The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 303 Everyone is a cobbler, everyone is Zhuge Liang

"By the way, Meng Ping, you're back in Haicheng, what are you going to do?" Liu Ligan said, "Three million is a lot, but it's still not enough if you want to build a house."

"I don't want to build a house. I haven't reached that point yet and my financial resources don't allow it." Meng Ping said.

"Then what are you going to do? The company is open and you talk about your dreams with those girls every day?" Zhang Chen was also curious.

Meng Ping waved his hand, no, he said: "I have already thought about it on the way here. Everyone should give full play to their own strengths. For example, if you Zhang Chen is good at design, you can do decoration. The pole is eloquent, so he goes to deceive people..."

"You're the one fucking fooling people." Liu Ligan scolded.

Meng Ping laughed loudly: "Don't worry, I don't mean any harm in what I say. Those who can deceive people are all great talents. You see, philosophers are all capable of deceiving people. What about pure rational criticism, negation of negation, Existence is nothingness. Who can tell why? What's the use of all this? You and a farmer are going to fool you and see if they don't give you a hoe.

"But they can deceive the elites of society, especially those who think they are smart. They deceive these people into being stunned, and deceive themselves into great philosophers. The same goes for those politicians. Zhuge Liang can deceive three people. Dividing the world and deceiving himself into the position of prime minister, Hitler could deceive someone who you thought would deceive him into World War II. Is it easy?

"Do you know who I admired most when I was a child? Shi Yang, the lawyer Shi Yang in the movie "The Storm", look at that deceptive style..."

"Stop being so nagging, tell me what your specialties are?" Liu Ligan scolded.

"I have been working in an agency and am good at handling relationships between superiors and subordinates. I am not bragging. Let me tell you that in our compound, although I, Meng Ping, am a small personnel bureau cadre, I am not well-known. Secretary Yayu, the mayor, and even the gatekeeper would get up and open the door for me in the middle of the night when they heard it was me calling the door in the middle of the night."

"Wuxi is Wuxi, and Haicheng is Haicheng. You are nothing here. You can't even fool the armed police at the gate of the Haicheng Party Committee Courtyard." Liu Ligan said.

Meng Ping glanced at him and said: "The armed police are not the people I want to have a good relationship with. The people in the building are. My job is to drink tea, eat KTV, and go from this office to that office every day, smoking and chatting." "

"What do you want to do?" Liu Li asked curiously.

"Going to business."

"Is this how it goes?"

"That's right. Think about it, every piece of land in this city comes from that building. That's the source. If I don't go there to do business, where else would I go?" Meng Ping said with a smile.

"He wants to resell the red line map." Huang Meili suddenly said.

When the three of them heard Huang Meili's words, they were all startled. Meng Ping looked at her and wondered, "How do you know?"

Huang Meili giggled and said, "Of course I know."

She explained to Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen that the land in Haicheng is basically transferred by government agreement. He wants to use the connections to obtain this right. If the government department gives you the red line map, it is equivalent to confirming that you own the land. Rights, but not actual ownership. Actual ownership must wait until the land transfer fee is paid.

However, there is a grace period for the government to collect land deposits. There are no strict regulations on this grace period. It depends entirely on connections. You pay a small amount of money as a deposit and get the red line map. You can even do it without a deposit. , just get the red line map in hand. Here, it depends on relationships, and there are no strict explicit requirements.

After you get the red line map, there is a window period until the land transfer fee is actually paid. You can then operate. You can sell the red line map to others at a higher price, which means transferring the right to purchase the land under the agreement to others. You make huge profits from it.

Huang Meili talked eloquently. Zhang Chen and Meng Ping became more and more curious as they listened. They all wondered where this girl came from. How could she know all this?

Liu Ligan listened and understood. He thought that the old man must also be engaged in this kind of business. Huang Meili accompanied him outside to socialize and socialize, and even listened. What's weird about this?

"Expert!" Meng Ping shouted, "Beauty, how do you know this?"

Huang Meili giggled: "Someone I know does this, I heard it."

Liu Ligan thought, sure enough.

Meng Ping nodded and asked, how did they do?

"You said this person I know?" Huang Meili asked.

