The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 305 The Ghost Man’s Car

Liu Ligan walked into Gui Lao's office. When Randall saw him, he stood up and walked over with open arms. Liu Ligan quickly shouted: "No, no, don't fucking come over. I just had breakfast." "

Randall laughed loudly: "If you throw up, you'll treat me to lunch."

Liu Ligan was still caught by him and hugged him.

Liu Ligan pushed him away, looked at the chest hair exposed in his shirt, and cursed: "How many days have you not washed this hair of yours?"

Randall patted his chest and said to Liu Ligan: "I just washed it this morning and applied mousse. How is it? Do you want to do it again?"

"It must have been shoe polish." Liu Ligan cursed.

Randall sat back in his seat and waved his hand, asking Liu Lipole to sit opposite him.

Liu Ligan sat down, told Randall about renting a car, and asked him if any of his friends had cars to stay in Haicheng.

"That friend of yours, do you trust him?" Randall asked.

"I believe he is my brother."

"Tell him to come over and talk to me, and I'll rent him my car."

"No joke."

"I'm not kidding, really."

"Then what do you drive yourself?"

"Haha." Randall smiled happily, "I have a friend who went back to Hong Kong and left me his office keys and car keys. I drove his car, so I can rent my own car to Are you friends?"

"Damn you, you are not only the most diligent ghost guy I have ever seen, but you are also the stingiest and most calculating ghost guy." Liu Ligan cursed.

Randall shook his head, raised his hands, like a gorilla, waving his palms at himself: "I have the money to pick up girls."

"Any girl who meets you will be unlucky."

"Nonsense, all the girls I've picked up are obsessed with me and look down on little guys like you." Randall shouted.

"What do you mean by ghost bullshit? This is it. If the ghost man's words can be believed, then you are going to see a ghost." Liu Ligan scolded.

Meng Ping received a call from Liu Ligan, asked for the address, and rushed over immediately. Liu Ligan introduced them to each other. Randall still gave Meng Ping a hug. Unlike Liu Ligan, Meng Ping He didn't resist Randall's hug at all. While hugging him, he patted Randall's back in a friendly manner.

Letting go of Meng Ping, Randall made a face at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan knew what he meant and glared at him.

The three of them sat down, and Liu Ligan took a Hong Kong "Zhengming" magazine from Randall's table, read the political gossip in it, and let the two of them talk among themselves.

Meng Ping and Randall quickly agreed on the price of renting a car, which was RMB 18,000 per month for six months. If there was an accident, Meng Ping would be responsible for all the insufficient compensation from the insurance company. Meng Ping said that this was originally That's what it should be, I own the car and I pay for it myself.

Randall then made a request. If it was a major accident, and the accident cost more than 2,000 yuan, Meng Ping would give him an additional 20% of the repair cost.

"What kind of money is this?" Meng Ping asked.

"The depreciation fee plus the moral comfort payment." Randall said, "Firstly, it allows you to take good care of the car and don't drive it like a tank. Secondly, my good car was damaged by you, even though it was repaired. But I still feel pain here, don’t you want to compensate me?”

Randall said with his hands on his chest.

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan and said with a smile: "I didn't expect this foreigner to be so cunning."

Liu Ligan said: "It's not surprising, he is Ba Jin's younger brother."

"Ba Jin, is he the one who wrote "Thunderstorm"?" Randall asked, "Oh, my Chen Bailu."

"'Thunderstorm' was written by Cao Yu, Chen Bailu is not from 'Thunderstorm', but from 'Sunrise', illiterate!" Liu Ligan scolded.

Randall quibbled: "After a thunderstorm, doesn't the sun rise? Oh, I remembered, Ba Jin wrote "Home", "Spring" and "Autumn". Why did you say I was his younger brother?"

"He is Ba Jin and you are Jing Ba." Liu Ligan cursed angrily. Randall and Meng Ping laughed. Randall said fine, I will print it on the business card and say I am Ba Jin's younger brother. , Fine Barandel.

"Okay, I agree." Meng Ping said.

Randall then asked for a deposit of 50,000 yuan. He said, "If you don't have a deposit, the car crashes. If you throw the car at the repair shop and don't pick it up, what will I do?"

Liu Ligan quickly said, stop it, stop it, this is the last one, and there can be no other requirements.

Randall smiled and said, "I have finished all my requests."

