The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 292 Using you as a gunman

Liu Ligan's appointment came quickly, and the vice president in charge of finance also arrived. His name was Huang Jianren, one of the two people who came to Haicheng with Sun Hou last time.

When Liu Ligan arrived at Liu Yun's place, the two of them went to the restaurant to have dinner. Liu Yun saw that Liu Ligan had been unhappy, so she knew what was on his mind and didn't ask him. Liu Yun knew that he couldn't hide it in his heart, and she would know it after a while. said.

If it can be hidden, it won't be written on your face. It must be a secret that cannot be known to others.

Liu Yun felt that this man had many secrets, so she was curious but unsure.

During the Spring Festival, it was the busiest day for their golf course. It was the same whether it was the golf course or the driving range. The boss and several shareholders would also come with their families. Liu Yun couldn't leave, so she had discussed it with her parents early. , her parents will come to Hainan to spend the Spring Festival with her.

Liu Yun has not yet decided whether to introduce Liu Ligan to her parents, or even decided whether to tell Liu Ligan about her parents' arrival.

Let’s take a look first, Liu Yun said to herself.

Especially now that their company has been established and Liu Ligan has become a shareholder and legal person, Liu Yun is even more unsure. A man's moral level is inversely proportional to his wallet. There is still a saying that men become bad when they have money. Logically speaking, Liu Yun has seen too many men like this. Almost all her bosses and friends are like this.

Liu Yun will not look at this matter simply. She knows that this is human nature, and the other is social factors. People cannot resist the whole society, especially men, especially men who want to achieve something. The process of their success is the process of distorting themselves again and again to cater to others and the environment.

There are no great businessmen or politicians, there are only successful ones, and one will achieve great success. Behind every so-called successful businessman or politician, there is a lot of filth and bullshit. It is just their ability and power that they cover up afterwards. , just bigger than others.

Liu Yun knows this very well, otherwise her reading will be in vain. This is why she has always looked down on Sun Hou and his family and does not want to be one of them.

For Liu Yun, the biggest benefit of reading is to get rid of superstitions about people and things. All idols are like clouds in trousers in the dusk. They must be carefully concealed to prevent the truth from leaking out.

Therefore, Liu Yun was conflicted about Liu Ligan and Sun Hou's establishment of a company. On the one hand, she was a real woman, and she also hoped that her boyfriend or future husband would be a successful man. Man, no woman would want her husband to be a loser, not even Liu Yun.

But on the other hand, she felt that she was embarking on a road of gambling. She was really not sure what would happen to Liu Ligan in the future. What attracted her to Liu Ligan in the first place was his sincerity towards things and people. , he would push business to the outside world, which was quite unique, and Liu Yun could see that he did this not out of cunning, but because he really thought about others.

Liu Ligan has a cunning and clever side, but when he is cunning, he has a kind of innocence and is not afraid of others seeing his cunning. This kind of cunning becomes harmless and good.

What Liu Yun is worried about is whether he will lose this innocence and become more and more mature as this society requires men to be, and the more mature he is, the more successful he will be, and the more successful he will be, the more mature he will be.

What kind of maturity? It’s all about sophistication and hard-working calculations. Even a little bit of innocence will be lost in the end. It looks confident, but it is actually the result of being forged by the world time and time again. From a rough steel billet, it has become all kinds of things. Sophisticated tools.

Liu Yun felt that she did not need such a man, and she did not want to be defined in this way. If she wanted to be a powerful wife, she could just go to Sun Hou's house. If she wanted to be a wealthy wife, why wait for Liu Ligan? There were so many men ready-made. Including your own boss, don’t you all want to be their woman? It’s still early for you, Liu Ligan, to fight until that day.

If I want it, I can get it right away, but I still want to bet that you, Liu Ligan, will be an exception.

Just wait and see.

"Liu Yun, can I enter your golf course at night?" Liu Lizhan said, looking at the green grassy golf course outside the restaurant in the distance.

"Of course I can, what's wrong?" Liu Yun asked.

"Let's go there for a walk and do something bad?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Fuck you!" Liu Yun cursed, her face slightly red. She knew what Liu Ligan meant by doing something bad.

"Okay, then it's just a walk."

"Not going."



"What did you say?" Liu Ligan's eyes widened in surprise. He pointed to the green patch in the distance and asked, "You said it's dirty there?"

