The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 312 How could you deceive me?

After the meeting, Sun Hou saw that Liu Ligan's BB signal light kept flashing, and knew that something must be wrong with him. Sun Hou said, Mr. Liu, I will accompany the two presidents to eat downstairs later, and then arrive. Take a walk on Haixiu Road outside and go about your own business.

Liu Ligan said yes, he would detain me if something happens.

He stood up, said goodbye to the two presidents and Sun Hou, and walked outside the room. He almost jumped with joy. Jinghai International Financial Center, 41st floor, the tallest building in Haicheng, was built by me, Liu Ligan. Yes, this is fucking awesome, right? !

Liu Ligan hurriedly went downstairs and ran to Zhang Chen. He ran to Zhang Chen's office and saw Zhang Chen sitting there alone. Liu Ligan asked, "Where's the beauty?"

"Leave." Zhang Chen scolded, "Why, you still want me to keep her forever."

Liu Ligan chuckled: "In this lifetime, she will no longer be that old man's, but yours."

"Rogue and shameless." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Okay, forget about that for now. I want to tell you something." Liu Ligan immediately told Zhang Chen excitedly about the meeting they had upstairs and about the Jinghai International Financial Center. Zhang Chen was very happy after hearing this. Delighted, he said:

"Great, pole, now you can finally create the history of Haicheng!"

Liu Ligan continued to smile: "Isn't it true? Now, I, Liu Ligan, will also come forward."

The BB camera in his waist was trembling again. Liu Ligan picked it up and saw that it was still Huang Meili. He looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Okay, after dealing with the important affairs of the family and the country, I now have to deal with my personal feelings."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "It seems like you don't need to have dinner. I'll go by myself."

Zhang Chen took two bowls from the cabinet and walked out.

Liu Ligan quickly called Huang Meili. As soon as the call came through, Huang Meili said, "Lao Ma, why don't you call me back?"

"I was just in a meeting, and the leaders were all there, so there was no way to go back." Liu Ligan explained.

"You're a scumbag. You said you would show up right away as long as I detained you."

"Okay, where are you now? I'll be there soon."

"Ignore you, you scoundrel."

"I can't ignore it. If you ignore me, I really depend on you and you can't get rid of me."

"You... okay, I'm at Guoshang 605."

"Okay, I'll be here right away. Look at your watch. I'll be there within ten minutes."

Liu Ligan hung up the phone and ran out. He ran outside to Haixiu Road, crossed the road and ran to the opposite side. When he arrived at Guoshang, before anyone arrived, he shouted to the bellman at the front desk, "Handsome guy, help me." I swipe down the elevator and go to the sixth floor, 605.

In Guoshang's elevator, you need to swipe your room card to go upstairs.

When they arrived on the sixth floor, they found 605. Liu Ligan did not ring the doorbell, but banged on the door. The door opened, and there was Huang Meili standing inside. Liu Ligan picked her up.

Huang Meili giggled, looked at her watch, and shouted, "That's right, Mom, seven minutes."

Putting Huang Meili down, Liu Ligan wanted to go inside the door. Huang Meili stopped him and told him that he was not allowed to come in. Please explain clearly first, why didn't you tell me that your company is opening today?

Liu Ligan smiled: "I forgot, really. Mainly because I feel that this is not my real company. I am just a small shareholder. Next time my company opens, I will definitely invite you to cut the ribbon. Eh, no, you How do you know my company is opening today?”

"Humph, not only did I know, I also went."

"You went?" Liu Ligan pretended to be stupid, "Why didn't I see you?"

"I went and then accompanied Brother Zhang back to Wanghailou to get the renderings. The renderings disappeared, so Brother Zhang had to draw a new one. By the way, Brother Zhang even invited me to dinner and painted for me."

Liu Ligan almost laughed out loud when he heard this. It looked like Zhang Chen had taken great pains to get rid of Huang Meili. It was really hard work.

"Yes, yes, that rendering is waiting for urgent use." Liu Ligan said, "Can we go in now?"

"Okay, I'll spare you, come in." Huang Meili said and got out of the way.

"Why do you want to rent a room here in broad daylight?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It's not your fault. I even deducted your money and didn't answer it. I thought I was alone today. I wanted to eat Chaojiangchun's roast goose but didn't want to go downstairs, so I checked into the room and ordered it in the room. By the way, Lao Ma, what do you want to eat, hurry up, I’ve already ordered it.”

