The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 309 Our Staff Canteen

The two of them were painting and looking at each other, chatting together. This morning, no one came to disturb them. Zhang Chen gradually felt relieved. He felt that Huang Meili's posture was very relaxed and she was very comfortable. There was no rush to return to the Pearl Building, nor was there any rush to find Liu Ligan.

Zhang Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Zhang Chen thought that Liu Ligan and the others should have gone to Nanzhuang Hotel by now. Zhang Chen secretly glanced at Huang Meili and asked casually:

"They are having a dinner at Nanzhuang at noon. It is noisy. Do you want to join in the fun?"

Huang Meili frowned and said with some disdain: "What's so delicious about this kind of rice? I hate eating with so many people I don't know. Everyone is so pretentious."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I hate it too."

"Brother Zhang, let me invite you to dinner." Huang Meili said.

Zhang Chen hesitated. He thought that although this could hold Huang Meili back, eating alone with someone else's mistress and Liu Ligan's son would be quite embarrassing. Zhang Chen thought about it and said with a smile:

"Either I invite you to eat in the staff canteen of Wanghai Building, and we go get food and eat back here."

"Okay, okay." Huang Meili shouted, "I haven't eaten in the cafeteria since I left school. That's great!"

"If you eat it every day, you won't feel better." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

He took two bowls from the cabinet, handed them to Huang Meili, took two more for himself, and then took out a bundle of meal tickets tied with rubber bands from the drawer.

Huang Meili had sharp eyes and shouted: "Give it to me, Brother Zhang, give me the meal ticket."

Zhang Chen handed the meal ticket to Huang Meili. Huang Meili looked at it in her hand and said, "I will eat up all the meal tickets and make you poor."

Zhang Chen smiled: "Okay, if you have the guts, you can make us poor."

The two of them arrived at the staff canteen. There was a long queue at the window to buy food and vegetables. Zhang Chen got in the queue. Huang Meili didn't queue, but walked directly to the front of the queue. She wanted to see what food was available.

What surprised Zhang Chen secretly was that many people in the team knew Huang Meili. When they saw her, they asked strangely: "Miss Huang, why are you here?"

"It's time to get food. My eldest brother invites me to dinner."

Huang Meili said and pointed to the back. Those people looked behind and giggled when they saw Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen's face turned red from their laughter. He seemed to hear them saying, "Too stingy." Mr. Zhang, please invite all the beauties to the staff canteen for dinner.

Huang Meili walked to the front and looked inside through the glass. When she came back and pouted, Zhang Chen asked her what was wrong?

"Hmph, they are all my favorite dishes." Huang Meili scolded. She looked down at the bowl in her hand, which meant that there were too few bowls. She said to Zhang Chen: "Brother Zhang, we don't buy food." If you don’t know whether it’s good or not, just eat the vegetables, the rice doesn’t taste good.”

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Miss Huang, why is it you?"

The two waiters at the front desk had just finished washing the dishes in the sink. When they came back, they saw Huang Meili and shouted in surprise.

Huang Meili looked at them and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

The two people nodded: "I just finished eating."

Huang Meili laughed playfully, took the bowl from their hands, and said to them: "Lend me the bowl and I will return it to you later."

Huang Meili said and nodded at Zhang Chen with her chin. Zhang Chen quickly said, OK, I will send it to you later.

The two waiters looked at them with a smile, said goodbye and walked away, whispering as they walked, looking back at Zhang Chen and Huang Meili from time to time.

Huang Meili and Zhang Chen said, "Brother Zhang, I'll queue up. I'll call you when I get there. Just help me get it."

Zhang Chen walked out of the team and gave up his seat to Huang Meili.

Zhang Chen walked to the back of the queue and saw a bellman looking at him and smiling. Zhang Chen approached and asked, "Do you know her?"

"Of course, Miss Huang, no one at the front desk knows her. Why, Mr. Zhang, you were with her, and you don't know her?"

"I know her surname is Huang. She is a friend of a friend. I don't know her very well."

The bellman nodded, and Zhang Chen asked again: "Where does this Miss Huang come from?"

"I don't know," the bellman said. "She is a regular customer of ours, so I know she must be very rich and have a great background."

"If you don't know, how do you know she has a great background?" Zhang Chen scolded.

"She used the price negotiated by Jingfa Group. She has the right to sign at our front desk. She is often in the room, ordering food randomly, and can spend several thousand a day. Jingfa Group has never had any doubts about her bill, no matter how much it is. Admit it, that’s the Jingfa Group, do you think it’s a big deal?”

Zhang Chen understood, and he said, so to speak, it really has a background.

Zhang Chen handed a cigarette to the bellman, and the two of them smoked and chatted as the team moved forward. However, Zhang Chen did not get any more information. He only knew that her real name was not Huang Meili, but Huang Rong.