"What do you think?" Liu Yun pursed her lips and smiled softly: "You think the blue sky, white clouds and green grass there are like a fairyland on earth, right?"

"Isn't it?"

"For the outside, maybe." Liu Yun looked around, lowered her voice and said to him: "For us, we would rather go for a walk on the road outside than go inside."

“Protect the lawn?”

"Well, that's one thing. Right now, when we are eating, there are still more than twenty workers working inside. Do you know what they are doing?"

Liu Ligan shook his head.

“Spray insecticides, put out rat traps and rat poison.

"Where do you think this beautiful green grass comes from? It can only be protected by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Bermuda grass on the golf course needs chemical fertilizers to inhibit their growth and develop root systems, and to remove the weeds in the middle. And pesticides, various diseases and insect pests in the golf course, insect eggs in water bodies need to be removed, termites and mice need to be exterminated, who doesn’t need pesticides?”

After Liu Yun said this, Liu Ligan understood. He thought, this golf ball is so aristocratic. It just smells pesticides and insecticides. Like Mr. Han, he decided to only drink Louis XIII. How did he know? Most of what I drank was fake wine, as well as dichlorvos.

"I'm not trying to scare you. Let me tell you, the amount of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides sprayed on this acre of golf course every year is several times higher than that of an acre of rice fields." Liu Yun said, "You still want to go to that blue sky and green grass?" , want to take a walk?”

"Forget it about taking a walk, if I do something bad, I'm still willing to die..."

Before Liu Ligan finished speaking, Liu Yun was under the table and kicked him.

Liu Ligan looked at the stadium in the distance and thought blankly. Liu Yun asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Liu Ligan shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect that it would be difficult to live up to such a prestigious reputation. Damn it, it's all gold and jade but everything is ruined."

"Yes, so do the golfers." Liu Yun said with a smile, "If you mess around until you play golf every day, you will be just like this golf course. In fact, it is also..."

Liu Yun said this and stopped talking. Liu Ligan cursed: "Vicious!"

Liu Yun laughed: "Yes, when I was studying, I had a sharp tongue, and in the past few years in society, I have become even more vicious."

What Liu Yun didn't say was that in this bastard city, if there wasn't a thorn in his smile and a knife in his weakness, he would have been beaten by those bastard men.

"I've seen it." Liu Ligan said quickly.

"By the way, how is your company doing?" Liu Yun asked.

"Hey, I'm worried about this. I need my wife to teach me." Liu Ligan said, and Liu Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was worried about this.

"Zhang Chen doesn't do well, why don't you learn from him?" Liu Yun asked.

"He is different from me. When he gets up every day, he faces very specific things. Today he has to scrape the wall, and he has to lay the floor tomorrow. I am different. I am completely blind. I need to get a license. I’m here, but I have no idea what to do next, and as you know, I’ve never worked in a company before.”

"This, you haven't considered it yet." Liu Yun said, "You really don't know anything now, such as whether you want to build office buildings or residential buildings, what is the scale of investment, whether in Haicheng or other places in Hainan , you don’t know any of this, right?”


"Because Sun Hou and the others don't know, don't worry. Your first priority now is to complete the decoration of the company as soon as possible so that Sun Hou and the others can come over and cut the ribbon. The rest will all happen after the ribbon cutting. You must at least know them How much money are you prepared to invest to find a suitable project?”

"That's true. When you say it like this, it's true. You can't let me build castles in the air."

"Don't worry, they are not a company building castles in the air." Liu Yun said, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, there is one person who has a headache." Liu Ligan said.

"Who, Sunhou?"

"No, that bitch."

"What bitch?"

"The vice president of finance sent by Sun Hou and the others, Huang Jianren."

"What's up with him?"

"He gave me a list today and said he wanted me to sign it and submit it in the name of Hainan Company. Guess what he wrote on the list?"


"It was said that due to work needs, we need to buy two houses, a car, and two mobile phones here. This fucking thing shocked me," Liu Ligan shouted.

Liu Yun was not surprised. She thought for a moment and asked, "Is he the young master?"

"It seems so. I heard from Qihang and the others that my father seems to be an official as well."

"That's not surprising." Liu Yun sneered, "This young master is using you as a spearman."

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