The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 294 We are pests

Liu Ligan quickly shook his head: "It's nothing. I feel like I'm back in class again. Thank you, madam."

Liu Yun tapped Liu Li's pole with her hand, feeling happy in her heart.

Liu Ligan asked: "Madam, how do you know so much?"

"Study. If you don't learn, you won't know anything. If someone digs a hole, you will still jump into it. In this society, people with ulterior motives are everywhere on the street. I don't want to be used as a weapon."

Liu Yun smiled and Liu Ligan glared at her, knowing that she was cursing him in a roundabout way. Liu Yun smiled even more happily. She said to Liu Ligan:

"The vice president asked you to sign and report the list. If you really signed and reported it, Sun Hou and the others would probably agree. That was just exercising their rights as a major shareholder, but the money would still come from your company. If you think about the expenses of 50 million miles, 30% of them are yours, are you still willing?"

"Fuck, of course I won't do it. Even if I don't have the shares, I won't do it. We are from a poor family in the mountains and valleys, and we can't play like their young master."

"Know what to do?"

"Understood, I will tell him very clearly that until the company is not profitable, it would be shameful to spend even one more penny unless it is necessary for the company's operations. Only after it is profitable can I consider appropriate employee benefits."

Liu Yun smiled and nodded. She said, "This is the first question I want to ask you. Position yourself. It seems that you can position yourself now."

"I understand. The old man has taught us that solving the leadership problem is the primary issue of the Chinese revolution. It seems that it is also the primary issue of our company."

"Just be poor." Liu Yun scolded with a smile.

"By the way, madam, you said you have two questions. You just mentioned one, what is the second one?"

Liu Yun looked at the time and said to Liu Ligan, "It's too late. I have to go to a meeting. We'll talk about it after I get back to the room."

She took out the room key, handed it to Liu Ligan, and told him, "Go and wait for me in the room. By the way, there is a newspaper clipping on the bookshelf in the room. You can read it."

"Especially take a look at the "Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Private Enterprises" and the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Registration and Management of Enterprise Legal Persons", first understand what a limited liability company is, and your own rights and obligations as a shareholder. "Liu Yun explained.

"Okay, I will strictly implement your instructions."

The two people stood up and walked outside. It was already dark outside. Liu Ligan went to a dark place and wanted to hug Liu Yun. Liu Yun pushed him away. Liu Ligan cursed:

"Stingy, even refusing to give a friendly hug."

Liu Yun smiled and said: "Friendship can be achieved by shaking hands. Come on, let me give you a handshake of friendship."

Liu Yun stretched out her hand as she spoke, and Liu Ligang also reached out. Before he could grasp it, Liu Yun hurriedly retracted his hand, and Liu Ligang cursed: "You are a shameless person."

Liu Yun chuckled and said, "If you hold me, I will fall into the trap."

Liu Ligan chuckled. Just now, when he stretched out his hand, he was really thinking that while holding Liu Yun's hand, he took advantage of the situation and pulled her over. Unexpectedly, Liu Yun saw through it.

The two said goodbye, and Liu Yun went to the office upstairs for a meeting. Liu Ligan walked towards the club's entrance. He saw many cars parked in the parking lot, all coming to practice on the practice field.

Liu Ligan thought of what Liu Yun had said to him earlier about pesticides, fertilizers and insecticides on golf courses, and then thought of an advertisement. He couldn't help but laugh. He felt that each of these people were singing "We "They are pests, we are pests", and they are waiting for the righteous Rifulin to kill them all.

Liu Ligan walked out of the gate, crossed the road at the door, and arrived at Liu Yun's dormitory. Just as he was about to go upstairs, the BB machine in his waist rang. Liu Ligan looked and saw that it was Zhang Chen who was calling. Liu Ligan was surprised. Zhang Chen hasn't dunked him at this point in time for a long time.

He retreated to the courtyard of the dormitory and went to the nearby shop to call back. Zhang Chen asked him where he was. Liu Ligan said Liu Yun was here, what was going on?

"It's nothing, I wanted to have a drink with you." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, then, Liu Yun is going to a meeting now. When she finishes, I will bring her over and we will eat hot pot. By the way, do you fight Li Yong and Qi Hang, or do I fight them?"

"No need to fight, they have a party tonight, I just came from Li Yong's place."

