The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 320 Regional Big Figure

Liu Ligan had to adapt to the fact that Huang Meili was gone.

When Huang Meili was here, Liu Ligan felt that she was just a part of his life, a secondary part. Even as Zhang Chen said, she was one of his several numbers, and work was his most important part. .

But when Huang Meili left, Liu Ligan felt that everything about him had been taken away, just like when he heard that Tan Shuzhen and Feng Laogui were getting married. Although he was slightly uneasy before, when he heard the news, he It still feels like a person is suddenly empty, and he has to climb up bit by bit from nothingness.

The difference from that time was that this time he was not empty all of a sudden, but slowly became empty. Huang Meili was gone, but his sadness did not diminish. He thought he was a person who no longer knew what sadness was. However, as a result, he truly felt that this sadness was haunting him all the time.

Although he still works hard every day, still laughs and curses every day, and looks very motivated, outsiders don't know it, but he himself knows that all of this is vain, floating on a piece of white paper, and underneath the white paper, there is already Nothing.

Liu Ligan didn't go to Liu Yun's place for several days. Firstly, he felt unmotivated, and secondly, he felt that others might not be able to see his frivolity, but Liu Yun would definitely feel it. He and Liu Yun had talked on the phone several times. After talking on the phone for a few words, Liu Yun suddenly asked: "What's wrong with you, Zangzi?"

Liu Ligan laughed playfully: "It's nothing. It's just recruiting people, interviewing people, talking to people, etc. It feels like a mess..."

"Are you done?"

Liu Li's pole stopped abruptly. What did he mean?

"It has nothing to do with these. These will only make people feel tired. You are not right now. You are in a bad state now. Tell me, what happened?"

"It's okay, it's really okay." Liu Ligan said and hung up the phone in a hurry. Are you a fucking witch who turns over tarot cards? You can see through the phone that I'm okay?

Later, Liu Ligan was very nervous when talking on the phone several times, but fortunately Liu Yun did not ask further questions.

Liu Yun also came to his office once. That day, fortunately, Mr. Han was bringing two friends here to discuss land matters with Liu Ligan. Liu Yun knocked on Liu Ligan's glass door, and Liu Ligan turned his head. Seeing that it was Liu Yun, she quickly told Mr. Han and others, please wait a moment, I will be back soon.

Liu Ligan walked out, and Liu Yun told him that she was passing by and came up to take a look. Liu Ligan asked her to sit in the conference room, but Liu Yun refused to go and said, isn't there someone else in your office? Liu Ligan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The two people stood outside, leaning against an empty desk, and exchanged a few words in a hurry.

"What are these Hong Kong people doing here?" Liu Yun asked.

"How do you know they are Hong Kong people?" Liu Li asked curiously.

"It's cool to look at the way you dress. Although many people nowadays like to dress up like Hong Kong bosses, you can still tell the fakes at a glance. Isn't that Mr. Han?"

"Awesome!" Liu Ligan praised.

Liu Yun smiled: "It's not that I'm great, it's that when you described him, you said it very vividly and he was so similar to the real person."

Liu Ligan chuckled.

"He brought his friends here to talk about the land." Liu Ligan said, "If the land is not implemented, I will always be empty-handed here, and I will feel panicked."

"Understood. How was the discussion?"

"There are three good pieces of land. Now we are comparing the advantages of the land and the conditions of the other side. One piece of land is the best. The other side's asking price is not high, but they require 10% of the shares."

"That's not bad. As long as the request is reasonable, it's acceptable."

"Of course I have no problem here, but Sunhou and the others are in trouble. If this company wants to become a Sino-foreign joint venture, they have to file a report and go through a lot of procedures, so they are not very willing."

Liu Yun nodded, she stretched out her hand and pulled the front of Liu Ligan's shirt, smoothed the wrinkles with her fingers, and said to Liu Ligan: "Then you should be busy. No matter how busy you are, remember to eat well, and drink less." ,do you understand?"

Liu Ligan said, OK, I understand.

Liu Yun waved her hand and left.

Looking at Liu Yun's back, Liu Ligan felt that the empty part of himself was even emptier.

When he walked back to the office, Mr. Han said, your girlfriend is pretty good.

"How did you know she was my girlfriend?" Liu Li asked curiously.

"You can tell." Mr. Han smiled.

Liu Ligan was confused. How come everyone in this fucking world is smarter than me? His own brain is almost running out. How come I have become transparent and you can see it all?

Even Wenwen and Qianqian noticed it. Qianqian asked Liu Ligan if he had been fooling around outside recently.

What are you fooling around with?

