The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 286 Get some sleep

Liu Ligan walked out of the gate on Wuzhishan Road and turned right. There was a small shop with a public phone on the counter. Liu Ligan picked up the phone and wanted to call Jin Lili. After thinking about it, he tried to dial her office number first. The phone was picked up after ringing twice, and Jin Lili's voice came from the receiver.

"Lily, are you back?" Liu Ligan asked.

"You came back the day before yesterday, what happened?"

"What's wrong with you and Zhang Chen? He was alone and stayed in the office all night last night."

"How do I know? I'm just crazy." Jin Lili said, "I haven't contacted him for several days."

Liu Ligan cursed in his heart. They were really not a family. If they didn't enter the same family, they would even tell lies.

"Lily, this is meaningless." Liu Ligan said.

"What's the meaning?"

"You know what it means."

"I don't know what you mean, pole." Jin Lili took the microphone and suddenly became angry and cursed: "Damn you, pole, he stayed in the office all night, you come to me to ask for punishment, tomorrow he will If you jump off the building, will you still ask me to pay for it with your life?!"

"Yes, as you wish. If you don't do it well, this bastard will really have that day!" Liu Lipole also became angry. After scolding him, he slammed the phone down with a bang.

The shop owner looked at him dissatisfied, Liu Ligan glared at him, and he muttered: "What are you doing, just get angry, mother-in-law, just give her a beating and you'll be at ease."

Liu Ligan was laughed at by him, and he said: "Look to see if the phone is broken. If it is broken, I will pay you a bundle of tape, Bashi."

The shop owner laughed and said, "You're a reporter, you're a total hooligan."

Liu Ligan came here every two days to buy cigarettes, wine, and water. They were very familiar with it. Liu Ligan waved to him and didn't even pay the phone bill. Even if Liu Ligan paid this small amount, the other party wouldn't do it. After that, Liu Lizhan said, "Okay, I'll climb up now. Goodbye."

Liu Ligan returned to Zhang Chen's office, but Zhang Chen was not there. He walked to the door and looked around, but he didn't see him. Liu Ligan went back and sat and waited for a while, but Zhang Chen didn't see him either. When he came back, the BB machine in his waist rang. Liu Ligan went back and it was a customer. He asked him to come over immediately. Liu Ligan stood up and walked out of the door.

He thought that Zhang Chen should have gone to the construction site and he would come back later.

When Liu Ligan went out to make a call, Zhang Chen was sitting there, unable to hold on any longer. He stood up, put on his bag, and walked to the front desk of the hotel. When the front desk supervisor saw Zhang Chen, He came over quickly and asked, "Mr. Zhang, why do you look so ugly?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, it's nothing. He didn't sleep well and was sleepy. Give me a room.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, please wait a moment."

It's only around ten o'clock in the morning, and most of the guests haven't checked out yet. Even those who have checked out have taken to their guest rooms. The waiters are still cleaning, and no floor report has come down to say that some rooms have been sorted out and are available for sale.

The supervisor and the front desk receptionist said: "Call upstairs and ask if the guest room has been tidied up."

The receptionist dialed the number one floor after another. After reaching the ninth floor, she found a room and told the supervisor: "906."

The supervisor gave Zhang Chen the 906 key tag. Zhang Chen said thank you and went upstairs.

Zhang Chen entered the room, threw his backpack on the sofa, fell on the bed without even lifting the quilt, and fell asleep on the quilt.

I slept until about three o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Chen was woken up by his BB player. He vaguely smelled a fishy smell. When he opened his eyes, he realized that a large piece of quilt under his head was covered with his own saliva. It was wet, and his face was always soaked in this pool of saliva. Zhang Chen felt stunned and sick for a while.

He got up and walked to the bathroom. He saw in the mirror in front of the sink that half of his face was white and swollen from soaking. He quickly grabbed a towel, washed his face with hot water, and sniffed his nose. Finding that the stench was still there and that it was coming from his hair, Zhang Chen simply walked into the bathtub and took a bath.

After drying myself, I took out a nightgown from the closet and put it on. I walked back to the room and found a large pool of yellow stains on the white quilt, like a map.

"Die!" Zhang Chen cursed himself. What he was thinking about was whether the waiter who cleaned the room would think he wet the bed when he saw it.

