The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 316 Past Events of My Father’s Generation Part 3

"Tell me about Beauty, what happened next?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Later... two days later, the two soldiers came again, and a truck came. They loaded the stainless steel materials and tools that my father and others had prepared, such as welders and cutting machines, into the truck. , asked my father and aunt to get in their car, and the car drove out of Shenzhen city, towards Nan'ao, until it reached a yard surrounded by mountains and sea.

"There were soldiers standing guard at the door of the yard. There was a small three-story house in the yard. The car parked in the open space in front of the house. Someone immediately came out from the house to help unload the goods. Two soldiers pointed to a piece of green on the left side of the open space. Lawn, I told my father and others to install it here.

"My dad and the others started working immediately. The place was very quiet. The sound of my dad and the others working quickly attracted the attention of the people inside the house. Many people came out to take a look. After a while, there was an old man sitting down. In his wheelchair, he was pushed by the nursing staff to the door of the house. When he saw someone working in the yard, he immediately became interested and must come and take a look.

"The two nursing staff had no choice but to push the wheelchair over. My father and aunt both knew that this must be a big shot, but when they approached, my father was still stunned. He saw a familiar face. He had seen this face on TV and knew he was a senior leader, but he didn't expect to see him in real life here.

"My father and aunt couldn't help but stop what they were doing. At that time, my father was drawing lines with lime on the lawn, and my aunt was welding thin stainless steel pipes to thick handrail pipes. They stood there awkwardly.

"After the old man saw my aunt take off the welding mask, he was a little surprised and shouted, "Oh, not bad, she is still a female general." My aunt smiled shyly.

"The old man told my dad, keep going, you do your work. My dad stood there with some embarrassment and looked at the nursing staff. A soldier understood what was going on and came over immediately and said to the old man, Chief, They are doing electric welding, and the light from the electric welding pierces your eyes, which is not good for your eyes.

"The chief reprimanded, it's nonsense. At Dawu Mountain, the Japanese's small steel cannons fell right next to us. We still broke through their encirclement. What are we afraid of with this little light of electric welding?

"He turned around and asked my father and the others in a kind tone, two young comrades, I will just watch from the side while you work, don't you interrupt?

"My dad quickly said not to disturb him. As he spoke, he looked at the soldier. The soldier nodded and motioned for my dad and the others to continue. My dad and my aunt could only continue, and my aunt spoke to me in our hometown dialect. Dad said that he didn’t expect this old leader to be very stubborn.

"My father smiled, but the chief suddenly also spoke in our hometown dialect, hey, little comrade, don't think I don't understand if you say bad things about me.

"My father and aunt were really surprised by this. They didn't expect that this chief could not only understand our hometown dialect, but also speak it. My aunt's face turned red and she stood there, not knowing what to do. Is good.

"The chief laughed loudly and said, what do you think, two fellows, my sneak attack was successful, come on, come on, take a rest first.

"The soldier quickly ran back to the house, brought out two stools, and gave them to my father and aunt to sit on. The three of them chatted in their hometown dialect. The chief told my father and the others that he was returning to his hometown for the last time. It was 1953, and it has been more than 30 years now. My father said, but the chief’s local accent has not changed at all, and he is still so authentic when he speaks.

"The chief was very happy. He said that what was born in the mother's womb cannot be changed. He asked about the current situation in his hometown, and my father and aunt told him in detail. He kept nodding while listening, and the three of them just kept talking. While chatting, my father and my aunt did not do much work that day.

"The work that could have been done in one day ended up working there for three days. The time spent working was not much time to talk to the chief. The chief was very happy. He and my father said that I came here to recuperate and serve. The most effective medicine I found was meeting you two fellow villagers, the chief’s wife. I was very happy to see the chief’s interest so high, and joined in to chat together.

"After the work was done, the chief and his wife were very reluctant to part with them. They asked my father and aunt to visit them often. Of course my father agreed, but he had doubts in his heart. He thought that such a big official was just a friend. We ordinary people are just being polite.

"Unexpectedly, a few days later, the two soldiers came again. This time they didn't come to invite my father and the others to work. Instead, they said that the chief missed my father and the others and wanted to invite them over for dinner. Of course my father was very happy. ah.