"That's Huang Rong," the bellman said.

Damn it, it’s with Guo Jing, not Liu Ligan!

"Brother Zhang, brother Zhang, come on!" Huang Meili shouted. She was already waiting in line and was already getting food. Zhang Chen hurriedly ran to the front.

Huang Meili handed the bowls into the window one by one, picked the dishes, took them one by one, and handed them to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen arranged them on the terrazzo table next to the glass window. The eight bowls were quickly prepared. After eight dishes, Huang Meili came out and said to Zhang Chen excitedly:

"The cafeteria in Wanghailou is great. It's much better than the one in our school. I will eat here often in the future."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, welcome."

The two of them stood there. Zhang Chen looked at the eight bowls of food in front of him and said to Huang Meili: "How can we take it back with two of us and four hands? Wait, I'll look for one of my workers and ask him to help us." take it back."

"No, no, no. I'll teach you." Huang Meili shouted.

She held two bowls of vegetables in both hands, lined up the other two bowls side by side, and held the two bowls firmly between her elbows and the two bowls in her hands. Then he picked up four bowls of food. Zhang Chen followed suit and picked up the other four bowls.

The two of them walked outside. Huang Meili proudly said to Zhang Chen, "Did you see that? Pediatrics, I did this every day when I was in school."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, if you can buy four bowls of food for every meal at school, you are undoubtedly rich. Could it be that someone was taking care of you when you were studying?

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that he might have been sent to college after being kept by someone. After all, men like to take their mistresses out to socialize, and they are not willing to invest in their mistresses.

The two of them took the dishes back to the office and placed them on the table. Zhang Chen thought to himself that it would be awkward to eat the dishes like this, so he prepared to go out and buy a drink for Huang Meili.

Huang Meili asked him: "Do you have any wine here?"

Zhang Chen said, there is only liquor. If you want beer or red wine, I will buy it outside. It’s a short walk away.

"No, let's just drink some liquor." Huang Meili said.

Zhang Chen took out the Jiugui wine from the cabinet, found two more cups, and poured half a cup of wine for each of the two people. Huang Meili picked up the cup, sniffed it with her nose, and exclaimed: "It smells so good."

Huang Meili raised her cup, clinked it with Zhang Chen, took a sip, and exclaimed excitedly: "It's so good, I feel like I'm back in school again."

"You're in school, and that's all you eat?"

"Yes, but the food is not as delicious as here. It tastes terrible. It looks like it is for pigs." Huang Meili smiled, "But eating pig food, we have graduated."

The two of them finished half a glass of wine and then had another half glass. Zhang Chen was secretly surprised. He felt that Huang Meili had a good drinking capacity. A glass of high-strength white wine could last more than three ounces, and even his expression did not change.

After the two of them finished eating, Zhang Chen wanted to wash the dishes, but Huang Meili said, I'll go, I'll go, don't you still have to catch up on painting?

Zhang Chen had no choice but to let her go, picked up the brush, and continued to paint pretentiously.

Huang Meili came back with a stack of bowls, and Zhang Chen said to her apologetically: "I don't have a place to rest here, so you can lie down on the table."

"No, I don't take a nap. The most annoying thing about this place in Haicheng is that at this time, everyone is taking a nap and no ghosts can be found. Brother Zhang, please continue painting while I watch."

Zhang Chen's eyelids were actually fighting, but he had no choice but to continue painting, barely holding on until almost two o'clock. Huang Meili's BB machine rang. She looked at it, frowned, and said to Zhang Chen: "Brother Zhang, let me borrow the phone."

Zhang Chen said yes without looking back.

He heard that Huang Meili seemed to be talking to someone on the phone. Her tone was quite impatient. After saying a few words, she shouted: "Okay, okay, I'll be back!"

She said and hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen turned around and looked at her. Huang Meili smiled reluctantly and said to Zhang Chen: "Brother Zhang, I'm sorry, I can't send you off. My family wants me to go back."

Zhang Chen said okay, it doesn't matter, I can just take the car there by myself.

Huang Meili carefully rolled the painting Zhang Chen gave her into a cylinder, held it in her hand, waved to Zhang Chen and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhang!"

She said and walked out.

Zhang Chen looked at her back and was startled.

Girls are good girls, but the problem is too complicated.

Zhang Chen sighed.

The roar of the motor came from the door, and then it walked away.

Zhang Chen put the unfinished renderings and the drawing board on the top of the cabinet, put away the easel, and leaned against the wall next to the cabinet.

He felt so sleepy that he lay down on the table, ready to take a nap.

The BB camera in his waist rang. He looked at it and saw that it belonged to Liu Ligan:

"I'm having a meeting at the company, how's it going?"

How is the situation? Just keep worrying about it, I'll tell you when I wake up.

Zhang Chen threw the BB machine on the table and continued to sleep.

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