Huang Meili said, and handed the order form for the guest room to Liu Ligan. Before Liu Ligan received it, Huang Meili took it back. Forget it, let me order it for you.

She walked to the bedside table and sat down, picked up the phone on it, looked at the order list, added five or six dishes, and a bottle of red wine.

"Today we want to celebrate, to celebrate the opening of Lao Ma's company." Huang Meili turned to Liu Ligan and smiled.

The two people removed the lamp and tea set from the desk in the guest room, leaving an empty table waiting for their orders to arrive.

Huang Meili asked Liu Ligan: "Tell me, how are you today?"

When Huang Meili asked, Liu Ligan became happy. He told Huang Meili about the Jinghai International Financial Center. Huang Meili clapped her hands and said, "That's great, Lao Ma. From now on, when I pass by this building Sometimes, I will remember that this was built by Lao Ma. By the way, Lao Ma, will your office be in it in the future?"


"Great, then I will stop the car and go up to find you. If the security guards at the door stop me, I will tell them that I am a friend of Mr. Liu and come to see you, Mr. Liu. Haha, will they? Get out of the way obediently?"

"If you didn't say you were looking for me, they would just get out of the way."


"Of course. Have you ever been stopped by security in Haicheng?"

Huang Meili thought for a moment, pursed her lips and smiled: "It seems like there really isn't."

The smile quickly disappeared from Huang Meili's face. Liu Ligan saw a trace of worry creeping up, but it disappeared immediately.

The dishes and wine they ordered arrived. The two waiters helped them set the dishes, opened the red wine for them, poured it into the decanter, and shook it gently. Huang Meili told them, "That's it. Thank you!"

Huang Meili took out two hundred yuan from her bag and wanted to give one hundred yuan to each of the two waiters. The two waiters blushed, shook their hands and said, "No, no, no, Miss Huang."

Huang Meili forced it on them and told them, "You and I, why are you so polite? You have been taking care of me for so long since I have been here."

The two waiters looked at each other, then took the money and said thank you to Miss Huang together! Exit the door.

Liu Ligan looked at Huang Meili and smiled: "I know why you are so popular in the hotel. Do you often treat them to late-night snacks and give them gifts?"

"Yes, those things were all given by others. There is almost no room for them in my room. In Haicheng, I don't have many friends to give them to. Every time I go out, I will bring some to give away. You want No, I have various brands of lipstick, Lao Ma, if you want it I will give it to you." Huang Meili giggled.

Liu Ligan scolded: "Go, go, I'm not Dongfang Invincible."

Huang Meili poured wine for the two of them, raised the glass, and said seriously to Liu Ligan: "Come on, Lao Ma, I know you are avoiding me today, but I still want to toast you and wish you a happy opening of the company! I also wish you the best." Your Jinghai International Financial Center will be completed as soon as possible!"

Huang Meili's words shocked Liu Ligan, and he shouted: "Nonsense, why am I hiding from you!"

Huang Meili looked at him, smiled slightly, and said: "Do you think I am a fool? During this time, you have been busy with this matter, and we have been together so many times, but you have never told me once that your company When will it open and is this normal?

"This morning, Brother Zhang came over as soon as I went there and asked me to take him back to Wanghai Tower to pick up his things.

"Giggle, if he is so anxious, will he not go back to Wanghailou if I don't go? Or is it just me who has the only car in that place? What's even more ridiculous is that he told me that he was going back to get the renderings, and the decoration was completed. Why do you need renderings?

"Stop talking, Lao Ma, stop making up lies, otherwise I will be sad.

"Even if people from Beijing want to take something back and let others see the company, they just take a camera and take pictures. Why do they need renderings? Isn't all this just to get rid of me?

"However, I am very happy. I am very happy to go to the cafeteria of Wanghailou to eat. I really haven't eaten the big pot food in the cafeteria for a long time. What is even more happy is that I like the painting that Brother Zhang gave me. , this is a good gift.

"Lao Ma, no matter what you want to say, there is no need to say it. I know you do this, and there must be a reason for doing so. I respect you, and I sincerely wish you a successful business, and thank you for staying with me during this time. , I am very happy when I am with you, really, thank you, Lao Ma!"

The more Liu Ligan listened, the more he felt something was wrong. He asked, "Meili, what do you mean by this?"

"Today may be the last time we drink together, Lao Ma." Huang Meili said, her eyes lowered.

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