"When we got there, my aunt remembered and went to the kitchen to fry two hometown dishes and asked the chief to taste them. As soon as the chief ate them, he shouted that they were delicious. It really tasted like what I had tasted when I was a child.

"From then on, my father and aunt visited the chief and his wife whenever they had time. Even the guard at the door knew them. Later, when they went there, they didn't even check. Maybe it was because the chief had told him. I always tell my dad and aunt that when you get here, it’s like you’re at your own home. You don’t have to check when you get home, right?

"My father often met local leaders in that yard to visit the old chief. Every time he met, the chief would happily introduce my father to them, saying that he was his fellow countryman and responded to the call for reform and opening up. I came to Shenzhen to start a business, and so on. That’s how my father and many local leaders got to know each other.

“Later on, many of them became friends with my father, and they really helped my father a lot. My father’s factory in Shenzhen also grew bigger and bigger.

"When Hainan was established as a province, weren't many people in the preparatory team drawn from various departments in Shenzhen? They had experience in setting up special zones. Several of them were my father's friends. They all encouraged my father to go there. Coming from Hainan.

"In the early days of the founding of the province, Hainan was full of waste and opportunities, and with the help of friends, my father's business became bigger and bigger. People are like this. When it gets bigger, your heart may swell. , I became more and more courageous, feeling that I was omnipotent, fearless, and there was nothing I couldn't do. My father was like this.

"I still don't know whether it is good or bad for my father to come to Hainan. On the surface, he has done a great job and made a lot of money, but is it worth it? As it is now, the whole family cannot live well. Together, no matter how much money there is, what’s the point?”

When Huang Meili said this, she sighed deeply.

"Did your mother show up later?" Liu Ligan asked.

"No, it never showed up."

Huang Meili said: "Because of this, my father and she couldn't divorce even after getting married. The reason why my father ran this company that he didn't dare to hold any nominal position and was only a shadow dancer was because he was worried about my mother. One day she will suddenly appear and ask for divorce and property division, so half of my father and aunt have been working for her for so many years."

"Then your father and aunt..."

"They live together but are not married. My aunt has no status, but my father is considerate. Chairman Shentu of Jingfa Group is my aunt's father."

"How is your relationship with your aunt?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It's a very strange relationship. I can only say that I understand her more and more and sympathize with her. When I was young, I was ignorant and thought that my mother's departure had something to do with her. I hated her for a while. Later, my grandparents , they told me everything about them and my mother. I also went through that stage myself, and I realized that my mother’s departure had nothing to do with her.

"As for my father, fortunately she has been around to take care of and help me for so many years. I later understood that I don't hate her anymore. It should be said that she is very good to me and is more like my mother than my mother. Maybe she treats me too much." Well, it makes our relationship seem unnatural and makes me feel a lot of pressure.”

"Why do you say that?" Liu Ligan was surprised.

"To give two small examples, one is that my aunt doesn't have a child of her own. Why? It's all because of me. My father once persuaded her to have a child of her own. She said, we already have Xiaorong, that's me. Why do you need a child? Isn’t Xiaorong my daughter?

"My father tried to persuade her again, but she told my father, please stop talking. If I really have another child, of course I can keep a bowl of water balanced, but no matter how good I am, Xiaorong will feel disappointed. It's a good family, and I don't want it to be torn apart by the addition of another person. That's what she told my dad."

"So, your aunt is really nice." Liu Ligan sighed.

"Yes, great, I'm feeling stressed. Now I feel that they don't have children, it's all because of me. Do you think it's a sin or not? Also, when I'm at home, my aunt seems to be very careful, even Some of them seem to be catering to me and flattering me. They always say, "Xiao Rong, do you think this is good? Xiao Rong, just tell me what you want."

"As a result, I felt depressed at home, because I didn't want her to be like this, so I thought she would be better and more relaxed when I was not at home, so I found various reasons to run outside and stay at home. I can't stay at home for a long time, especially when my aunt knocks on my door and gives me such and such gifts, I will feel uncomfortable all over."

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