Get out of here, don't waste our time by being distracted here.

He was kicked out by Wenwen and Qianqian.

Lying alone in bed, Liu Ligan thought of the night he and Huang Meili were at Guoshang. Thinking that Huang Meili should have arrived in Seattle by now. With basic common sense, Liu Ligan knew that Seattle should be now During the day, what will Huang Meili be doing now?

Liu Ligan stood up, found an atlas, and turned to the world map. China and the United States were both in red. It looked like Seattle was not that small.

On this map, eight cities in the United States are marked: New York, Washington, New Orleans, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco (San Francisco) and Seattle. Compared with China, Lianhaicheng, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shenzhen is not ranked, only Harbin, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Wuhan, Chongqing, Xi'an and Urumqi.

Liu Ligan stared at the circle in Seattle. He felt a little incredible. Such a small circle surrounded my Huang Meili, everything she did today, and every street she walked. Everyone who arrived was in this circle, but I and everything I owned disappeared on this map, not even a circle.

This is very similar to my current state, beautiful, beautiful, yellow and beautiful. I am just thinking about you in such a void, waiting for you to fish me out, giggling, Lao Ma, where are you?

OK, I'll come pick you up.

Liu Ligan stared blankly at the ceiling. He saw the spider web in the corner. Such a stupid spider, Liu Ligan cursed in his heart. Even mosquitoes and small flying insects would not fly into that corner, idiot. , no wonder you don’t fucking starve to death, no wonder you only deserve to be a spider.

He was surprised to find that lying here, he could hear the ghost at the billiard stand singing, and he was singing in a melody. Liu Ligan knew who he was. Don't you fucking sleep?

Liu Ligan got up. He couldn't sleep anyway, so he decided to go over now and have a good two rounds with that guy who was crying like a ghost.

Liu Ligan was woken up by two car horns downstairs. He knew it was Wu Zhaohui waiting for him at the door. Liu Ligan got up, took a towel and toothbrush, and went to the bathroom. When he walked into the corridor, he held the towel. He waved his hand downwards, which was like saying hello to Wu Zhaohui and informing him that he heard it. Otherwise, in five minutes, he would blow the horn twice more.

Liu Ligan walked to the door of Wenwen and Qianqian's room. Their door opened suddenly, and the two people ran out in nightgowns. They looked downstairs and asked, is this your car?

"Yes, you have been picking me up for several days, and you only know now?"

"Take us to see it quickly." Wenwen shouted.

"Okay, I'll wash my face and brush my teeth first." Liu Ligan raised the towel and toothbrush in his hand.

"Brush your teeth, no one wants to kiss you now, go away," Qianqian scolded.

Two people pushed Liu Ligan and went downstairs with his slippers clattering. When they got outside the gate, the two people got into the back seat of the car, looked around, opened and closed the car door, and rolled up and down the windows. Wenwen shouted, "No matter what." No matter, when we rest, we have to take us to the beach.

Liu Ligan said yes.

"Don't lie to people and then say you don't have time." Qianqian shouted.

Liu Ligan said: "I don't have time. Brother Zhaohui has time. Come on, call Brother Zhaohui."

Wenwen and Qianqian quickly called Brother Chaohui. Wu Chaohui was so happy that he quickly agreed.

Liu Li opened the car door, and Wenwen shouted, "What are you doing? I have to sit for a while and finally get up."

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Well, I'll wash my face, and you can ask Brother Zhaohui to drive you to buy breakfast."

"Okay!" Wenwen and Qianqian both shouted.

Liu Ligan went upstairs alone. When he reached the stairs, he heard the car start and then drive away. Liu Ligan came back from brushing his teeth and washing his face. Wu Zhaohui had not come back yet. Liu Ligan was lying on the railing, smoking a cigarette.

Outside the gate downstairs, someone walked by the door. He looked up and saw Liu Ligan and said hello to him. Liu Ligan took out a cigarette and threw it down, but it was thrown on top of the gate. The two of them laughed.

Liu Lipole threw another one, this time a little closer, and threw it into the yard. The man walked into the yard, picked it up, and raised his hand towards Liu Lipole.

Since the car picked him up, Liu Ligan felt that the attitude of the people around him had changed, and they were obviously more polite than before.

Liu Ligan was already very popular here, and now he is even more popular. Even when he walked downstairs last night, the bad boys who were playing billiards were polite to him, knowing that he was going to compete with the singing ghost. The guy who was sparring immediately handed him the club in his hand.

This feels really good. Liu Ligan, a character who has disappeared from the map, quickly has a good feeling of being a regional big shot.

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