The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 322 How are you?

As soon as Liu Ligan entered the office, clerk Wei Wenfang came up to him and said, Mr. Liu, Mr. Han is already here and in your office.

Liu Ligan said yes, I understand.

Liu Ligan walked into his office and saw Mr. Han sitting alone on the sofa. Liu Ligan quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, something happened, I was delayed, I kept you waiting."

Mr. Han waved his hand and said, "I know you went to Randall's place, so you came here a little late. You just arrived not long ago."

Wei Wenfang followed Liu Ligan in, helped him make tea, added water to Mr. Han, then went out and closed the door.

"Have you helped Randall implement his license?" Mr. Han asked.

"I made an appointment for him and let them negotiate on their own. I don't dare to be the boss of the ghost guy."

Mr. Han smiled slightly: "Understood. My coming today is still related to this. Now there is a rumor in Hong Kong. You still have to confirm it as soon as possible, otherwise, you are afraid that they will raise the price."

"I've already thought about it. I won't wait. Anyway, Beijing is not very willing to join a joint venture. Let's just book the fifty-two acres of land. In this way, according to the floor area ratio, there will be a lot of space underneath, which is enough. Make a garden. Mr. Han, help me make an appointment with them."

"Okay, if you're sure, I'll make an appointment for you. Their big boss is coming from Taiwan."

"Sure, like you said, we can't wait any longer."

"Okay, that's it. I'll ask them to come over in a day or two."

After Mr. Han finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Liu Ligan talked to Sun Hou on the phone and told him about the situation in Haicheng. Sun Hou agreed that he would do as you said and get the land first.

Seeing Mr. Han leave, cashier Chen Jie walked in and gave Liu Ligan a stack of documents to sign. While signing, Liu Ligan asked Chen Jie, how are you after working these days?

"Very good, thank you, Mr. Liu!" Chen Jie stood there respectfully, waiting for Liu Ligan to finish signing, and then quickly left.

Liu Ligan looked at her back and shook his head. He thought, although he laughed with them every day and never criticized them harshly, why, he felt that among the people in the company, Wu Zhaohui was better, and the others , there is always a distance from yourself. When you see yourself, you will subconsciously become cautious.

Why can't my company have the same harmonious, family feeling as Meng Ping's company? Will Chen Jie and Wei Wenfang become the godson's three mothers? Liu Ligan was puzzled. He thought, it looked like he really couldn't learn this thing, and Meng Ping didn't have anything special with him.

Liu Ligan picked up the phone and called Meng Ping. The call was connected. Liu Ligan asked how Meng Ping is doing now. Meng Ping asked him in turn if he had taken the land?

"Sure, wait until their big boss comes from Taiwan." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, pole, I'll make your road smooth. When you get it, I promise to get you started as soon as possible."

"What way?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Haha, you think you can build a house just because you have land. You still have to go through civil engineering, urban construction, fire protection, including the earthquake bureau and the meteorological bureau. There are too many procedures to go through, but it doesn't matter. I will introduce you one by one. know."

"Okay." Liu Ligan said, "Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way to Wenchang. There's a piece of land there that's almost ready. I'll go and consolidate it."

"Okay, let's drink together when you have time."

"Let's have tea together. Now I get a headache every time I hear wine. I drink wine every day. Come on, pole."

"What's coming soon?"

"You are about to embark on my path of no return, haha..." Meng Ping laughed, and the phone call was suddenly disconnected.

Point of no return? Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment while holding the phone. He thought that maybe Meng Ping's big brother had no power and needed to replace the electrical board, or the signal on the road was not good. Liu Ligan got up and was about to go out when the phone on the table rang. , Liu Ligan thought it was Meng Ping calling again, picked up the phone and cursed:

"Do you have a good word in your fucking mouth?"

There was a burst of electricity in the microphone, and then a distant voice came over: "Lao Ma, it's me."

Liu Ligan was shocked and shouted: "Beautiful, is that you?!"

"It's me, Lao Ma."

"Where are you?"

"I'm already in Seattle."

Seattle, isn't it midnight in Seattle? Liu Ligan heard that there was a lot of noise around Huang Meili, there was the sound of music, foreigners talking, and he even heard a woman screaming, which startled Liu Ligan.

These were all in that small circle, and Huang Meili was indeed fishing out the missing Liu Lipole from that circle.