He pushed aside the quilt and sat down on the sofa. Then he felt very hungry. He picked up the room service order on the desk, looked at it, and picked up the phone. He felt that he was very hungry today. I ran out of soup noodles, so I insisted on ordering a bowl of soup noodles with two poached eggs. I was specifically told to make it very spicy. I also ordered half a Wenchang chicken.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Chen remembered that he had been woken up by the BB machine earlier, so he walked to the bathroom table and took out the BB machine. There were two messages in it, one was from Liu Ligan, and he said: "You Where the hell did he go?"

There was another one from Cao Guoqing, who said: "The boss lady has been here, and I said you went to the stone market."

Boss lady? Zhang Chen didn't understand who the proprietress Cao Guoqing was talking about. Was it Jin Lili who had been here? If she came at this time, she must have been tricked by the pole's scaremongering.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone. There were direct internal calls between the hotel room and the office at the construction site. Zhang Chen dialed it. The person who answered the phone was Cao Guoqing. Cao Guoqing asked him where he was. Zhang Chen said that he was upstairs. I slept in 906. Sleep.

Cao Guoqing said "Oh" and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who did you say has been here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The boss lady, the big boss lady, Accountant Gu, she came to see you before, and I told her that you went to the stone market. Also, Brother Liu has been here twice..."

"Okay, I understand." Zhang Chen interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhang, there's one more thing. I told the boss lady earlier that I don't have enough reserve funds here, so she has arranged for 10,000."

"Okay, I'll fill in the paperwork for her." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, don't tell anyone that I'm upstairs. I'm starving. The meal I ordered hasn't arrived yet. Eat before going back down."

"I know, Mr. Zhang."

Gu Shufang went to the construction site to look for him. Zhang Chen was not surprised. He knew that the call Liu Lipole received in the morning was also from Gu Shufang. Gu Shufang thought that her secret had not been discovered by him. Last night, she must have I have been waiting all night, waiting for myself to go home.

go home? What kind of house is that, a doll's house? Zhang Chen felt that he was just a silly doll.

Zhang Chen felt sick for a while.

The doorbell rang, Zhang Chen opened the door, and the meal he ordered arrived. The little girl who delivered the meal knew Zhang Chen. When she saw him, she was stunned for a moment and muttered: "Is it you?"

She stood there, hesitating, and stretched her head to look inside, but did not continue to enter. Zhang Chen was surprised and realized that she must have misunderstood. In broad daylight, she was not at the construction site below, but ran upstairs, still wearing her clothes. Pajamas, nine times out of ten, are here to deal with the lower body.

Zhang Chen shouted: "Come in, come in, don't think about it, there is no one else."

The little girl blushed and walked in with a tray. Zhang Chen continued to explain: "I didn't sleep well at night, so I came here to catch up on some sleep."

The little girl put down the tray and said with a smile: "I know, Mr. Zhang, please eat slowly."

The little girl exited the door. When she reached the door, she smiled at Zhang Chen again. This smile was playful and meaningful. Zhang Chen shook his head helplessly. Liu Ligan said, this is a city where the air is full of lust. Everyone is not surprised by this. The explanation I just gave will only give people the feeling that there is no silver in this place.

After a big bowl of noodle soup and half a Wenchang chicken, Zhang Chen felt comfortable and energetic again, so he could go downstairs to work.

He picked up his clothes and pants, but couldn't help but frown. Not only were they wrinkled, he also smelled an unpleasant stench of smoke mixed with the smell of sour food. Zhang Chen really wanted to throw them away. , but I can’t just go downstairs in my nightgown.

There is no choice.

Zhang Chen held his breath and put them on. He almost fainted from the smoke. When he walked out of the room, he felt very inferior. When he met anyone, he would stay away. Even more so when he met an acquaintance. I have the nerve to take the elevator. How will I be despised by others in that sealed space?

Zhang Chen chose to run downstairs through the fire escape next to the elevator. When he got to the front desk, he threw away the key card and told them from a distance that I would come over to check out later.

After arriving outside and standing in the hot sunshine, Zhang Chen felt better, but he couldn't just go to the office. He felt that he should go back and change clothes, but he was afraid of going back to Wenmingdong, so he thought to himself, he might as well go to the mall and buy a suit.

When he walked to the door of the mall and was about to go in, Zhang Chen heard a voice saying to himself, why? What have you done wrong? Why should you be afraid?

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, but instead of turning into the mall, he continued walking forward, passed Haicheng Hotel, and continued towards Boai South Road.

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