Mr. Han let Liu Ligan into the room.

Liu Ligan saw that the entire first floor was a resting, reception, and office area. To the left of the entrance, there was a tea table and armchairs near the courtyard where you could sit and drink tea. Beyond that, there was a circle of sofas.

On the right side of the door, there is a large desk and a small conference table, which can accommodate five or six people for meetings.

No matter where you sit in the room, looking out, you can have a panoramic view of the lush green.

When you are drinking tea, chatting or working, you can turn around and admire the red carps croaking in the pond outside.

In the right corner of the room, there is a staircase leading to the second floor, which should be Mr. Han's residence.

Liu Ligan sighed: "Mr. Han's place is really unique."

Mr. Han smiled slightly and said that I bought this place two years ago and renovated it according to my own preferences. As my own studio, I like Haicheng as a place. Now I have less time to go back to Hong Kong.

Mr. Han asked Liu Ligan to sit at the tea table. Wenwen came over and made tea for them. She whispered in Mr. Han's ear and I went upstairs.

Mr. Han nodded.

There was a plate of small biscuits on the tea table, and on another plate, there were four round yellow foods with a dent in the middle. It took Liu Lipole several years to know that they were called egg tarts.

"Liu Sheng said on the phone earlier that if you have any questions about real estate, please tell us and we can communicate."

Mr. Han spoke first. Liu Ligan did not hide anything and told Mr. Han that he had registered a real estate company. Mr. Han was slightly surprised and asked:

"So soon? It's been less than a month since we last met, and your license has been issued? Did you get Section Chief Ma?"

Mr. Han looked at Liu Ligan with a meaningful look, and Liu Ligan did not hide it and nodded.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Mr. Han smiled slightly and asked again.

"It's about working with people, and the partners are eager to do business."

Liu Ligan simply told Mr. Han what Sun Hou and the others had learned. Mr. Han was obviously startled. He patted the tea table twice with his hand and sighed:

"So, it's really about to start." He looked at Liu Ligan and said, "Once the real estate market opens, no one can stop it. The whole country will be shaken. The whole country will be shaken, and it will definitely start from Shenzhen and Hainan. Like I said, they have light historical baggage.”

"Why do you say no one can brake?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It's very simple. It's the same all over the world. A house is the largest household expense for all families. If it increases in value, it will also have the largest weight in the appreciation of each family's assets. The most important thing is that this is different from buying a car. It affects It will last for the longest time and will affect your whole life and even your descendants. Any small policy change will cause an uproar. Who dares to brake?"

Liu Ligan nodded, and Mr. Han continued:

"Also, it has the greatest impact on the government and the economy. The government has to be involved in land sales, and the government has to be involved in house sales. This will be the government's biggest source of revenue in the future. When you build a house, you need cement. Steel, glass, wood, etc., affect so many industries. You need a mortgage to buy a house, and it also involves the financial industry. It can be said that it affects the whole body."

"What worries me now is that the company is registered, but I don't know how to start business." Liu Ligan said.

"Build houses and sell them." Mr. Han chuckled, "What else can your real estate company do? It's the same as selling fish in the market. Real estate has a history of thousands of years, but in terms of business form, it is The simplest thing is that it is just like selling fish. If you catch good fish, you can sell it at a good price. If you catch trash fish, you can only sell it at the price of trash fish."

"I just don't know what a good fish is and where to catch it," Liu Ligan said.

Mr. Han smiled and said: "Every fisherman will have this problem. Please tell me first what you are going to do. You don't have any idea about this industry, right?"

The idea was there, but unfortunately it was shattered. Liu Ligan remembered their Chinatown and told Mr. Han about the idea of ​​Chinatown at that time.

Mr. Han listened very carefully. After listening, he praised: "This idea is very good and novel. Even if it is placed in Hong Kong, it is an attractive project."

"But luckily you didn't do it, otherwise, you would have drowned if you fell into this pit."

Mr. Han changed the topic and Liu Ligan was surprised. He didn't understand. The idea was very good and the project was very novel. How could he still be drowned? He looked at Mr. Han with doubts in his eyes.