Liu Ligan knew what it meant to be speechless and choked.

"Lao Ma?"

"I'm here, I'm beautiful." Liu Ligan said quickly, "I just have an unreal feeling. Beautiful, how are you?"

"not good."

"What's wrong?" Liu Ligan asked anxiously.

"The food here tastes terrible, and it's deserted at night. We walked a long way to find this bar, and we can make long-distance calls."

"You're in the bar? No wonder it's so noisy. Who else is with you?"

"My aunt, she doesn't trust me coming out alone. It's midnight here. If I make a call too early, I'm afraid you won't arrive at the office."

"There's no phone where you live?"

"Of course, but my aunt told me that my father told me not to use the phone in that house to communicate with the country, and Lao Ma, we will live here for a month, and we may leave."

"Going back to your country?"

"Of course I hope I'm going back to China, but no, I'm going to another city."

"Where to go?"

"I don't know now." Huang Meili said, "Lao Ma, do you know what I want to do most right now?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to eat a bowl of Hainanese noodles, soup noodles, the soup noodles I ate at the airport when you sent me there."

Liu Ligan's nose felt sore and he said, "Okay, I'll buy it for you."

Huang Meili was stunned for a moment, then giggled: "Okay, Lao Ma, I'll add two more eggs."

"Okay, add two eggs."

“Put a lot of hot sauce on it.”

"Hey, here's the hot sauce."

"I also want a lot of side dishes."

Liu Ligan ordered a lot of side dishes, and he announced the names of the dishes one by one. After checking in, Huang Meili shouted: "That's enough, that's enough, Lao Ma, are you going to kill me?"

"Okay, you keep eating and I'll watch you eat."

"I'm done eating."

"So fast?"

"Yes, I ate it when you said it." Huang Meili said, "Lao Ma, what do you want most now?"

Liu Ligan raised his head and looked outside the glass. In the distance, Wu Zhaohui was standing next to Wei Wenfang's desk, saying something. Although he couldn't hear what he was saying, Liu Ligan knew that this boy must be trying to be attentive. , Wei Wenfang sat there, head lowered, looking a little coy.

Liu Lizhan lowered his voice and said to Huang Meili: "I want to hold you and kiss you most."

"No, my aunt is watching from a short distance away."

Liu Ligan sighed.

"This doesn't count, Lao Ma, please tell me one more thing."

"That's what I want to hear most about you laughing."

Huang Meili giggled: "Did you hear that, Lao Ma?"

"I heard it, Meimei, I don't care if your aunt is around or not, I kissed you secretly."

Huang Meili smiled even more happily and said, "Hmph, no wonder, I thought the mosquitoes in Seattle were so rogue and bit me on the face, but it turned out to be you, Lao Ma!"

"Yeah, I'm such a rogue, and you only found out today?"

"Lao Ma, have you missed me?" Huang Meili asked.

"Think about it."

"I miss you too, very much, Lao Ma."

The two people were silent as they talked, and Liu Ligan felt that his eyes were getting wet.

"Lao Ma."


"I'm leaving, my aunt is waiting."

"Okay, ask your aunt for me."

"Okay, Lao Ma."

Liu Ligan held up the microphone, and he could feel that Huang Meili was about to put the microphone down. Liu Ligan thought of something and shouted: "Beautiful!"

Huang Meili heard Liu Ligan's cry, put the phone back to her ear, and asked, "Lao Ma, what else can I do?"

"When will you call next time?"

"It will take three or four days. My aunt is a little nervous. She said that my father said that it is not good to have too many contacts with the country."

"Then you don't have to go out so late to make phone calls. I can come over and wait for your call anytime."

"Okay, Lao Ma." Huang Meili thought for a moment and said, "Then three days later, at seven o'clock, I can come out alone at that time."

"Let's go to five o'clock. I'll come and wait at five o'clock, so that when you go back after making the call, it's still light out." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, Lao Ma, I'll listen to you." Huang Meili giggled, "Bring me something delicious next time."

"Okay, definitely."

There was a beep beep sound from the phone. Liu Ligan held the phone and was stunned for a while before putting it down. After putting it down, Liu Ligan suddenly cursed: "What the fuck, Liu Ligan" , are you a big fool to even forget this!"

He saw Big Brother standing on his desk.

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