The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 324 Gang commits crime

The three of them walked to the food stall. The owner of the food stall saw Liu Ligan and asked, "Boss, are you still here for a midnight snack?"

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "Where would I go if I weren't here?"

Qianqian shouted from the side: "Yes, we have already driven into a Mercedes-Benz, but you are still so stingy that you don't invite us to the Lion House to watch the show and have midnight snacks."

Only then did Liu Ligan realize what the boss meant by what he just asked. Liu Ligan scolded, "I've invited you to the Lion House. How can I go there every day?"

Wenwen shouted: "That doesn't count. We are benefiting from Lao Ma's fault, not you."

"Didn't I just buy it?" Liu Ligan scolded, "Don't be ignorant of your blessings. Let me tell you, the water spinach here is recognized as the most delicious water spinach in the country, and the one in Shizilou is not as good as here. Do you understand?"

The boss was very happy after hearing this.

Qianqian asked: "Recognized, who recognized it?"

"Brother Zhang Chen and I."

"Tch, you two are both male, so just admit it." Qianqian scolded, and Wenwen burst out laughing with a mouthful of tea, splashing all over Liu Ligan.

"Fuck, do you want to murder your husband like this?" Liu Ligan cursed.

"Wipe it by yourself." Wenwen pulled a handful of roll paper, handed it to Liu Lipole, and said, "Just have fun with it, my breath of fairy energy will be all on you."

The boss was watching happily and asked: "Boss, among these two beauties, which one is your mother-in-law?"

Liu Lizhan put his arms around the necks of Wenwen and Qianqian, trying to pull them over. They both broke away. Liu Lizhan said to the boss: "Both of them, what do you think?"

"Then you're in luck." The boss smiled.

Wenwen took the chopsticks in her hand, slapped Liu Li's stick, and said to him: "Did you hear that? Listen to what other people say, who doesn't know how to be blessed despite being blessed?"

Liu Ligan ignored her and shouted to the boss: "Boss, take a look and see which one you like. I'll stay later to pay for the meal."

"Seeking death!" Two people came at the same time with two pairs of chopsticks.

The boss raised a horse spoon, I can't afford to support them.

The fried duck head came, and one person held half of the duck head in his hand. Then he became quiet and serious, and put most of his heart into the duck head in his hand.

"Boss, this duck head is delicious!" Wenwen said to the boss.

Like Hainanese, the three of them put one foot on the stool while drinking and eating. They felt quite relaxed and comfortable. After feeling a little full, Wenwen and Liu Ligan said, you can say that now. It's time to apply for a license.

Liu Ligan said yes, he picked up his wine glass, took a sip of cold beer and said: "You have also been to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to apply for licenses. They are all on the third floor of Lao Ma's place. Have you noticed that there is a business registration?" 1, 2, and 3, there’s a long queue at the door?”

"I noticed it in the queue. I didn't pay attention to the one you mentioned. It seems to be there." Wenwen said.

"It doesn't seem like it, it does exist. 1 and 3 are not important. 1 is the name that has been pre-approved and registered..."

“What is pre-approval registration?”

"This company is just like a person, it always has a name, right? We people go to the police station to choose a name, and a company has to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to choose a name, but a company's name is different from a person's name. For example, Haicheng Ten Thousand It doesn’t matter if the person’s name is Wenwen, I know someone named Wenwen, but the company can’t do it, the company can only have one name for each company, no duplicate names.”

"Why can't the company do it?" Wenwen? ask.

"If a company has the same name, it will be confusing. For example, if there are ten thousand restaurants in Haicheng called Lion House, then even two of them will be confused. This is also a food stall. That one is called Lion House. If this food stall is also called Lion House, then What should I do? I told you, let’s go to the Lion House for dinner, but you thought I was inviting you there, but I ran here instead, isn’t it a mess? "

"It makes sense." Wenwen nodded.

"I won't mess up." Qianqian said, "If you, a stingy guy, say it, I will definitely know that it is here and not there, and I will not run there."

Wenwen laughed loudly: "What Qianqian said makes sense."

"Don't interrupt, let's get down to business." Liu Ligan said, "There are still a lot of troubles, such as signing a contract, transferring money, etc. If there is a company with the same name, it will cause trouble. There is also a very important point, you guys say Lion Why is the building so famous? People are willing to spend money, spending millions on renovations, and this reputation is created, right? Why is he so willing to spend money?

"Because he is playing on his own reputation, also called goodwill, because the name Lion House is unique to him. No matter how much money he invests, the reputation will be his. If the boss has such a broken table, Pendulum, it can also be called Lion Tower..."

"Then you'll take advantage of others." Wenwen said.

