Meili his eldest brother's number, and the relationship between the two of them was a little hasty, and Huang Meili still owed him a kiss, Liu Ligan felt a little regretful, but at the same time he was happy. I am happy that Huang Meili will be back soon, and I am also happy that three days later, I can still rush here from home in the dark to answer Huang Meili's call.

Liu Ligan thought to himself that maybe it was not a bad thing that he didn't tell Huang Meili the number of his mobile phone. Otherwise, when Huang Meili called, he was busy, or Wenwen and Qianqian were around, how could he be like now? How to talk nicely without being disturbed?

Huang Meili had no choice but to be disturbed from time to time. It was annoying enough. If she was disturbed from time to time, the phone call would be broken and miserable.

Liu Ligan stood up and walked to the sofa. He felt a little sleepy and tired. He sat down, leaned over and fell on the sofa. He rested his head on the armrest of the sofa and looked into the gap in the curtains. The wisps of sky were getting whiter and whiter, and he thought that when the sky here was getting whiter and whiter, the sky in Seattle was getting darker and darker.

Huang Meili was walking on the streets of Seattle at this time. Her aunt should be waiting for her to go back for dinner at home. Liu Ligan thought to himself that the European horse chestnut trees should have fruits falling on the streets, otherwise there would be no people. Huang Meili is reminded that the fruit is poisonous and cannot be eaten, but is this tree losing its leaves now?

If there are fallen leaves, Huang Meili steps on the fallen leaves on the ground to go home. When her feet step on the fallen leaves, they will make a rustling sound, just like, "Whoever is lonely now will always be lonely/just awake, Reading and writing long letters/Wandering restlessly up and down the avenue/Amidst the falling leaves.”

Rilke wrote so well, but Huang Meili is not alone. She has her aunt and me. She cannot write long letters, but she just made a long phone call. Three days later, we will still meet It was a long phone call, very long. The phone call turned the sky from dark to light, and from light to dark. If no one disturbed him, Liu Ligan hoped that he could just hold the phone and call until noon.

Then he continued to fight until the sky outside began to darken, and he continued to fight for one night, and then another during the day. If he could, he wanted to continue playing like this, constantly listening to Huang Meili, giggling, and listening to her screams, Lao Ma's voice is like a whisper, soft, soft, rustling, with a dreamy sweetness and sadness...

When Wu Chaohui woke up Liu Ligan, Liu Ligan looked around and then at Wu Zhaohui. Wu Zhaohui shouted: "Mr. Liu, why are you here? I was downstairs at your house and honked the horn for a long time. Let's go. When I went upstairs, there was knocking on the door one after another. After knocking for a long time, your eldest wife told me that you were in the office."

Only then did Liu Ligan remember that he had never told Wu Zhaohui that this guy still went to Yilin's house to pick him up as usual.

"In the office, don't talk nonsense about the big wife and the little wife. If you talk too much, consider the situation." Liu Ligan scolded.

"I understand, Mr. Liu." Wu Zhaohui quickly accepted the criticism, but whether he would change it or not, only God knows.

Liu Ligan stood up and said to Wu Zhaohui, "Let's go, take me home."

"What are you going home for now? I've bought breakfast for you." Wu Zhaohui pointed to the table.

"Why are you so long-winded? I have to go back to wash my face, brush my teeth, and change my clothes. I have guests coming this afternoon."

"Can't you wash your face and brush your teeth in the bathroom of your office? If the guests come in the afternoon, then go back and change clothes at noon." Wu Zhaohui muttered.

Liu Ligan raised his hand, Wu Zhaohui slumped his head and hid, Liu Ligan cursed: "You damn thing, you even know what's in my bathroom."

"Hey, Mr. Liu, am I not your orderly? You asked me to buy these towels, toothpaste and toothbrush. How could I not know?"

Liu Ligan laughed. It was right when he thought about it. Taiwanese people come in the afternoon and it is not too late to go back and change clothes at noon.

"Get out." Liu Ligan cursed.

Wu Chaohui pointed to the table: "Eat breakfast quickly, it's getting cold."

"Get out of here!"