"What are you doing there?"

"Fuck you, Lao Tan's people are working overtime to meet the deadline. Don't I want to go over and check on you often?"

Liu Ligan chuckled: "Okay, thank you, instructor. Wait for us in the office. I'll treat you to hot pot later."

Liu Ligan entered Liu Yun's room and found the newspaper clippings from the bookshelf. It was a thick book, which contained newspaper clippings about the company's policies and regulations, as well as tax and financial knowledge. Liu Ligan was overjoyed and hurriedly First, he read the two articles Liu Yun mentioned. After reading them, he finally had a general understanding of what a company was. Then he read other articles.

Liu Ligan felt that these articles were really useful to him. It seemed that not only did he miss the book when he used it, but he also felt good when he used it.

Liu Ligan read for more than an hour. He thought it was about the same time and Liu Yun's meeting was about to end. He closed the clippings and wanted to take them downstairs. He asked Liu Yun to borrow them and find a place to make copies tomorrow. He thought he would return them later. When I want to come back, I put the clippings back on the bookshelf and go downstairs.

Liu Ligan arrived downstairs in Liu Yun's office. After waiting for more than ten minutes, Liu Yun came down. When she saw Liu Ligan, she asked curiously: "If you don't study hard in your room, why are you here?"

"I have been studying hard for more than an hour. I am waiting for you here."

"Hypocritical, this is my territory, do you still need to wait?"

"Waiting for you to eat hot pot."

"Okay, what's going on?"

"Nothing happened. It was Zhang Chen who detained me and said he wanted to drink. I told him that we would go together when you finish." Liu Ligan said, "It's just the three of us. Qihang and the others have entertainment."

"Lily isn't coming?"

"Not coming."

"I'll ask the driver to take us there."

"No, I'll take you on my motorcycle."

"That's so cool!" Liu Yun slapped Liu Ligan on the shoulder and held his arm.

The two people walked to the parking lot, and Liu Yun suddenly asked: "Zhang Chen and Lily, are there something wrong?"

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer. Liu Yun saw him hesitating and already understood in her heart.

"Who cheated?" Liu Yun asked.

"What cheating?"

"Two people are good, but something suddenly goes wrong. Then someone must be cheating. In Haicheng, the relationship between men and women has become simpler. It's not because of money, it's just this kind of nonsense. Zhang Chen is not that poor, right? Bar?"

Liu Ligan was silent.

"Is it Lily?"

Liu Ligan said "hmm".

"With Lao Xia?" Liu Yun frowned and asked.

Liu Lipole nodded.

Liu Yun sighed: "Actually, last time I was in Sanya, I saw that Lily and Lao Xia had an unusual relationship. I felt that something would happen to them sooner or later. Alas, I didn't want to believe it was true, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Liu Lizhan was sweating when he heard this, not for Zhang Chen and Jin Lili, but for himself. He wondered if Liu Yun had known for a long time that he had other women?

"Why haven't we broken up yet? This kind of thing can become addictive. Regardless of men or women, they will all go to the dark side." Liu Yun said.

Liu Li's back was like a thorn, and he felt that Liu Yun's words had a certain meaning, as if he was scolding him every word.

"Maybe you still can't let go." Liu Ligan said, "After all, we have been together for so many years, and both of us are used to it. As long as there is still a little bit of hope, we want to keep it going."

"What kind of habit is that? Isn't it because the world we live in is too small? Once we get outside, we feel the vastness of the world, and all kinds of human desires are instantly stimulated. There is no turning back, pole, let me tell you, this kind of thing, Once you start, you can't go back, let Zhang Chen stop fantasizing, I am Lily's friend, but I really hate this kind of thing, if I don't do it, what does it mean?"

Liu Ligan stopped talking, and the two of them walked to Liu Ligan's motorcycle and stood there. Liu Yun and Liu Ligan said, "Gangzi, I have something to tell you."

"you say."

"I am serious."

"Okay, I'm listening carefully."

"If one day you like someone else, just a little bit, I hope you can tell me, it's okay, I won't be angry with you. I just hope you can tell me, we can be together. Have a meal and then break up. Of course, if I am in such a situation, I will also tell you, do you agree? "

Liu Lizhan felt sweat pouring down his back.

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