"Okay, that's it, I agree." Meng Ping said.

Meng Ping asked if he wanted to draft a contract. Randall said no, just write down these few clauses. You write, and the words I wrote are all earthworms, and you can't recognize them.

Liu Ligan took the pen and paper and briefly wrote a few points about what they discussed. The two of them saw that there were no problems and signed.

Meng Ping took out two blank cash checks from his bag, filled out one for fifty thousand, which was the deposit, and filled out another one for one hundred and eighty thousand, which was six months' rent. He dried the ink and handed it over. Randall, Randall took out the car key from his bag and told Meng Ping that the car was in the underground parking lot and the pole knew the license plate. It would be yours for the next six months.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping stood up and said goodbye to Randall. Randall and Meng Ping hugged each other and patted each other on the back. Liu Ligan knew that he was coming towards him next and ran out quickly.

Standing at the elevator entrance, Liu Ligan asked Meng Ping: "Do you have a driver's license?"


"Can you drive?"


"Then why are you anxious?"

"Let's go to that place and find a driver."

Liu Ligan knew that he was talking about the East Lake Recruitment Wall, so he said yes, I will take you there.

"Of course you take me there, otherwise the security will chase me away," Meng Ping said.

The two of them arrived at the East Lake recruitment wall. It was the same as last time. Liu Ligan stood aside and Meng Ping shouted: "We are looking for drivers, car drivers!"

After a shout, more than a dozen people gathered around. A security guard in the distance saw the movement here and walked towards here. Liu Lipole waved his hand. The security guard saw him and stepped back.

Meng Ping saw a woman in her thirties among the crowd, and asked, "Can you drive?"

The woman nodded.

"Where are you from?"


"Where is Xianning?"

"Next to Wuhan."

"What did you originally do?"

"I'm in Wuhan, driving a bus."

Meng Ping nodded: "Okay, it's just you, let the others disperse."

The other people dispersed, and the woman asked, Boss, where should I go for the interview?

"Interview? Already had an interview." Meng Ping said.

"Really." The woman was excited, "Then when can I go to work?"

"Now, come with me."

The woman hesitated, and Meng Ping asked, "What, are you having difficulty?"

"No, no, my stuff is over there, please help me look at it." The woman said.

"Then go get it and follow me." Meng Ping said.

"Okay, right away."

The woman disappeared into the crowd, and Liu Ligan came over and asked, "Is this good?"

"Okay, how complicated is it to find a driver?" Meng Ping said.

The two stood and waited for a while. When the woman came back, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were shocked. They saw that the woman had a big bag on her back and a two or three-year-old child in her arms.

This, this, this, this, what is this operation? Meng Ping asked: "Is this your child?"

The woman nodded: "Yes, my daughter, boss, don't worry, I promise that I will make arrangements and won't delay your work."

"You came to Hainan alone?" Liu Ligan asked.

"No, two, me and my daughter." The woman answered.

"I mean, is there no one else?" Liu Ligan asked.

"No, her name is Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan is very well-behaved. Yuanyuan, please call her uncle." The woman said anxiously to the child in her arms, and the little girl timidly called out: "Uncle."

Seeing that Meng Ping was still hesitating, the woman said in an almost begging voice: "Boss, I promise, I promise to make arrangements for my daughter. Really, it won't affect work. I've been here for a week. That's it." Because I have a child, no matter where I applied for a job, I was not hired..."

"Fuck!" Meng Ping cursed. Liu Ligan and the woman were both stunned. Meng Ping then said, "Give me the bag, and you can hold the child."

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan said, "Let's take a taxi there. You can't even sit here."

Liu Ligan said yes.

Meng Ping took the woman's big backpack from her shoulder and put it on his own shoulder. Liu Ligan quickly walked to the roadside and stopped a taxi. Meng Ping put the bag into the back seat and let him go. The woman got into the back seat with her child, and then sat in the passenger seat.

Liu Ligan watched as the car started and drove out.

Liu Ligan was about to walk back to his motorcycle when the taxi stopped again. Meng Ping stretched out his head and waved to Liu Ligan, who quickly ran over.

"License plate, license plate, pole, please give me the license plate." Meng Ping said.

Liu Ligan quickly took out a pen and paper from his bag, wrote the ghost guy's license plate, and stuffed it into Meng Ping's hand.

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