"That's why it's smart." Liu Ligan said, "So the name of the company is very important. You don't just have to name it whatever you want. After you choose it, submit the application report. The Industrial and Commercial Bureau will check it. Check the sea. Is there anyone in the city who has already used this name? If someone has already used it, you can’t use it. You can only use it if no one has used it.”

Liu Ligan then told Wenwen the principles for choosing a name. First, it should be what he wants most, second, it is acceptable, and third, it should be unfamiliar. In this way, you can succeed once, otherwise you will have to do it again.

"This first office has this function. Anyway, it will tell you the result in three days whether you can use it. There is no back door to open, and you can't say that if you have a good relationship, you can cancel the name that the person is already using. , I’ll give it to you, this office, just queue up.

"If your name is approved, it will be stamped. This piece of paper is very important. Don't lose it. Take this piece of paper and go to the second office. He will give you a stack of information and samples to teach you how to fill it out. , you give these to the ghost guy, and at the same time, you ask the ghost guy to engrave the official seal, financial seal, and corporate seal. If you don't trust him, go ahead and help him engrave the seal and open a bank account.

"I will tell you who to go to for the seal engraving place and bank. By the way, when you go to the bank and see the woman I told you about, don't say she was introduced by me, just say she was introduced by a friend or the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Anyway, don’t say it’s me.”

"What, you had an affair with her?" Wenwen asked.

"Don't talk nonsense. That's my brother's wife. She asked you to go to her place to do it. First, she knows what to do. You just need to show her the notice and tell her to open a capital verification account, and she will teach you how the funds should be No matter how you call in, we will help you."

"You said one, what about two?" Wenwen asked again.

"She is my brother's wife. Opening an account with her also helps her do some business!"

"Then can I ask her for money?"

"Are you fucking after money?" Liu Ligan cursed.

Wenwen giggled.

"By the way, what if the foreigner says he is worried?" Wenwen asked.

"Then save yourself some trouble and give him the notice and let him handle it himself."

"Can I ask him to get money?"

Liu Ligan glared at Wenwen and cursed: "You think everyone is stupid. You can get money by queuing twice, but he won't queue by himself? Let him carve a seal and open a bank account by himself. Half brain."

Wenwen stuck out her tongue.

Qianqian was also listening carefully. She said, "How about you continue to the second office?"

Liu Ligan thought of Xiao Zhanbo. He thought that Xiao Zhanbo would be more troublesome here, and there was no time limit for him. If he made things difficult for you and asked you to change things again and again, there would be nothing you could do.

And according to Xiao Zhanbo's bastard temper, Wenwen still can't let him know that she knows Lao Ma. She can introduce it to them, but after the introduction, every time Wenwen goes to Lao Ma's place and passes by Xiao Zhanbo's office door, he also You'll see, it's trouble again.

"This second office is a bit troublesome. The guy inside, you can't let him know that you know Lao Ma." Liu Ligan and Wenwen said.

"Can Qianqian go? I'll deal with Lao Ma, and Qianqian will deal with the guy you mentioned?" Wenwen asked.

Liu Ligan's eyes lit up and he thought to himself, this is the best way. He looked at Wenwen and admired her a little. Not to mention this eighth-grandmother, she really has the aura of being obsessed with wealth and honor, thinking about all the benefits. Qianqian, in comparison, Qianqian seems a bit petty, Liu Ligan shouted:

"Yes, of course you can. You can commit crimes in a gang. Alas, this is not what I am doing. I have contributed all my wives."

Wenwen and Qianqian both rolled their eyes at him.

"Also, even if you meet someone in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, just pretend that you don't know him. If anything happens, we'll talk about it after you leave the house."

Both said yes.

Liu Ligan thought for a while, pointed at Wenwen, and said to Qianqian: "Today during the day, I'm going to ask that bastard out. Don't be like this dead pig. When you hear the BB phone ringing, you go upstairs. Call me next time, do you understand? I will tell you the time and place. We will have dinner with that guy in the evening and I will introduce you to him. By the way, you must not let him know that you have a little sister who knows Lao Ma."

Qianqian nodded, Wenwen giggled and made a face at Liu Ligan.

"Here is this guy, Qianqian, your task is to ask him to read the information you gave him as soon as possible. Let him help you correct the parts that need to be changed. Don't make you run over and over again. After the changes are completed, he will help you as soon as possible. Leave it to Lao Ma.

"When we get to Lao Ma, it's Wenwen's business. Everyone's licenses are stuck. Basically, they are stuck here. After getting the license notice from Lao Ma, you can go to the third office. There is nothing to do with three offices, just queue up and pay to get the license.”

Wenwen clapped her hands: "Then we can divide the spoils?"

"Yes, if the crime is successful, you can share the spoils. Do I have a share?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Get out!" Wenwen and Qianqian cursed in unison.

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