The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 289 Prepare, cry

Because it was fresh, the seafood was cooked in clear water and tasted delicious when dipped in dipping sauces. The three of them ate a lot and drank a lot of wine.

They finished two bottles of Erguotou, but before they could finish their enjoyment, Meng Ping brought over another box of Huangmei beer.

While they were drinking, they chatted endlessly. What they talked about the most was their past and future. Meng Ping said, there are three of us. You two are in the business establishment and I am in the cadre establishment. Throw these away and run to Hainan. Come on, how many people will think we are fools, and how many people are waiting to see our jokes.

"Yes, in the eyes of ordinary people, we are almost the same as self-employed people now." Liu Ligan said, "They think that only those who have been released from labor reform or can't find a job will become self-employed. How can they You understand our behavior, but you are still better than us. At least three of us came here together, but you dare to come here alone."

"What's the matter? I just think that God will give this person a great responsibility, and that person is me." Meng Ping patted his chest, was stunned for a moment, and asked: "What did you say next?"

Liu Ligan said: "You must first strain your mind, work your muscles and bones, starve your body and skin, and deplete your body..."

"That's right, that is to say, if I want to become a Sri Lankan, I have to be bruised and bruised first, right? What's so scary about this? Come on, I'm ready. I just want to come to Hainan and be bruised and bruised. "Meng Ping shouted.

"What the hell..." Zhang Chen glared at him, "Are you going to get yourself bruised and bruised?"

"Yeah, aren't you prepared for this?" Meng Ping asked strangely.

"You fucking...we..."

Zhang Chen felt that the alcohol had already hit him, his head was dizzy, and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked at Meng Ping, and suddenly burst into tears. He felt that he had never been so wronged as he is now. You Damn it, you're going to get a bruise on your face, but do you know that I'm already bruised and swollen.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were at a loss when they saw Zhang Chen burst into tears. Liu Ligan vaguely knew why Zhang Chen was wronged and what he was crying about. Although he didn't know about Gu Shufang, he knew about Jin Lili. I knew that Zhang Chen had been holding back, but now he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Cry, cry, if you want to cry, let's all come together, prepare, cry...

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan, who shook his head and said nothing.

The two people patted Zhang Chen's shoulders and comforted him. Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know, you don't know..."

Liu Ligan suddenly yelled, "What don't you know? Others don't know. Don't I know? Zhang Chen, I know you are fucking wronged, but am I not fucking wronged?"

Tears also flowed from Liu Ligan's eyes. He thought, the nose was bruised and the face was swollen. The day I left Yongcheng, he was still like an idiot. He didn't know anything. He didn't know that he was destined to have a bruised nose and face.

He thought of the letters and postcards he had sent, but they were lost in the sea. He thought of the coconuts he carved with his knife. He thought of the Spring Festival, when he went to the airport day after day and waited. He really understood what it meant to be starry-eyed. Yes, When you look through and see nothing, your eyes become empty.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were crying. Meng Ping picked up the teapot and wanted to have a drink with them, but he also felt sad, and tears rolled out of his eyes. He murmured:

"It's hard for you, it's hard for you, you think I'm not hard, isn't it hard? Damn it, I force myself to smile every day, come on, come on, drink this first, let's just cry!"

Meng Ping raised the teapot again, Zhang Chen and Liu Lipole also raised it, and the three of them drank.

Meng Ping put the empty teapot on the table, patted them both on the shoulders, and said to them:

"Do you know what it means for me to leave Wuxi? My fiancée, I tell you, I am not bragging, she is the best and best woman in the world. It is impossible for me to leave her without the courage of a strong man to cut off his wrist.

"No, it was more than just a broken wrist. My whole body was split in half. My half stayed in Wuxi. My other half came to Hainan Island. It was my other half. I He is a disabled person.

"On the night we said goodbye, the two of us did nothing. Let me tell you, we really didn't do anything. We just hugged each other and cried. We cried and cried. From about ten o'clock the night before, we cried until the third day. At about four o'clock in the morning the next day, she sent me to the station, and at the station, the two of us hugged each other and still cried."

"Damn it, why are you running out after such a life-or-death separation?" Liu Ligan cursed.

"She encouraged me. Do you know what she said after I had a deep conversation with her?"

Meng Ping asked, Zhang Chen and Liu Lipole shook their heads.

"She told me that she had thought clearly that Wuxi, a place that could contain my people, could not contain my heart. If she refused to let me leave, she knew that I might not leave either, but... I will regret it all my life, and I will never be happy, so I advise you to leave."

"Can't you let her come with you?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I won't let her. Since I'm ready to get bruised and swollen, how can I let her get bruised and swollen too? Besides, I'm very scared," Meng Ping said.

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhang Chen asked. After asking, he felt in a daze that he was asking questions knowingly, but damn Jin Lili came with you, so what about you?

"I'm afraid... I'm telling you, hard days temper people, but they also test people, and people are actually very fragile and cannot be tested. I'm afraid that in hard days, two people, We will fall apart and become strangers gradually. I know this too well, and I am too afraid that we will become like this. Instead of becoming cruel, it is better to leave beautiful thoughts."

When Meng Ping said this, he remained silent. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen knew that he still had something to say, so they waited. After a while, Meng Ping said: "My own family is a living example."

He looked at Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan and smiled miserably:

"My parents are like this. Both my parents were teachers in middle school. When I was a child, they had a very good relationship. Our family of four, my parents, my sister and I, were really a happy family that everyone envied. But later, you also You know, that era

(Abridged here)

"It just dragged on. Until later, the quarrel was no longer possible, the children were getting older, the status of the two of them in the family was getting lower and lower, and the people shrank. They stopped quarreling, but at home, it was like there were In our feuding enemy country, if my sister and I were not at home, they would share a room with the door closed, and they would have to open a crack first to see if the other person was outside.

"The same goes for eating. Everyone cooks and eats his own food. The bowls, chopsticks, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are all clearly separated. Even the dishes left on the table after eating are not touching each other.

"I think it wasn't that they didn't want to divorce, but they didn't even bother to say a word about divorce to each other. They didn't say a word for several years. To put it harshly, one of them opened the door a crack and saw the other person falling outside. He They would only close the door, but would not say go out and see how the other person was doing.

"Do you understand? I am just afraid that the hard days will make me and my fiancée like this one day. You may say that there are couples who share weal and woe. I don't know and I don't believe it. I think even if there are, Those are definitely a minority. They are non-human beings. I don’t dare to bet on this. I would rather stop in time before things get worse.

"Otherwise, we are likely to become like my parents. Sometimes I look at my parents and sympathize with them. Really, I feel that their entire life is miserable and dark. Even if there are some bright colors in the beginning, later on They also painted it back and completely blackened it, and I don’t want to be them.”

Meng Ping stopped talking at this point and stopped talking. The three of them were silent.

Although he was already drunk, Liu Ligan still filled everyone's tea jars with wine and touched them. Zhang Chen did not drink all the wine in one gulp, but stood up, holding the tea jar in his hand, and shook it while drinking. He staggered to the sofa and fell down.

The teapot fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan both laughed. Meng Ping pointed in the direction of Zhang Chen and yelled, haha, and fell down. His body slid limply from the chair to the ground.

Liu Lizhan was sitting there alone, giggling.

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