"This project is not suitable here now." Mr. Han said calmly.

"Of course it can't be done now, but Longkunnan Road is open, and it happens to be right on Longkunnan Road." Liu Ligan argued.

Mr. Han shook his head slowly and said: "What I said is inappropriate is that it is not suitable in Haicheng. It is suitable in Hong Kong, it may be suitable in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but it is definitely not suitable in Haicheng."

"Why?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Just use a simple principle." Mr. Han said, "The income of people in every place is shaped like a triangle. The poorest and poorest people have the most at the bottom of the triangle, and the richest people have the least at the top. No matter how society develops, the triangular pattern will not change, and the poor will always be the majority. But the lines on both sides of the triangle will change, and its slope will slow down.

"Now it is an acute-angled triangle. If there are more rich people, especially as the middle class increases, it will become an equilateral triangle. If there are more people, the two sides will slow down, the middle will expand, but the bottom will also expand. , a large number of people who were originally in the middle will fall to the bottom. Why, because poverty and wealth are relative. Those who don’t have a hundred yuan now are poor, and those who don’t have ten thousand yuan will be poor in the future.

"The distribution of wealth in this society is actually a zero-sum game. The rich people at the top get their money from the pockets of those at the bottom. Don't misunderstand me. I say this without any malice. They are not exploiting, but It is through various legal means.

"For example, Li Ka-shing is so rich. Where did his money come from? It came from the people who bought his house. When he sold the house to you, he put your savings and even your future money into it. You have to take out a mortgage. If you have been carrying debts for twenty or thirty years, he has taken away all your twenty or thirty years of wealth at once, which is why he is so rich.

"There is no such thing as equal wealth. Equal wealth is not an ideal, it is a fantasy. To put it bluntly, the government of any country is the government of the rich. They themselves have money and they also serve the rich. A poor government cannot survive in this world." Sir, look at those countries that have coups every three days, which one is not extremely poor, has a stable government, and which one is not rich?

"Why, firstly, it is rich and can design various social benefits to win people's hearts. Secondly, the poor are working for the rich and busy paying off their debts. They have no time to flatter their bosses. Where can they find the ability and time? To go against their bosses, and their bosses, the rich and the middle class, are all on the side of the government.

"Haha, so what every government thinks about is how to expand the number of the middle class. The gentler the slope of the triangle, the more stable the country will be.

"Sorry, I went too far. Sorry, sorry."

After Mr. Han talked for a long time, he realized that he had gone off topic and quickly stopped. However, Liu Ligan felt that he was listening with interest. He said to Mr. Han: "No, no, I think what he said is very good."

"That's right. You who are in real estate must have experience in this. After all, the more middle class you have, the more customers you will have. Who among the poor will buy a house?" Mr. Han said, "Back to your project, what are your goals? That’s what I said, the middle and upper part of this triangle, right?”

Liu Lipole nodded.

"Well, let me tell you, Hainan is now an acute triangle. There are only a few rich people in Haicheng. After leaving Haicheng, you go to Da, Tongshi, and Qiongzhong. People there are generally poor. Damn it, Hainan Island only has a population of over six million, and it can be said that 99% of them are poor. How many people are there in Haicheng? Including the foreign population, it is only one million.

"With such a population base, how many people will be your customers? If a large commercial complex is opened there, it needs year-round customers, not just to see something new, join in the fun, and go there once or twice. I think Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou may be suitable because their population base is large enough, but I am not sure whether there is such a large middle class.

"I'm sure that if your project goes well, it will cause a sensation, and business will be very good in the first few days, but the excitement will not last three months. From now on, you will only be able to raise mosquitoes."

Liu Ligan felt like he was sweating as he listened. Indeed, they all thought this project was good at the time, but they had never thought about this issue or the consumption power of the entire Haicheng.

However, there was one thing Liu Ligan didn't understand, that is, he and Zhang Chen could be said to have no experience, but how could Mr. Xie think this was a good project? Confident about this?

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