Wu Zhaohui hurriedly rolled out. After Liu Ligan finished yelling, he was stunned for a moment. He felt that this rolling was so familiar to him. After a while, he remembered that this was what Qianqian often yelled at him. Liu Ligan couldn't help but smile.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Han brought the Taiwanese boss and three others to Liu Ligan's company. Liu Ligan invited them to the conference room. They added Mr. Han to their side, making a total of four people. He and Huang Jianren were facing each other, sitting on both sides of the conference table.

After exchanging pleasantries, we went straight to the topic. The Taiwanese boss’s surname was Guo. He was in his forties and bald. He looked older than his actual age. When he came in, he had a straight face and looked serious.

Boss Guo learned about Liu Ligan's company's structure and shareholders in detail. When he heard the names of the major shareholders, he knew that they were a truly powerful company. It was not like he had talked for a long time the previous few times he came here. In fact, everyone just You brag about yours, I brag about mine, and secretly both want to take advantage of the other party. Of course, this kind of negotiation will not lead to results.

After getting in touch with Liu Ligan, he felt that this person was quite honest and the company was strong. He felt willing to continue the conversation, and his attitude became much better, and the expression on his face became more relaxed.

Boss Guo said, before I came, our board of directors discussed it. This piece of land has occupied a large amount of our funds for more than two years. Although we also want to sell it, we don’t have the right price, and we won’t be able to sell it. Meaning, let it continue to sit idle here, waiting for better opportunities.

Liu Ligan knew that talking about the board of directors was basically nonsense. In fact, it was this guy who had the final say. As for the large sum of money, this was true. More than two years ago, it was 890,000 to 90,000 acres of land. , that would cost four to five million yuan, which was indeed a lot of money at the time.

Liu Ligan said: "We decided to invest in this project with great determination and took great risks. As you know, the current economic environment in mainland China is not good. During our internal discussions, there were many People have raised objections, and if the scale of investment exceeds our budget by too much, these objections will prevail.

"So, in terms of land transfer, we still hope to have a reasonable price. From what Mr. Han originally told me, there is still a big gap between the price you intend to transfer and our expectations. I don't know what Boss Guo is doing. Now that I’ve come here in person, can you reconsider?”

"I would like to hear first, what is the price you expect?" Boss Guo said calmly and calmly.

"Three hundred thousand acres." Liu Ligan said.

As soon as Liu Ligan spoke, Huang Jianren beside him was shocked, three hundred thousand? He remembered that during their internal discussion, their psychological price was 450,000 yuan. If it was not possible, the opinion of the Beijing team was that 480,000 yuan was acceptable. Liu Ligan clearly knew that their limit was this. Where did the price of 300,000 come from?

Huang Jianren was secretly worried. He felt that Liu Ligan was going to drive him away with just one stick.

Boss Guo smiled slightly and shook his head. He glanced at Mr. Han. This glance contained some complaints. He turned back and said to Liu Ligan: "Then the gap between us will be too big. If we continue talking, It means nothing.”

Huang Jianren's heart skipped a beat. He thought that, sure enough, the talks were going to break down. If the talks were to break up, the responsibility would be entirely on Liu Ligan. It was you who made the other party think that you had no sincerity in negotiating at all.

Huang Jianren was secretly anxious and secretly glanced at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan looked at him without much expression.

Although Boss Guo said that there was no point in continuing the discussion, he had no intention of standing up and leaving immediately. Based on this, Liu Ligan knew in his heart that he knew about this matter and there was still a possibility of continuing the discussion. For 300,000 yuan, The price is not that outrageous either.

When Liu Ligan and the others sat down, their backs were to the large office area outside the glass. Boss Guo and the others were facing directly, and they could clearly see everything outside.

When Boss Guo was telling Liu Ligan that there would be no point in talking anymore, he saw two men and one woman coming in from outside the gate. One man and one woman were obviously business people, and there was another man wearing Wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with buttoned cuffs, black leather shoes and black trousers, and holding his hands behind his back when walking, he looked very much like a cadre of a mainland government agency.

After the three people came in, Wei Wenfang greeted them, said something to them, and pointed towards the conference room. One of the men walked towards this side with Wei Wenfang, and the other one, who looked like a cadre, had his hands behind his back and his head. He leaned up slightly, with a serious look on his face. When he heard what the woman said, he just nodded slightly.

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