Meng Ping said yes.

"It's big and I know a lot of money is being made."

"Beauty, can you introduce me to her?"

"This..." Huang Meili hesitated, and she said, "It doesn't seem very convenient. As you know, people who do this kind of thing are basically in a small circle, and outsiders generally can't get in."

"Understood. That's it." Meng Ping kept nodding, "I also want to build my own small circle. I think I have the ability."

Huang Meili nodded.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Buy a car first, buy a big brother, and pretend to be a rich man. Everyone is willing to deal with the rich. No one will believe what the poor say." Meng Ping said.

"What car should I buy?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Da Ben."

"Yes, I sleep in the office at night, drive a Mercedes-Benz during the day, and talk about business with Big Brother in my hand." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"What's the matter? No one comes to my office anyway. It's not like Haicheng people talk about things, so no one talks in the office. It's either a hotel or a KTV."

"Brother Meng, it seems uneconomical for you to buy a car like this." Huang Meili said.

"Oh, then what do you think I should buy?" Meng Ping asked Huang Meili.

"Many people register a joint venture and then apply for a tax-free quota to buy it." Huang Meili said, "If it is a Mercedes-Benz, a car can be hundreds of thousands cheaper."

"Are they those black-brand cars on the street?"

"No, black brand cars belong to wholly foreign-owned enterprises, but joint ventures can apply for quotas."

Liu Ligan remembered that Huang Meili's car was a black brand car. Could it be that the old man next to her was a Hong Konger like Mr. Han, just like Wenwen?

"But we are all mainlanders, how can we set up a joint venture or sole proprietorship?" Meng Ping was puzzled.

Huang Meili smiled: "Do you think those joint ventures and sole proprietorships are all run by people from abroad? No, they are just borrowing the heads of people from Hong Kong or Taiwan. In fact, the real bosses are all mainlanders. What's more, the Chinese Registering an offshore company outside and then investing in China is considered a foreign-invested enterprise. This is done to obtain policy and tax benefits."

"Offshore company?" Meng Ping said with a smile, "Why don't I understand this at all? Alas, I feel like a bumpkin."

Huang Meili giggled: "I don't understand either, I just heard what others said."

Liu Ligan thought that the person you were listening to was the old man. Liu Ligan had a vague feeling that the old man's business was so big that he could not imagine it.

"But it's too late to do this now. My loan has a time limit, so I have to race against time." Meng Ping said.

Liu Ligan remembered what Mr. Han had said to him in the morning about Hong Kong and Taiwanese businessmen. Liu Ligan said that with Meng Ping, you can rent a car instead of spending so much money on buying a car.

"Rent a car? Where can I rent one?" Not only Meng Ping, but also Zhang Chen and Huang Meili were surprised. Renting a car was unheard of at the time.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said that the current economic downturn has caused many Hong Kong and Taiwanese bosses to temporarily close their companies and their people have returned to Taiwan and Hong Kong, but their cars are still here and can be rented from them.

You think, if they park their car and don't drive it, wouldn't it be a waste? If they rent it to you, they will get at least an income every month. As for you, you don't have to spend millions to buy a car, instead spending tens of thousands every month. Just rent, and the money can be saved for other things. When you have money, it's not too late to buy a car.

"Yes, this is a good idea. Parking the car there and not driving it for a long time is not good for the car." Huang Meili said.

Meng Ping also became excited. He shouted: "Of course I can't ask for such a good thing, but who can I rent this car from? I don't know any Taiwanese or Hong Kong people. I only know a few of you in Haicheng." .”

"For this to be possible, there must be two conditions." Zhang Chen said, "One is to find the car owner, and the other is to have a suitable middleman. The car owner trusts him, and he trusts you. Otherwise, you need to find the car owner." If he drives to the mainland and doesn't come back, where will he find you?"

Liu Ligan thought of a person and said, "Meng Ping, I will ask him tomorrow. He may know these Taiwanese and Hong Kong bosses."

"That's great, pole! It's up to you whether my cannon can be fired!" Meng Ping shouted.

Huang Meili lay next to Liu Ligan's ear and whispered to him: "If it doesn't work for you, just tell me and I will help."

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